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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 116 KB, 1200x675, Playstation_classic_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5146513 No.5146513 [Reply] [Original]

Canceled my preorder this morning after considering the game lineup they released. Was Sony even trying? Personally, I think this item is going to flop, anybody else here disappointed?

>> No.5146527

Why would anyone care about this? You can get a used PSX that is likely to have a modchip already for $30-40.

>> No.5146534

Sony is run by retards

>> No.5146546

Sony saving the good stuff for the Dual Shock Mini...

>> No.5146570

Waiting to see if it's a re-shelled Vita tv. And maybe it has a memory card slot behind the io port cover, not likely but you never know.

>> No.5146587

>Ever considering buying this cheap cash grab emulation box for the dumb goy

back to facecook/discord/reddit with you

>> No.5146642

Still have mine from 2001.

>> No.5146649

I think they did what they could. Sony always half-asses things. At least they got shit like FF VII and MGS which normies care about, and even though actual Persona fans don't care about the shitty NA localization of Persona 2, as I said, they tried.
Also, their 1st party output is not that strong.
They also underrate Jumping Flash themselves. IMO it's one of the more interesting series Sony published, and the sequel is also worth having, way more than GTA or whatever other port that has a better version on PC.
That's just my critic on the game list though, even if it had all my favorites on it, I still wouldn't buy it.
>paying for emulation

>> No.5146672 [DELETED] 

> Battle Arena Toshinden
Launch game for the NA PS1. This game was a novelty then, and not a very good fighting game in general.

> Cool Boarders 2
Did these games age well?

>Destruction Derby
Fun for its time. But not really one of the best Psygnosis games.

>Final Fantasy VII
Sure, obvious choice.

> Grand Theft Auto
I like the original GTA.

> Intelligent Qube
One of the best hidden gems to include on the system.

> Jumping Flash!
Sure, I guess.

> Metal Gear Solid
Obvious choice.

Mr. Driller
> Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
Ummm, not one of my top choices.

> Rayman
I liked the Saturn version more, but this is still a good platformer.

> Resident Evil Director's Cut
Would have preferred RE2. Not a bad choice.

> Revelations: Persona
Never played it.

> Ridge Racer Type 4
I guess one of the better arcade racers on the system. Good choice overall.

> Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
It's OK, I suppose.

> Syphon Filter
Meme inclusion.

> Tekken 3
Obvious choice.

> Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six

> Twisted Metal
Would have preferred TM2, but OK.

> Wild Arms
Good choice.

>> No.5146678

> Battle Arena Toshinden
Launch game for the NA PS1. This game was a novelty then, and not a very good fighting game in general.

> Cool Boarders 2
Did these games age well?

>Destruction Derby
Fun for its time. But not really one of the best Psygnosis games.

>Final Fantasy VII
Sure, obvious choice.

> Grand Theft Auto
I like the original GTA.

> Intelligent Qube
One of the best hidden gems to include on the system.

> Jumping Flash!
Sure, I guess.

> Metal Gear Solid
Obvious choice.

> Mr. Driller
Weird choice.

> Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
Ummm, not one of my top choices.

> Rayman
I liked the Saturn version more, but this is still a good platformer.

> Resident Evil Director's Cut
Would have preferred RE2. Not a bad choice.

> Revelations: Persona
Never played it.

> Ridge Racer Type 4
I guess one of the better arcade racers on the system. Good choice overall.

> Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
It's OK, I suppose.

> Syphon Filter
Meme inclusion.

> Tekken 3
Obvious choice.

> Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six

> Twisted Metal
Would have preferred TM2, but OK.

> Wild Arms
Good choice.

>> No.5146680

Yes!!! Yeeeesssss!!!!

This is Sega's turn for revenge! Quickly Sega, announce a Saturn mini with the following line up:

NiGHTS Into Dreams
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Virtua Fighter 2
Guardian Heroes
Shining Force III
Clockwork Knight
Daytona USA
Sonic Jam
Die Hard Arcade
Fighting Vipers
Sonic 3D Blast
Last Bronx
Enemy Zero
Darkstalkers 3
Dark Savior
Radiant Silvergun
Panzer Dragoon II Zwei
Burning Rangers
Keio Flying Squadron 2

>> No.5146681

EDIT: Replace Bug! with Baku Baku.

>> No.5146684

I have constructed the best Playstation Classics collection

Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 9
Resident Evil 1
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3
Metal Gear Solid 1
Twisted Metal 2
Vigilante 8
Wipeout 3
Driver (and if they can somehow get the rights, make it Gran Turismo 2)
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Tekken 3
Persona 1
Persona 2
Chrono Trigger
Chrono Cross
Castlevania Symphony of the Night (and if this isn't allowed, Castlevania Chronicles)
Strider 2
Dino Crisis 2

You're welcome SONY

>> No.5146713

Didn't grow up with the PlayStation, I got a PS2 in 2005. N64 was my jam. PSX was a very good console, though, with a very solid library of games that are not the majority of what is offered here. MGS, great. FFVII, great. Tekken 3, never played it but I've heard good things, so great. Intelligent Qube, great.

But no Spyro? Fuck you Sony.

>> No.5146718

I think activision would rather you buy the HD remake of spryo for maximum profit

>> No.5146720

Not including Spyro and Crash was not the smartest of moves but makes sense seeing how the games got remakes recently. This system will be fully hackable due to USB. Not that I care because I already have my PS TV loaded. Keeping my pre-order because I like collecting for some reason.

>> No.5146723

Rainbow Six is probably the closest thing to a modern military shooter the console has to offer to the deep pocketed FPS players. It also isn't that bad of a port once you get used to the awful control scheme. Syphon Filter was also the most highly regarded action series for the PSX. No idea why "meme inclusion' is necessary since it's an obvious choice.

It's a shame Tenchu 2 didn't make the list.

>> No.5146734

You can still play PS1 games on an HDTV through a PS2 or PS3, I literally see no purpose for this thing, even if you are a complete normalfag that doesn't know anything about emulation.

>> No.5146742

I hope this is true.

>> No.5146753

this is absolutely terrible

>> No.5146767


>t.non-Xenogears player.

>> No.5146773

id buy that!

>> No.5146774

Sony shot themselves in the foot by ditching the analog sticks, thus limiting their library.

>> No.5146778
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>> No.5146783


it'd be nice at $50-60, otherwise it's too expensive

>> No.5146790

Just ape escape then?

>> No.5146828

They wanted to put games on it, not books.

>> No.5146869

>Strider 2
Would rather have the unreleased Dreamcast port.

>> No.5146882

They went half retarded, but have a diverse lineup. What you wanted was the AAA greatest hits, so your opinion is ahit anyway.

IDGAF about any of this, as my origonal PSX collection trumps the classic entirely.

>> No.5147326


>> No.5147341

I'll see how easy it is to hack. Otherwise I agree the lineup is lamey. Worth half of what they're charging, max.

>> No.5147398

Segas retro consoles have all been dogshit. They have no first party hardware production and keep getting jewed by the companies they hire to build for them.

>> No.5147597 [DELETED] 


Terrible choice of games, but PSX emulates pretty well, so it's hard to be too upset. Why salty, OP? This is just an emulation box anyhow. You can probably do better all on your own.

I'm not against buying products, either: I have a Super NT, and a few everdrives for different consoles. But, I can't imagine that the little Sony box will emulate any better than your PC can. I even doubt that the USB controllers will be as nice as the original PSX controller. I'll bet that your Dual Shock 3 controller running on an emulation box would be higher quality.

>> No.5147598

I already have the few PS1 games worth playing on my SNES classic. Sony can keep their shitty box.

>> No.5147602

This is a better lineup of games than any sum of PS1 games could ever muster. Would buy. Get Sonic 3D Blast outta there and replace with Panzer 1, tho.

>> No.5147617
File: 1.86 MB, 850x1187, 0D2E3E9E-260B-4567-9B6D-C2200E174B68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As others have pointed out the list is a mashups of nostalgia picks and games to promote currently popular series. Also SONY is limited by some licensing restrictions, which I’m sure we can all understand. What I do object to is games that have better versions on “other” contemporary systems or arcade ports. The NES classic has the same problems, I understand their not going to give everything away, but too many “slots” in the list are taken by arcade ports that weren’t major sellers for the system at the time, and/or didn’t really “define” the system in most people minds.

When I think of PlayStation and Nintendo I just don’t think of Puzzle Fighter or PAC-MAN.

>> No.5147620

Cool Boarders is there because they wanted Tony Hawk 2 but couldn't put it in because of the music licenses. That's the role it fills.

>> No.5147676

I'd probably care about classic/mini consoles more if you could play physical games on them too.

sega does it so i don't know why the others don't. are they that paranoid about piracy?

>> No.5147794

Why not change the music?

>> No.5147802

Would buy in a heart beat. And i have 2 Saturn's and 90% of the games listed.

>> No.5147807

actually it's because activision lost the rights after THPSHD & THPS5 then it reverted back to tony.

still don't see why they couldn't put it in since all they would have to do is just knock on tony's door and get permission since he still wants to do another game.

>> No.5147876

>Why not change the music?
praying for this to be true tbqhfam

>> No.5147890

> Battle Arena Toshinden
It's kinda trash but I guess it cashes in on launch title nostalgia.

> Cool Boarders 2
Never played it, but people talk about this series a lot so I guess it makes sense.

>Destruction Derby
Good pick but why not the second game?

>Final Fantasy VII
Obvious pick.

> Grand Theft Auto
Fun game, obvious pick for GTA fans who never played the original and might be curious.

>Intelligent Qube
Did not expect this but great pick. But I would think that they would pick Kula World for this spot but ok.

> Jumping Flash!
Same as Toshinden.

> Metal Gear Solid
Obvious pick.

> Mr. Driller
Forgot this game existed but I'm glad they reminded me, great pick.

> Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
Obvious pick.

Also a good pick.

> Resident Evil Director's Cut
Obvious pick but I guess they couldn't pick RE2 with REmake 2 coming out.

> Revelations: Persona
Good pick for the same reason as GTA but this one is easily the worst in the Persona series, trash game but good for people curious to see where Persona started I guess.

> Ridge Racer Type 4
Great pick but I wonder why other racing games like NFS, Gran Turismo and Colin Mcrae aren't here.

> Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
Cool but why not Alpha 3 instead?

> Syphon Filter
Obvious pick, people seem to forget how popular this game was for a very brief period of time.

> Tekken 3
Another obvious pick.

>Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six
Well I mean this game was a bit more popular on the PS1 than people seem to realize but why not have Medal of Honor in your FPS slot?

> Twisted Metal
Great pick, glad they didn't forget this one.

> Wild Arms
Really did not expect this but good pick I guess.

Overall not terrible, despite some notable absences like Tomb Raider and, of course, Crash and Spyro who I guess didn't make it in because of the remakes.

>> No.5147891

If you post on /v/r you should know better than to have considered buying one of these overpriced emulation boxes in the first place. My only hope for there is that they're just re purposed PSTVs that can have Vita functionality restored. Then they'd at least by a Vita with a cool form factor.

>> No.5147895


>> List of only 20
>> list Includes 3 games from the same series...twice

Wew lad, there’s more to playstation than resident evil and final fantasy

>> No.5148054

>Well I mean this game was a bit more popular on the PS1 than people seem to realize but why not have Medal of Honor in your FPS slot?
same reason why GTA & persona are there. for most people outside of /vr/ rainbow six didn't start until vegas or siege.

>> No.5148116

Damn thing pays for itself just with Panzer Dragoon and Shining Force III. Everything else is just icing.

>> No.5148124

Alpha 3 is in that recent SF collection.

>> No.5148139
File: 433 KB, 1058x829, 36519-Arc_the_Lad_III_[Disc1of2]_[U]-1454221738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wew lad

Speaking of "wew lad", I would love to see an Arc the Lad game, or at least the collection, on this system.

>> No.5148143

>or at least the collection
I dunno why you said "at least" when the ATL collection would be optimal versus just one ATL.

>> No.5148146

Arc the Lad is there. In JP line up.

>> No.5148167

>I dunno why you said "at least" when the ATL collection would be optimal versus just one ATL.

Yeah, but storage size would be a factor.

>Arc the Lad is there. In JP line up.

Oh, I did not know that.

>> No.5148238

Oh yeah I forgot Siege was a thing, still I doubt Rainbow Six and has enough of a dedicated fanbase to warrant a spot over Medal of Honor of all things.

>> No.5148243

Can anyone red pill me on playing burned cds on ps1's? I recall hearing that the original ps1 can do a swap trick? Im too retarded to solder a modchip to it so that would probably be my only option.

>> No.5148248

I don't think it will flop but people will definitely be disappointed. Having only 20 game choices hurt it.

>> No.5148308

You shouldn't be pre-ordering anything in the first place.

>> No.5148357

it's like the 4th most played game on steam.

>> No.5148380

I would buy the absolute FUCK out of this and I'm not even a massive Saturn fan.

>> No.5148383

I'm going to buy it on the premiere day and I'm going to wait in front of the store before it opens in the morning. Then, I'm going to enjoy it like it's 1995 christmas.

>> No.5148407

iirc the swap trick is just using a legitimate game to load past a certain point, then physically stopping the disk, removing it, and replacing it with a burned disk. You'll have to get something to keep a little button pressed down so you can keep the lid open to swap it. There should be plenty of guides out there for detailed instructions.

I've also been told you can use a gameshark CD as a boot disk, but I haven't tried and I assume they aren't easy or cheap to find.

>> No.5148418

>i'm too retarded to modchip
pre-chipped PS1s are around 40 bucks on ebay.

>> No.5148436

Good way to piss off and alienate the people that bought the non dualshock version lol

>> No.5148445

Of course they had FF VII, that game has been re-released and ported onto just about everything a million times, that's not a tough one to get licensing for. I agree with you on the 1st party output, they have enough great 1st party games they could have included, but they neglected all that and tossed in a bunch of shovelware for cheap filler. I think they really fucked up the potential of this product.

>> No.5148452

I would buy this in a heartbeat and I never had or played the Saturn.

>> No.5148462

They can't even get Genesis emulation right, what makes you think a Saturn one would be even remotely decent?

>> No.5148463

>Wanting only the best games
>Shit opinion

3/10, got me to nibble at your bait senpai

>> No.5148465

Idk why even to this day, Sega throws its potential down the toilet. Jeez louise, can't they just spend the money to hire a good company to build one of these for them?

>> No.5148473

I feel the same way, why don't they allow for playing on original games too? If anything, that makes it more of a seller to me, then I could play games they didn't include in their lineup.

>> No.5148581


>> No.5148760

that's even worse than the PS1 mini line up.

>> No.5148762

they should include Xenogears but only the first disc.

>> No.5148798

honestly aside from the givens (RE game, FF7, MGS, etc.) what I'd probably include in a PS1 classic would be...

a gran turismo game
either castlevaina chronicles or SOTN
either parapa the rappa or um jammer lammy
soul edge

>> No.5148868

>Vigilante 8

what about 1 - 7?

>> No.5148871

ps1 nibbas always suppourted this shitty console back then, they will do it again. Only time will tell, but N64 mini has a big chance to shine now.

>> No.5148917

Well said. Got to say, I prefer that Nintendo makes its own games and makes sure they are good. I think Sony relying too heavily on 3rd party devs helped flop this emulator box.

>> No.5149030

Shit, what a fanboy

>> No.5149257


Good list

>> No.5149871

Two things that can save this. One if it's hackable with a decent amount of space/expandable memory and two after market duel shock controllers from a third party manufacturer. The SNES classic has third part wireless controllers no reason to think they wont make duel shocks for this one.

>> No.5150067

You don’t need a DualShock to enjoy the PSClassic. Anyone who believes you do is a faggot zoomer.

>> No.5150167


>> No.5150227

>> Ridge Racer Type 4
>Great pick but I wonder why other racing games like NFS, Gran Turismo and Colin Mcrae aren't here.

>> No.5150239

>Syphon Filter

The fuck is wrong with you? Like
>>5147890 said it was huge back in the day

>> No.5150245

the fact that people on here would buy this is a bad sign, because that means normies wouldn't.
It would lose money.

>> No.5150736

If its easily moddable like the nintendo oned were ill probably buy one

>> No.5150847

>This entire post
Obvious zoomer false flag.

>> No.5150852

It was implied he was only talking about full completed games.

>> No.5150871

You are literally cancer

>> No.5150878

Lots of people pre ordered assuming there would be a shortage like with the Nintendo systems. Once I saw a shit lineup, I cancelled, got my money back and am just continuing to build my library of original software played on original hardware.

>> No.5150880

Hopefully those retards at Sony didn't ramp up production too generously before announcing that lineup, otherwise they will be sitting on lots of idle inventory thanks to all the cancellations.

>> No.5151283

>imagine PSTV wasting warehouse-space TWICE

>> No.5151323

So apparently Sony didn't even bother using their in-house emulator and just used a modified version of PCSX ReARMed. Oh, most of the games on the system are the pal versions.

>It’s never a guarantee that a plug-and-play system like this will get the emulation right, but from my time jumping around between the PlayStation Classic’s games, it seems like this part is good enough. The games look and sound accurate, their mid-90s jagged pixels looking like you could grate a block of cheese with them. (A listing of licenses for open-source software accessible in the PlayStation Classic’s menu said that it uses the open-source PlayStation emulator PCSX ReARMed.)

>Oddly, many of the games on the PlayStation Classic were the European versions. When I booted up Final Fantasy VII, for example, I got the classic “Licensed By Sony Computer Entertainment of America” splash screen. But when I ran Battle Arena Toshinden, Grand Theft Auto, or Tekken 3, the screen said “Licensed By Sony Computer Entertainment Europe.” There are some tiny differences that I could spot in the games, such as having to select a United Kingdom flag from a menu if you wanted Grand Theft Auto’s text to display in English. (I’m not sure if there are any major differences buried later in any of the games.)

>> No.5151710

I bet they just release the DualShock controller as a 60$ add on which will contain additional ROMs inside of it that will load from the controller.

>> No.5151739

>doesn't know that the vast majorit of PAL titles run like shit

why am I not surprised

>> No.5151753

>doesn't know that the vast majorit of PAL titles run like shit
can I have some sauce on this dear sir?

>> No.5151771

PAL titles run slower and are far more likely to provide stable frames. It's a smart decision on their part.

>> No.5151829

>pal titles are shittier and might seem less so comparitively on this pos emu.
this was my thought.
>smart decision
the decision to rollout this device as it is was a bad decision, so whatever they do to mitigate its problems are worthless afaic.

>> No.5151834

I agree with all of that.

Still a good decision to use PAL with certain titles.

>> No.5151837

I'm getting sick of these fucking "classics" they make them and don't load enough games on them and its a big fuck you to the fans.

>> No.5151856

What would be a proper "thanks" to the fans? What would be a good setup for those who haven't had the opportunity to become fans yet? Would you be ok with the latter?

>> No.5151886

cringe & bluepilled

>> No.5152250

How come?

>> No.5152267

Not salty Op. I loved the PSX games library, but the games themselves sucked due to technical constraints. henc this console never was, isn'T and will never be worth my time, tiny or huge. Except for SotN, but you can get it on PSP, PS3, PS4...

>> No.5152324
File: 499 KB, 1000x800, PSC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is how I did. 8/20
10/20 if game is from same series.

>> No.5152341

why even buy a ps1 mini if you can get a pstv for cheaper on ebay? put in a sd card with 128gb worth of ps1 isos and go crazy.

>> No.5152352

>sd card
also did you really have to make this post twice

>> No.5152397

yes I had to make this post twice because I hate the idea of people spending more money on a inferior product.

also yes PSTVs support sd cards through SD2VITA, or you can just plug in a USB stick with your games on there.

>> No.5152436

it's about the same price or more and it comes without controller if you don't have a ds3/4
for playing ps1 games there are cheaper options, stop shilling your ebay auctions

>> No.5152443


>> No.5152564

No but it does limit the amount of games you can play on if it is hackable.

>> No.5152596

Didn't FF VII and MGS come out on PC?

>> No.5152640

>Who else is salty about this?
Anyone who isn't a retard that buys emulators isn't.

>> No.5152641

MGS PC port isn't good. It's missing graphical effects and easter eggs like Psycho Mantis reading your memory card.

>> No.5152682


No, no, no. A deep cut Saturn Mini would look like this:

Willy Wombat
Mr Bones
Magic Knight Rayearth
Albert Odyssey
Sega Rally Championship
Time Gal & Ninja Hayate
Dead or Alive
Sexy Parodius
Three Dirty Dwarves
Sonic X-Treme (playable prototype)

you get the picture.

>> No.5152687

As a list of the only games ever maybe. If we merged his and the other list and included that with at least one driving game it'd be good

>> No.5152748

>Why not change the music?

While the original THPS has my favorite soundtrack ever it would be pretty funny if they paid some shitty local band $100 bucks to make a new soundtrack for it.

Another hilariously incompetent solution would be to have no soundtrack but give people a 10% discount for a month of Spotify. "Just listen to it on there!"

>> No.5152754

DIE HARD! This fucking thing needs Die Hard. I played that more than any other game on ps1.
Remember this is the ps1 version of GTA without trains. It's not something major but the game is simply missing content

>> No.5152759

It the stealth suit always killed my CPU for some reason

>> No.5152845

So I got to buy a PSTV after all.
Thanks, Snoy, thanks.

>> No.5152927

Jesus christ, you PALfags who spend thousands of Euros on PAL system and games will see anything to justify all that spent money.

Most PAL games until the Dreamcast, that is to say 95% of the console games not made by PAL devs, run about 20% slower and often have fucked up aspect ratio.

The "PAL = higher resolution" argument doesn't even matter considering only PAL devs took advantage of it.

"It lags less" is also bs. Yes, it's less likely to have a choppy framerate, because framerate is always 50fps instead of 60. That's like saying it's better because instead of lagging only in places it lags all the time.

There is no excuse to still play those versions in 2018 and there is no excuse a Playstation mini should use PAL versions of games not made in PAL regions.

>> No.5152934
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tl;dr: Newsflash your thousand euros PAL console games collection belong into the trash.

If I were you I'd sell all that shit now while there are still idiots who are ready to buy it against hot potatoes. Only keep games made by PAL devs, and start important and/or emulating the real versions.

This is coming from someone living in a PAL territory. It's 2018, wake the fuck up.

>> No.5152948

I'm going to buy it and wait for a hack.

I'll have my Soul Reaver.
I'll have my SOTN.
I'll have my Silent Hill.
I'll have my Legend of Dragoon.

>> No.5152949

sweet playstation tv bro

>> No.5153024

>spend thousands of Euros on PAL system and games
>your thousand euros PAL console games collection belong into the trash
>It's 2018, wake the fuck up
who the hell bought psx games with euro (introduced in 2002), are you a collector faggot?
jokes on you, I've never bought a game, my psx was modded from the start and now I only play pal/ntsc roms on my retropie (and I still don't see a difference except pal games are usually revisions with bugfix and more features)

>> No.5153027
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fpbp. Also seriously, you guys falling for this nostalgia meme are the worst. What the fuck is wrong with you? The emulator inside this machine is not even developed by Sony, you guys are buying something that is actually free. Seriously, go back >>>/v/

>> No.5153193
File: 134 KB, 1185x385, ebay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who doesn't have a ds3/ds4 laying around already?

>> No.5153204


>> No.5153207

>A listing of licenses for open-source software accessible in the PlayStation Classic’s menu said that it uses the open-source PlayStation emulator PCSX ReARMed.
You want the PSC now? Get a RetroPie.

>> No.5153213

>who doesn't have a ds3/ds4 laying around already?
Lots of people who didn't own a PS3 or PS4.

>> No.5153231

>owning a mini-console
Kill yourself my man.

>> No.5153239

I would but I'm already dead.

>> No.5153264

see >>5153213
also where do you think we are?
also why should I play portable games on a tv? a rpi run every ps1 game perfectly and it's half the price

>> No.5153269

>Rainbow Six
who the fuck asked for this lmao

>> No.5153297
File: 87 KB, 640x480, 54327Ninpen_Manmaru_J12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need Ninpen Manmaru

>> No.5155441

Although Rainbow Six may be a more relevant name now, Medal of Honor started the whole WWII FPS craze and was a much more recognized hit.

>> No.5155483

>reselled Vita
>doesn't even use Pops
>less options than PSTV
This is why I'm more mad than I should be

>> No.5155582

Medal of Honor would've been the obvious choice

>> No.5156167

I thought I was being lazy thinking it could just be a PSTV. Sony Really showed me.

>> No.5156172

Only gonna bite the bullet if the games render at a higher resolution instead of being just upscaled 240p.

>> No.5156234

pstv was $99, this is about the same but with 2 controllers and license for 20 games
do you really think they were going to lose money when they can bundle a cheap SBC that can do the same?
everyone thinking this was a pstv is an idiot, licensed games are not free of charge for sony, this is not nintendo

>> No.5157761

Sony is really good at that. You'd swear it was deliberate.

>> No.5157764
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Probably meant the tasering.

>> No.5157805

I dropped it after hearing that some of the ISOs were PAL region. If that’s what I’m getting for $100, I’ll live with EBOOTs on my PSP, thanks.

>> No.5157810

Don't fucking jinx it man
I bought Die Hard trilogy a while ago during my last pawn haul, should I give it a go soon? I finally got around to playing GITS from the same haul and the game was fucking GOAT.

I wanted one when it was announced. Then we got the full list of games and all I can give is a:

>No Spyro or Crash 1?
It would seem like courtesy for the remakes and all the newer kids who have probably played them
>Omitting DS
>Twist Metal over TM2/3/4/SB?
>FF7 again over FFIX or VIII?
>Cool Boarders 2 but not 3?
>Persona over Star Ocean?
>No Medievil?
>No SotN?
>No Bugs Life?
>No Megaman?
>No Fighting Force?
>No Shadow Man?
>No Gauntlet?
>Rayman over Pandemonium?
>No Klonoa?
>No Dino Crisis?
>No Ape Escape(I know it needs DualShock but seriously? No dualshock?)

I'm mostly pissed about VII coming out again. It was a treasure 20 years ago, 20 ports later it's annoying at this point. I'm not buying this. I can't justify it. I don't keep up with licensing shit but no GT either? They shouldn't have limited themselves to 20 games either. They should have gone for 30 because even my SNES Classic was underwhelming without loading more ROMs. But at least the SNES had 18 good games.

>> No.5158009

people who bought a snes classic have zero rights to complain, you were ripped off not less than sonyniggers
at least this adorable box has decent usb controllers and way more storage, still is a cuck machine for retards who can't setup an emulator
no one in /vr/ should buy this shit, in particular nintendo because they shut down rom sites for this, they deserve no support

>> No.5158751

>not wanting to have an HDMI snes to take out on the fly and play a couch coop game with family

Its like you take pride in being a self-isolated faggot. Also, make up your mind whether you like the PS Classic or not, PS1 games are cheap enough already and if you don't already own your classics you're the one getting cucked by nintendo going after ROM sites. I'm not buying the shitbox anyway, but whatever YOU might think, the SNES Classic>PS1 Classic all day.

Just because YOU'RE asshurt doesn't mean Sony can't include a better line up when obviously their following Nintendo's trend.

>> No.5158758

I can understand buying NES or SNES mini for nostalgia and easy emulation but PS1 is just too horribly aged for that. No one likes playing PS1 games seriously because they belong into that infamous 1998 era.

>> No.5158835

I really hope this is bait but I already own a more capable rpi3 on which I play snes and ps1 with actual friends (my family is ancient)
>own your classics
of course, in my hdd, because there are still many sites and a thing called torrent protocol your stupid normie ass never heard of
I love nintendo games and I'm plan to keep pirating their shit but their fans are fucking retarded, come on, look at this faggot >>5158758

>> No.5158837

Too much work.>>5147807
>actually it's because activision lost the rights after THPSHD & THPS5 then it reverted back to tony.
It doesn't fucking matter, they could just get the rights from whoever has it. The problem is the music.

>> No.5158897

consider killing yourself, braindamaged drooling retard.

>> No.5158916

>I love nintendo games and I'm plan to keep pirating their shit but their fans are fucking retarded, come on, look at this faggot

I am speechless by the level of stupidity it takes to write this post.

Because there's one brainless faggot out there who said he doesn't like playstation, you automatically lump every other Nintendo fan in with him?

He says he only plays NES or SNES are "for nostalgia and easy emulation" and refers to the year of OoT's release as "that 1998 infamous era" of shitty games that nobody likes playing seriously. Nintendo fans?

yes he is bad but I wouldn't be laughing at the mentally handicapped if I were you.

>> No.5158945

t. butthurt nintoddler who can't even read

>> No.5158973

does it take mini-discs or usb or something?

>> No.5158979

holy shit what is up with all of the posts with reddit spacing itt

>> No.5159003

>They also underrate Jumping Flash themselves. IMO it's one of the more interesting series Sony published
I don't understand the love for Jumping Flash. It's a headache to play.

>> No.5159040

t. Poorfag with no friends
>muh romsites
>muh pi
>muh torrents
Just stop replying already. This thread is for backlash against the shitty PS1 classic lineup. Pirating is one thing, but throwing a tantrum over Nintendo going after ROM sites is something only a gaylord who doesn’t already have ROM collections gets ass-blasted about. I get it, you’re 15 and late to the “retrogaming” bandwagon.

>> No.5159365

PS1 fucking sucks and is a complete failure as a game console. You are mentally deranged if you unironically enjoy that low poly rendered bullshit. PS2, on the other hand is a timeless classic.

>> No.5159372

it's gonna have huge sales numbers, and all by scalpers

>> No.5159423

It will do fine amongst collector retards and normalfags, but anyone who actually ever gave a shit about the original Playstation prior to this release knows that you can find original consoles for dirt cheap in abundance pretty much anywhere, can emulate it on pretty much anything, or just use a PS2 or PS3. This won't do as well as Nintendo's minis.

>> No.5159472

I'm not salty, just disappointed. If they had put the PSTV guts inside it and preloaded the PS1 games I'd have got one. Heck it could have rejuvinated the Vita product line. Wasted opportunity.

>> No.5159517

Yeah, but I think it’s been a victim of it’s own potential. My own list would be,

Final Fantasy VII
Tomb Raider
Metal Gear Solid
Ridge Racer 4
Crash Bandicoot
Wipeout 3
Tekken 3
Resident Evil 2
Grand Theft Auto

Parasite Eve
Armoured Core
G Darius
Final Fantasy Tactics
Vagrant Story
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Super Puzzle Fighter
Abe’s Odyssey
Castlevania SOTN

While the logistics of getting all of that licensed and emulated properly probably would have been a nightmare compared to what Nintendo had to do, I think a lot of people got really excited about the prospect of being able to play games like Einhander, G Darius, Vagrant Story (or whatever they were hoping for) for the first time. Seeing shrugs like Destruction Derby just making up the numbers in the line-up is so deflating.

Also, and I’m aware of the reasons why they may not have been included (music licensing, recent remakes etc), but games like Tomb Raider and Wipeout were genuine cultural phenomenons, and helped define what the Playstation meant to a generation of gamers. They're synonymous with the console, so their exclusion in favour of games like Toshinden and Jumping Flash just makes the whole line-up seem poorly considered, cheap and rushed, even if it wasn’t.

>> No.5159539

Why are people bitching about the games list?
>video game licenses and magnets, how the fuck do they work?!?!?
I mean seriously, the ps1 library was like 99% third party games.
Sony is doing this to jump aboard the hype train and get some quick and easy green.
They aren’t going to shell out the cash to other companies so they can put more sought after games on the system.
They are trying to make easy money, not win over the hearts of /vr.

Plus the games list is pretty decent. If you were to go out and buy all these games it would cost more than 2x what the classic system retails for.

>> No.5159547

>I pirate
>but I'm mad when companies try to make an easy buck off their own products

>> No.5159549

IF it can be "modded" to accept other games, it would be a great item. If not, it is junk.

>> No.5159725

Seeing as they just ripped a opensource emulator I would assume they are taking the minimum effort approach and should be as if not more easy than nintendos to add more games into.

>> No.5159847

It was almost guaranteed from the beginning to be pretty shitty. There was no way they were going to fill it even to half or a quarter of its capacity with the greatest games the system has to offer.
The SNES Classic didn't even have a very good lineup.
NES Classic still has the best selection of these cash grabs.

>> No.5160740

I would include
Street Fighter The Movie
Bubsy 3D
Pepsi Man
Rugrats: Search for Reptar
Hooters Road Trip
Simpson’s Wrestling
South Park
Barbie Explorer
Santa Claus saves the Earth
The Grinch
PS DEMO DISC 3 Pizza Hut
MGS VR Missions
Dexter Mandarks Lab
Chocobo Racer
M&Ms shell shocked
Thrasher Skate and Destroy

>> No.5161008

The SNES classic had a good lineup compared to this dude. With PS it's as if they decided to go with the worst possible scenario, not even analogue controllers holy shit. They're also cucking their own fans hard who will have to somehow try to argue that the PS classic is comparable to the N64 classic, I feel sorry for them.

>> No.5161429

>having third party support is actually a BAD thing

Have we reached peak Nintendrone?

>> No.5161440

>having to play the same versions Yuroshitters did

Disgusting, preorder cancelled.

>> No.5161447

Who the fuck cares, it's 720p with no scaling options or anything so it's immediately a hard pass. The only thing from Sony that uses correct scaling is PSP and Vita (2x interger), not even PSTV.

>> No.5161448

A few of those are legit.

>> No.5161457

>1998 was infamous

Ok now THIS is peak Nintendrone

>> No.5161518

>no SOTN
literally why

>> No.5161553

So, about that source?

>> No.5161558

No crash team racing REEEEE

>> No.5161609

Because they just released a shit emulated PSP version on PS4 so they don't wanna cut into profits from that

>> No.5161612

Thrasher is GOAT

>> No.5161964
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shit just got real. You know you fucked up when youtubers cancel their preorder.

>> No.5162107
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>100 bucks
this is a mess lmao. no games can be installed? i would say to wait until pirates flash it since it at least has a USB port but then again what would be the point? might aswell fully emu then. or just continue using your old ps2? absolute joke.

>> No.5162109

>implying that millions of people won't buy it anyways to leave boxed inside their "display case"

>> No.5162114

yeah they will and i have to agree that having a physical mini playstation seems funny, but not for that money. what i even forgot in my last post: this trainwreck literally runs on pcsx.

>> No.5162115

>You know shit got real when Youtubers x


>> No.5162142

Fuck off you 5 year old.

Wild Arms was the best pick for the PSX Mini besides FFVII

>> No.5162301

Agree with your post, but tbf you know when a meme youtuber does something at least 30,000 gay men will suddenly think/do the exact same.

>> No.5162307

Why is everyone complaining about the game lineup so much? What about the lazy architecture and how it emulates the Playstation?

>> No.5162318

yea... like some one else mentioned. The first two metal of honor games were actually pretty good. WAY better than RB6.

>> No.5162337

cause it wuz anounced with almost 5 flawless games and got only worse games added 2 imo

>> No.5162403

>What about the lazy architecture and how it emulates the Playstation?
we had a thread about this and literally there is nothing wrong about it, only technlogy illiterate gaymen wants proprietary garbage that will only work with the lineup games
at least should be more powerful and easier to hack than a snes mini, it's still the superior manchildren machine

>> No.5163565

I don't need a Wikipedia Source (tm), this is common knowledge. Only the Dreamcast started pushing mandatory 60hz for all its game, and even a lot of PS2 games were still getting awful PAL version in the meantime (Onimusha, Final Fantasy X)

Go emulate Jap and US games then emulate their PAL version. Go have a look at Resident Evil, Final Fantasy IX, etc. Between the NES and Dreamcast era only a handful of devs bothered to do proper PAL conversions for their games. I can count good PAL conversions of NES on one hand and the PS1 is not exception.

>> No.5163578

>99 dollar toy
>going to hire someone to write code that's freely available

>> No.5163687

As an outsider, is there any classic console worth buying? Any recommends? As a PC fag, I'm mostly just emulating stuff, and honestly, I wouldn't have minded the PS classic, if it wasn't fucking $100 for an emulator, 20 roms and a controller that doesn't work on PC.

>> No.5163710

>is there any classic console worth buying
no, just buy controllers and use your pc or a raspberry if you want a dedicate emulator
maybe it could be a good present for a kid but for an adult it's totally useless

>> No.5163724

Pretty much what I thought. Maybe they'll end up on the used market, because I think 20 bucks or so is a pretty fair price for what it is, but they can get fucked buying any of those for $100 or similarly close prices. I wouldn't pay that if they had a complete library.

>> No.5163727

What tells you the controller doesn't work on PC? They're USB. Also there are adapters for regular PS1 pads to use on PC.

>> No.5163739

Can't find it now, some early reviewer said that sony said the controllers don't work on PC. Since they ARE USB, like you pointed out I'm sure someone can make them work, but out of the box it seems like they won't function on PC.

>> No.5163765

you do realise....the most shitty PAL conversions ... are usually the games that run 100% perfectly .... when you force the game into PAL60

...right? .... right?

>> No.5163770

that's not how it works You usually end up with tons of issues that way.

>> No.5163782

from my experience, at least 50% of PAL50 games force properly into PAL60 without significant problems

>> No.5164105

>Magic Knight Rayearth
Is it really that bad? Never played it

>> No.5164151

>preordering anything

>> No.5164165

I have a PS3 that plays every PSX game and the dualshock 3 feels exactly like the first dualshock, so why the fuck would I ever have gotten this? It's not like a Saturn or an N64, whose controllers are completely alien now and whose hardware is difficult to emulate properly.

>> No.5164205
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Retard question: Would it be possible to [somehow] add more games using a hack similar to the SNES Classic?

>> No.5164209

Hopefully people will learn their lesson after pre-ordering Fallout 76.

>> No.5164214

I think there is zero doubt this will be possible

>> No.5164218

The real question is how much onboard storage will be available?

>> No.5164292

considering FFVII is 2GB it should have at least 16GB, probably 32GB of storage
how much (s)nes mini has? 512 MB?

>> No.5164429

I have my doubts since it's a different company, and ISOs don't emulate nearly as smoothly as ROMS do.

>> No.5164453

is there a sony console that wasn't hacked?
the psc runs linux and has usb ports, it's going to be hacked in hours
also there is not technical difference between "ISOs" and "ROMS", they are only bigger files, if anything the storage will be as fast or faster than the snes
they are just single board computers, weaker than a raspberry and without network functionality, nintendo has not magic juice

>> No.5164954

Any guesses since this is just pcsx rearmed, which settings/filters would replicate the mini system on windows?

>> No.5165104


SOme games were actually converted properly to PAL? I thought they all just released them and called it good and the only ones properly fit to PAL are the ones made for it by companies located in Europe.
Why bother spending money on adapting when people will buy it anyway because it's what they know?

>> No.5165492

lemme check my crystal ball, brb

>> No.5165597

>micro usb power so it'll be easy to hack and put your own ISOs in
>usb inputs so you'll be able to use other usb controllers
>comes with 2 usb PSX controllers
>small and portable
>physical button for virtual disk switching
>uses open source PSX emu which people already know inside and out

>comes with lackluster game list which doesn't really matter, because it'll be easy to hack

You fags are insufferable

>> No.5165709

>on board storage. It may have space for tons of roms or it may be close to capacity

>> No.5165763

Half of those features are unintended/locked out by Sony. I agree it will be fine once were able to use our own controllers, tweak emulator settings, and play our own backups. But I can still see why people are upset with the product as advertised.

>> No.5166032

>I bought Die Hard trilogy a while ago during my last pawn haul, should I give it a go soon?

Get in the mood by watching Die Hard with a Vengeance first

Die Hard 1 is ok, not that great
Die Hard 2 is a pretty rad shooter
Die Hard 3 is probably my fav, so ott

>> No.5166427

>considering FFVII is 2GB it should have at least 16GB, probably 32GB of storage
>how much (s)nes mini has? 512 MB?
How long until someone figures out that there are 2 USB ports on the front, and one of them can be hacked to accept a USB memory stick full of ISO/Rom files?

>> No.5166432

>As an outsider, is there any classic console worth buying?
IF you are a PC fag, you can get a lot of bang for your buck with a Wii modded with homebrew. Add an external hard drive, and you can have multiple terabytes of Wii+GC games running from backup. IF you are only interested in old cart based systems, a 16-32gb SDHC Flash card should be more than sufficient. ANY of the "Mini" nintendo system controllers work with the NES/SNES emulators on the Wii flawlessly.

>> No.5166797

Because some companies have standard.

For instance Lobotomy Software for the original Saturn release of Exhumed made a proper PAL conversion, the game runs at the correct speed. The game also had other differences like some improvements and level design changes. EGM praised the game and it became more successful in the UK than anywhere else.
They didn't treat PAL like second rate citizens and got rewarded for it.

PAL PS1 version runs bad though.

Also fun fact: the PAL version of the original Super Mario Bros actually runs about 10% faster than the other releases.

>> No.5166818

>the original Saturn release of Exhumed made a proper PAL conversion, the game runs at the correct speed

>> No.5166859
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x960, Magic.Knight.Rayearth.full.708492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really, really good, one of the most detailed jrpgs i've ever played with a simple but engaging realtime battle system.
Literally every item in the game has different sets of text for each of the characters when they examine them, each character keeps a diary throughout the game complete with illustrations in the character's style, the storyline is separate from the anime and in some ways is better. They even recorded a translated version of the theme tune (which the anime did not have).
The only problem is traditional working designs fuckery making the combat harder in the western release, it's still not that hard though.

>> No.5166958

No it's not, I got the game right here. I've played every version and every region of the game and i've even done speedruns. The PAL version is even the fastest one for speedruns.

It plays at the correct speed and the proof of that is that the timing of a couple of things are different, because sometimes you can't perfect convert everything.

>> No.5166961
File: 92 KB, 960x720, Magic Knight Rayearth Ep10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.19_[2018.06.07_06.59.19].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What? hell nah. Man Rayearth war great fun.

>They even recorded a translated version of the theme tune (which the anime did not have).

Actually the anime did get a dub opening for S1 and the second OP of S2. Though the game did have a different script for theirs. It could have also been a later release type of deal.

Shit I want to replay/rewatch/reread Rayearth again.

>> No.5167005

>Another hilariously incompetent solution would be to have no soundtrack but give people a 10% discount for a month of Spotify. "Just listen to it on there!"
I mean, it's not like we don't all have cell phones

>> No.5167010

>Yeah, but storage size would be a factor.
You're kidding, right? You could get a storage device big enough to fit the entire PS1 library for, like, $15

>> No.5167029

I've been put off of mini consoles since the snes mini, it was really not as good as it was hyped and the hacked emulators have too much input lag. I'll just use original until fpga stuff is a bit more mature which should be in the next 2 years.

>> No.5167363

>>micro usb power so it'll be easy to hack
who says that port's data-lines are connected?

>> No.5167514

I just did some basic calculations and came to the conclusion that "the entire PS1 library" is at least 1.5tb, pease direct me to where I can buy 2tb harddrives for $15

>> No.5167662

the controller ports are also usb

>> No.5167748


I want to know how good the controllers are, i kind of want one of these for the USB controllers.

>> No.5168584

Question: Would anyone care about this if it turns out it's hackable? If I can dump any rom on it, would it be worth? Probably not, considering since it uses an open source emu anyway, you might as well just throw together a pie and then have a multi machine emu

>> No.5168595

>if it turns out it's hackable?
it will, why lazy sony should bother with antipiracy for old games?
and even if they tried someone would hack it anyway, like all the other consoles
>would it be worth?
only if you care about the original controllers (and you don't have two ds already with an usb adapter) and want an adorable box to show your friends (if you have any) and reddit

>> No.5168710

anon wasn't talking about them

>> No.5168730

Pretty much exactly the same but lighter

>> No.5168750

what does he need a data line on the power supply? makes no sense, he probably didn't know controller ports are usb too

>> No.5168751

Yes and yes
I would put a few jRPGs and Einhander on it and have a den setup
>bUT RaspBerRy piS 3 bRO
It's preconfigured, looks nice and has the "original" controllers. I fucking work 40 hours a week and don't have time to put 3000 games and corresponding emulators onto a thing that I'll never play. honestly for 99 bux I don't give a rat's ass

>> No.5168802

I love tenchu

>> No.5169762

Yeah no friends here, but also no dual shock controllers. I don't know why I'm so into the idea of getting these classic consoles, I have a perfectly decent PC that I could emulate most of these games on, either in their old janky glory, or with graphics that would have made the n64/PS1 throw up and die.

Eh, weak argument. Configuring emulators and getting roms isn't really that difficult that I would argue "oh but just buying the classic saves me so much time". You can probably all set it up and play in less time than it would take you to go and buy or order and wait for a classic console.
Also, I'm on the opposite end, I think 99 bucks is quite a heavy asking price for something that is essentially a "FFVII/RE/Metal Gear machine" Because lets face it, those are the "top" tier games in the lineup, then there's some decent ones and the rest is trash. As people said before:
>no [insert list of 20 other titles that were iconic for the PS1]
And if it turns out to be hackable then, well you're back to downloading roms anyway, so might as well play them on PC.

>> No.5169781

>I don't know why I'm so into the idea of getting these classic consoles
because playing console games on a pc doesn't seems right, on a tv feels better
I suggest to pick a raspberry with a cool case: cost effective, more capable emulator, can use every controller and storage for ISOs, can even play online with retroarch netplay, media-center functionality with kodi
also if you don't like it you can always use it as torrent seed box or dns server on your home network for adblocking

>> No.5169829

Because the disk drive is most likely fucked?

>> No.5169875

>Eh, weak argument.
You omitted the part where I wanted it because it's a mini PSX that plays PSX games. Look, we've all been emulating for 15+ years, PC or rpi, it's kind of neat that this mini thing approaches the spirit and style of the original console. That's it dude. Crucify me for being a consumer whore but again it's worth the price of a night out for a little nostalgia/novelty. Even better if you can add your own games.

>> No.5169882
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Mostly sure it's just sony jerking themselves off again.

>> No.5169886

>pizza hut demo disc
this nigga right here

>> No.5169996

It's hardly nostalgic when it has a shitty lineup of games on it that were not even relevant in their own era. Not worth $100 just to add games to it later. I think we should all refrain from buying these things until they've hit the bargain bin at a reasonable price.

>> No.5170118

Basically this: >>5169996
>Tony Hawks
>Dino Crisis
>Twisted metal
>Final Fantasy
>Tomb Raider
>Gran Turismo
>Silent Hill
>Soul Reaver
>Some fighting and some driving shit (Never was into those)
>(all multi series titles should include their system sequels as well)
And then you'd have the best selling nostalgia bait console in fucking existence.
I mean fuck, there's HUNDREDS of lists that have listed PS1 games by popularity, or by poll, or by some editors personal choice, and Dear lord, I doubt "Coolboarders2" makes many top 20 lists.

>> No.5170359

You can get a working PSP + a memory card for it for the same money and enjoy your games on the go AND have more games on it, plus have the access to PSP, GB/GBC/GBA and NES games. Whoever fell for this mini PS1 garbage is a complete retard.

>> No.5170373

The same place that has an infinite supply of used, modable PSPs like every thread about this subject suggests we should all be buying.
Just like that guy who thinks that because he found a modded PS1 for $5 and a free PVM that's somehow a viable choice for the hundreds of thousands of customers a tiny emulator box would have.

>> No.5170409

Lame. No good games

>> No.5170484

That's why I said we'll see if it's hackable. Also

>> No.5170726

Still not worth $100 hackable though

>> No.5170821

Maybe i'll buy it
It's the type of console to use while smoking some weed.
retro gaming and drugs are a good combination

>> No.5171218
File: 971 KB, 410x943, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's keep it real, most of us have our dream line up already.

>> No.5171230

Just wait a few months after release and it'll be cheap on the second hand market.
NES and SNES classics now sell for 30-40 used

>> No.5171647

Yeah I hear people like wipeout, but it was just never a game that I had. same with the soccer games that were popular over here.

>> No.5171663

This. Only retards are pissed about no one forcing them to hand out money for a stupid cash in on nostalgia.

And yet these retards still make bank on other retards dropping large sums of dough on their products don't they?

>> No.5171676

Not me, cause I honestly couldn't care less.

>> No.5171681

If you're a /vr/tard sure, normies will have lost games, scratched discs, broken lasers/motors, ps1s buried under junk, and all kinds of other things gone wrong. That's why the ps1 classic was so warmly welcomed - it was meant to bring all those classics back. Not mediocrity and a bunch of junk you never heard of.