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File: 51 KB, 1280x720, redhead redemption.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5167802 No.5167802 [Reply] [Original]

>finally at the end of this beautiful game, Dino Crisis 2
>Dylan is trapped in the collapsing building alongside what appears to be his own daughter
>camera pans on Regina, who is at one foot from the teleporter, with a smirk printed in her face
>"Why don't you swing your precious machete around?"
>she laughs her ass off like a fucking looney tunes or something, all while she happily goes back alone to her space and time
way to kill the game at the very last minute of it. seriously Capcom wtf you're a bunch of asses

>> No.5167808
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Also Dino Crisis thread i guess

>> No.5167858

>Dino Crisis
There's your mistake. The franchise only has one good game.

>> No.5167862
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Imagine believing this.

>> No.5167865

Dino Crisis 2 is a mindless shooting game.

>> No.5167870

Yeah but it's fun

>> No.5167941

Dino Crisis 2 is better than the horribly designed Dino Crisis 1. It's like Resident Evil with all the good parts taken out and is only praised cuz "MUH HARDCOR CRED/SKILL XD"

>> No.5167948

DC isn't any harder than RE and doesn't have this reputation either. Stop shitposting.

>> No.5167957

I always thought dino crisis 2 was miles better than dino crisis 1

>> No.5167958

Both games are awesome in their own right.

>> No.5167960
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This is correct.

Anyone who says DC1 sucks is wrong. Anyone who says DC2 sucks is wrong. And anyone who says DC has more than 2 games in the series is lying.

Meeting adjourned.

>> No.5168358

now, that's not entirely fair, anon
dino stalker was a decent railshooter

>> No.5168480
File: 96 KB, 640x480, Dino Crisis 2 (USA)-181114-045053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing I love about this kind of games is being able to examine the environment and get nice descriptions.
So i don't like that DC2, with it's fast paced combat, has a such a clear distinction between areas where you're free to look around for clues and are full of points to examine and areas which serve as arenas to fight dinosaurs, practically devoid of all that flavor text. The prerendered backgrounds look amazing tho.

>> No.5168483

you usually can examine things in dinosaur fighting areas, but the areas are almost all in the jungle so there's not much to examine, save for the non-jungle bits

>> No.5168495

pro tip OP, the cliffhanger is resolved in Dino Stalker, the light gun game for the ps2.

>> No.5168661
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These games remind me of Primeval

>> No.5168663

it's a shame dino stalker's just a lightgun game, and not even a very good one at that

>> No.5168679
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Exactly this.
Dino Crisis 2 is an excellent game, shitted only by Resident Evil purists who want their survival horror(s) written with a stencil. I mean, you're finally in the right dino hunting setting: a verdant jungle full with those big ass reptiles. This without renouncing on destroyed towns, hyper-technological bases and so on. So, the common complaint would be the action approach; listen to me, what truly ruins a game is, among other factors, the novelty elements in the wrong proportions (see Dino Crisis 3, though this one was messed up for plenty of reasons), and this successor right here (Dino Crisis 2) had their novelties perfectly combined with the traditional stuff. It's truly a no-brainer, if you aren't blinded by nostalgia or by other means, you'll like this chapter, even more than its great predecessor. sorry for any typos, i'm not a native speaker

>> No.5168683
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>> No.5168684

yeah and the good one is 2 faggot

>> No.5168685
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>> No.5168687
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If you didn't play Resident Evil 3 with the Regina costume i don't know what to say to you...

>> No.5168695
File: 1.71 MB, 354x314, 2018-10-28_16-24-49.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like jill's skanky cop outfit and all but
I can't NOT play as regina

>> No.5168705
File: 1.09 MB, 356x208, 2018-10-21_13-06-08.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honesty, if I had to choose between DC1 and 2, I don't know if I could
at first, I thought dino crisis 1 was boring as shit, but a few years ago I replayed it and realized, DC1 was actually one of, if not the best horror games ever made
then DC2 I loved even as a kid, it was just the right amount of fun, combined with all the cool backgrounds and the cutscenes, it was just a fucking rad game

I think dino criis 3's biggest flaw was that it tried to stick with dino crisis 2's spawn system where each camera angle change spawns enemies, and combined with you jetpacking around, it was a goddamn mess
if you rereleased 3 with a proper camera, it'd probably be amazing

>> No.5168715
File: 407 KB, 707x1260, regina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best redhead ever

>> No.5168785

You're not wrong.

>> No.5168807
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>> No.5168885
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I don't know man, i don't think something as simple as different camera angles would save that game... It's true that i'm a little biased over here because i didn't actually play it and only saw a couple of gameplay videos, but you know... The non-dinosaurs in space is a bit too much even for me, especially if i can't even kick their asses with Regina or Dylan... But that's far from the issue, Dino Crisis 3 could've been anything and it would still suck if compared to the previous titles, that set the bar way too high, let alone the fact that said titles had already established a plotline too difficult to retcon, imho.

>> No.5168914

it was originally gonna be something else but, allegedly, they had to scrap the plans because of 9/11

>> No.5168924

I thought this was bait, but there's actually some kind of proof about that on the internet. That's a shame, because the original idea was simple yet very nice if we count what could've been built around it.

>> No.5169279
File: 77 KB, 700x509, this is my new fetish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those lasers never stopped being satisfying.

>> No.5169510

Man what is it about grey suits that makes them so hot?

>> No.5169945

every now and then I notice her weird crossdraw holster
how un-tactical of regina

>> No.5170320

>raptor just keeps jumping into laser
>'lol these guys are fucking dumb'
>raptors will also follow you through certain rooms

>> No.5170341


Given the nature of lizard eyes, I wonder if they could even see the beams

>> No.5170423 [SPOILER] 
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Friendly reminder: he died for our sins

>> No.5170431


He deserved better.

>> No.5170438

>saves you multiple times throughout the game, including in the beginning
truly the barry of dino crisis

also, how come regina ditched the M16 she had in the intro cutscene? that was silly of her

>> No.5170462

I've watched a playthrough of DC3 to figure out what's wrong with it anyway. These are my observations.

>Tank controls and fixed angles camera, now with vertical movement too. It seemed to be extremely cumbersome. 80% of the time, the player was shooting at something off-screen.
>The setting is a derelict space station, but it utter lacks any "living" areas, places that indicate that people one day lived there. There are no cafeterias, bedrooms, bathrooms or recreation areas, only grey corridors and even more corridors, with a machinery or reactor room here and there. It's all cold and sterile and identical to each other. Did I mention that it's all completely empty? You won't see as much as a chair or a table laying around.
>The boss fights are all long and extremely boring, as all of them are massive damage sponges. It takes forever to kill them, and god forbid you die and have to start the fight over (and it's easy to die).

Overall, I could see why it was so terrible

>> No.5170465

it's a shame, too
the concept was neat and the characters look nice

>> No.5170504
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Not the anon you replied to, but i would've gladly preferred the original idea of the dinosaurs going loose in the present day in the present cities due to the happenings of the previous title. Not only it makes sense, but it's actually a good point from which they could've built a nice gameplay, maybe with DC1 types of landscapes but with the gunplay and extinction points from DC2. and while we're at it, a new playable character helped by a grown up, milf version of Regina just joking, have another picture of her.

>> No.5170513

>no paula/mommy regina dino crisis

I wonder if those hundreds of rumors about dino crisis coming back were at least a little true

>> No.5170521

They changed because of 9/11, didn't they?

>> No.5170524

If Capcom will resume this serie it will either be
>1. Remakes
>2. The final chapter that ultimately kills the franchise for good.
But maybe i'm just very biased regarding nu-games and that's all. I just don't see a Dino Crisis 4 capturing the same good old style; with gorgeous pre-rendered graphics, simple yet fun gameplay and all the other details that made great those titles. I think that they would go for a generic TPS with high 3D polys a la RE4...

>> No.5170526 [DELETED] 

Like he says >>5168914 it's unfortunately the case. Here's a website in moonrunes http://www.itmedia.co.jp/games/gsnews/0105/17/news04.html starting from the third picture they talk about DC3 and its fate

>> No.5170531

Unfortunately, yes. As much as i won't understand it, i could see why they made such a choice. Even a Spiderman title had the same fate with a level totally remade because of it, but there are probably many other cases.

>> No.5170553

Dc forces a lot more ammo management than RE does, item noxes are locked, there's no melee weapon to fall back on when out of ammo, the handgun is often totally useless, also, the dart creation system, while iseful, takes a lot of trial and error for the non hard ore fan.

Adding to that, it's more linear than RE, because you rarely just explore and figure shit out, and the game always tells you where to go next. It's literally:
>RE with all the good parts taken out, but harder for muh epic le gaymur cred.

I mean, it's not ultra hard, but a noob who doesn't know where plugs are, or how to effectively make darts can fuck themselves easily and find it hard as balls.

>> No.5170567

This is a topic that's debateable, to an extent.

The difference is that DC1 has a lot of elements shoved in, making it fun for a more hardcore survival horror purist, but a pain in the ass for new comers.

DC2 is simpler, but has that nice sliding difficulty scale. So the better you are, the harder the game pushes back. Its also impossible to permanently fuck yourself in DC2, and the gameplay was designed to be pure fun.
But said survival horror purists will probably get bored.

Personally, even as a purist, I find DC2 to be the better game. But on the same note, it's kinda like comparing REmake to RE4. A situation where I see REmake as the better game...

>> No.5170598

honestly, I'd have to say DC is probably the best survival horror game out there
it's like if RE1 amped up the bullshit on the puzzles and made every enemy a hunter

>> No.5170631

The puzzles of DC are also much more complex than those of RE.

>> No.5171161
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>but a pain in the ass for new comers.

I remember when that wasn't an issue. Hard games certainly have their audience today, but it's always in some Dark Souls bullshit kind of way where the niche audience thinks their bigshots or special instead of it just being the norm.

>> No.5171165

god i want regina to sit on my face

>> No.5171191

all of us want it

>> No.5172187

>raptor keeps jumping into lasers
>laughs at lol these guys are so dumb

>> No.5172193


>Raptor does a Muttly laugh

>> No.5172195

Of course it has that reputation. A lot of people I see talking about it always mention the fact that they needed a guide to play it

>> No.5172263

truly, raptors ARE just as if not more intelligent than humans

>> No.5172448
File: 58 KB, 310x155, Anti-Tank_Rifle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*best weapon coming through*

>> No.5172780

>not the blueball launcher, destroy of allosaurs
>not the machine gun immediately after you get it when it oneshots those longneck bastards in the water

>> No.5172810
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>> No.5174184

man, finding out that PSM had this huge obsession with dino crisis was the best
god bless PSM, what a fun magazine

>> No.5174196
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I still got some old issues kicking around. They loved the shit out of DC, man. Any excuse to bring it up. It was great. dem swimsuit issues

>> No.5174282

I only had a few issues from about 2003-04, but I recently got a bunch of issues from 98-01 and I gotta say, PS1-era PSM was great
I loved all the cover arts they had

>> No.5175787

man, survival horror fans really are one of the must angry and pissy fanbases
and I say this as a huge survival horrorfag

>> No.5176446 [SPOILER] 
File: 457 KB, 630x835, 1542931775146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has someone ever noticed that Regina is literally the adult version of her?


>> No.5176448


That's stupid and you're a moron.

>> No.5176469

>found the juvenile furfag newfag

>> No.5176926

It's funny, I'm currently replaying the first one

Well, it's a harder RE, at least for the puzzles, great atmosphere, great soundtrack, lack of different dinos but DC 2 corrects it

Really hope Capcom plans to revive the series, it's a damn shame we didn't have a real sequel to DC 2

>> No.5176932


Capcom can't even manage their bread and butter series. I hope they keep this series forgotten. Id rather just be content with the two and half than see the series paraded around the modern era.

>> No.5178016

I agree. It's better if it remains as it is instead of trying and milking even more this poor serie, with all the new trends in videogames like cinematics, easy gameplay, QTEs and so on.

>> No.5178024

>that perfectly moulded
>kydex holster

>> No.5178189

>regina will never mozambique drill you
why bother living honestly

>> No.5179160
File: 1.18 MB, 787x1181, 19577_-_dino_crisis_regina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regina > Jill > Other Capcom girls

>> No.5179172
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>> No.5179192


>> No.5180565

How come the fmvs of both dino crisis are superior to the fmvs of all the ps1 RE games? The shot of the t rex growling at the moon is silent hill 2 fmv tier

>> No.5180862

I wouldn't say they're superior, but they WERE both released around and after RE3's release, so technology was better
I mean, SH2 was like a year or two after DC2, after all

>> No.5181336

Man Dino Crisis 2 was and still is the perfect counterargument for the "tank controls are unplayable" arguments. What a comfy-ass combo making action game.
>tfw I still want to fuck Regina after all these years
Hurry up with the customizable sexbots already, Japan.

>> No.5181508 [SPOILER] 
File: 325 KB, 558x322, 1543179290152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've found some pretty good shit regarding Dino Crisis on rule34 xxx

>> No.5183093

that model looks really bad, not gonna lie to you

>> No.5183186

I've seen worse, but you aren't wrong.

>> No.5183231

This. The DC2 is awesome part, not the sexbot thing... though that would be neat too. I would just get a Claire from RE2 one, personally.

But anyway, DC2 is truely awesome, and once you get good, and start getting huge no damage bonuses all the time, the game gets harder, having more raptors spawn, usually closer to you and act more aggressively. Which makes things even more fun, honestly.
Eventually, if you kill lile 20 taptors in a single area, they send out the big guns in the form of super raptors that just fuck your shit up. That's less fun, but still neat.

The only bad part is that once you're that good, you end up having everything in the shop, tons of ammo on all weapons and nothing but top tier healing items. Which ultimately takes a lot of challenge away, but whatever.
Continuously getting big no damage bonuses is the main challenge of the game anyway.

One of my favorite things to do is kill an alosaur as regina with just the handhun with no damage. It can get rough, but the no damage bonus is like 15000 the first time you do it. Good shit.

One of my all time favorite games.