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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 201 KB, 425x419, Castlevania-Chronicles_PSX_US_ESRB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5183459 No.5183459 [Reply] [Original]

Don't mind me, just being the only good non-Nintendo Castlevania game.

>> No.5183464
File: 127 KB, 640x1000, Leon_Belmont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lament of Innocence is legitimately my favorite Castlevania. You may now pepper me with your slurs about my shit taste.

>> No.5183471

> rondo is bad now

>> No.5183475


I will unironicall defend the N64 and PS2 Castlekino games and die on that hill.

>> No.5183512

what goes through the artist's mind when she draws these pretty boys

>> No.5183518

Say what you will, Leon is the best dressed Belmont.

>> No.5183683

I love you unironically.

>> No.5183984

Is chronicles the new meme game?

>> No.5184061

Yes. Hipsters who are tired of hearing about how easy Rondo is and were at first excited for its re-releases are now disgusted it got them at all and that normalfags know all about it, so they've since attached themselves to a late-release PS1 remake of a X68000 game that normalfags won't possibly give a shit about for the next ten years at least. In that time, expect the meme to go strong.

>> No.5184065

I like both this and Curse of Darkness, even if the latter felt emptier than the first one.
The way I look at it is that LoI and CoD are stiffer DMC games set in the Castlevania universe.
Also: not retro.

>> No.5184068

X68k was my favorite before the remake was even revealed. Just because a game is good does not make it a meme.

>> No.5184072


Sure it was.

>> No.5184073

>b-but I liked it before it was cool, I'm not a hipster

>> No.5184086 [DELETED] 

Believe it or not, some people become interested in older games from actively doing research on them instead of hearing about them for the first time from some remake and getting it for their latest current gen console as if the extent of their scope doesn't go beyond what's current and mainstream.

>> No.5184106

Go ahead, make the assumption that people like games based off of some knee-jerk reaction to what's popular at the time. I wasn't excited about the remake because believe it or not, I've already played these games years prior instead of hearing about them for the first time from a remake. It's sad that /vr/ has stooped so low that the idea of researching games independent of current trends to find something that you like must be impossible.

>> No.5184195

Rondo and sotn exists you imbecile

>> No.5184209

Literally the only classicvania I never played.

>> No.5184262

Super Castlevania had the second best soundtrack of the series, with SotN being the first.

>> No.5184498


>> No.5184516
File: 169 KB, 390x290, clapping rei.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vr/ has gotten so fucking contrarian that they choose the shittiest classic Castlevania as their favorite

>> No.5184517

Nobody calls The Adventure their favorite.

>> No.5184521

Your taste sucks bro

>> No.5184568

This is such a nonsensical opinion. This game sucks and this board only likes it to be contrarian.

>> No.5184570

>Go ahead, make the assumption that people like games based off of some knee-jerk reaction to what's popular at the time.
I will, because that's exactly what's happening in Chronicles' case.

>> No.5184578

It’s sad but it’s true. I’ve noticed a sharp increase in conversation about the x68000 version recently. It’s not even that fucking good.

>> No.5184606

Gameboy games aren't real games, anon

>> No.5184623

While it is weird that its getting so much attention here lately, I've always liked it a lot so I'm happy about it

>> No.5184686

There's a dedicated shitposter here that hates IV and loves X68000. He has made countless threads about that game. I guess he got bored of the recent Rondo vs. Symphony shitposting and decided to go back his old ways.

>> No.5184726
File: 35 KB, 700x300, best-and-worst-castlevania-games.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn have as good of taste in Castlevania games as Australia-kun

>> No.5184730
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>> No.5184856

Except for Wario Lands. Those have aged surprisingly well.

>> No.5184943
File: 66 KB, 225x224, simonbloodytear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too, but alas now we are considered memers

>> No.5184953

I'll say this much. I'm very happy that Smash isn't going with this Simon design.

>> No.5185112

IV=X68K>Bloodlines>Dracula X SNES>Rondo

>> No.5185213

CV3> CV1> Rondo> IV> Dracula X> X6800> Bloodlines> CV2

>> No.5185216


>> No.5185219

Holy run on sentence, Batman!

>> No.5185265
File: 1.70 MB, 3414x4959, uT6sfG2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintoddlers can't handle the bishy?

>> No.5185430

The bishi is the least of it. Outside of CV: Judgement, that's simply the worst Belmont design.

>> No.5185604
File: 88 KB, 400x490, 1542754709093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy ad hominem, No-argument-man

>> No.5185616
File: 135 KB, 700x473, 1446962742350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck outta here, fujoshit

>> No.5185663

I hate Kojima's Trevor design more than her Simon, though that is bad too.

>> No.5185751

If you want to be contrarian at least say the best one is Dracula X for the SNES, at least that game is good.

>> No.5185769

"Muh feminine dick"

>> No.5185863

People on here complain about SCV4 being too easy and champion this despite this also being piss easy.

>> No.5185906
File: 2.06 MB, 2100x1536, Castlevania_-_Dracula_X_-_(EU)_-_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dracula X for the SNES, at least that game is good.
This guy gets it. I think Dracula X might be my favorite Castlevania if it weren't for how infuriating Dracula can be. Like he's the final boss and should be harder than everything else in the game but goddamn, someone got carried away. I've been knocked off platforms by his second form so many times it's not funny.

>> No.5185971

Wow this game have gone up in price. I remember I bought this from a friend for 10€ in 2010 or 2011.

>> No.5186186

Trevor is alright. Not great, but alright. At least he's fully clothed. Though his Netflix series design blows it out of the water.

>> No.5186368

Not retro, but I almost agree with you. Leon is definitely my favorite Belmont and the lore/story of LoI is my favorite in the series.

>> No.5186467

Post your 6-loop no-continues clear.

>> No.5186473
File: 16 KB, 625x626, p4ENve1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5186806

Uh, Smash is full of bishies, starting with Link.
Thank god they went for classic Simon though. Based Sakurai.

>> No.5186940

Seems like a pretty rave review. Why only "almost" agree?

>> No.5186987
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Shut up nerds.

>> No.5186992
File: 71 KB, 700x700, a3526222300_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I used to dress like an edgelord with a trenchcoat and had bishie hair in the early 00s
Shit was rad back then and it's actually so corny. Love it.
Simon is classic, never gets old.

>> No.5187153

Only because Konami insisted to Kojima that she stay with Simon's "canon" design and not try to embellish it.

>> No.5187174

>Lament of Innocence is legitimately my favorite Castlevania.
Nothing bad with that, LoI has great characters, music and story, combat isn't half bad either and I like all the little nostalgia touches here and there, it's my favorite 3DVania.

>> No.5187210
File: 464 KB, 1128x1581, simongUB97Gs (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<- I would fuck this man

>> No.5187213

Yeah Dracula is a good lay.

>> No.5187381

Not worth that price either. Only reason it goes for so much is that it was released so late in PS1 life cycle and barely anyone bought it.
My sister got me a copy as a birthday present when I was like 12. Wish I still had it, it's a decent game but not worth rape prices.

>> No.5188386
File: 122 KB, 800x512, E870630A-2BD6-471C-9C05-FBBEEFA04A2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the classicvanias are good in their own ways (even 2).

However 3 is still my personal favorite

>> No.5188420

>this passes for a non shitpost receiving unironic praise on /vr/ now
casual hour, pathetic

>> No.5189027

This is a low-quality post.

>> No.5189312
File: 8 KB, 80x96, owenwilson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5189859

I did loops 2 and 3 on a single continue, the only hard parts are the rising water in stage 2 (which is piss easy with the stopwatch) and that one jump in the last stage where you have to be right on the edge of the platform.

>> No.5190019

Superficial elements can only carry a game so far.

>> No.5191695

Duck and the knockback won't happen.

>> No.5191767

Yeah, but duck + whip = knockback in full fucking force.
Plus there's the jumping to another platform when he gets above you, and adjusting yourself on the platform you land on just right so if you do happen to get knocked back you won't fall off, so staying ducked at all times isn't viable at all times.
Then there's the damage his fireballs can do if you get out of rhythm with your axe throws.
Or the damage the lightning attack can do if you find yourself on the same elevation or higher than he is, so if you do manage not to get knocked back he can still just straight up merc you.
I've beaten the game like 5 times now but it's a hard fight man.

>> No.5192593

>Haunted Castle
How is this game?

>> No.5192620

>I think Dracula X might be my favorite Castlevania if it weren't for how infuriating Dracula can be.
Eh, once you get the hang of it it's one of the easiest Dracula fights in the series.

>> No.5192634

The worst.
Makes The Adventure looks like Castlevania III.

>> No.5192639

>once you get the hang of it it's one of the easiest Dracula fights in the series.
That's a lie. I mean, you can easily enough manage it with the axe once you learn it, but CV1, SCVIV, Rondo and Bloodlines all have easier Dracula fights.

>> No.5192641

Have you heard of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night? There's a version of it on the PSX PlayStation 1, perhaps you'd enjoy it. It's like Castlevania, but you get more weapons than just the whip, and there are fun rpg elements added to it. Lots of exploration which really improves the fun in a Castlevania.

>> No.5192663
File: 46 KB, 220x311, DC68AE54-68C3-4983-ABA4-59A3F5134D9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s the correct picture

>> No.5192696

>like the arranged version's music and effects
>hate Simon's gay sprite


>> No.5192772

I think you can choose which soundtrack to use by holding L1 and R1 when starting the game. Something like that.

>> No.5193495

The platforms set up the perfect Axe throwing distance for you. Height differences makes it way easier to duck/jump his projectiles. 2nd phase you just have to dodge like 2 attacks and then he's dead. Shortest and easiest. Learn to not jump to your death.

>> No.5193565

But the other Dracula fights are still easier
>Learn to not jump to your death.
I'm literally not you faggot

>> No.5193608
File: 189 KB, 1200x800, Screen_Shot_2018_08_08_at_10.03.21_AM__2_.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conan Simon best Simon.

>> No.5194279

>avoid doing 1 big mistake vs avoiding a long series of tiny mistakes

>> No.5194398

I like armored Simon best and feel Christopher should be the barbarian one

>> No.5194403

feels like a Chinese knock off. Hardly fits in the Cv brand at all

>> No.5194551

I picked this game up from Electronic Boutique back in the day. I took the bus to the mall several towns over with $50 in my pocket, and no idea what was available to purchase. I stumbled across this, and Megaman X6, which were $20 each. This was the year 2000 I believe. I got a lot of enjoyment out of it. It was a visual and audio upgrade compared to CV4, and yet a step down in the gameplay department. Anyone else have a normal fucking experience with this game that doesn't amount to shitting on it, or calling those that like it hipsters? I just wanted to play video games...

>> No.5194781

And yet later games reuse its music constantly.

>> No.5194804

The Arrange version feels kind of cheap, but the original is stellar.

>> No.5194965

Why do Castlevania fans always have so many hot takes? Can we just enjoy the world without needing street cred?

>> No.5194997

The post-chain was about Haunted Castle, not Chronicles.

>> No.5195006

Just kill me now

>> No.5195027

No one complained about the music.
That's like saying II isn't a bad game because it got Bloody Tears.

>> No.5195115

Can I play the original version with barbarian Simon in Chronicles?

>> No.5195738

Yes, though it'll still have the Arrange version's view-window and hitboxes.

>> No.5196710

At least X68K's bosses aren't all completely braindead like IV's, and your whip isn't OP as fuck either.

>> No.5197107
File: 78 KB, 1280x896, 87E41E86-2AC7-488D-B3F5-9B5395000286.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shh.. John Morris can hear you all talking, we don’t want to upset him with this heresy.

>> No.5197123

More like John BOREis

>> No.5197163

Lament of Innocence, Harmony of Dissonance, and Bloodlines are the best Castlevanias.

Also the first Casltevania. That one is really good.

>> No.5197170


The Shewolf bro!

Medusa was no joke either

>> No.5197184

>Harmony of Dissonance
Why do you think so?

>> No.5197217


>> No.5197219

>At least X68K's bosses aren't all completely braindead like IV's
To be QUITE honest, most Castlevania bosses are brain dead, just look at CV1. CV games are about the level design, not so much the bosses.
Still, I love X68K, but
>HP refill herb
What the fuck.

>> No.5197236
File: 3.24 MB, 2136x1026, best.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not better than this >>5183459

>> No.5197246

As if metroidvanias weren't enough, we got GoWvanias too.

>> No.5197249

The only one that requires effort to beat is the Wolf-Woman.

>> No.5197258

You mean the X68000 original, right?

>> No.5197328
File: 122 KB, 346x385, Legacy-Christopher_Belmont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For Chris, I go by the comic which makes.him a bit more of a gentleman

>> No.5197461


>> No.5197481

I bought it off psn on ps3 for $5-$10. I enjoyed it, one of the only retro cv games i actually beat. I felt like a fucking genius when I thought to myself 'if I kneel in front of this alter I bet it'll give me health' and I was right.

>> No.5198203

CVII has issues, but Haunted Castle is borderline unplayable garbage.

>> No.5198494

Only if you're playing the version where things kill you in 2 hits.

>> No.5198516

>things now kill you in 3 hits
Wow, what an improvement.

>> No.5198606

Which only delays the inevitable since the game is still mechanically rigged to suck your quarters down fast.

>> No.5198609

Not really, it's possible to 1cc the game when you git gud. Also only takes like 15 minutes.

>> No.5199485

Fuck you.

>> No.5200302

Good for you. Still competes with The Adventure for the shittiest CV game, though.

>> No.5200367


>> No.5200498
File: 42 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5200518

You and OP should be forced to 69 each other in public while you get tarred and feathered for your shit tastes.

>> No.5201002

I want to like this game but my autism is preventing me from it because it can't run in 240p and it's way blurrier looking than even the oldest of Castlevania games. It looks... OK at 480p but it's no replacement.

>> No.5201189

Wait, what? Fuck me, I never knew about this lol

>> No.5201489

It a retro-styled game but it's not actually old. Why would it run at 240p?

>> No.5201496

I'm just saying the option should be there. It's there for the virtual console Castlevania games and they still look great. This one doesn't. Besides, I'm not gonna do something disgusting like play Castlevania on an HDTV.

>> No.5203815

>Piss Easy

How? It uses Rondo's "five hits and dead" balance on Normal Mode for starters, and it still features the ruthless platforming of the other Classicvanias. On the X68000 version/mode it goes with the classic "four hits and dead" and starts that as early as Stage 4. Furthermore, its loops are much harder than Chronicles' Hard Mode and increases on each loop.

>> No.5203843

Joke's on you. I'm a gay exhibitionist who's into wet & messy play.

>> No.5204518

Disregard him anon. Most of the faggots posting shit about how any given Castlevania is easy have completely forgotten what it was like to play through these games for the first time without speedrun videos and walkthroughs being a thing, or because they've played them too much.

>> No.5206758

>To be QUITE honest, most Castlevania bosses are brain dead, just look at CV1. CV games are about the level design, not so much the bosses.

I half-agree with this. The first bat boss can occasionally bait out attempts to jump and whip it if you're standing on the ledges. That thing seems to have been programmed with at least some understanding of feints and running down the clock. It's too bad it doesn't use its fireball attack nearly enough. Medusa is a pretty simple boss, but occasionally she can float high and make jumping over her on the right side of the screen annoying. The Mummies are indeed super simple, and Frankenstein's Monster is also simple to an extent -- occasionally he'll have the wits to keep advancing while Igor's up to his bullshit.

The second half of the game is where the bosses with substance are, and it's more like 2.5 since Igor is the hard carry for Frankenstein's Monster.

>> No.5206782

Am I the only one that sees waisted potential? How could Konami screw this series so harshly?

>> No.5206802

Look at his muscles... he would fuck you.

>> No.5207005

You have a point, though it's not surprising. Compared to Konami's other efforts, Castlevania at least made it out relatively unscathed. I would love to see a new, innovative entry, but given the state of Konami, it ain't happening.

>> No.5207442

If we ever get another Castlevania it'd just be another SotN clone.

>> No.5207796
File: 469 KB, 830x535, curseofthemoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone missed Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon

>> No.5208446

>we get a retro styled Classicvania
>it's pretty good
>honeymoon phase wears off
>it's only OK

>> No.5209224

I first played Chronicles last month on an X68000 emulator (use XM6 Type G btw) and aside from a couple of tricky moments, it's really not hard at all. My point wasn't to shit on the game, my point was to make fun of all the contrarians shitting on CV4 who praise this game like it's the second coming of Jesus because "muh difficulty" despite the fact that neither are really that tough. Both are very good games worth playing.

>> No.5210958
File: 1.52 MB, 2674x2868, Castlevania.Series.full.65003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder red haired simon is


>> No.5211393

Hey, exactly like the NES castlevanias!

>> No.5211497

It's too late. He's in his rightful barbarian look n Smash, thus solidifying that as Simon's look for an entire new generation of gamers.

>> No.5211534

Fuck off retard

>> No.5212196

I just tried the original version on emullator and... Did I do something wrong? I blazed through the game in one continue, barely taking any damage. Is there an easy mode, or was my copy hacked? I refuse to believe that the difficulty thing was an elaborate prank and that the game is actually easier than Belmond's Revenge.

>> No.5212201
File: 88 KB, 675x601, boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i appreciate REAL simon

>> No.5212203

There's no good dumps of the X68K rom, you probably got a version where enemies don't do as much damage as they're supposed to.

>> No.5212209

That's what I suspected.

>> No.5212291

Literally only that way in one version of the remake of a retelling of the first game.

And Judgement..but...ya know

>> No.5212313


>> No.5213429

Oh, well that kind of explains why I found it to be easier than SCV4 then, I doubt I'll ever get to play the REAL version then because both versions are expensive as fuck and the britfag here can't be arsed to set up a US or JP PSN account.

>> No.5214031
File: 27 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder Castlevania Adventure 2 is pretty fun

>> No.5214075

It has great music.
/upper left castle first

>> No.5214086

looks like shit lol

>> No.5214113

If we're lucky, people will say the same about your games too soon enough.

>> No.5214387

My ROM seems just fine, with all the enemies killing me in four hits like they should.

And Harmony of Despair, sort of. His sprite is 8-bit, but his character portrait is the Chronicles design.

>> No.5214428

Do share, this version makes CV4 look brutally hard.

>> No.5214490

I think I dug it out of the internet well over 7 years ago. I don't even recall where I found it.

>> No.5214629

It's great, very easy though. Well, except for fucking Dracula. When they decide to give him only one form, you know it''s because it's a bullshit fight.

>> No.5214776

Alright, I got the disk images on gametronik and this is the real thing (in many ways).
Great game. Is this the one where they started to put all kind of monster girls in Castlevania? They even genderbended the mudmen. I guess one of the designer was a man of culture.

>> No.5216628

>unskippable FMV's
>too easy
>dull level design
Yes, it sucks. The definitive version of Rondo is on SNES.

>> No.5217509
File: 85 KB, 960x720, 1296912802873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah x68K is fucking grea-
>the only good non-Nintendo Castlevania
kys, the nintendo handheld games are boring, slow, gimmicky trash. Why anyone would want to play SOTN without wing smash or backdash shield canceling is beyond me.
It's honestly baffling how so many people can be so fond of a mediocre at best slog of a game just because they like a character design and because it needlessly explains the origin to a retro series of action platformers.

Here I thought /vr/ would have better taste than /v/'s smash idiots but I guess I was wrong.

>> No.5217525
File: 17 KB, 1140x892, 1541905460808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fair complaint, I like the cheesy 80's/90's anime designs but to each his own
>unskippable FMV's
also fair point but you only have to watch them once on a new file, the game lets you go back and select levels manually, and the game has plenty of replayability with the alternate stages, Maria, and rescuable maidens.
>too easy
It's easy but I like it a lot as a speed game. I don't upload speedruns or anything but I find it as replayable as the original and I like backflip whip cancels.
>dull level design
How? Alt stage 2 has an autoscroller, there are minibosses, alternate stages, bosses, and secrets, and each stage introduces you to new enemies. It's not like SNES Dracula X where you'll just see endless axe knights and purple lancers.
>The definitive version of Rondo is on SNES
Ah, you're just fucking retarded.

>> No.5217725
File: 11 KB, 203x249, 1533663568472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at CV mods
>ALL of them have fuccboi Simon design

>> No.5217789

Yeah near the end the maze level theres a breakable wall that goes to a little church alter and if you squat infront of the alter for a few seconds some item(can't remember what) pops out.

>> No.5218305

I've been playing the original a lot lately. It is really difficult but, in a very fair way. There's no traditional difficulty spike like in most classicvanias (like the corridor of death, of Dracula's Curse's stage 9, or even SCIV's platforming), it's just hard in a normal way. It can be pretty annoying to lose 4 health points for touching a random bat though, especially since the damage piles up quite quickly. I understand why they tried to tweak the difficulty in the remake.

>> No.5218436

A 1-Up is what appears.