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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 249 KB, 850x1204, raiden_arcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5135521 No.5135521 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a totally newbie when it comes to these types of games, but I've been playing a lot of Ikaruga and I'm loving the shit out of it. So, could rec me some great titles for retro fun?

>> No.5135529

I'm also new but I'd recommend Thunder Force III and IV for Genesis, Einhander for PSX and Strikers 1945 for arcade.

>> No.5135643

Raiden 1 is GOD.

>> No.5135648

PC Engine is usually regarded as "the shooter console", but Genesis and Saturn have some great titles as well


Soldier Blade (PCE)
Gley Lancer (MD)
Slap Fight (MD)
Air Zonk (PCE)
Gradius (PCE)
Ray Force (Saturn)
Gate of Thunder (PCE)
Parodius Da! (SNES)

>> No.5135653

Giga Wing, R-Type, Air Duel, Raiden 2 and Fighters Jet, Aero Fighters 3, Radiant Silvergun, DonPachi, Tempest 2000, the Ray trilogy, In The Hunt, and Mars Matrix are ones I love to hell and back. Do CPS2 titles count as retro? Progear is the shit too.

>> No.5135696
File: 1.80 MB, 850x1192, dogyuun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super fun shooter with sick graphics and music. Classic Toaplan quality.

Raiden 1 is ok, I think Raiden 2 is more fun.

>> No.5135732

Raiden 2 is probably the only shmup I know of where everyone I know of has played it. Old CiCi's pizza in my town had it and Hydro Thunder before they shut down.

>> No.5135746

So is Gradius a terrible game to start with or do I just suck?

>> No.5135751

Gradius requires memorization and strategy right off the bat almost, and you have to no death it for an easier time. Nemesis arcade is substantially easier for beginners because it spams power ups at you after you die, making recoveries easy. Flying Shark or Batsugun are better if you want something more relaxed, Batsugun Special ver. even more so.

>> No.5135756

if you want Gradius, try Gradius Gaiden (Japan PSX release only), or for questionably-retro you can try the Gradius Collection on PSP which has the arcade versions of 1, 2, 3, Gaiden, and 4, and gives you the option to use a smaller hitbox.

>> No.5135773

Since this is the shmup thread, what is y'alls thoughts on autofire?
Most old shmups require you to button mash, do you think it's unfair or improper to utilize autofire in games that weren't designed that way (particularly in arcades, for example Strikers 1945, where a turbo controller was not an option).
Modern shmups have done away with mashing all together, and re-releases of old shmups usually have an autofire option. Is button mashing just an antiquated mechanic? is there a defense in favor of mashing?

>> No.5135789

usually there are a limited number of bullets that can be on screen in these games, so autofire can screw you if it fires too many bullets and you don't have one when you need it. aside from that specific situation, button mashing is a dumb mechanic and was probably introduced to make the game look more frantic to arcade goers, since even ancient games like Space Invaders had autofire.

>> No.5135792

Nobody really cares, neither in the west or in japan. Cabs had autofire buttons, players use them all the time, scores and 1ccs are gotten with autofire with no one batting an eye as long as it's specified. It's up to you if you feel like the challenge is worth it, I don't think so because it's not only an annoying skill to learn but also dangerous. If you feel like a game's trivialized by autofire, just reduce the frequency.

>> No.5135891

I can't tell any of the PCE vertical shooters apart...
which one is an especially good one?

>> No.5136282

I always read that logo as "Dayyum"

>> No.5136307
File: 917 KB, 571x1000, untitled-1_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd suggest Battle Mania Daiginjou (or Trouble Shooter Vintage). It's one of THE best shooters on any system, not just the Genesis.

Only play the prequel first if you really want to experience that feel of upgrading to Daiginjou. It's a rare case of the sequel actually being the better game. Literally everything a sequel needs to be

>> No.5136581

Soldier Blade
Gunhed and Spriggan are both spiritual Aleste games
Galaga 88
Sapphire (it's ok but some swear by it)

>> No.5136609

batsugun special
shmupg on /vg/ loves newbies btw

>> No.5136664

Is this the one with the flying super marios?

>> No.5136678

PCE has one called Override.
It's not mind blowing but I always thought it was pretty solid and fun

>> No.5136687
File: 28 KB, 640x400, tyrian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows Tyrian is objectively the best shmup ever made.

>> No.5137120

>Want to get into scoring shmups but I hate youtubing "monkey see, monkey do"

>> No.5137127

What's a good frequency to go for (MAME)?

>> No.5137343

isn't nemesis much harder in every aspect except for what you mentioned? i think the rank actually increases faster. tcrf had a list of differences but i'm on a phone right now. i remember enemies being much more aggressive on stage 1.

>> No.5137806

That depends on the game, but usually 20-30hz is good enough.

>> No.5137918

>when you're the "copymonkey" spamming faggot from shmupg, and you really want to shitpost in a vr thread, but you know you gotta be subtle

>> No.5139238

>It's a rare case of the sequel actually being the better game.
lmao what it's rare that's NOT the case in terms of games. You're thinking of movies. But, yeah, I haven't played this in ages, might have to give it another go soon.

>> No.5139258

Yes the rank rises faster but the easy recoveries still make it easier than Gradius, especially with how many extends the game throws at you and the rank dropping A LOT upon death

>> No.5139261

Override is a lot of fun
also has a sequel on x68000 called "Last Battalion"

>> No.5139292

R type and darius twin are required if you got a snes or use a emulator. i preferred darius twin personally as there are 2 separate paths for bosses that cris cross you can work through while Rtype felt more confined in the boss battles themselves despite the fact you have the same amount of screen space

>> No.5139303

OP please don't play R-Type and Darius 2 on a fucking SNES, jesus christ.

>> No.5139567

Super R-Type is a fucking mess and III is a snooze.

>> No.5139779

Is it true the 2P blue ship has a faster move speed

>> No.5139821


Raiden Trad on the Genesis/ Mega Drive with the arcade sprite/ colour hack is a fantastic version of the game:


>> No.5139829

Darius Twin is the epitome of mediocrity, if you wanna play shmups stay away from SNES

>> No.5139876
File: 10 KB, 320x224, 1502142375446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's pretty funny actually

>> No.5139883

Twinbee (Famicom)
Keio Flying Squadron (Sega CD)
I know most of /vr/'d hate me for saying this, but emulate Keio. Don't spend $200 on the original thing.

>> No.5139914 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 164x61, yb4ka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue ship in 1 is the same as red ship, however the game's difficulty is slightly lower with it.
In II and DX, blue ship is faster while moving horizontally, while the red one is so when moving vertically. Due to how the game works (such as the hitbox shrinking when you move to one side long enough and the pattern design, this also happens in 1) blue is still the recommended one.

/jarpig/ please don't ban me and remove all my posts for this informative post.

>> No.5139928

Unironically this.

>> No.5140102 [DELETED] 

>/jarpig/ please don't ban me and remove all my posts for this informative post.
Why can't you just make the informative post without all the passive aggressive asshurt? No one needs to know, nor do they even care, that you're from /shmupg/. So why announce it?

>> No.5140110 [DELETED] 

Because that's what happens every time I post in the board, shmup threads in particular are quite highly monitored. I ask for that one to be spared since I just want to help that anon. Besides, nothing was said about /shmupg/.

>> No.5140131 [DELETED] 

I'm a JRPG player but god damn that got me hard

>> No.5140135 [DELETED] 

What do you mean?

>> No.5140143

If that was ricky it's because the assblasted jarpig mod bans spanish IPs on sight.

>> No.5140150 [DELETED] 

Yes, but maybe not that, a Spanish one that also happens to talk about shmups. There are at least a couple of othe Spanish regulars on the board, including one I know personally but he has barely played shmups.

>> No.5140157

There are a couple good shmups on SNES - UN Squadron for example is amazing and Axelay isn't terrible. Generally the Genesis and Turbografx-16 are better though, and if you have a decent PC MAME is the best. Currently my PC is a piece of shit without a sound card so I play most of my shmups on Genesis and PSX.

>> No.5140162 [DELETED] 

The "jarpig" insult isn't directed towards all JRPG players, it's meant for people who only play JRPGs and despise skill-based games. Normal retro gamers have multiple genres they enjoy.

>> No.5140173
File: 180 KB, 800x989, 63368-demonstar-windows-back-cover.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5140227 [DELETED] 

>Besides, nothing was said about /shmupg/.
>uses that desperate "/jarpig/" term that only those autists use

>> No.5140240

That's a rather sound post, why would /vr/ (whatever that means) hate you for that? Emulation is perfectly fine.

>> No.5140639 [DELETED] 

>Because that's what happens every time I post in the board
Then maybe you should take some advice from /shmupg/ and just not post here.

>> No.5140645 [DELETED] 

>Besides, nothing was said about /shmupg/.
Go back to your hole and stay there. You've been told time and time again.

>> No.5140646 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 1139x517, 1538173283816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shmup info / advice verboten

>> No.5140650

Grats to /shmupg/ for yet another successful board raid. Rent free, I guess.

>> No.5140652 [DELETED] 

>answering a legit shmup question nobody else could answer correctly

>> No.5140656 [DELETED] 
File: 261 KB, 512x512, 1535720617454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually believing that you have some sort of secret knowledge about video games
>making sure everyone knows you're /shmupg/ by telling them in every post you make
>making sure to reply to every shitpost because derailing this thread is more important than just ignoring it

>> No.5140659

While it was overrated to the meme tier level... Musha on sega is actually good!

>> No.5140660 [DELETED] 

nobody else in the thread answered him for five hours. And I haven't brought up that thread at all. epic strawman bro

>> No.5140662 [DELETED] 

correction: actually closer to 3, had to double check. Sorry for that
Also, I've spoken about this topic quite a few times, not many know it in the community

>> No.5140664 [DELETED] 

Yeah, so epic bro. Just like this thread derail that you pathetic little faggots will inevitably blame on fictional crossboarding troll. So, again, grats on that.

>> No.5140665 [DELETED] 

You're welcome, shmup player

>> No.5140668

I like MUSHA but it's my least favorite compile game I've played so far. I really like Zanac Neo and Power Strike.

>> No.5140672 [DELETED] 

>shmup player
You should try it sometime. It's a lot better than just sitting in a thread dedicated to a game genre and instead wasting your time crying about "jarpigs" and "le j00s" while you plan your next crossboard shitposting fest.

>> No.5140674

>inb4 "wot u ply hurrrrr"

>> No.5140675 [DELETED] 

wot u ply hurrrr

>> No.5140678


>> No.5140681 [DELETED] 
File: 269 KB, 723x414, jarpig pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to see me stream? Because I'm known for having done that.

>> No.5140682 [DELETED] 

What are you thinking about playing?

>> No.5140683 [DELETED] 

>Want to see me stream?
Not really. Must not be very good if all you do is waste your time in "jarpig central" baiting in threads. Am I supposed to know who you are?

>> No.5140685 [DELETED] 
File: 354 KB, 359x468, 1520295206743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to see me stream?
>le ebip "boomer" drink can meemay
>literal neckbeard
am i being rused?

>> No.5140687 [DELETED] 

Work on your English. I could give several different games a go, even fighting game 1CC.

It's so you stop with your nonsense of that community never playing, but we all know you never will.

I actually did that stunt because I needed sunglasses (Turbo Force flashing annoyed my eyes), I don't do that otherwise and I'm shaved now anyway.

>> No.5140691

>tfw no PC that can run MAME

>> No.5140692 [DELETED] 

What's wrong with my english? If you're taking recommendations I'd be interested in Viper Phase 1 either version

>> No.5140693 [DELETED] 

>but we all know you never will.
Oh cool, then you have little reason to still be here shitposting then. Take care.

>> No.5140694 [DELETED] 

>hurr anything I don't like is a shitpost
He's here to talk with those of us who actually want to talk about shmups.

>> No.5140696 [DELETED] 

that about is kinda unnatural IMO but I could be wrong. I could play that one but my experience with it is quite limited, only the first three stages or so for a bit. Seemed fun.

>> No.5140697 [DELETED] 

He's here to bait and shitpost, as are the rest of you. Fuck off already.

>> No.5140701 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 300x193, baby_crying_closeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5140702 [DELETED] 
File: 1.00 MB, 1150x1071, 1539248607047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually want to talk about shmups.
>"ok here is some expert level shmups talk but you little faggo jarpigs better not report me btw i'm from shmupgee in case u didn't no"
am i being rused?

>> No.5140705 [DELETED] 

>btw i'm from shmupgee in case u didn't no
Making shit up and not talking about shmups seems to be your thing.

>> No.5140707 [DELETED] 
File: 307 KB, 1104x1104, 1523931125670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>directly referring to a post in this very thread
>Making shit up
am i being rused?

>> No.5140708 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 1624x1080, baby_crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ftfy, nnttm

>> No.5140709

ANYWAYS, ignoring shitposters like >5140702
and >5140697, what shmup are you playing bros? For me it's Thundeforce 2, the best orientation-changing shmup. :)

>> No.5140710

>starts flamewar
>wot u ply?
like pottery

>> No.5140713

That's not Lifeforce

>> No.5140717 [DELETED] 

this shitposter is BEGGING for attention, but do not give in my fellow shmupfans!

I just do not like Konami shmups

>> No.5140721 [DELETED] 

>comes here to deliberately start a shitshow
>we good boy we dindu nuffin! wot u ply?
like some sort of vessel made out of clay

>> No.5140726 [DELETED] 

the more we talk about shmups, the more this shitposter is weakened! I tend to think the reason I don't like Konami shmups is the environmental hazards, but I love R-type. Weird, isn't it?

>> No.5140734 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 247x295, gpmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last shmup I played was Mars Matrix since MAME 0.203 has improved QSound and I wanted to test it, and since I like that game a lot I went for a full session with it. I did better at than a year ago or so when I played it more regularly.

Then that must not be the reason by logic.

>> No.5140735

I like R-Type more than Gradius for sure, but I actually think environmental hazards in hori shmups are awesome. Take Thunder Force III for example - the levels wouldn't be as memorable if they were just enemies.

Lifeforce is special to me because coop

>> No.5140736 [DELETED] 

>stop participating in the flamewar we started little jarpigs! it's okay for us to do this to you, but you have to take it. we're your betters, remember little jarpiggerinos?
>wot u ply?
like an object similar to a container made of ceramic, made for the purpose of holding liquids or perhaps flowers

>> No.5140740 [DELETED] 
File: 334 KB, 850x1208, Giga Wing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at it*

Try Giga Wing, it's the best co-op shmup I've played. 1CC'd with a buddy over a few days on Fightcade this summer.

>> No.5140746

the shitposter is getting desperate! keep going bros!

I played Mars Matrix for the first time in a good while a few weeks and got utterly btfo. I remembered the game being a lot easier for whatever reason.

I actually agree on Thunderforce III, the environmental hazards definitely give the game a very unique charm that I like. It's like I only dislike environments in Gradius or something.

>> No.5140748 [DELETED] 

Right now I'm in a situation where my PC is absolute dogshit - no sound card, weak processor etc. MAME runs like shit. I'm consolefagging for the foreseeable future due to financial constraints

>> No.5140752 [DELETED] 

Mars Matrix, while not the hardest shmup to survive, is far from trivial. Perhaps you played it on a Dreamcast, or with lower than usual dips in service mode?

Keep that in mind then for when you can then.

>> No.5140758 [DELETED] 

I actually did play it on the Dreamcast. Is that version different?

>> No.5140760 [DELETED] 

>let's all just relax and talk about shmups!
>nevermind the fact that we came over here and shitposted yet another pointless flamewar into existence
>wot u ply?
in a manner not unlike decorated kiln-fired goods meant to be functional as well as decorative

>> No.5140761 [DELETED] 

It is, it lacks a counterstop for instance.

>> No.5140763 [DELETED] 

this shitposter is on the ropes! we've got him now bros!

Well I knew about the lack of counterstop, but I didn't realize there were any other changes.

>> No.5140767
File: 405 KB, 1600x1200, 1513295719295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'll just keep pretending that i'm not a crossboarding troll! we've had our fun anyway.
>wot u ply?
in a fashion not at all unlike pic related, but not necessary exactly. like, it could maybe have a different pattern on it, and that would be ok too

>> No.5140769 [DELETED] 

Yeah there are several slight changes.
My coolest experience with MM was when I managed to get a full cube chain in stage 5. I've praised the game quite a bit, my favorite bullet hell.

>> No.5140784

What's everyone's opinion on Einhander?

>> No.5140787

I do not care for it.

>> No.5140790

Wasn't it just Playstation, sorry "PSX" anti-skill not arcade garbage?

>> No.5140792

Not every game made for console is anti-skill. I'm the guy with no PC so I've been playing a lot of console games.

>> No.5140801

>Not every game made for console is anti-skill.
If it didn't see an arcade release, it's literally anti-skill. Or so I'm told.

>> No.5140802

>or so I'm told.
See: the entire Thunder Force series

>> No.5140806

>I'm the guy with no PC
You're talking about buying an actual copy of Einhander then? But you presumably have no money for a PC? I'm not sure this is the best plan.

>thunder force
>not arcade

>> No.5140814

Nah lol I have a modded PSOne and burned discs. I am what you would call a poor person

>> No.5140819

Ahh, hadn't considered that. Probably the way to do it considering what Ein typically goes for these days. Even if you had money I'm not sure you'd want to pay that much for a Playstation game.

>> No.5140820 [DELETED] 

Why do certain people claimto have skill if all they do is copy monkey stuff from japanese players? If only they were relevant, but not even that.

>> No.5140828

I don't know, I'm pretty new to the genre and have a mild interest in it (not passionate) so I didn't know this was a practice that went on a lot. It does make sense to copy the techniques of better players though - when I was new to SF I would literally watch Daigo videos over and over.

>> No.5140830

I've tried some shmups on CRT 240p and the difference vs LCD is huge. Background scrolling is super sharp, no ghosting. Picture looks deeper, less flat, you can tell which clouds are on the foreground and background. I can't play old shmups on lcd anymore.

>> No.5140831

Actually, I take this back. It's come down a fair amount recently. Complete for less than $100 isn't that bad.

>> No.5140832

The difference is that fighting games you're playing against humans, so you can't copy 1:1 because each match will be different.
I like shmups as well, but I don't go around claiming to be skilled just because I can 1cc stuff.

>> No.5140838

Best PlayStation shmup, or console game as a whole I've played is Gradius Gaiden.

>> No.5140852

Yeah that game is fucking awesome. It's coop too which makes it a 10/10

>> No.5141394

Twin Cobra, Raiden, Outzone
have the best SHMUP music. Fight me.

>> No.5141397

Raiden 2, Radiant Silvergun, Progear and RType 3. Chequem8.

>> No.5141634

Finally, someone gets it....

>> No.5141681

JP copy is still relatively cheap.

>> No.5141736
File: 208 KB, 1280x720, progear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Progear, now.

This game is amazing, great art, music and precise timing and tactics needed (your ship slows down as you shoot so you can't just spam your shit non-stop).

>> No.5141747

runs perfectly smooth on retroarch, cps2 emulator, Vita, or w/e you like.

>> No.5141750


hi OP

Hitlist of shooting games devs:

Psikyo, Raizing, Cave, Compile, Toaplan, Sunsoft, tecnosoft, naxat, video system, kaneko, seta, seibu kaihatsu

Shitlist of shooting game devs:

Treasure, Konami

>> No.5142291
File: 541 KB, 1920x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a very good old skool shmup on the Neo Geo / Arcade.


>> No.5142447

Haven't played it in a long time, but I enjoyed it.

>> No.5143548
File: 56 KB, 640x640, implicit racism einhander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Einhander is great, one of the best. But it's also....literally HITLER look at this cover...

>> No.5143617

Most 1cc's are basic and don't require even a fraction of what goes into high level scoring. Besides, copying superplays will drive you mad unless you're already very good at the game, what usually happens is you pick up certain strategies which you can execute consistently and incorporating them into your own routes. And even then this is after you're very familiar with a given part of a game you're trying to optimize.