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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 103 KB, 600x413, terranigma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5138927 No.5138927 [Reply] [Original]

I've actually gotten several people to try it but I don't think anybody's gotten past Grecliff.

>> No.5138929

You can get your friends to play retro games? Wow. My two friends are into AAA titles and Smash.

>> No.5139025

Because Terranigma is cryptic as shit and tones down the fighting in favor of puzzle solving.

I wouldn't subject my friends to that. The ones who aren't into straight action games are into RPGs with decent stories, in which case I'd recommend Illusion of Gaia as the best of the SNES Enix games

>> No.5139116

What kind of friends do you hang out with?

>> No.5139123
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fantastic game you can play on fightcade. nobody wants to play it though :(

Every track in the game is japanese karaoke


>> No.5139128

I don't get the hype around Terranigma. I played until a bit after the tree part and the world was soulless and empty.

>> No.5141101

It is soulless and empty until you restore it and start to build towns and countries.

>> No.5141107

Anything that isn't a platformer/sport game.

>> No.5141291

The whole point of the first part of the game game is to rebuild the world

>> No.5141328

Virtually anything. My suggestions aren’t very enticing, it seems. I’ve even bought shit for them during flash sales to eliminate every roadblock, to no avail. Oddworld was the big one there; no one would even try it.

Only was able to get a younger friend into some JRPGs/SRPGs, which I think he’s mostly forgotten.

>> No.5141340

>the world was soulless and empty.
Yeah, that's literally the point. The goal is to fix that.

>> No.5143274

This >>5141291

For some reason, Terranigma really tugged on my heart by the end of it, out of the "trilogy" I'm not sure if I prefer the story of it or Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia was also great but something about the story was lacking to me, I think I just didn't find the characters quite as interesting

>> No.5143487

I get PTSD just thinking about the lion bit

>> No.5143490

isn't that just a simple maze

>> No.5143607

>Because Terranigma is cryptic as shit

What are you on about

>> No.5144059

I can't think of any game I've recommended that people came back to me, said they finished and enjoyed. This goes past games that I personally like and even to games I know the other person will like. Like X-COM? Try Jagged Alliance. Nothing.

>I don't think anybody's gotten past Grecliff
I used to rave about Terranigma but whenever I try replaying it I can never get pass Grecliff either. Being able to now recognize the subpar translation certainly doesn't help.

>> No.5144073

>the best of the SNES Enix games
"The best of the SNES Enix games" is quite definitely Dragon Quest V, though.

>> No.5144124

Ys I&II. I guess the bump combat was a turnoff.
Not really. Mind elaborating, though? Anything in particular you were really stumped on?
There's Louran, and the sidequests later in the game can be obtuse. But the latter are optional and the game as a whole really is neither cryptic nor heavy on puzzles.
>I can never get pass Grecliff either
Interesting, I thought people either can't get past the towers or complained about Eklemata the most as far as Chapter 2 is concerned.

>> No.5144132

I clean forgot about those. Man, Terranigma really does have an unfortunate string of boring dungeons and locations in its early hours. Maybe I'm just playing it too much all in one go. I'll give my replay another try.

>> No.5144149

I don't have friends, and in other case I don't think they would play old games

>> No.5144150

The Underworld is one of the coolest parts to me because of its unique atmosphere (in contrast to part 3 which isn't exactly chock full of things that haven't been done before), even if the towers are the easy tutorial dungeons. I've heard people stopped because they thought the rest is gonna be like it, too.
Pacing yourself may help, but with RPGs the problem often is that you forget what you were doing and where to go. Though that doesn't necessarily apply to a replay.

>> No.5144884
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The struggle is real. I managed to convince one (1) of them to try it and he only played it once, to get into lore and all the memes. We still had a nice chat about the game, setting and certain implications of it, but he only played it once.

>> No.5144909

>boring dungeons and locations
I actually liked how every tower's aesthetics represented the continent you'd revive.

>> No.5145890

YU-NO. I love it but most people I know are not into visual novels (mind you, the hentai thing is not the problem there).

>> No.5145892

The part where I legit got stuck for like a day (not even kidding) is at the zombie town, whatever it's called. There's a building there with a back door I didn't even catch until I just -happened- to observe where certain enemies went.

I loved terranigma.

>> No.5147291

I'm sure Terranigma just wasn't for me. I quit somewhere in part 3. It just wasn't really interesting and the controls were pretty rough.

Soul Blazer on the other hand I loved.

>> No.5148080

>the controls were pretty rough
Now that one, I haven't heard before.

>> No.5148549

pretty much anything, despite the fact that they plays games as much as i do, a lot of my friends didn't get into gaming until the ps2 era. They are only willing to play old games if they have nostalgia for them.

>> No.5148572
File: 48 KB, 768x960, 30704233_10155207015860286_7813152119719985152_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried convincing my friends to play games before, but they just don't buy it. Asking someone to play an old game is like suggesting for them to read a book or watch and old movie, and usually people don't go in for that shit unless they ask for it directly.