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5131780 No.5131780 [Reply] [Original]

What do yall think of this game?

>> No.5131786

its a'ight

>> No.5131789

It's interesting, but has flaws such as boring enemy design. Mostly liked it for the atmosphere and music.

>> No.5131792

I actually rather liked the enemy design of horribly disfigured animals and how grotesque they looked. It fit well with how grimy and dirty new york is.

>> No.5131884

Oh sorry I just meant gameplay wise, visually they were fine. The game starts off by throwing you a couple of enemies + boss with projectiles, which made me think big part of the game would be sort of bullet hell.

But they didn't really follow it up. A lot of the enemies were melee based, and the enemies with projectiles were kinda janky and weird. Maybe the engine just wasn't that great with projectiles, so they didn't focus on it.

>> No.5131893

Really good.

>> No.5131926

It's one of the best video games ever made.

>> No.5131939

Used to hate it because my friend (who was the most popular kid in 2nd grade at my school) played it and declared it the best game ever made one day into it in-game. He would never shut the fuck up about it, no other game couldn't match up to it, not even the RE games, and hated that I didnt like it as much as he did, and I eventually got sick of the game for a long time.

When I got to college, I decided to give the game another chance, and I enjoy it a lot better now. Still not better than RE1-3 IMO, but its definitely a solid 8/10 game.

>> No.5131941
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I play it every holiday.

>> No.5131942

Best Jrpg besides SMT nocturne and Shadow Hearrs

>> No.5131945

Your friend was right your taste is shit.

>> No.5131968

You cant compare it to RE

>> No.5132004

Sounds like I might be talking to him. What do you think of FFVII nowadays sir?

At the time, it was the only one that was big enough and horror in-style that you could compare it too. But then Silent Hill came out sometime shortly after and that convo dropped. We both pretty much agreed Silent Hill was dope when it came out.

>> No.5132143

Battles are too slow and boring. Everything else though is amazing - story, music, background art, presentation... all top-notch. If this game played a bit faster like Vagrant Story it'd be a 10/10.

>> No.5132168

>Still not better than RE1-3 IMO
It has almost nothing in common with RE.

>> No.5132226



>> No.5132239

Even Spider and Legacy of Kain fit that description but you wouldn't compare them with RE.

>> No.5132242

Nobody's talking about the nineties. You compared PE to RE three hours ago today. Quote:
>Still not better than RE1-3 IMO, but its definitely a solid 8/10 game.

>> No.5132293

Good game. The sequel is really good too. Back when square used to be on the top of their game.

>> No.5132307

>PE is on the jap psx-classic
>it's not on the western psx-classic

>> No.5132465

Why would you care? Why would anyone care?

>> No.5132512
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Comfy AF. Simple but satisfying combat system. Ambient techno-opera OST. Perfect pacing.

>> No.5132706

Aya is a sloot

>> No.5132807


yer mum's a sloot

>> No.5132828

she's a permavirgin because she's scared her womb will birth eldritch horrors

>> No.5132834

based and redpilled

>> No.5132997

It's one of those (very) flawed gems.

The NYPD horror vibe is really amazing the short while it actually lasts before going off the rails.

Combat centered around running in circles waiting for the damn ATB to fill is also not that great in the long run.

PE2 is actually a very solid competitor to the RE series.

>> No.5133084

>Combat centered around running in circles waiting for the damn ATB to fill is also not that great in the long run.
This is exactly why I liked it tbqh. It felt unique.

>> No.5133137

>Combat centered around running in circles waiting for the damn ATB to fill is also not that great in the long run
Maybe against random monsters, but against Eve at the base of the Statue of Liberty we are dealing with top quality video game mechanics here. The amount of shit that you have to dodge, and are allowed to dodge, because you are free to move as opposed to standing still in your standard jrpg, was unique and enjoyable. The final fight against Eve is one of my favorite boss fights in video games as a whole.

PE is a 10/10 video game and a work of art. I really need to play 2 ASAP.

>> No.5133165

the centipede fight in the subway was also great

in fact I unironically enjoy the fuck out of all the boss fights

killing a giant monster crocodile in a sewer by shooting psychic powered bullets at it from a police issue semi-automatic pistol? fuck yes. fucking yes all day long.

>> No.5133393

I would have liked if danny became a party member of some sort

a jrpg where you can only use 1 character isn't that exciting

>> No.5133395

those are my favorite ones you asshole

>> No.5133397

wtfh is sony doing with this shitty thing? god damn

>> No.5133417

I’m going to start this on the 31st. Any advice?

>> No.5133518

As soon as possible, set your rate of fire to 2 and maintain 100% uptime on haste and run around 2 tapping for maximum efficiency. Dps = total damage divided by number of shots, so you can do the same amount of damage in 2 shots as in 5. 2 shots makes the combat much more fluid and the game really takes off after that point.

>> No.5133648
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FFVII is garbage. I played it for the first time this year and dropped it at the end of the first disc. Story was boring, encounters got annoying, i didnt like any designs.... meh

>> No.5133669

maybe if they were more interesting like koudelka or shadow hearts, but as it is the combat's kinda boring

>> No.5133862

dude you're talking about games like daggerfall and vagrant story and shadow tower that have carried on to dark souls and morrowind

and then made those games over and over again for some reason

>> No.5134064


Wait till December 24th

>> No.5134067

Kek. I literally compared it to a time when it was compared to RE before that comment.

Hmmm, so you aren't the same person then because we eventually agreed that was the best game ever sometime later after we played PE1 for a little. What do you think of my friend's tastes now?

>> No.5134130

I forgot that it is a christmas game.

>> No.5134246

You got problems with that, homie?

>> No.5134872

It is special

>> No.5135202

This is how you are supposed to play.

>> No.5135241

I'm sure there are plenty of degenerates who would be into that
N-not that I want to have Aya's Chtullu children or a-anything....

>> No.5136202

The only way that PE could have been better is if lightning is if you could junction lightning to your bullets.

>> No.5136259


i liked it. Its one of the very few PSX games that isnt complete rubbish.

>> No.5136890

Top 10 games of all time.

>> No.5137001

you mean like devil may cry

>> No.5137167

>Day 2 central park is too hard.
Did beat the game though. Really got scared when I kept getting lost just before the ampitheater

>> No.5137205

Haven't played dmc since 2 so I dont remember.

>> No.5137604


PE is better than FFVII in fact there isnt a single good final fantasy.

>> No.5137609

Tactics is good

>> No.5137851

Like the combat system, just wish it actually offered a challenge. Love the atmosphere and world, just wish there was more freedom to explore it and more things to do and find. Overall, decent game, sort of a missed opportunity.

>> No.5139212


>> No.5139235

I thought it was alright except the fact that increasing bullets fired reduces damage. Never got what was up with that.

>> No.5139454

The first draft of FF7 was set in NY, you played as a detective and Jenova was originally a sentient being which lived in our cells.

>> No.5139460

I think I'm the only one thinking the game is bad. I mean that combat system is fucking dogshit, using the skills fucks the pace so much, most of them are useless and running around offers little to no strategy in the battles.
Customization is as shallow as it can be, fusing old weapons into new ones so they get stronger- this, everytime.
The story is pure cringe (I seriously hope you don't think it's good), from the characters to the writing. Not even B-movie tier of cringe, just bad.
The graphics are alright, some camera angles are pretty good. OST becomes annoying, and sometimes it's laughably bad

I mean what the fuck is this shit lmao. (and that fucking opera voice you will hear many, many times. Ear raped me)

Very bad game imo. Don't get the praise it gets at all.

>> No.5139464

Wait, this is even worse


>> No.5139469

Fuckin beta jealous of kid Chad.

>> No.5139763

haha someone hurt you until you didn't like things

>> No.5139968

Lmao good one!

>> No.5140021
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>> No.5140024

You're not wrong, I was the beta virgin that was jealous of the Chad back then. Definitely didnt think for myself and fell in line. I blame it on my parents strict ass teachings based on them growing up in fear through religion.

>> No.5140026

>not psychologically destroying everyone in your school with a campaign of subversive brainwashing tactics for having the audacity to cross you

>> No.5140095


>> No.5140108

I thought it was really good. It doesn't overstay it's welcome and it's a great kind of game to get people into JRPGs. The combat system was really interesting, I wish it could've been expanded upon in some way.

>> No.5142618

My personal favorite JRPG on the PSX

>> No.5142660

I feel the same way

>> No.5143193
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>> No.5143284

it's okay but the sequel is much better

>> No.5143290

cherry pick all you want that game has some kino dialogue

>> No.5143291

game's pretty hot

>> No.5143356

Aya and Eve are pretty hot.

>> No.5143359

>I mean that combat system is fucking dogshit
Thought it was the best part of the game actually, wish there was a more fleshed out version of it in a bigger RPG

>> No.5143491

you mean like Vagrant Story or Dragon Quarter or PE2 or Resonance of Fate?

>> No.5145145

I need to play it again. I only played a bit of it so long ago but it seems to me like its this hidden gem for the PS1 every RPG fan should be playing.

>> No.5145410

PE is pretty good, solid 7/10.

PE 2 is better

>> No.5146908

Nope, I hate the Vagrant Story battle system and love Parasite Eve's, more like Star Ocean maybe, but even that is not the same

>> No.5147187

oh so you're a filthy casual

>> No.5147218

the worm mini boss is kinda cool. It shoots projectiles that explode into 2 different patterns and each one you kill makes the other bigger

>> No.5147734
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Oh, yes.

>> No.5147935

>filthy casual for not liking one of several battle systems named that are all easy for casuals
Cool story

>> No.5148119

Do any links to this game still exist? Might try it, although I don't really like RPGs anymore

>> No.5148127

you should watch a casual try to play any of those games actually it's fucking hilarious

>> No.5148324

Parasite Eve was made with FF7 leftovers and as a tech demo for FF8 engine.

>> No.5148347

About how long is the game more or less? Been meaning to play through it one of these days. I actually played it before years ago but got stuck in one area

>> No.5148480

7-10 hours

>> No.5148736

>ff7 leftovers
Such as?

>> No.5149327

Oh boy here we go

>> No.5149365


>> No.5150289

Parasite Eve is one of the best video games ever made

>> No.5152365

stands til this day as greatest fight track

>> No.5152435

I downloaded an album with PE remixes and this thing is too good.

Why almost every 90' game had an obscure remix album out there?

>> No.5152631
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One thing I've really learned to appreciate over the years is just how different the two games are.

PE1's atmosphere is really something that needs to be experienced. It's melancholic, spooky, feverishly grandiose, and oddly festive all at once.

Almost makes up for all the bullshit you have to put up with. The walking speed is so agonizingly slow that it almost seems to be done to deliberately piss you off. Don't even get me started on the fucking Chrysler Building.

PE2 is a much more polished experience in comparison. I sure do miss Liberate, though.

>> No.5153460

Where is my Terranigma remix album?

>> No.5153952
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I shouldn't have grinded for the superweapons at the beginning of the game. It made it way too easy and the game became more of a slog than an enjoyable experience.

>> No.5153957

I have yet to see a protagonist with a slower running speed than Aya.

Jesus Christ.

>> No.5154004

Tenchi Souzou Creative Soundtracks has 6 original arrangements and they're all great

>> No.5154008

come on guys she doesn't run that slow you just can't be in a rush when you're playing this game, play it when you've already finished work or running or lifting weights or making and eating dinner or something

>> No.5154603

Yeah, the running speed isn't that bad. Atleast for me.

>> No.5155351

I have yet to play a better video game than Parasite Eve.

>> No.5155553

I can't believe I leveled up enough until I beat the top of that fucking tower. Fuck that roach boss.

>> No.5155584

what about panzer dragoon zwei

>> No.5155590

You know the roach takes full damage if you just take the hot and cold off your weapon right?

you fucking scrub

>> No.5155632

Imagine being this autistic.

>> No.5155665

I can hear the air whistling through your gaping asshole faggot

>> No.5155672

Best Christmas game ever made!

>> No.5155845

>Almost makes up for all the bullshit you have to put up with.
This game does have a few annoying quirks
>go up a long ass ladder in the sewer
>somehow re-trigger it on accident when I get to the top
>AAAAAAAALL the way down
>AAAAAAAALL the way up

BUT it also some things I feel were quite welcome and some things that were advanced for the time.
>Containers can have an item stored in it even after you have opened them
>cutscenes are great even today
>unique death cutscenes
>sound design is 11/10
>story is told in cleaver and well planned ways
>certain areas change after key scenes which is TECHNOLOGY
>bare minimum cryptic "Official Prima strategy guide" nonsense

>> No.5155976

Did the charms that the jap gave you actually do anything?

>> No.5155978

One of them is used to hold a spot open in your inventory so you can get the Maeda SP bullets

>> No.5156494

Stay autistic, kid.

>> No.5156517

guys, guys

you can both be a giant faggot at the same time there's no need to argue

>> No.5157498

It is pretty slow lol, but it works so whatever

>> No.5157843

I remember when I first got my PS1 all I had was the Interactive Sampler Vol. 8 and Spyro. I used to watch the trailer for this game SO much but never got it because I was too scared. All those shots of the city gave me a hardon for low-poly japanese worlds.

>> No.5157847

I think I’m retarded but I played PE2 more than I did the first one.

>> No.5158167

This. It was a mediocre experience for me back in the 90s

>> No.5158502

It really is.

>> No.5158770

I played PE2 a lot more than PE1 also.

>> No.5159113

good atmosphere, music, and aya model

bad everything else. I genuinely love the 2nd one; one my favorite games to this day. People usually love one and dislike the other.