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5168986 No.5168986 [Reply] [Original]

Change, change, change. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeUuvVsYsBM

Does anyone else still carry this little gem around in their heart? It feels really special to me.
That retrofuturistic world with all the crazy characters, jobs, radio stations and general tone is just wonderful and lots of fun. The controls may be something you have to get used to but even they are fun for me.
I only played the shitty PSX version for many years of my late childhood, only in my later teens did I get back at it and tried the PC version for the first time and boy was it a difference.
It only made me love this game even more. It's so simple, neat and nicely packed.

So what's your opinion on this game? The first one can be discussed too of course, but I only played it once after GTA2 and never liked it, too crude.
Also post your favorite:
>radio station

By the way, I remember playing it about two years ago but I didn't have to change my TV to 16 bit colors like I have to now in order to play the game. Is there any fix for that?


>> No.5168990

>Is there any fix for that?
play the PC version; also gta3 and beyond is not gta.

>> No.5168997

>play the PC version
I am of course.

>also gta3 and beyond is not gta
Certainly not in the way the first ones were. Crime Drama Story fits it more I guess.
That again is the simplicity I love about GTA2. You're just some lousy crook who wants to make big money and fast. No family, no personal friends. Just you, money, gang bosses, their respect and the cops.

>> No.5169000

Pcgw may help with 16bit. I dunno I cannot be bothered to look. But if if you don't know about pcgw it's about blow ya mind. Google >insert game name here< pcgw

>> No.5169039

google GTA1-MAX, if you wann experience a comfy version for gta1 on modern PCs

>> No.5169096

I played 1 before this and remember how great it was as a sequel. Same game, just everything was so much better. Three things that stick out:
>The amount of possible exploration. So many rooftops, walkways etc to lob grenades off
>Taxi drivers must die!

>> No.5169105

Reminder that the cover of Midnight Club has a whole entire story behind it which at the time was happening in 1999. Rockstar was producing kino back in the day. Fucking mad men closed down New York City.

>> No.5169109

Honestly don't remember.

Molotov/Grenade because of the flying glitch


>radio station
Tsunami FM

Zaibatsu Corporation


Don't remember

>> No.5169114

>Molotov/Grenade because of the flying glitch
go on...

>> No.5169115

It suggested a widescreen fix which I applied, darn way better know, thanks!

I'll keep that in mind.

>> No.5169117

Ah yeah, I forgot this was never documented.

If you run off of a rooftop while continuously throwing a grenade or molotov, you'll keep that elevation until you stop throwing the weapon. You can get to some weird places with it.

>> No.5169131

Just tried it, didn't work for me. Probably got fixed somewhere along the way.

>> No.5169151

Try the playstation version if you can.

>> No.5169415

Playstation version is superior for a single playthrough anyway. Some of the kill quotas in missions are shorter, making the game a lot less tedious.

And yes, that is important. You can tell they started to run out of ideas for missions because some of them repeat themselves as the game continues.

>> No.5169495

Very neat game, dreamcast version is awesome as well. I'm surprised there isn't more of a cult following behind this considering the wild success of the GTA3+ but you know millenials and onwards and how they think of 2D. I agree exactly with you about the first one - it was just a bit too crude while this one was perfect, that's it. There's just something different about the 2D world here that in some way makes it fun at least for variety. Hey maybe there should be a new 2D GTA game in this style or even an updated style, but has to be 2D, a kickstarter or something.

>> No.5169609

you have to jump then do it

>> No.5169621

>but you know millenials and onwards and how they think of 2D.
Millenials were the kids who played GTA on PSX, you mong.

>> No.5169647 [DELETED] 

The theoretical academic meaning is different to how it has been used online. I'd say it's mostly people who started gaming with the 6th gen. The point is I wasn't inclined to say zoomers because there are plenty of mature people, significantly older than zoomers so I just said millenials.

>> No.5169651

The theoretical academic meaning is different to how it has been used online. The point is I wasn't inclined to say zoomers because there are plenty of mature people, significantly older than zoomers so I just said millenials.

>> No.5169865

meh most of the repeated missions are in the industrial district anyway. there's still a surprising amount of variety for such an early game in the series, though.


>> No.5170240

I love them too, their radio station with DJ Spaz Funbags is just brilliant. I'm on their last mission right now, the gang war. Their territory and base is also pretty comfy.

I'll try that later.

I play through the first two districts normally, doing every mission available. In the third I mostly cheat and just enjoy the wack.

>> No.5170337

GTA 3 was still a game in the same vein as 1 and 2. it wasn't until VC and SA it turned into meme fests.

>> No.5170348


>> No.5170364


>> No.5170370


>> No.5170391


>> No.5170395
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>> No.5170403
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It was a lot of fun. I think GTA 2 and GTA 5 have some great gameplay.
Vice City seems like it could work in 2D as well.

Good GTA 2 remix:

I liked most of them. The residential one with the prison and RV park are most memorable.
>radio station
Funami FM and Lithium FM

>> No.5170479

>He got game and a cake.
>Boris, Boris. Sell the game, eat the cake.

>> No.5170630

>Does anyone else still carry this little gem around in their heart? It feels really special to me.

Residential district (the 2nd map) is by any means the best one. I could go hours telling, how genius map design it is.
Rocket launcher. Sending people to the air is just fun.
Furore GT
>Radio station
Lithium FM
Prison mission, Taxi remote driving

>> No.5170639

It is amazing how much stuff they put in those 12-15 minute loops.


>Dean Frantz: I tell you... Cops... They're everywhere these days... I-I-I can’t walk down the street without someone asking me for my ID. Some men in blue telling me: “Who are you?!” I’m Dean Frantz, I don’t need to show you my ID! I mean... Cops everywhere, but is there ever a cop when you need one? NO!!

>> No.5170643


But it only worked in the demo version of gta2.

Though a leftover of the glitch still exists allowing you to avoid detection in certain cases.

>> No.5170686

I've played it so much that it got dull since I did everything there was to do. Played it in my childhood where getting a tank and driving around with it was the best fun ever. Then I played it some more when I was older and actually did all the missions, including the final one in every map. The only things I haven't done is pass all the Kill Frenzies and gather all the GTA2 signs.
The best part? Those voiced messages that pop up on the screen when you do something crazy. Insane Stunt Bonus!

The first one. Commercial district? Dunno why I like it so much, the 2nd one is "better" in many ways.
The redneck one where you blow up an outhouse.

>> No.5170698

And the final release of the PSX and PC version.

>> No.5170781


>> No.5170886

Really good thread OP, I remember playing it with my cousin a lot, but the details went away, so I won't be able to answer all of your questions.
I only remember the first map, we would always just fuck around.
This lightning gun, it was fun.
Police car, really liked the design.
>radio station
Sorry, don't remember any.
The Yakuza(?)
Don't have one
Don't have one

>> No.5171857

i think everyone agrees that residential is THE best in terms of content

although i like the industiral district's aesthetic better, it really feels like a seedy shithole.

>> No.5172220
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I remember I had this GTA2 book for the PC version. It had all sorts of information, listed every vehicle and its stats, weapons, maps and tons of information in general.
It was also full of artwork like pic related, a SWAT cop with the electro baton that was in the beta version. Sadly I can only find a few pictures from that book. I really wish I still had it, it was really nicely made up.
I still remember the picture of a redneck sitting on some crudely put together toilet with a shotgun.

>> No.5172246

Just found a video that pretty much depicts all the concept art I can find.

>> No.5172302

Any immersion is immediately killed when the cops appear and can find you everywhere. It ruined every GTA for me from a later perspective. If they don't manage to implement a proper KI and non-linear mission design, the bigger and more detailed the sandbox gets, the more inanimate and lifeless it get's.

>> No.5172480

yeah i really hate how hard cops rubberband you in 2

>> No.5172580
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industrial for the comfy futuristic dystopian aesthetic, residental for the diverse environments and the content (mobile home park, gated community, dense inner city area with tall buildings and skybridges, corporate fortresses everywhere, etc.).

downtown is pretty bland desu. it's the least futuristic of the districts, and it's not very diverse. funami is top comf though.

>> No.5172963
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Aww yeah, GTA2. I've played PS1 version first. Years later I got it for PC when it was available for free on Rockstar's website. I remember being blown away how much better lightning and effects were. It also had multiplayer, which was somewhat fun. Anyone else tried it?

Also, remember that one mission, I think it was for the Loonies, where you had to destroy Zaibatsu cars only using your own car? I've done every fucking mission in the game EXCEPT that one.

>> No.5173004

Pretty much sums up my GTA2 experience.

>I remember being blown away how much better lightning and effects were
Glorious, wasn't it? I was really astonished, it added so much to the feeling and atmosphere.

>I've done every fucking mission in the game EXCEPT that one.
Not the Loonies, I just finished their missions. Sure does sound like one hell of a mission though. I was having trouble with one of the last Zaibatsu missions I'm on right now,
had to destroy two or three special armored Yakuza cars but nothing I did would destroy them. Found out you can only get them with car bombs.

Never tried multiplayer though, but I recently watched some videos and it looked pretty fucking wild and fun.

>> No.5173016

it's an arcadish style game where the game spawns cops to be killed or kill you/arrest you, it's not trying to be realistic

>> No.5173083

are you talking about "Armored Cars Clash!"

that one is a piece of shit since the only thing that damages the armored cars is a car bomb

>> No.5173126

Chinatown wars is top down modern gta with the first two island's from 4. Good game.

>> No.5173142
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Residential District by far:
- cool as beans scripted sequence at the start with a redneck killing a scientist only to be driven over by a Zaibatsu car.
- FBI shows up, a properly new threat since you already know about the army from map 1
- even still you get to invoke the army in that one tank stealing mission
- the metro
- everything about the scientists and their zany shit
- secret Wang Cars bonus
- the coolest missions by far

Molotov's Cocktails were fun as shit

1. FBI Car
2. Benson
3. Dementia

>radio station
Funami made my peepee hard as an impressionable teen

1. SRS
2. Loonies

Not sure

1. Penal Ties
2. SWAT Van Swipe
3. Water Carry On

>> No.5173201

GTA2 was my favorite in the series by far, partly due to such comedy.

I loved vice city's aesthetics. Transplanting that into GTA2 as a new level/expansion could be amazing, especially with GTA2's beautiful lighting. (I only ever played the PC version).

>> No.5173401

Fun fact - E-Z Rollers' Weekend World also provided the intro and menu music for another sequel in ToCA Touring Car Championship 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUqWy6aFOYU

>> No.5173508

Rockstar used to give GTA 1&2 for free a few years ago on their websit,they stopped doing that when GTA5 was released and Jews took over.

>> No.5173519
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throwback to this bad boy.

>> No.5173552

they probably didn't feel like supporting them anymore. the windows port of 1 is especially unstable.

i wonder, were the radio stations lower quality on the downloadable versions?

better than the base game if you ask me

>> No.5173556

yep, I downloaded 2 back then, pretty based from them
you can find them everywhere anyway, it's abandonware and rockstar doesn't care, probably don't want to waste bandwidth though

>> No.5173696

i wonder why they had this deal with moving shadow when only 2 tracks from the label showed up in GTA2

>> No.5173943
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>better than the base game if you ask me
It had better designed missions, had an actual narrative, and was a lot less punishing than GTA1. It's loads better.

Better than GTA2 as well, but I think most will disagree with me.

>> No.5174060

>Does anyone else still carry this little gem around in their heart?
I do. Being able to actually choose the gang to run with was cool, the missions were fun (flamethrower firetruck, now that's what i call a mission) and the style was not something you see every day. It wasn't without big flaws though.

>> No.5174264

What would you say are the biggest flaws?

>> No.5174280
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>suddenly have no more radio music
>check online
>apparently an unknown issue
>finally check volume settings
>music turned down all the way

>> No.5174528

>car bomb

That would make sense, no idea why I didn't try that one in the past. I just kept trying to ram them, which is fool's errand. If I recall correctly the mission is timed, so no way in hell can you do it by just smacking those cars around.

>Never tried multiplayer though, but I recently watched some videos and it looked pretty fucking wild and fun.
It kind of was.I even took part in some "gang ladder" organized by a small community, where everyone chose one of the in-game gangs to represent. They organized some duels and team matches between members of different gangs. I was in Rednecks. Fun times.

Amyway, rocket launcher sniping was more or less "meta". To be fair, all weapons that weren't rocket launcher, zap-gun, flamethrower and maybe molotovs were useless.

>> No.5174546

The only Grand Theft Auto game rated T.

>> No.5174698

>That would make sense, no idea why I didn't try that one in the past. I just kept trying to ram them, which is fool's errand. If I recall correctly the mission is timed, so no way in hell can you do it by just smacking those cars around.
Yeah, you get around five minutes to blow up two cars. The mission ended up being rather easy, the first car spawns right around the corner of a garage so you can hit the target and quickly get another car to rig up.
Was kinda lost myself when I emptied my rocket launcher and then my flamethrower at it but nothing worked.

I also just realized that I have to start over because I'll miss the last mission which only triggers if you did every mission of every gang in Downtown.
I started a new game after I finished all missions for a gang so I don't have to put up with that big ass arrow all the time. I should've just burned all the money by saving the first time around. Oh well.

That gang ladder multiplayer thing sounds pretty fun but I was never quite a fan of multiplayer games.

>> No.5174813
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>want to collect some GTA badges, weapons and do some kill frenzies after the first mission so I have enough gear and money collected for a nice save
>end up going on for quite a while because it's fun
>stop at the Yakuza J-Lab for some more rocket launcher ammo
>walk backwards to get off the crates
>land on the foot of the other crates and glitch underground
>have to redo all the shit
You finally get into it and good again, then the game says fuck you and shoves a Suzie up your ass like this.

>> No.5174913

yeah it has some serious collision problems sometimes, especially if you fall on some kind of ledge.

>> No.5174927

Yep. Have had that happen to me multiple times. Another common one is somehow ending up inside some building or crate with no way to get out. Happens especially often near the car crushers since you have to jump a lot to get to the belt.
The only workaround is to save often.

>> No.5175247

gta 3 is a step down from this game besides being in third person, easily one of the best GTA titles.
Residental district because its fun as fuck glitching into the prison, also has the best gangs and overall just like the variety.
Electrogun, dual pistols or silenced machine gun
Z-Type or Furore GT (so glad they brought these two cars back into gta 5)
>Radio station
Don't remember the radio much.
elvis impersonators
Probably the mission you do for the rednecks where you intentionally get sent to jail and disguise as a prison guard, then cause a prison riot.

>> No.5175645

what does those gta symbols do anyway

>> No.5175658

I guess I'll be more careful and not dick around too much inbetween saves.

>Z-Type or Furore GT
Right about now the Wellard is my favorite. Sure, it got shitty armor but the speed and the way it controls are great fun.
Also just discovered that the spray'n'paint shops in gang controlled areas paint your car in the gangs color. That's cool.

>Each district of Anywhere, USA contains 50 hidden badges. Many badges are difficult to reach or find. When you collect all badges in a district, you will be rewarded with a bonuslevel. GTA2 badges are the first Hidden Packages of GTA.

>> No.5175668


>> No.5176115

>finish mission by parking vehicle in a garage
>get thrown on the curb and walk on the street to get a car
>some Schmidt driving motherfucker crashes into me
>lay on the road
>no worries, just a crash
>proceeds to drive a little forwards
Same mission, same outcome twice, even the same fucking car with different paintjob. Schmidt drivers must die!

>> No.5176623

>finish mission by parking vehicle in garage
>spawn inside the garage and get stuck
this shit always happens with that one mission in downtown

>> No.5176624

car bombing road blocks felt like an action flick

>> No.5177180

Haven't had that happen to me yet, finished all the missions except some Yakuza ones but now I dread that moment.

>> No.5178283


>> No.5178757

I really didn't get into the radio stations of the residential zone yet.
It was just too fun to listen to the Loonies Lithium FM station with the insane stuff of Spaz Funbags while driving over some peds on the way to a missions destination.
The map is also hell to memorize.

>> No.5180026


>> No.5181241

>Gang Car Bang mission
I just can't fucking finish it and when some guy in a video does it, it looks easy as fuck. I either get blown up in a car or burned by flamethrowers.
Also the rednecks coming with me don't have any weapons?

>> No.5181390

GTA3 could be a legit GTA only if you play it with the right camera angle

>> No.5181397

I wish Rockstar could make a new GTA in 2D
I like the 3D games, but the 2D ones are comfy as fuck.

>> No.5182468

I certainly wish they'd dig up that retrofuturistic setting again.

>> No.5182747

Does it fix the shaky camera that makes me puke now that I'm an adult?

>> No.5182884

what's different between the PSX and PC versions?

>> No.5182895

The PSX version has worse graphics and less stuff on the screen at once, trains and power ups are missing. But due to lesser spawns you have to kill fewer people in some missions.
There's probably a good comparison to find on Google or whatever.

>> No.5182896

psx version is set during daytime because the psx can't handle the lighting effects. iirc it doesn't have trains either. furthermore, the UI takes up to much of the game screen.

>> No.5182984

ehhh for those saying gta2 is 2d... gta2 IS A 3D GAME with top down perspective

you mean a slight movement of the car/camera (can't remember which) in some cars when you're driving fast?

too many, even the AI acts differently

>> No.5183008

it's a flat plane though, like the above view contra levels

>> No.5183012
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First time a video game made me sick. Weird thing is I didn't mind it at all as a child, couldn't play for more than 5 minutes now. I wish it had camera from the second game.

>> No.5183024

ah nope, I was talking about something else. That camera zooming in and out when you change your speed is always there, doesn't get me dizzy at all though.

>> No.5183054

So if I already have the Playstation version, is there any reason other than graphical upgrade to get the Dreamcast version? I keep finding mixed reports online about the differences.

>> No.5183061

>a flat plane
how can it be a flat plane when there are altitude levels that directly affect the physics of the game. Cars explode from falling, you die when you jump off buildings, the distance of throwing grenades is affected by altitude, the train travels on another level of altitude than traffic... wtf.

>> No.5183106
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Top kek.

>> No.5183119

Hol up.
There's something fucky with your respect. How did you get one so high without making another drop? Car crusher respect tokens?

>> No.5183131

Yeah, caused a little ruckus by one of the cranes in scientist territory right by the street.
I was hoping to get them all up because I was tired of getting shot to shit in missions, but for some reason only the scientists respect reacted. Also started to run the invincibility cheat.
Call me a scrub but it's more fun to me at this point. No idea how people got through Penal Ties regulary with all those other crooks beating your ass up, I always ended up wasted sooner or later and got fed up with it.

>> No.5183145

Each of the gangs has their own crane, and you get respect for the gang whose territory you do the crushing in.
Penal Ties is the prison mission, right? IIRC I did it by memorizing where I have to go, and then just ran as fast as you can. Took a few tries I think.

>> No.5183158

>Each of the gangs has their own crane, and you get respect for the gang whose territory you do the crushing in.
Must be different in the PSX version, saw a video of a guy who did the exact same thing at the exact same crane and all his respect got pushed up.

>Penal Ties is the prison mission, right?
Yeah, exactly. The guards seemed to be at different places every time, except for one right after getting the cop uniform and gun.
Really fun mission though, I wish I made a video of the cops nailing you as you enter the Billy Bean Liquor car, some gorgeous play with the lighting there.

>> No.5183272

Also what the fuck is with the Arachnid car? You can push bank vans around like they're toys, drive full speed and no car will stop you until you go up in flames.

>> No.5183489

This thread inspired me to give this game another go.
I'd forgotten how much fun it is to do the Loony missions, which is what I decided to start with. Blowing shit up left and right. Radio stations. Pizza places. Cop stations. J-Lab. The latter GTA's don't quite capture the insane mayhem as well as this game. I have to admit that GTA 5 is far superior cruising game if all you want to do is drive around, listen to the radio and watch stuff drift by.

>> No.5183523

you just have to shoot everyone during penal ties

also i hate that the alt key respawns prisoners

>> No.5184248

The first map really was a lot of fun. I had two whole radio stations I liked, the Loonies were just great as a gang. In the second map I have Taxi Drivers Must Die and maybe two other songs I like.
The comfy downtown setting with the crazy gangs was a good contrast.

I tried the mission multiple times with different approaches, I just couldn't nail it.

>> No.5184648
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>> No.5184659


>> No.5184676

So many great memories with this game

>> No.5184709


>> No.5184725

What's the best versions of GTA1 and 2, and if they're the PC versions anyone have a download?

>> No.5184819
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>Modder hasn't posted since 2015

>> No.5185130

gta max pack

>> No.5185823

I had a 5 minutes demo I played to death. You could do anything, finding the tank included, but the game closed after 5 minutes. I think I played it more than the full game that I got just some years after.

>> No.5185954

Camera zooms in and out too fast when stopped, so when hitting traffic, it can change height like crazy. Plus, the game really lacks minimap, strafing and/or mouse control. Hotline Miami scheme would be ideal, and IIRC it was already implemented in the likes of Take no prisoners and Mageslayer.
Looking back, i shouldn't have called those big flaws.

>> No.5186539
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>the game really lacks minimap, strafing and/or mouse control
>Hotline Miami scheme would be ideal
no, it would completely break the game's balance

why do people even wish for an originally good game to be completely different?

>> No.5186828

Watching the camera wobble in just this short webm makes me feel sick. How did they let that pass, even back then?

>> No.5187345

only big change i'd want is the ability to turn off the aim assist in GTA2

>> No.5187846

I remember my dad took me to target to get gta1 and a dualshock controller for ps1. We saw that there was a gta2 so he bought me that instead. I still have both. And this is still my favorite gta.

>> No.5188441

>strafing and/or mouse control
this lack is intended though. it imposes realistic vulnerability on the player. implementing these features would make the player ridiculously powerful compared to the other characters.

completely unecessary as the game encourages you to memorise landmarks and using them to navigate. a minimap would only serve as unrealistic handholding.

>> No.5190027

Besides what you mentioned, I find it very easy to memorize the maps. At least the first two, haven't been to the industrial district yet.
Thought the residential area would be hell to memorize from looking at the map, in downtown you had that big ass street rectangle right in the middle which helped a lot but nothing of that kind in residential.
But no problem after a few missions.

>> No.5190036

>putting all bad radio on trial it's judge and jury fanny jo styles

>> No.5190038

The sprites are truly flat with z offsets but the map is 2d textures on 3d grid

>> No.5190047

Little side note:
For GTA 2 on the PS1, if you plug in a second controller you can use it to modify each individual respect meter to your liking.

>> No.5190064
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The maps are entirely 3D.
Picture related (GTA 2 seems popular for porting attempts to other engines).

>> No.5190127

This is neat.

>> No.5190149

i'm sad this project was never updated, or that someone never at least made a simple doom map out of it

>> No.5191347

i wonder how the driving and collisions would even work in this

>> No.5191520

i love gta2 and have a youtube playlist that is nothing but this 10 hour loop of the menu theme.

pc version even had multiplayer, would play it a lot with my friend irl
also yeah i liked london 1969 a lot but gta2 is easily the best one and it would be nice to have a top down view spiritual successor.
>Residential District
>Ice Cream Van / Ice-Cream Truck
>"TAXI DRIVERS MUST DIE!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbIFx1u8jzc
>All of them, but probably Ziabatsu or Loonies
>Claude Speed, of course. If that doesn't count, then Trey Welsh
>"I'm bored, so I'm starting a gang war!"

>> No.5191959

Just looked for a video of all the weapon pickup announces, a shame apparently nobody has done it. Wanted to ask you guys for the favorite.
Honestly they're all great but I really like grenades, rocket launcher, molotov cocktail and machine gun.

>> No.5192051


>> No.5192084

i really do love the way the guy says rocket launcher and machine gun

>> No.5192085
File: 46 KB, 560x432, hahaha_oh_why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no HD transfer of the original 35mm material

>> No.5192138

The announcer in GTA2 gives me some interesting vibes. The way he announces your actions and the applause on your entrance and mission success creates a futuristic TV show feel similar to Smash TV. I guess this ties neatly with the implied 'very-near-future-dystopian' aesthetic.

>> No.5192243

Thats fucking neato. Always wondered where the screenshots of the game menus came from. Also that guy looks like the dude from gta3.

>> No.5192539

maybe in 2019

oh wait they don't care about this game anymore

>> No.5193080

it don't matter
when we get there
the fun just started at the side of the road

it's the same dude, they at least share a first name

>> No.5194351

That's a neat thought. It does feel like a TV show with the cam following you from above.

>> No.5194441

gta 2 was the fucking bomb.
but have u guys played PAYBACK?

also, best song in the game was made by a guy who is as crazy as the universe gta2 is set in:

>> No.5194590

Sorry but that looks and sounds like shit

>> No.5194610

I've been trying to find the Amiga version to emulate for years now.

>> No.5194761

That looks like GTA1 on some crazy Loony drug.

>> No.5194770

didn't they actually name the camera system the "OJ cam" in the manual for the first game?

>> No.5194778

Apparently, the GTA wiki says so.
>In the manuals of the first two games, it is called 'OJ Cam'.
Very cool find, man. Just laughed my ass off, how much better can this game get?

>> No.5194935

Love the game. 3 and onwards just doesn't feel the same, the exception being Chinatown Wars, which feels more like old GTA than not.

I also love the driving in this game. It feels a bit like playing Micro Machines.

>> No.5195584
File: 1.67 MB, 1024x576, 049494139105.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insane stunt bonus worthy.

>> No.5195765

I think there's a quasi remake turned into a battle royale on steam

>> No.5196224

I think there was a patch to change it from 5 mins to unlimited

>> No.5196250

Never knew Amiga had poly 3D games

>> No.5196263

Is anybody able to upload their save file if they've unlocked all the areas? They seem to be hard to find on Google.

>> No.5196264

For GTA2

>> No.5196269

This one I guess?

>> No.5196278
File: 78 KB, 758x768, R-8U684IqlpZd748OaykYDWFte6QdVRBa-R8MHjdDrs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! You're a good person

>> No.5196290
File: 60 KB, 625x350, Metro-Head-625x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5196293

No problem.

>> No.5196449
File: 147 KB, 1024x576, WOOPWOOP.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5197605

just another power machine on the freeway

>> No.5197898
File: 22 KB, 460x276, Ron-Howard-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what Mods are good for this? It's been years since I played this so I've forgotten with age. Was it much of a mod scene? I vaguely recall liking those level mods that were just giant islands with ramps and shit where you'd just jump tanks and cars.

>> No.5197937

I was looking for something too but only found maps, vehicle replacements and so on. Would've loved something like running around as Doomguy in a Doom style map with demons or whatever.
Apparently this one isn't too bad:
>Block Fort Frag Meme is one of the craziest mods with rainbow explosions and many weird things: http://gta2dare.omnitude.net/maplist/list....map=bff-meme.7z
But so far I'm pretty happy with just the widescreen patch and that gta2.reg "powerpatch".

>> No.5200106

Do you respected people play with GOREFEST on or off? I find the effect neat but sometimes I forget to input two codes at the start.

>> No.5200186
File: 131 KB, 672x691, 05461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always typed it in, until I recently found that gta2.reg "powerpatch". It gives you a neat debug tab in the manager, pic related.