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5133738 No.5133738 [Reply] [Original]

Honest thoughts on Sonic Adventure?

>> No.5133739 [DELETED] 


>> No.5133746


>> No.5133748


>> No.5133752

So bad it's good, but yeah its shit

>> No.5133758

trash that gave birth to nu-sonic

>> No.5133761

A fairly decent offering - the graphics and music were great. There's a good game in there somewhere but the adventure part of it was a bit rubbish and the action wasn't as fun as you'd expect either, considering how fun for example racing the penguin is in Mario 64.

So it was maybe a 6-7. But this was a failure for a mega-franchise like Sonic. Sega's reaction was simply head in the sand and to fake it and hype it into being a AAA title. Instead of being considered an unfortunate black sheep like Zelda 2, Sega pressed ahead - it wasn't a failure, it was a great success. This is why it was listed as one of the best games on the system in many magazines (especially the official one). And with Sonic Adventure 2 they continued basically the same way, it's as if they started believing their own bullshit. If they had been more honest and stopped trying to hype it as one of the best games on the system maybe people would trust them more. Especially given the fact that if people play it and don't like it and will falsely think "this is the best game on the system, what a bad system", when that's not true.

>> No.5133765
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I like it

>> No.5133772

It's definitely a game made for it's original system. It seems in every port some new bug gets introduced or an old one is made worse, etc. Or the controls or performance get messed up.

I'd say it's not a bad game in it's US Dreamcast incarnation. Sonic seems to control better and the bugs/performance issues are at a minimum. The post Gamecube ports don't have the performance issues it had, but they do have additional bugs if I remember correctly.

>> No.5133798

I liked exactly half of the game. Amy and Gamma was meh.

Fishing was a fucking disgrace and Big the Cat is a violation of human rights.

>> No.5133810

It’s enjoyable to move the characters around, which I think is the base requirement for making a fun platformer. It’s held back by other problems but zipping around as Sonic or Knuckles or even Tails or Gamma is nice. They’re all fun to control. Amy isn’t as fast but her acrobatics and the constant chase element keep her movement pretty fun as well. Big is a fishing game and exempt from this judgement.

A lot of the puzzles were pretty stupid, oh you beat X level so here’s a rock appearing in some random alleyway, take it to the ice level to unlock the next stage. Or to trigger a cutscene you just need to walk to a certain random part of town. It’s not too bad but it can feel kinda random which is annoying. The glitches are obviously a much bigger problem.

The foundation as a game is solid, it’s just too unpolished to be called good.

Also everything about the story is stupid as hell and embarassing to sit through, but as a kid I liked it and kids are the target audience, so I’m not sure how negatively to count that. One big thing is not a lot of kid’s games had this one’s level of voiced cutscenes. Today that’s not special at all and even kind of reviled, but for the time that was a huge part of its novelty.

I have a nostalgic fondness of the game but it’s not one I see myself ever wanting to go back and play more of.

Chao Garden kinda sucked in this one, which is a shame since the garden aesthetics are better than the second game’s.

>> No.5133828

is this part of an in-game level? i don't remember it at all

>> No.5133832

better than mario 64 because its let you move the camera freely

>> No.5133865

Replayed them both the last year and they're pretty much trash. Camera and collision are easily the worst offenders though.

Somebody post that webm showing that you can't even run in a straight line because of the constant auto camera adjusting. You'll also fall through floors, clip through enemies etc because the collision is garbage.

>> No.5133879

Its saving grace was that for whatever reason it felt good to run with the Dreamcast analog stick as Sonic.

>> No.5133909

I could only stomach the Sonic route in the original Sonic Adventure. When it first came out, playing it over at a friends house felt amazing, but coming back to it years later was kind of a grind. That said, I still like it.

>> No.5133915
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I'm pissed about the legion of retards it contributed to create. I honestly loved every part of it back then. Although I'm aware it didn't age well at all I still like it.

>> No.5134120

I have DX for gamecube. I have all of the minigames unlocked.

>> No.5134121

Awful gimmicky and glitchy overrated trash where the only good thing about it were the Sonic stages.

>> No.5134223
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it's super sugoi

>> No.5134228

It is very dated now but very much in better shape than what Internet famous autists will let you believe. It has aged well comparatively.

>> No.5134257

It's janky and dated, but you also have to look at it in the context of 1999. Nobody had seen anything like that before.

>> No.5134260 [DELETED] 

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.5134261

also cringe and bluepilled. we had seen many, many games like it at that point

>> No.5134269

Thought it was kind of disappointing desu. I was expecting something on the Saturn, and the Dreamcast happened way later and this still wasn't as good as Mario 64. I was a huge Sonic fan during the 16-bit era; I enjoyed Sonic 1-3 way more than Super Mario World (I think the NES Mario games are better) so Sega kinda dashed my young hopes with the lack of presence on the Saturn and the too little, too late showing on the DC. I would've rather they just made another 2D game if they were gonna be a whole generation late. That would've placed Sonic in a different bracket than Mario, but he would have kept his integrity.

>> No.5134463

Played it for the first time earlier this year (and the sequel), on DC. Janky as all get out but honestly more fun than it had any right to be. I really liked the Gamma portion.
In some ways I think the original Adventure is more consistent than 2; the “lows” aren’t as bad even if I think 2 had some better highs. Yeah there was Big (which was bad principally because even the tutorial already expected players to be familiar with SEGA Bass Fishing), but the sequel somehow downgraded the treasure hunting/“mech” segments to complete slogs.
Objectively great they are not. They’re entertaining though, and they are both so of their time that I find them a little charming.

>> No.5134512

it's okay. The Sonic and Tails levels are good. Knuckles and the robot (Gamma?) were okay. Big/Amy sucked. I hate sega for porting the shitty gamecube version to PC and everything else instead the original DC version. I have the original and while it doesn't look much better it feels so much better. I don't know what they were thinking with SADX. It's so much more glitchy

>> No.5134517
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There's literally a mod to turn the PC version into the DC version, both visually and by fixing glitches:

>> No.5134568

I replay it from time to time and I still think it's pretty great and fun game, although with some severe flaws. The highest point was the music and Gamma's Arc, both were 10/10. I unironically loved Sonic's, Knuckles's and Gamma's stages. Tails's "races" were meh and Big was boring as fuck unless you were fishing on Emerald Coast on the secret alcove. Comfy as fuck.

>> No.5134570

I don't think it is. Maybe a screenshot of the beta build?

>> No.5134959

It's a mod.

>> No.5135042

DX felt bad, don't know if DC was any better. that aside half the game is average and i wish the sequel and later games built upon what this tried minus the dogshit

>> No.5136331

So, it's a mod based on the beta screenshots? Interesting.

>> No.5136464

clunky but I appreciate what they were trying to do.

>> No.5138226

Not just the screenshots, but the actual level and object data recovered from a prototype dumped a couple years back. The textures were all gone though, so they had to mostly recreate those, aside from a few that made it into the final game in different places.

>> No.5138243

And by level and object data, I mean pretty much everything aside from textures and sound; models, animation, lighting, code, etc. It's just flat-out broken in the prototype unless you do some crazy modifications, and even then it's stupidly broken.

But yeah, this mod IS the original windy valley, not just fan conjecture, though a lot of work was actually put into making it a playable level and re-coding the broken objects to make them work.

>> No.5139734

I like sonic gameplay. I even enjoy knuckles gameplay for some reason. The Chao garden gives good reason to replay levels. Good game just a lot of filler and recycled content.

>> No.5140210

What makes the none-DX version better?

>> No.5140248

Less glitchy, more advanced lighting, and different textures that most people prefer.
However there are a few downsides in my opinion — there are some better models and animations in DX, and the original DC version of SA caps at 30fps with noticeable drops.
Modding DX on PC to get a happy medium is probably the ideal solution.

>> No.5140256

IIRC the only authentic stuff that was recovered from the prototype is the level geometry. Everything else was recreated from scratch.

>> No.5141124

i liked it, i wish i could play it again. never got to play it for very long when it came out

>> No.5141131

It's not like it's been ported to every fucking platform ever under the sun.

>> No.5141618

Still the most important part though, and it shows. It's too bad it's not what ended up in the game because it's way more open and fun than any other SA level. The Dreamcast's dev hardware was more capable than the retail model so this level in particular was making the system choke; they had to end up redesigning it into what we have in the final.

>> No.5141687

Flawed but fun anyway.