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5138668 No.5138668 [Reply] [Original]

>boot up Sonic for the Sega for the first time in years
>realize you hardly ever "gotta go fast"
wtf. This whole game is pretty much normal platforming past the 1st stage. Everytime you go fast you just crash into a big spike ball or lava or something and lose all your rings

>> No.5138672

You have to earn your speed. The more you play the more you learn the game mechanics and levels and are able to zip through things. Of course, Sonic 1 also has cockblock stages like Marble and Labyrinth zones, which were genuinely a mistake and were basically shoehorning mario levels into a sonic game.

>> No.5138674

I have not seen this thread or opinion before.

>> No.5138682
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>cockblock stages like Marble and Labyrinth zones

>> No.5138686

Apparently the devs agreed with my sentiment because they ditched these "breather levels" after the first game.

>> No.5138690

marble zone is the worst

also I would play a whole game of just special emerald zones with traps

>> No.5138717

Whis is this considered a flaw? Do people really prefer to play so fast and breeze through levels as opposed to actually doing platforming? Isn't going fast what eventually killed Sonic in 3D iterations?

>> No.5138753

>realize you hardly ever "gotta go fast"
Good. Running as fast as possible and hopping sometimes sounds like a terrible game.

>> No.5138779

In Sonic 1 you have to learn the layout of the levels before you can go fast, 2 and 3 did a much better job balancing going fast and platforming while still rewarding experienced players.

>> No.5138781

If all people want is to hold right to win they can just go play the Advance games.

>> No.5138816
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At least they fixed it in Sonic 3 by adding all those long tunnels where you just autorun really fast

>> No.5138830

>first time in years
You're not playing it every month because its the best game ever made?

>> No.5138870

>playing Marble
>not just zip+level wrapping to the end
LMAO @ ur life

>> No.5138873

well, it's SONIC not UNIRACER

>> No.5138882

Fortress Wing Zone says hi.

>> No.5138894

Green Hill Zone is the best zone in Sonic and the game is all downhill after that. They clearly should have made all the other levels to the quality of GHZ but supposedly the developers wanted to give kids a breather with normal slow paced platforming in between the faster levels. Looking back on it this was a dumb move obviously.

They should remake the first game to the quality of GHZ and with the mechanics from Mania.

>> No.5138901

As long as the levels are done right and not completely without challenge like >>5138781
then it is great because Sonic isn't supposed to be like every other platformer. Why are you even asking these stupid fucking questions? Should every franchise be the exact same thing?

>> No.5139064

Marble Zone is one of the best zones in all of Sonic.

>> No.5139158

Sonic 1 was the platforming game, Sonic 2 was the speed game. When will people get this through their skulls?

>> No.5140153
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Sonic was always more about pinball physics than brainless speed. The marketing focused on speed but the games did not. Boost and Adventure are not classic Sonic logically translated into 3D, they're gotta-go-fast simulators with a sonic skin. Instead of physics-based platforming you just spam homing attack. Instead of earning speed through maintaining momentum as you run and bounce through an obstacle course, you just push up and hit max speed in 1 second, then proceed to watch some auti-pilot bullshit until it's time to mash homing attack again.

>> No.5140192

When you go back in time and change Sonic 1's first level to NOT be a demonstration of gameplay showcasing the main hook, which is his extreme speed.

>> No.5140305

> wasting our time complaining about how your memory is like swiss cheese
> thinks people here will care about an idiot not understanding how sonic works
> talks to us like we've never played it before
tell us more, wise zoomernon.

>> No.5140380

Sonic 1 was a platforming game.
All Sonic games after that are speed games.
99.9% of the fanbase gives exactly ZERO fucks about speed and some even bitched about time limits to the point where SEGA gave them the option to remove the time limit altogether.

So tell me again what is a speed game without a time limit?

>> No.5140416

The Advance games actually have springs and boosters that throw you straight into spikes.

Too bad that Sonic 3 & Knuckles sucked.

Sonic 2 was the last good sonic game that balanced platforming and speed finely.

>> No.5141138

>this triggered
sonic really brings out autism

>> No.5141141

no fggt,you go fast while avoiding shit

>> No.5141143

>going fast in marble zone when you're just jumping on spike chains and standing on floating bricks

>> No.5141181

>So tell me again what is a speed game without a time limit?
a shitty game

>> No.5141183

sonic is and always will be a shit franchise

>> No.5141224

Exactly, Sonic was never gotta go fast back in the day. It was a momentum platformer. It was e celebrities who were “hur dur gotta fast man!” Sonic was always just a generic platformer were you go fast if you get good at it.

>> No.5141264

it was an innovative game

>> No.5141280

all this zoomers complaining in this thread

>> No.5141293

it has fun physics, great game feel

>> No.5141553

That’s why 2 and 3 and CD are better; head on shoulders

>> No.5143850

>shitposter never played the games
second and third level of Sonic 2 and second and sixth level of Sonic 3, faggot.

>> No.5143865

>Chemical Plant
>Launch Base
>breather levels

>> No.5144650

They all had big breather parts. Hydrocity part one was literally all breather, child.

>> No.5144883

>he doesn't know about Hydrocity Act 1's upper route

>> No.5144978

Sonic 2's second half has a ton of traps to fuck over people who try to go fast not knowing the level layout.

>> No.5144983
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Patrician Sonic Zone Ranking:
1. Spring Yard Zone
2. Starlight Zone
3. Marble Zone
4. Scrap Brain Zone
5. Labyrinth Zone
6. Green Hill Zone

>> No.5145709

That doesn't make it a not breather level. Hell, act 2 becomes one if you fall off, child.