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File: 34 KB, 250x182, 2BEBF0F2-71C9-428C-BFA6-95B715019C5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5145254 No.5145254 [Reply] [Original]

I don’t get all the hubbub around PD. For starters, the controls are irritating. The reticule feels extremely sluggish and the dragon has major blind spots that can’t be reached regardless of what camera angle you’re in. This is all exacerbated by the locked 20 FPS the game runs at.

There are bizzare stretches where no enemies attack you that really seem like padding on an already short game. The levels are extremely barren and uninteresting due to basically having to build the entire game around VDP2 to compensate for VDP1’s blatant incapacity. The music outside the first level feels out of place to me and rather uninspired.

All this isn’t to say that PD is a BAD game, but frankly if it wasn’t a Saturn exclusive I seriously doubt anybody would particularly care for it.

>> No.5145274
File: 158 KB, 534x392, 1538341631564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6/10 OP, I'm pissed, hope you get your hand caught in a garbage disposal.

>> No.5145276

You're, people only care because MUH SATURN EXCLUSIVE

>> No.5145285

Why don’t you actually address my points in an intelligent, composed manner rather than figuratively shutting you’re ears and screaming “B-BAIT!!!!”

>> No.5145287


>> No.5145296

Panzer Dragoon is inseparable from the Saturn. Don’t pretend a Sega PC port from 2 years later can change that.

>> No.5145298

Hey OP, thanks for expressing criticism in a coherent and asshole-free manner. I really wish more people would do the same.

I've always felt the game is sluggish too, but I honestly haven't spent enough time with the game to comment on the rest.

>> No.5145312

and the best version of the PC port is unplayable by most people since it requires a nvidia NV1.


>> No.5145314

I sort of agree, PD1 isn't amazing, it's a competent rail shooter that mostly has the appeal of having an intriguing and interesting art direction and concept, but many levels seem a bit barren after the first level, same with the music. It's like they went all out on the very first level, leaving little to the rest of the game.
I still think it's worth playing, but only as a warm up to the real great Panzer Dragoon game: Zwei, which is fantastic from beginning to end.
Maneuvering the dragon is still a bit irritating because of what you say, sometimes it's hard to guess hitboxes, but Zwei improves a lot more in enemy formations and patterns, it's challenging but not unfair.

>> No.5145550

Was that the actual resolution of the game?

>> No.5145750

That's downscaled, the output of the Saturn was 240p.

>> No.5145757

Just works here

>> No.5145759
File: 366 KB, 1920x1080, SSF 2016-02-04 13-31-48-79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

title screen, intro and level 3 have great music.

but the game has big gameplay problems yeah. I still love it because it's so unique. I wish I could buy a figure of that dragon and the last boss

>> No.5145764

Unfortunately OP is correct. I can see how back at release it would have wowed many players, but it's not a particularly fun game, or even particularly good on its own merits. It's easy to make a comparison to games with similar mechanics and themes. Starfox64 for instance, is much more fun, despite being less cool and having a less beautiful art direction. It even tells its narrative better. Drakengard's aerial gameplay is less fun than PD 99% of the time, but has just a few battles (Furiae is one) that surpass what PD does. Art direction and interesting bosses is all PD has left and they're not enough or amazing enough to make the game noteworthy on their own.

>> No.5145774

>Art direction and interesting bosses is all PD has left and they're not enough or amazing enough to make the game noteworthy on their own.
the game IS noteworthy so yeah they are

>> No.5145817

I really love how in the end of the second level you have to fight this other dragoon with the sandstorms around you and this playing

>> No.5145857
File: 15 KB, 620x465, dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree OP, PD is one of the best games for the system.. Not only is it a 'spiritual successor' to the most popular FPS on the system - and one of the greatest FPS games ever - it innovated new mechanics itself very successfully. Your complaint about the low FPS is true though, it really pushed the system to its limits. I must disagree with your complain about the dragon - the weapon is on the larger side but i'd hardly call the occluded area a blind spot, especially considering the reload animation and the weapon bob causing the player to see 'behind' it most of the time. Modern CoD games have much larger blind spots behind their weapons, for example.

The levels may be barren by modern standards, for example the tundra level where Joanna rescues the president with the help of Elvis, but they manage to pull off an immersive atmosphere none the less - in part due to the great sound and music which you disparaged as out of place. I thought the music was most definitely appropriate, and i particularly loved the increased music temp when a time-limited countdown starts.

Frankly, i don't know what 'saturn exclusiveness' is, but irregardless perfect dark was one of the highlights of the n64.

>> No.5145898

Is there a way to emulate Panzer Dragoon Saga well? I looked into it and I only saw people say bad things about how most ISOs on the internet are corrupted and the like.

>> No.5145925

>early 1995
I don't like the you had to be there argument, but you had to be there.

>> No.5145927

How isn’t there an NV1 wrapper yet. What the fuck.

>> No.5145930

It’s literally only noteworthy because it’s on Saturn, a system admittedly starved for games.

>> No.5145958
File: 40 KB, 576x440, 1536765524971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5146074

If I knew you in real life I would stop being friends with you for posting this except you have no friends so I know I don't know you in real life.

>> No.5146079

see >>5145285

Also nice projection kek.

>> No.5146126

Because your points are basically a bunch of tired bullshit strawmen that you specifically came up with to bait some sort of degenerate conversation about things you pretend to think are bad when really your goal from the outset was obviously to stir up shit because disliking things is more of a hobby for you than liking them. I can only imagine what it was like the exact moment your childhood was completely fucking annihilated by the interference of a similar adult who hated the sound of your laughter and the ignorant naivety of yourchildish curiosity and mirth.

You already got bullied so hard that you've now made a lifestyle out of bullying yourself and requirenegation and depression and apathy just to calm your nerves. Every time you feel the slightest bit of joy your skin crawls with anxiety just because you think someone might catch you and remind you of what you really are.

Actually addressing anything you say directly is a waste of everyone's time just like you were a waste of the milk your mother fed you.

>> No.5146147

yes, I finished it on SSF without problems.
There was one of the 4 CDs that was corrupted on emuparadise, I had to fix it with CD Mage (easy). emuparadise is down and this problem may not exist on other sites.

One other thing to know with SSF: you shouldn't play it with the last version of the emulator because there's a bug that prevents progress in Uru (you can also switch to another version for this one moment and keep the save). it works fine with the 0.12_beta_R3 version, for example.

>> No.5146193

Is this pasta?

>> No.5146646

ad lib'd in a couple of minutes for lulz

>> No.5146663


>> No.5147207

Try Mednafen. It takes a little effort to set it up, but in my experience it worked beautifully. Disclaimer: I only played through the first disc and have never gone further except on a real Saturn.
You'll be glad you went through the effort to play PDS. It's easily one of my favorite games ever.

>> No.5147236

>the controls are irritating
git gud, they're fine.
>The reticule feels extremely sluggish and the dragon has major blind spots
If there's something in your "blind spot" it's off screen, you missed the opportunity to kill it and it can't hurt you any more. Git gud.
>This is all exacerbated by the locked 20 FPS
A small issue.
>There are bizzare stretches where no enemies attack you that really seem like padding on an already short game.
almost like there's pacing and a tone to the game or something, imagine that
>The levels are extremely barren and uninteresting
Your post is extremely barren of real points & arguments, it's very uninteresting
>The music outside the first level feels out of place to me and rather uninspired.
>Yoshitaka Azuma
make more non-critiques, maybe you'll get someone.

>> No.5147430

basic bitch

>> No.5147442 [DELETED] 

>g-git gud!
>who cares about it running like shit?
>padding is pacing!
>no U! ... what do you mean it doesn't work that way?
>you're substantial critiques don't count because I say so!
Fucking fanbois, everyone.

>> No.5147459

Was it overrated? Absolutely, but the game has aged far better than many of it's 5th gen contemporaries (as opposed to something like Tomb Raider, for example) so it at least had that going for it. It was an experimental game for it's time so it's only natural that it won't be perfect, and some people will find a lot more to love in those little faults than others but make no mistake, it DOES have faults, and only fools would pretend otherwise.
It had plenty of games, it was just starved for that killer app that consoles needed to sell so posthumously this series gets propped up a lot.
>g-git gud!
>who cares about it running at low framerates?
>padding is pacing!
>no U! ... what do you mean it doesn't work that way?
>your substantial critiques don't count because I say so!
Fucking fanbois, everyone.

>> No.5147557
File: 70 KB, 352x224, PanzerDragoon_title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, it was 352 × 224

>> No.5147730


>> No.5147746

If you have trouble understanding what people mean when they say a game has "aged" you have literal autism.

>> No.5147878

I understand what it means. I just think people who try and apply their current personal standards for vidya at a universal level are autistic. There are no objective qualifiers for what makes something "aged".

>> No.5147925

>I understand what it means.
you go on to decisively demonstrate that you don’t with the rest of your post.

>> No.5147932

Clarify then.

>> No.5147961

>I don't like the controls. They're coarse and rough and irritating and the reticule gets everywhere.

>> No.5148991

I remember playing it back in 1996 and thinking the graphics were atrocious. Its sluggish, ugly, and kind of boring. 5th gen in a nutshell, I know.

>> No.5149265
File: 125 KB, 768x768, 1270738526002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
