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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5159846 No.5159846 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: games literally only you have played

>> No.5159929
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Gateworld (Dos)

>> No.5159937

Oh oh, I used to play, that was one of my first arcade experience.

>> No.5159940

someone made a pc version of radikal bikers, if you didn't know

>> No.5159961

There was a PS version as well but it was even shittier than the original iirc

>> No.5159979

I've played that. I hate that you had to be pretty much on the edge of the screen before it started scrolling, ended up dying too much and quit after a few levels.

>> No.5160128

>games literally only you have played
Did you make a game and never released it to the public? If you played a game someone else made, then you weren't the only one to play it. Next time don't be retarded and use the word "literally" without the actual definition. Just kill yourself you fucking dumb ass waste of space. This board would be a better place without you shitting it all up with this garbage.

>> No.5160134

the term literally has lost all meaning in the modern world, like faggot, you faggot
getting riled up about words in the internet is so 90s

>> No.5160164

You're making an unfair assumption; that anon might in fact be a faggot

>> No.5160167

The game I made on PS1 RPG maker. Literally only I have played it.

>> No.5160180
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>> No.5160213
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Zombies on the TRS-80 Model II.

I ported it in BASIC from an original on the VAX/VMS minicomputer he worked on back in the mid-80s. Technically he played it too but I can guarantee nobody else did.

>> No.5160217

"He" being my dad.

Sorry, hasty rewrite went tits up.

>> No.5160471

I just remember liking the way it looked. Had an eerie feel. Bought the game entirely based on the screenshots on the back of the box.

>> No.5160596

this but smashing drive instead

it's basically the same game

>> No.5161223


>> No.5161292
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>> No.5161535

pretty well known game anon

>> No.5161582
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anyone else fuck with vectorman?

>> No.5161727
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PC game I barely remember as a kid but I do remember loving it.

>> No.5161728
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One of the most unpleasant games.

>> No.5161743


>> No.5161760

We just had a thread about this one.

>> No.5161761


I remember that one. The game over screen used to creep me the fuck out as a kid.

>> No.5161778


I fuck with vectorman and vectorman 2

>> No.5161813

actually you have to write the game without testing it otherwise it's technically been played. games literally no one has ever played are the ones from every "ohaiguise imma make le retro gaem how lrn2lrn2?"

>> No.5162773
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I ported this to an old Nokia phone. Does that count?

>> No.5162780

Boss. Pictures?

>> No.5162843
File: 35 KB, 400x300, feedingfrenzy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeding Frenzy. I remember playing the 2nd one a ton.

>> No.5163176

Nobody talks about it so I'm fucking posting it

>> No.5163248


I got to play the arcade version of Radikal Bikers, once. It was in an arcade at a movie theater. The arcade game had the handlebar stand up arcade cabinet and it was distributed by Atari.

The game is like some weird Sega-inspired version of Road Rash with Pizza Bikers. Interestingly the arcade game came out a year before Crazy Taxi. Also the music in Radikal Bikers is this weird original '90s pop-punk with lyrics.It was all made for the game.


>> No.5163253

I loved Radikal Bikers.

>> No.5163316
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No you didn't, you just loved the idea of it

>> No.5164779

This game was fun. It was like crazy taxi from what I remember

>> No.5164803

literally shut the fuck up

>> No.5164818
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>> No.5164828

You'd be surprised at how common Smashin Drive arcade machines are. I still bump into them pretty often when traveling.

>> No.5164915
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>> No.5165014

seconded, reeeee in hell spergfag

>> No.5165024

Nah, it's an earlier game and the maps are basically linear. It would have been fun to have a sequel based around pizza delivery again, but instead they made the Smashing Drive to ape on the success of CT

>> No.5165141


Kek. Forgot to take your pills this morning.

>> No.5165257
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>> No.5165276

Literally has been used enough time incorrectly that the definition is now hyperbolic use of figuratively. Dictionaries also state this now.

>> No.5165287
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I was probably the only kid on the playground playing this, my degenerate gambler grandfather got it for me from his yearly trips to Vegas in the gift shop.

>> No.5165303

Professional Underground League of Pain

>> No.5165417

please, this game is literally in every arcade center of Italy

I know it by heart

>> No.5165419

>even shittier

The original is A M A Z I N G

but yes I can confirm that the ps1 version is absolute and unexplainable garbage

>> No.5165695
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No shit? Here in America, it's one of those games that you'll only find in small gamerooms that haven't updated their game lineup in decades.

>> No.5167694
File: 38 KB, 1024x576, monty-python-the-meaning-of-life-pc-big-box-content.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game, it was pretty shit.

>> No.5167804

quite honestly the best game title i've ever seen

>> No.5168550

played it on arcade a lot

>> No.5168552

the Holy Grail game was absolute madness though

>> No.5168564

And it's ridiculous. I study for what then, if some faggot Americans are going to ruin the meaning of words.

Even worse, it's slowly happening in my native language too, when did people ever decide to collectively become retarded, I wonder.

Regardless, if someone ever uses that word incorrectly in real life, I will just appear to be confused and then point out "oh I see, you don't actually mean literally, the word is wrong, oh okay" or anything like that so they can look like an ass.

Fuck people being retarded on purpose, they know the word is wrong.

>> No.5168654

>not playing wonder momo in an arcade

>> No.5168745
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Bought this as a teenager, prerendered point and click and FMV nostalgia, didn't know how to fucking win it

>> No.5168760

thank you

last time i tried to emulate Radikal Bikers i don't think it was supported yet.. or maybe i didn't know what i was doing

>> No.5169073
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>> No.5169091

It was included on a Sega compilation for the PSP.

>> No.5169126

>What is hyperbole

>> No.5169135

Hell yeah. Vector man ruled. I'm pretty sure this game was actually pretty popular back in the day.

>> No.5169281

thats the correct way to deal with people who use words wrong because they dont want to learn their language.

>> No.5169304
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how the fuck did games like this get programmed without the enitre dev team having an existential crisis and blowing their brains out?

>> No.5169336

Yeah it sucks nuts that language evolves. Only a few hundred years ago us current day intellectual English masters would be considered fucking retarded as fuck comparatively. Like, literally literally retarded as fuck, bro.

>> No.5169351

languages are constantly evolving. the internet accelerates the process. deal with it, faggot

>> No.5169635
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I liked it.

>> No.5169656


>> No.5169673
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Unreleased fighting game that I found on a forgotten brazilian demo magazine.

>> No.5170357
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>> No.5170376

le language envolves xD
le langugage evolution xd
le u luddite

Eat shit and die, I hate this fucking nonsense. Yes, language changes and evolves, SYNTAX MOSTLY, SEMANTICS LAST.

However "man", "woman" or "house" was written two fucking thousand years ago in Anglo-Saxon barbarian gibberish, their meaning is still the same, man means, woman means woman, house means house.

"Literally" should mean "literally" no matter how it is written.

This stupid, retarded, stock, scripted NPC "le langage evolutions" IS WRONG, IT'S RETARDED, IT'S CHILDISH, IT'S MORONIC AND EROSIVE.

NO, most words DO NOT change their meaning through "langage evolooshon". That is objectively wrong. It's a DUMB excuse for tolerating the destruction of semantics. And if people like you had you way, then yes, we would be dumber, even less cultured and more backwards. I bet you also don't believe in "rules and the system in general bro, and borders and stuff bro, it's all keeping everyone down bro...".

Fuck you.

>> No.5170414

Where’s your peer reviewed linguistics paper demonstrating the non-malleability of the English language? I’d be interested in reading it. Hopefully it’s more convincingly argued than whatever the fuck this brainlet tier autistic screech is supposed to be.

>> No.5170428
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Literally this game is so obscure I had to email the creator to get a copy.

>> No.5170476

wew reddit rationalwiki tier post friend, full of shit and all.

Where do you suppose one could possibly find a peer reviewed study showing that words magically change meaning every couple of years?

It doesn't exist, shitbag. The reason is obvious.

>> No.5170487


There was a game called Amotrak on the Artari / Amiga, can anyone find it?

>> No.5170523

I'm sorry this fucks with your worldview, but they are right. Every language on earth has changed with time, and English is no exception.

The easiest example of this is the transformation of the meaning of "gay," which as you well know used to be used as "happy." Same with "queer," which used to equate to "strange." I only picked these because they had so many comedy sketches about this evolution in the '90s, so you'd probably understand. But there are limitless examples of such.

I'd recommend you not get so riled up over something you don't seem to know anything about, just because you don't like it. Your lack of education is both staggering and glaring from your posts.

>> No.5170713

Yeah, but have you played the unreleased GBC port?
It's pretty good.

>> No.5171152

It's obvious semantics change, dipshit, I pointed that out.
It's completely different.
Name one example of opposites swapping meaning.
Hot is now cold, throttle is brake, left is right...it's ridiculous.

And regardless, we now have better communications. There is NO REASON why this mistake should be permitted. Anyone who uses figuratively meaning the exact opposite deserves to be mocked.

>> No.5171369
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DX-ball is by far the best breakout clone.

>> No.5171987


Galeco is a pretty interesting developer from Spain. They tried to be like Namco and Sega when it came to arcade games, and they did develop their own arcade hardware. Radikal Bikers was one of their most successful arcade games globally. Smashing Drive too.

I remember the game "Speed Up" being kinda neat in the arcades:


>> No.5171996

Smashing Drive is, by far, their most common arcade game in the states. Tokyo Cop isn't too rare, either.

>> No.5172261

We get you need to believe your humanities major is worth shit, but in the real world Language isn't a mystical phorce you're entitled to champion. It's a fucking compromise for communication; that means if enough people are wrong about something in it, then they may automatically become right.

Anyway, more than 3 meltdowns per thread is a bit much even for /vr/. Do consider starting another thread about how Adventure of Link is your favorite Zelda or something if you need to vent

>> No.5172875
File: 240 KB, 800x1145, zen-intergalactic-ninja-nes-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a kid this was my favourite nes game

>> No.5173164
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No one loves this sequel. But everyone sucks Taylor's dick for the first one

>> No.5174275
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Apart from a friend whom I've played it with when growing up, I've never knew a person who knows this game.