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File: 90 KB, 500x500, mario_deluxe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5180174 No.5180174 [Reply] [Original]

I filled out the entire album.

Beat normal and super levels, blazed the bowsers, beat hard mode, maxed the scoreboard and found every hidden item in challenge mode, and unlocked black boos on every race.

Is there anything else left or did I finally 100% this game after failing to do it as a kid?

>> No.5180176

did you print all the unlockable printables?

>> No.5180215
File: 6 KB, 640x576, extremely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5180221

This really is the best version of the original game. Loved the original and loved this version as well.

>> No.5180239

nice opinion but op wasn't asking for a blog

>> No.5180242

No, the album is meant as a checklist of stuff to do.

>> No.5180262

If not for the screen crunch it would be perfect. Even so it's still very much enjoyable.

>> No.5180330

I'd honestly be amazed if there's no romhack of the NES version that adds in the Deluxe features.

>> No.5180337

severe autism

>> No.5180672

How did you get the pictures that needed the GBC link?

>> No.5180791

>Is there anything else left
yeah play the superior NES version

>> No.5180815

If you completed the album and unlocked all the black boos then I believe that's everything.

>> No.5180831

I got every possible fortune image, probably not every fortune though

The shame of it is that the levels original to SMB Deluxe are pretty much designed around the screen, so it would probably be too jarring to move to the full-size NES picture. I'd probably still enjoy it, but only as a variation on the original. It's kind of like how ZSNES remains necessary to correctly play the romhacks that rely on its inaccurate sound.

I bought a second copy of the game and played a few one-man link battles. Not exactly how they imagined it in the day maybe, but it got done, and fat chance of ever finding someone else trying to 100% this game in-person.

Played it to death, love that game

Well sweet then, finally done. Nice palindrome get btw
So, anybody else finish a game recently?

>> No.5180925

I'm not sure it could be done without a tremendous amount of effort. It's not as though the GBC is emulating the NES version or something. You'd have to code in stuff like the menus, the extra stage transitions, the ghost race mode, and all the little extras by hand.

Don't get me wrong though, I'd absolutely love to see it.

>> No.5181160

Still wouldn't be the craziest Mario romhack out there.

>> No.5181357

which one is the craziest?

>> No.5181362

>I bought a second copy of the game and played a few one-man link battles.
Oh alright, I was thinking about emulation. There's no way to obtain some pictures. I wish someone made a hack to make them already there from the beginning.

>> No.5181418

well the port of lost levels in this kinda sucks and is lacking 5 worlds, but majority of them are still present on the cartridge.
with codes i guess you could beat the beatable versions of these stages assuming they dont have any extras. they're listed of tcrf

>> No.5181424

there are emulators which support link game, check those out

>> No.5182124

One picture needs the use of the infrared link that only GBC had. I don't know if there's any way to emulate that.

>> No.5182131

Of course there is.

>> No.5182138

GBE+ supports it

Also, I don't think you actually need to do the IR link, in SMBD it just trades high scores, and it didn't unlock a pic for me. The album for link games was winning and losing one respectively.

>> No.5182349
File: 43 KB, 1009x222, smbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I was going by the Mario Wiki, the condition for one of the pics is to use the infrared link, I don't know if the regular link cable would work.

>> No.5182502

Better idea: romhack of SMB1 All-Stars that adds all the Deluxe features, to create an absolutely definitely ultimate version of the game.

>> No.5183902

checked again, you are right. That's my bad, I misremembered how it is done.

Either way, I'm pretty sure GBE+ supports IR function.

>> No.5183903

Better yet, add in the expanded Mario Bros. from the GBA remakes as a separate game.

>> No.5184221

That screen crunch. Horrible.

>> No.5184229

>romhack of SMB1 All-Stars
No. NES version or bust.