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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 707 KB, 1440x2436, 20181118_121712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5169152 No.5169152 [Reply] [Original]

Now I'm not an insane purist for retro games but this is complete crap. We need to make classic games more approachable and easy to start because people cant pick them up immediately? This is such horse shit. Is this the fallout of creating the NES Classic and newer generations going with fads and not realizing the actual difficulty in retro games?

Article: www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2018/11/18/18098805/retro-games-nintendo-switch-gradius-snk-40th-anniversary

>> No.5169160

/vr/ games are literally perfectly approachable. All it takes is to pick them up and play them while not being a stupid bitch with zero attention span for anything that doesn't immediately reward you.

>> No.5169163

This. Also people are retarded because they are used to modern games literally holding your hand too easily get through shit.

>> No.5169164

you actually read this shit? why did you bring this here

yeah it's retarded, do you want us to be angry with you or something

>> No.5169168

considering he didn't archive it, I'm assuming he's the one who wrote the article

>> No.5169169

christ almighty

>> No.5169183

>come to thread expecting to see idiots taking OP's bait
>instead people are rightfully disgusted at clickbait articles being shoved on /vr/
>people even notice OP didn't bother to de-monitize the article, instead trying to generate clicks
Good, now we just need the mod team to clean this shit off the board.

>> No.5169186

It's cause /vr/ is easily one of the best boards on this site.

>> No.5169191

There is no shortage of eas to pick up casual games, so I see no need to make old games more accessible.
Either you play these old games because you know and like them already, or because you want to experience an older generation of games.
With casualized retro re-releases, you get neither of that. You certainly don't experience the games how they actually were. And if you don't like them the way they actually were, just move on.

>> No.5169194

The article is pretty harmless you just want an excuse to throw a fit at zoomers like a little whiny bitch.

>> No.5169202
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God you're pathetic.

>> No.5169213

Ah, I used the word "casual" so you can easily ignore what I actually wrote and post a boomer image instead.
My bad, should have seen that coming.
Really, though, what is the point? I guess if developers go to the trouble of re-releasing games, they want it to be worth it and reach a large audience to make it so.
I am just not sure if demand for this sort of thing makes sense.

>> No.5169215

Different anon. If you unironically say "casual" your opinion is discarded. It's the "ME UM BLUE TRIBE ME UM HATE RED TRIBE" of gaming.

>> No.5169226

Maybe it's the stupid stigma around that word which should be discarded instead.
I really didn't mean that as a value judgement.

>> No.5169225

I'm not going to bother reading the article, but there's nothing wrong with properly explaining the controls and game mechanics in a separate manual page or something.

>> No.5169227
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Some games are objectively casual though. They're designed that way.

>> No.5169230

Except you don't know what it means, you just use it to mean "I DUN WIKE IT HSWDGKJSDKMvghasdkbg"

>> No.5169240

>Except you don't know what it means
What does it mean then?
I use it to mean a game that can be finished by someone who does not regularly play videogames. In other words: easy.

>> No.5169246

It means "Can be played at one's own pace with no need for long-term planning", games like Super Meat Boy where levels are over in seconds, or Binding of Isaac where it's incremental and has unlocks in spades like those old flash games with each session lasting 30-40 minutes at most (unless you do something really crazy). Both of these are considered somewhat difficult.

Meanwhile hardcore means that it has permanent consequences and requires long-term planning, and an unwinnable situation is not only possible, but should be expected. Darkest Dungeon straddles this line outside of Stygian difficulty, while Jagged Alliance 2 has all the elements while not being that hard a game, especially for TBS veterans. XCOM is a good example as you will be forced into making hard decisions as the world governments start telling you to take a hike.

They're design styles. Not difficulty settings.

>> No.5169250

Playing through it now, it seems no easier than earlier pokemon games. They just added a force minimum in the first 2 gyms.

>> No.5169253

This is not v, enough with your clickbaits

>> No.5169257

>ITT: zoomers pretending to be tough and not realizing that most old games were made with the knowledge that you had read the manual

>> No.5169260

Are you saying Super Meat Boy and The Binding of Issac are considered casual?
I get where you're coming from with long-term planning, but I don't think that means you can just rule out difficulty.

>> No.5169283

Meh, most casual games get hard as fuck though. Ever play candy crush? You can get stuck on levels for weeks at a time later on in that shit. And it's the current poster child for casual gamers. Micro transactions and all.

Casual games are games you play casually. Pick up and put down, not competitive, no major planing ahead of time and the like. Pay to win optional. You just play them. As opposed to hardcore games, which you generally have to be really into. And have no choice but to earn completing the game (no pay to win)

A good example is a competitive FPS, where you practice, buy special controllers and play competitively. Getting into the scene and all that shit.
Or an RPG, where you grind a ton and try for some specialized build, which requires planning and involvement.
An RPG can be easy as fuck, but still hardcore, because you have to have a knowledge base, plan ahead and all that.

That's my understanding, anyway. It's not a label that's specifically about difficulty. It really is about design styles and demographics.

There are easy and hard casual games and also easy and hard hardcore games.

>> No.5169307


These posts contain very high amounts of soilent.

>> No.5169318

The biggest mistake of every retro re-release (virtual console, arcade collections, online catalogs, etc) is not including a PDF of the entire original manual. I'd even argue that with something like, say, Nintendo Switch Online NES games, the manual should be directly accessible from a button (the Y button doesn't do anything else) or from a menu option accessible while the game is running (ZL+ZR menu to hold with the Switch example). That way you can do things like reference the map in the manual of Zelda 1 while you're playing. But the absolute bare minimum should be that the manuals can all be read from the main menu before starting the game. The NES and SNES Classics at least have a website with manual scans, though they really should be contained locally in the system.

Any time I go to play a retro game I've never played before, I almost always look for a manual online and read through it or at least have it available for reference. That's how the games were designed to be played, the developers expected you to RTFM. Trying to play every retro game without a manual is just retarded.

>> No.5169323
File: 18 KB, 480x360, 1534480704272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm a 21 year old retard and never thought of it like this

Hanging out with you oldfags is eye-opening. Anyway back to lurking

>> No.5169334

I remember reading about that one game (sorry, I really can't remember the name and don't know a good way to google for it) which required a physical letter that came with the box to progress.
That one had to be included with the virtual console release. Again I am not sure, but I think it might not have been accessible from the beginning but patched in later.

>> No.5169339


>> No.5169349

Thanks, that's the one.
>instead of dipping the physical letter in water to reveal a hidden code, the letter can be found in the electronic manual

>> No.5169356

All retro games should have a rewind function so I don't have to learn how to play it. Then it should also have trophies so I can show my friends that I'm good.

>> No.5169420

OP is spamming this everywhere he can to maximize his ad money.

>> No.5169479

OP. Jesus you guys are retarded. I included the link so you could fucking read the article no click bait or ad money. I welcome an Admin to delete the link (or even the whole thread) if you honestly think I'm trying to shill for ad money.

I'm fucking done with /vr/

>> No.5169489

Go on, get

>> No.5169494

>clickbait poster is done with /vr/
And that's unironically a good thing

>> No.5169496

Next time take screencap of the full article if you want to share clickbait shit. Linking directly to a clickbait article is suspicious as hell.

>> No.5169505

Better yet don't bother posting it at all, it's maybe the only board where no one has an over the top emotional reaction because some retarded random nobody wrote a worthless article for easy ad revenue

>> No.5169509
File: 87 KB, 650x650, vr10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you tomorrow.

>> No.5169520

Am I supposed to get mad at clickbait. Who cares

>> No.5169525

>I included the link so you could fucking read the article no click bait or ad money.
Then why not pastebin or archive.is the article so they would get no ad money? Anyone following the link you posted would generate the click for the Verge. Don't play stupid OP, you know full well people will call you a shill for posting links to clickbait articles.

>> No.5169538

Even archived or pasted, why would you bother reading that trash? Staring blankly at some wall for 2 minutes is time better spent
Also sage that trash, no one needs it on the first page

>> No.5169601

As long as the originals are also available I think it's fine. A lot of those older games were quite hard, and while I enjoy the challenge I don't think it's going to appeal to every kind of player.

Kids today have way more shit to occupy their time, they're not going to sit through the same game dozens of times till they get good enough to beat it, but if they start with an easy mode that they enjoy they may develop the skills to beat the full original.

>> No.5169771

>we should change art to suit the majority's tastes
This thought process is legitimately cancer.

If "classic" games weren't approachable, they wouldn't have been played when they were released. They're admitting to having a shorter attention span than literal children and deciding that people should cater to them.
It's disgusting.

>> No.5169779
File: 35 KB, 320x224, Rings-of-Power-7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am just picturing many zoomer heads exploding at pic related

>> No.5169780

FYI The Verge is a Vox Media site:

95% of everything you see on all the sites they own will be propaganda garbage and the other 5% is just editors asleep at the wheel.

>> No.5169785

>more approachable

The fuck do these people want? Movies based on the games?

>> No.5169806

>no archive link
dropped and "seasoned" with 4chans herb of choice

>> No.5169826

Literal CHILDREN played those games back in the day. If an adult can't handle those games now then there's something wrong with the adult.

>> No.5169862
File: 174 KB, 329x298, 1529894960008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not including Atom Smasher when Ozma Wars is.



>> No.5170065

someone at the verge knows what snk is and doesn't consider them problematic?

>> No.5170080


And take your click bait with you.

>> No.5170098

I don't have much problem with updating retro games with modern sensibilities. Super Mario Bros Deluxe for the GBC was a great example of how to do it. It retained the original game as accurately as the GBC could, while adding in new collectables for replay value, a save system, and side content like time trial challenges.

I wouldn't be opposed to, for example, readjusting the shop prices in Kid Icarus to make the first level more in-line with the rest of the game's difficulty. The new version of Zelda that gives you a bunch of free stuff at the beginning is a way to do it wrong. I think the biggest problem with the original Legend of Zelda nowadays is that players would quickly get bored of roaming around searching for the next dungeon and just look it up online. A "more accessible" version should do something like helping the player narrow down their search without outright telling them the answer, so they feel like they can figure it out without googling the answer. Maybe highlight 12 spaces on the map to tell the player "it's in this area somewhere". Perhaps also increase bomb capacity to make finding bombable walls easier and make fire spread to burnable trees if you light the tree next to them (or, if they want to go really crazy, introduce a late-game item that dings when the player walks into a screen with a hidden staircase they haven't found, so players are more likely to stumble upon things like Spectacle Rock themselves).

>> No.5170114

That's just your own made-up definition.

A 'casual' game is a game made to appeal to the average crowd, nothing more, nothing less. Today this tends to come hand in hand with removal of difficulty and mechanics, making games 'prettier' and adding microtransactions and/or trophies.

>> No.5170150

Actually anon isn't too far off with that definition, i.e. casual in the sense of "occasional" fits that concept of "playing at your own pace".
But it is also missing half the picture. The other meaning of casual also encompasses a level of commitment, i.e. "casual" as in "lacking a high degree of interest or devotion" or "done without serious intent or commitment".
And in that sense, it is not exactly clear whether Super Meat Boy would be considered a casual game. Sure, the levels are short, but from what I know the game is also norotiously hard. Someone who has little commitment or devotion to gaming probably won't put in the effort to try hard enough to finish more than the first few levels before moving on the a different game.

>> No.5170157

By approachable all I remember want the game us to WORK ON MY SYSTEM!
Thank you Microsoft for rendering keyboards inoperable in 32 bits program and I can't reboot my PC because its my elder bro who won't let me.

>> No.5170176

Fans of Super Meat Boy or Binding of Isaac, I think, fit a different definition of 'casual gamer', ie the type that's not afraid to 'git gud' at something but that also sticks to the games that are popular with their particular crowd. Not terribly unlike the kind of people who played only Mario games back in the NES/SNES era. In this regard, people who play the aforementioned games aren't really 'casual' gamers, they're more a different generation of gamers.

I agree with you, but I'm also entirely sure that if your changes were implemented in a port/remake of LOZ or Kid Icarus people would throw a fit over how the games are now super casual and no real gamer should bother playing them.

>> No.5170203

We really do need to casualize bullet hell shooters. All games need to be for everyone. Only incels disagree.

>> No.5170212

> The new version of Zelda that gives you a bunch of free stuff at the beginning

>> No.5170217

>The game was released for the Nintendo Switch as part of the Nintendo Switch Online - Nintendo Entertainment System service on September 18, 2018. A special "Living the life of luxury!" edition of the game, which grants players all equipment and extra items at the start of the game, was added to the service on October 10, 2018.

>> No.5170220

Jesus fuck.

>> No.5170245


>lessen childrens ability to think
>lessen their ability to hold their attention for more than 10 minutes
>tell them they are special and good at anything
>make all of life nerfed so that everything is easier for them
>give them a trophy for any small amount of effort they put into anything
>be at all surprised that they can't sit and play a mildly difficult game for more than 30 minutes without breaking down and quitting

Can't say I'm surprised by Nintendo's decision here at all.

>> No.5170252

If you think that video games are instrumental in any way to a childs development to begin with your'e a fucking moron, hate to break it to you but being old enough to have played games optimized to suck quarters out of children doesn't make you a better person.

>> No.5170262


You obviously didn't read my post, I never said anything about video games being good for child development.

>> No.5170264
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>not archived
Christ almighty Andrew, you want us to just donate to your paypal while we're at it?

Classic games are more approachable now than they ever were back in the 80s-90s. You can find walkthroughs on nearly every game ever made, and we have these devices called smartphones that let you consult those guides on your lap wirelessly. Not to mention the countless amount of video guides and let's plays.

>> No.5170338
File: 33 KB, 640x480, woodchuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know when some random asshole online says it, digital manuals on the second screen really seems like a non brainer.

>> No.5170645

>The new version of Zelda that gives you a bunch of free stuff at the beginning is a way to do it wrong. I think the biggest problem with the original Legend of Zelda nowadays is that players would quickly get bored of roaming around searching for the next dungeon and just look it up online
The original game shipped with a map that showed well over half of the world and explicitly labeled the first three levels. So looking it up online isn't some kind of major spoiler.

>> No.5170649

>The original game shipped with a map that showed well over half of the world and explicitly labeled the first three levels.
Yup, that's why it's such a horrible mistake to not include the full scans of the original game manual with its re-release. I don't know why they try to pretend that the manual isn't part of the game itself, because it absolutely is. The version of Zelda 1 on Switch Online is incomplete because it's missing content from the manual which the original devs expected all players to read and reference.

>> No.5170653

>40th anniversary

Bull fucking shit, what game did SNK release in 1978?

>> No.5170656

Stop acting like archive links matter. This is a thread on one of 4chans smallest boards, they are making no more than 10 cents from this thread tops. The article is already viral and getting pushed by chrome/pocket etc, so theres nothing you can do. Stop being a right wing SJW.

>> No.5170662

wow, what an amazing read! that degree in liberal arts sure paid off.

>> No.5170685

Eh, I don't think old games are made worse if they're bundled with an optional "easy mode". If it means more people get to play the game, that seems like a win.

On the other hand, >>5170649 is right. Not including materials like maps and manuals is just dumb.

>> No.5170689


This exists purely to prove a point, it will expire in one day. I'll look at it in the morning and see how many individual hits it gets.

>> No.5170694

you motherfuckers are way too dense, maybe pointing it out and making some stupid joke/innocent mockery about it whould be ok, but treating the OP as the antichrist himself makes you look like rabid manchildren. lel, faggots.

>> No.5170814
File: 9 KB, 244x206, brainlet1522164968053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right wing SJW
Not sharing clickbait trash or at least using archive links if you absolutely must is not being an authoritarian Social Justice Warrior or any kind of mirror-image of it. Stop being a retarded faggot.

>> No.5170982

>oh no I might give vox like, my pocket change
>how dare /vr/ discuss a trending article about retro video games

Take a deep breath you autistic fuck, posting the link changes virtually nothing

>> No.5171087

a link in a reply of a shitty thread has way less visibility than a link in the OP though

>> No.5171090

t. room-temperature iq monkey
learn to use archive sites, you have no excuses for being this retarded

>> No.5171120

Games age faster than just about any other medium. Even titles that are just a few years old can feel dated as newer, more user-friendly releases come out. This poses a tricky question when it comes to re-releasing classic games: do you keep them in tact, just as they originally were, or update them for modern players? If a couple of recent titles are any indication, the answer is to do both.

Let’s start with Nintendo. As part of its Switch Online service, the company offers NES games that have been updated slightly with things like online multiplayer. But last month the company took things a step farther with an enhanced version of the original Legend of Zelda. It gave players a whole bunch of money and gear to start with, making it a lot easier to get into the game. This week, Nintendo did the same thing for sci-fi shooter Gradius, offering players a ship with nearly maxed-out weapons. In both cases, a game that’s particularly daunting earlier on has been made a whole lot easier to get into.

Then there’s the SNK 40th Anniversary Collection, also on the Switch. The bundle features 13 titles from across the company’s storied history, including some you’ve probably never heard of, with 11 more are coming as free downloadable content. Like other re-issues from developer Digital Eclipse, it’s a collection that really honors the source material, with a museum mode that includes art and advertisements that help put the importance of these games in perspective.

Most interesting, though, is the addition of a “watch” feature. It’s exactly what it sounds like: you can watch a playthrough of the game in question. But what makes it different from, say, viewing clips on YouTube, is that at any point you can take over and start playing. This lets you get around particularly tricky moments while still being involved in playing the game.

All of these games have some historical importance. (cont.)

>> No.5171124

It’s obvious for games like Zelda, which essentially pioneered the idea of open worlds, but that doesn’t make lesser-known titles any less significant. You’ve probably never heard of SNK’s Sasuke vs. Commander, for instance, but it could well be the game that invented the boss fight.
The thing is, many of these games aren’t necessarily that fun to play anymore. They can be slow and cludgy and hard to understand. But with features like watch or Nintendo’s beefed up ports, it makes this process more approachable. In both cases, the original, largely unchanged versions of these games are still available to you. These releases preserve that legacy while opening them up to significantly more people. And for a medium that regularly struggles to document its own history, having those options is increasingly important.
TL;DR, OP is a faggot

>> No.5171134

Discussion of """"trending articles"""" is literally what Reddit is designed for. Go talk about it there.
>posting the link changes virtually nothing
the point is to slow the spread of the infection. Posting a link to The Verge on /vr/ is like not washing your hands after having explosive diarrhea.

>> No.5171178

think you forget about all the impossible tape-loading garbage the "speccy gamers" were playing in good ol' Britain

>> No.5171496 [DELETED] 

Why do you give a shit about what is essentially Buzzfeed for tech? Literally nobody respects opinion pieces from the Verge. If the government mandated a law banning HTTPS, they would probably run a piece about how people who have nothing to hide should not be afraid.

The only 'easy mode' that to me is acceptable are infinite continues. because it could be argued that anything else is the game wasting your time. But 90% of good retro game ALREADY have infinite continues, so there is nothing to change! If you can beat Dark Souls or Shovel Knight, you can beat pretty much all retro games... Except just like them, it will require EFFORT.

>> No.5171498 [DELETED] 

Games don't age. You do.
The problem is YOU. You can't expect game made 20 years ago to cater to your MODERN expectations. You need to ADJUST your expectations in the first place.

>> No.5171501

Why did you bump this crap?

>> No.5171508

Like... do you sit around watching silent films and complain that you have to read the dialogue cards? Do you sit around watching Hammer horror movies from and complain that special effects look worse than modern CGI? Do you watch black-and-white movies and complain about lack of color? Jesus.

>> No.5171627
File: 51 KB, 577x1024, mmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use save states or credit feeds then complains that the game is short. Old games don't need toby approacable, git good or get fucked.

>> No.5171635

Ozma wars

>> No.5171645

>Games age faster
stopped reading, no joke

>> No.5171658

>spread of the infection
>"we" can't be or do anything that "bogey man" does because "we" are different than them
this place is 18+ you fucking child

>> No.5171661

I would love to see modern people take on Wizardry IV. The bitching would be endless.

>> No.5172035

My nigga that's gay af
gimme the original release any day

>> No.5172109

The only way a game needs to be "approachable" is by designing it for people besides NEETs with infinite amount of free time in their hands.

>> No.5172128

You're kind of proving their point. How many people do you know that are still interested in silent films or black and white movies? I'll grant that old-school horror flicks can still be popular, but for most people this is more of a 'omg this is so bad its good lol lets watch this bad movie as a joke' attitude. These types of movies only get more and more niche the more time passes. It's not that anyone 'complains' about them, it's that people just aren't interested in dated things.

More importantly, companies don't make money out of rereleasing the exact same movies because nobody's interested in that. So they update and remake/reboot them to fit the standards and palates of modern viewers. It, Carrie, Evil Dead, Ghostbusters, The Thing, etc. You may not like them, I'm generally not a fan either, but 'updates' make money. For people like us, though, the originals still exist.

>> No.5172161

Fuck that shit. Played ninja gaiden for the first time recently and I loved its level of difficulty. Why ruin that.

>> No.5172376

>an Admin
>Just delete the link
You genuinely do not browse this website, you probably are the writer trying to shill

>> No.5172443
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>> No.5172536

>this place is 18+ you fucking child
I'm not the one unironically sharing clickbait

>> No.5172542

>It's not that anyone 'complains' about them, it's that people just aren't interested in dated things

nu-ghostbusters bombed
The live-action Beauty and the Beast is inferior in almost every way to the animated original. You can bet most of the next generation of children will be watching the 90s version, not the lame Emma Watson movie.

>> No.5172557

Honestly, the watch feature on the SNK Collection is great. It's like old pro play videos, it's a great way to learn how to play and to practice specific parts of the game.
The Zelda thing is the wrong way to go about it I think. Just adding a proper map on a separate screen would make it far more accessible than just giving the player a bunch of powerups while still keeping the spirit of the game intact.

>> No.5172569

>some remakes fail while others do well

Stop the presses.

Since you bring up Beauty and the Beast I'll point out that it grossed pretty damn well which is exactly the point of remakes, reboots and reimaginings. You can say it's inferior all you like but ultimately Disney doesn't care about what you think, it cares about selling as many movie tickets, DVDs and blu-rays and whatever as it can.

>> No.5172573

kys fucking sheep
>sharing an article with ad revenue makes you childish, unlike "our" holy crusade against "our" internet enemy, from whom "we" must differentiate; also "we" must stop the "infection"
stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.5172587

Videogames get legitimate remakes too, what's your point?
Mark my words, in 20 years people will still watch the 90s version of Beauty and the Beast while the 2017 will be a forgotten footnote. You wrote:

>More importantly, companies don't make money out of rereleasing the exact same movies because nobody's interested in that.
Which is wrong. Disney has been milking Snow White for 80 years. Cinderella is almost 70 and was re-released 5 times during the 20th century. She remains popular in spite of feminist bitching and attempts to supplant her with action girl princesses.

>> No.5172645
File: 82 KB, 722x297, chunli-kick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still haven't learned your lesson.
Next time you feel the urge to share a Vox article, take 2 seconds and think about whether the article is REALLY worth sharing. Is there any insight that the article just captures so well that you can't put it in your own words without feeling guilty of plagiarism? Did the author of the article do some rigorous research specifically related to your point that you want to make sure people can find?

You didn't do any of this, so stop whining. I guarantee you that you'll discover an ability make interesting and engaging posts you never knew you had, once you stop taking sites like The Verge seriously.

>"we" must stop the "infection"
Vox Media sites really are cancer. Skepticism is for your own good as much as anyone else's. Vox deliberately tells you how to think and what to think. That's openly their modus operandi.

>> No.5172671 [DELETED] 
File: 173 KB, 1920x1440, hiresfuckyoufaggit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Next time you feel the urge to share a Vox article
haha I didn't share the article. I'm laughing my ass out making fun of you dense motherfuckers for acting as this shit is "serious bussiness" and "educating" people on how they should act on this website. Some faggot posts an article related to gaming from an unliked source and you stupid fucks instead of dealing it with mild jokes or a smart troll, start waving your internet cred dicks around shouting "reddit"... jesus fucking christ, this is why I come to to this place though, reading shit like this is amusing, and more so calling you out on it and then watching how you make more of a fool of yourselves... I learned a valuable lesson sir........ kek

>> No.5172683


>> No.5172710

I'd say most horror aficionados are very much interested in bw movies. There's lots of really good shit there that's legitimately suspenseful and not just "lol it's old and bad lol".

>> No.5172715

Obviously some movies last longer than others. Besides, are these re-releases all exactly the same as the original? No, they'll have improved colours, extra scenes, a nicer box, etc. All to reach a wider audience than simply selling the original would, which is the same as what video game companies do when they rerelease old games. Complaining about changed features in retro games is like saying 'well the blu-ray version of Cinderella doesn't look exactly the same as the one I had on VHS, so it shouldn't exist at all'.

As for Beauty and the Beast, perhaps the remake will be forgotten, but the fact still remains that it made Disney a whole lot more money than a blu-ray edition of the original would have.

>> No.5172735
File: 10 KB, 308x166, reddit-trophies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm laughing my ass out
That's called a reaction formation. You're a soi-fattened numale embarrassed that you take The Verge seriously and are projecting.
>instead of dealing it with mild jokes or a smart troll
That's exactly what happened until you came in trying to make a serious argument against the use of archive links. When you were rightly called out for being a fucking retarded faggot, you start "laughing your ass off" to cover the butthurt.
>shouting "reddit"
I'm not even bashing Reddit this time. The site is literally designed for sharing trending news articles.

>> No.5172743

Why do limp wristed retards create these generic sounding websites and then think anybody cares about their shitty hot takes?

>> No.5172746

>Complaining about changed features in retro games is like saying 'well the blu-ray version of Cinderella doesn't look exactly the same as the one I had on VHS, so it shouldn't exist at all'.
This is silly. Those are purely cosmetic changes, which is already very common in videogames and by default nobody minds (outside perhaps a few purists overrepresented here). In fact on PC users can often easily modify the game with those types of improvements on their own (eg ENB for Skyrim). For examples of a re-release you can look at a game like Final Fantasy IX. In that case, the graphics are upgraded, which is a plus, the loading times are greatly improved which is also good, but the interface is lazy, downgraded shit.

>> No.5172760

I mean, I don't disagree, but the line between a quality graphical update and a shit one is sometimes thin, especially for developers who also have to take costs into account. I've heard a lot of stories about supposedly updated DVDs looking worse than their predecessors (an extreme example is the Star Wars original trilogy remasters, although George Lucas' insanity plays a role there). Less glaringly, I remember hearing about how the original Suspiria looks absolutely awful on DVD despite being a beautiful movie.

I'm sure the people who made the FFVI iPhone port thought it looked good, when it looks like ass. The mentality is probably usually something like 'we want to attract as many new viewers/players as possible while also offering enough of an excuse for older fans to buy the product again'.

>> No.5172794

>We need to make classic games more approachable and easy to start because people cant pick them up immediately?
Sure, what's wrong with making it an OPTION? You're acting so butthurt as if everybody wants the games to ONLY be super easy. see the fucking forest for the trees, dude

>> No.5172848

Why won't they leave our games alone /vr/? What is the end goal here? To forever destroy gaming and force us back on to the pussy plantations again?

>> No.5172857

They already add save features in most modern re-releases like the recent Capcom beatemup bundle, what else do causals want?

>> No.5172917
File: 331 KB, 600x1081, 1542738573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5174379

read a piece recently that wanted games like rdr2 to be cut down to 30 hours of main-plot with the rest of it being optional to accommodate the time-schedule-restraints of (b|z)oomers with jobs, family and/or friends, cuz aint nobody got time fo dat

>> No.5174505

Disney got a TON of shit because some of their Bluray releases of their classics looked like absolute ass, the worst offender being Sword in the Stone.

>> No.5174529

Well they don't have any long term shit outside of "I might get pyromaniac and Fetus"

>> No.5174534

>not adding a turbo function