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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 118 KB, 1024x768, Starsiege Tribes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5157773 No.5157773 [Reply] [Original]

I wasted my youth on jerpergers and I never got to experience the fast moving action, the thrill of facing human competition, playing custom maps, and bonding with clanmates on ICQ after a match.

It fucking hurts.

>> No.5157809

most of those people had aspergers or were influenced by cynical anti-religious 80s/90s SF literature and films so there was a lot of fedora tipping before anyone knew how insufferable it was or called it that, if you know what I mean

>> No.5157838

I dunno what you want. It was a fucking blast when it was good.

A lot of servers ran shitty mods that removed skill, like laser mines that automatically shoot the closest enemy.

Base and LT, and arena were the best. LT removed base assets and spawned you with light armor, energy pack, disc, chain, and grenade launcher. Arena was an arena, really wide map selection, a lot of enclosed areas, and some open. Everyone on your team spawns, go and kill the other team. when one team wins, next round. best 5 out of 7 I think then a new map.

I think he's trolling? I don't remember much about the community except everyone loved to talk about how drunk/high they were, and they were one of the first to meme all your base are belong to us.

There was also a great soundpack floating around from team 5150 and it had all the best pop culture movie quips in it. and people got really good at the built in tribes barks.

afaik, they still have pickup games once a week, but you're literally not a good enough player to join the game. They won't pick you unless they think you're a smurf with someone else or something.

The thrill of human competition was amazing, especially in duel servers. Like if you had a good matchup it was amazing fun. If it was a bad matchup, it was fun for a little bit, then miserable as you pwn a guy that's not as good as you, and has no chance killing you. It's quite surprising. You'll go 10 to 9 points or somehting against one guy. Then you fight a different guy, and you go 20-1 or 20-0. He just can't touch you because you're so much better, and there's not raelly any random chance or environmental edge he can get to beat you.

>> No.5157872


nigga wat.

what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.5157874 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 625x400, Halo's penitence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking zoomer child trying to LARP as an oldtimer.

Take it from someone who was there.
Oldschool FPS games were godly and engaged the player in spiritual warfare against demons (Doom), saracens (Counter Strike), and judaics (Halo). Even the Japanese got in on the action with their rail shooter Sin and Punishment.
For crying out loud there's a flippin cross atop the building in OP's pic.

Repent and be saved.

>> No.5157879 [DELETED] 

Fucking zoomer child trying to LARP as an oldtimer.

Take it from someone who was there.
Oldschool FPS games were godly and engaged the player in spiritual warfare against demons (Doom), saracens (Counter Strike), and jews (Halo). Even the Japanese got in on the action with their rail shooter Sin and Punishment.
For crying out loud there's a flippin cross atop the building in OP's pic.

Repent and be saved.

>> No.5157881 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 625x400, Halo's penitence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking zoomer child trying to LARP as an oldtimer.

Take it from someone who was there.
Oldschool FPS games were godly and engaged the player in spiritual warfare against demons (Doom), saracens (Counter Strike), and judaics (Halo). Even the Japanese got in on the action with their rail shooter Sin and Punishment.
For crying out loud there's a flippin cross atop the building in OP's pic.

Repent and be saved.

>> No.5157883

You know, trash like Final Faggotry and Chrono Nigger.

>> No.5157884 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 625x400, Halo's penitence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking zoomer child trying to LARP as an oldtimer.

Take it from someone who was there.
Oldschool FPS games were godly and engaged the player in spiritual warfare against demons (Doom), saracens (Counter Strike), and jews (Halo). Even the Japanese got in on the action with their rail shooter Sin and Punishment.
For crying out loud there's a flippin cross atop the building in OP's pic.

Repent and be saved.

>> No.5157891 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and against the most evil group of people of all time - nazis

>> No.5157896
File: 2.80 MB, 500x282, MinorImpressionableFlycatcher-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tribes was the best. It killed other FPS games for me and then nothing better ever came along to really replace it.

>> No.5157929
File: 198 KB, 480x360, tribes killer turret.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was the first multiplayer FPS I played, didn't get into competitive FPS and clans until Wolfenstein Enemy Territory but that's not /retro/. Tribes was very moddable, you had your client side mods which were mostly macros and HUD mods and your mandatory ski script. Server side mods offered some variety like alternate weapons >>5157838 mentioned or novelty game modes like "football" or paintball. The bigger maps were the ones I had most fun with. You could take a transport ship and load it with guys on heavy armour for a coordinated attack against the enemy base.

>> No.5157930 [DELETED] 

lol islam is way worse than the nazis

>> No.5157941 [DELETED] 

Yeah, just ignore all the statistics proving you otherwise.

>> No.5157968 [DELETED] 

you mean like 14 centuries of war and billions of deaths rapes and enslavement

>> No.5157971 [DELETED] 

>triggered nigger

>> No.5157980 [DELETED] 


>> No.5157982 [DELETED] 

Good goyim.

>> No.5158130

He means jarpigs.

>> No.5158134

I liked the bigger maps as well, along with large servers when I could find them. Being part of a massive 40 player capture the flag match with all that Tribes craziness still hasn't been topped in my opinion. Not even Tribes 2, as awesome as it was ever quite lived up to it.

>> No.5158137

>Free version of RTCW
>RTCW released in 2001
>Uses Quake 3 engine
>graphics were meh

Retro enough honestly, we allow day of defeat here.

>> No.5158187

japanese erp aspergers

>> No.5158861
File: 508 KB, 700x827, hdgfhgf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It fucking hurts.

I know, right? I too wasted my youth on computer games and it pains me to know I'll never get that back.

Quite frequently I hear the sentiment that the finding of a girlfriend, the first taste of sex or just the general acceptance into a social circle that doesn’t just loiter in the chasm of gaming and obscurity would be the elixir that eradicates every atom of anguish inside of you. I cannot help but question if all of us are fully aware of how deep our wounds truly are.

Those crucial developmental years. Times we wished we’d spent basking in validation from peers, jovially attending party after party and sharing a kiss with your crush under a crystal moonlight. Well those were times we spent under the whip hand of normies and in front of the blind eye of the stacies we so fervently lusted after. For every bird perched upon a lush canopy, there are a million cockroaches roving aimlessly in the sewers below and as we asphyxiate on the putrid stench and try to break free, we are only met with mouths that vituperate us and feet that stamp on us.

So on lazar stairs we implore people to give us the love and validation we have been craving but instead of receiving the water to quench your eternal thirst, you receive a death warrant with your name on it, and you look up to see your fellow comrade in inceldom as he welcomes you to hell and your eyes are at last opened to the flames that engulf you, the flames that incinerate every trace of hope but never grant you death.

>> No.5158868
File: 398 KB, 800x531, dgfhdgfhgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here we are endlessly singing the anthems of the damned in unison and proudly displaying every scab, burn, cut, bruise and scar on our tormented bodies as trophies. But supposing one day that we are plucked from the 10th circle of hell and placed among the golden streets of heaven. The utopian phantasm that occupied our minds finally becoming a reality. Would we finally find peace?

Truth is that we would be limping through the verdant meadows of paradise island, our tongues too laden with burns to enjoy the ambrosial fruits of heaven. People will warmly greet us with open arms but we understand not what they say for we only know the language of the damned. Even the soft touch of the seraphic maiden causes blisters to emerge from your scalded hands. You begin to wonder whether it’s better to be a citizen in sulphur than to be a stranger by pearly gates.

We can looksmax all we want and some of us may very well have the capacity to become the Chad we always dreamed of being. But one thing none of us can do is to make the clocks tick the other way. Time is priceless and it truly destroys you inside when you think about how much of it was spent in misery and solitude until you are numb. Anaesthetised. Our book of memories is as barren as basedshaman’s head. We can never get back our formative years, they are forever lost and we will forever be scarred by it. Wounds heal but scars are permanent and that is one of the toughest blackpills to swallow.

How long can we look up to the sky waiting for the rainbow until we finally realise that it’s just a futile spectrum of light?

>> No.5158873

>final faggotry
>continues to be gay as fuck in the current year
False advertisement.

>> No.5158876

Ahaha... Yeah.

>> No.5158883
File: 63 KB, 500x375, anime salvation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quite frequently I hear the sentiment that the finding of a girlfriend, the first taste of sex or just the general acceptance into a social circle that doesn’t just loiter in the chasm of gaming and obscurity would be the elixir that eradicates every atom of anguish inside of you
If only that were true.

>> No.5159234

>jovially attending party after party and sharing a kiss with your crush under a crystal moonlight.
nothanks that sounds gay as hell

>> No.5159239

tribes was amazing. until tribes 2 showed up and killed it

>> No.5159407

Tribes was a lot of fun. Things were relatively balanced and it made it that much better if you were playing with friends etc the modes were entertaining

This and Delta Force 1 were the first real big multiplayer games I remember

>> No.5159428

i remember going into internet cafes with friends and stacking up in CS & UT 2004.

shit was pretty cash.

>playing custom maps
i always felt that they were a mixed bag.

sometimes you get something that's better than the official maps but alot of times you get something that's shit or is too ambitious for the engine (vehicle maps in CS).

also fuck those fucking faggots that make you download the entire Q3A soundboard everytime you wanna join the server.

>> No.5159459

What did you not like about Tribes 2? The mod community was never as strong but I still had a lot of fun with it.

>> No.5159525
File: 122 KB, 419x384, 1494302675279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a good one

>> No.5159574

Also, lots of people screaming at laggers to leave and accusing others of using hacks. It was honestly shit if you didn't play with friends.

>> No.5159581


>> No.5159584

I always soloed or played witg my one friend. Was awesome. I got a guy kicked from his clan because they wanted me to join but I wouldn't because he was a dick, then I didn't join anyways. Good times!

>> No.5159640

a lot of it has to do with your mentality. if you believe youre lower than others theres no changing that. but that also doesnt mean you aren't lying to yourself about a greater idea so i understand you. but i think you should think better about yourself. theres always opportunities at any stage in life if youre willing to experience life. wasting your youth is a sullen note but wasting your life can be worse i think. so dont worry too much about it and try to enjoy what you can and try to find ways to enjoy it i think, it can always be worse. that is how i feel about life right now. if there little you can do to change then try to find alternate ways and work on it

>> No.5159743
File: 70 KB, 800x600, harrassment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't remember much about the community except everyone loved to talk about how drunk/high they were
>He just can't touch you because you're so much better, and there's not raelly any random chance or environmental edge he can get to beat you.
Minedisking certainly contributed to that feel. You basically skirted around the no-OHKOs-except-by-mortar balance the game tried to have and once you had it mastered things got too easy and one-sided. I missed it in T2 but I also kind of didn't.

>> No.5159751

I missed mid air mines a lot more. Loved that shit.

>> No.5159757
File: 97 KB, 800x600, whereflag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tribes vengeance was early unreal engine garbage with small arenas and shitty jetpacks with grappling hooks to make sure you stayed confined
>tribes ascend was more unreal engine bullshit with borked physics and skiing worked completely opposite the way it should what the fuck
>midair suicided by going f2p at the last minute
Life is suffering.

>> No.5159759

Or camper discouragement with a disc followed by a laser to the dome a split second before the disc impacts.

>> No.5159760

T2 felt really floaty with fat models and it never felt like you needed to work to connect midairs.

>> No.5159762

UE4 finally does expansive maps and huge player counts justice... 20 years later... but still.

>> No.5159773

I dunno. I dont believe ue4 could do any justice to a map like rollercoaster 2 where the drop just to get up to speed was like 2 mm long.

Ascends maps almost felt big enough, but you were always crippled by the boundary and there werent any organic paths. And the devs actually hated people going fast. And light armor

>> No.5159785

Sorry, not rc2. I forget, it was a server side map and you did some sick loops and were going so fast your discs and bullets would come out behind you if you shot forward

>> No.5159820

I wish I could remember the names of all the maps. There were some cool ones which I just can't remember. Was rollercoaster 2 a night snow map? Rollercoaster was a desert map, one of my favourites, just can't remember what the 2 was like.

>> No.5159852

Any other 51/50 players here

>> No.5160054

I played shit tons of Renegades and Shifter and I am not sorry.

>> No.5160090

Huh I wouldn't say I noticed it being a lot more floaty, and I played the hell out of Tribes and then Tribes 2 from release day to when they shut the servers.

However I will say T1 I played on a ton of mod servers, mostly Shifter and similar stuff whereas T2 the base game felt better fleshed out and the mods were never as good so I played 90% vanilla.

I think I probably had more fun with T1 due to all the zaniness and dicking off abusing mods. But I played 2 more seriously and it was overall more satisfying in some ways.

>> No.5160095

Yeah Shifter was my jam too. The arbitor was so overpowered it was ridiculous but hardly anyone seemed to use them. I would enjoy hiding teleport beacons in their base. I'd run into a room cloaked and shooting then teleport and watch as the heavies team killed everyone else trying to find me but I'd already be in another section wrecking shit. Often I had a score that was higher than the whole enemy team at the end which lead to this >>515958 such good times in that game.

>> No.5161143

I didn't get to play Tribes 1 for too long as I discovered it close to Tribes 2's release, but I do have some fond memories of the mechanics, maps, and mods.
I remember trying to be the best engineer I could be, repairing and building shit and practicing my spinfuser.

Tribes 2 releases and I immediately started practicing my engineering skills. I would autistically study each map's layout and figure out the maximum and optimal positioning for turrets and sensors, and I was efficient at it.
I was the type of motherfucker that would have a field of the shit deployed by the time the first flag runner made it to the base.

Then I made some friends with people who could fly. From then on I would spend the majority of my time in a 3-man bomber team backed up with shrike support. We would dominate pretty much every game by bombing the holy fuck out of the enemy team and owning the air.

I wish I could go back.

>> No.5161178
File: 454 KB, 1280x1024, Tribes2 2009-01-29 19-00-29-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My story is kind of similar to those who have already posted in this thread, but I didn't get into playing the base Tribes games until that was all that was left to play.

With Tribes 1 I mainly played Renegades, Shifter and Paintball servers. However, I remember one time playing on a base server where we used team chat to coordinate our assault on the enemy base, and I'd list it as one of my top 5 gaming experiences of all time. I've struggled to recapture that sort of moment ever since.

Tribes 2, it was all construction mod for me. Maybe a little Meltdown2003.

There have been a lot of sandbox mods for games since then, or just sandbox games (I think most of the T2 Construction community migrated to Garry's Mod and Minecraft), but nothing has had quite the flexibility since. You laid out girders and filled the space in-between with platforms, and it all had working collision and was synced to all players. On 28.8k. That engine was incredible.


>I wish I could go back.
Me too, me too.
I remember in 2003 seeing the player count in T2's server browser, and it was something insane (100k?). Now we're lucky to see a dozen people on.

>> No.5161190

I played a 130 player server once on my friends dsl. It was just insane. I wish I could have played that on a larger server.

>no one ever used the squad/commander/lt/subordinate options in the command menu
>people loved it in BF2.

>> No.5161192

*on a larger map rather. It was like a broadside clone and the bases were small for how big the teams were.

>> No.5161274
File: 199 KB, 1920x1080, Tribes 2 Construction Mod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn play The Construction Mod, one of the first big multiplayer sandboxes, ever again

just fucking end my life already

>> No.5161282

the construct still runs a server on tribesnext and it still gets a few people... sometimes

>> No.5161289

I'm afraid of going back because I don't know if I'd still enjoy it as much.

But damn, nothing was more fun than building giant mountainside bunkers. And the rollercoasters. Rollercoasters were awesome.

>> No.5161297

Oh yeah, I liked to build giant bases, hangars, and spaceships, myself.

One other thing I remember doing more than a few times was RP. Players built homes, businesses, bars, and roads and RPed like some it was some kind of weird future town. Was a lot more fun than any of the GMod DarkRP I did, largely because everything was built by the players instead of relying on pre-built RP maps.

Man do I miss it.

>> No.5161298

T:V killed the series. Vivendi is a shit

I'm probably dreaming, but the Torque Engine had some potential before it got fucked over

>> No.5161326

I mean, its solid, you could still write something in it, but you dont have any recent hotness, I think it stopped when dx10 was introduced

>> No.5161373

That's what I'm saying, it could've been great if it had continued to be developed.

Coding for it was fairly simple

>> No.5162053

If you enjoyed those JRPGs then they aren't wasted. I've despised some times with shmups, but that doesn't mean the whole genre is terrible. Then again this is likely another /shmupg/ raid

>> No.5162292

looks like it's open-source MIT license and has DX11 support

last commit was a month ago, so still actively developed


>> No.5162873

Can you be any more pitiful?

>Our book of memories is as barren as basedshaman’s head


>> No.5162889

I quite liked Vengeance because it was more streamlined and easier to get into than the earlier ones, also I`m a scrub.

Fite me about it.

>> No.5163027

I would but you'd need to find a way out of your invisible box first.

>> No.5163069

I never properly joined a FPS clan because I always felt I wasn't good enough. I always felt like they were serious business and that I should git gud if I ever wanted to join. Looking back that was a mistake, I should have just joined, who cares if I lost, noone's perfect.