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File: 141 KB, 547x755, RISTAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5128791 No.5128791 [Reply] [Original]

So what do we think of Ristar? One of the best 16-bit games ever made right?

The wrong kid died...

>> No.5128795

Played it recently, loved it. Great graphics, music and personality. Not as good as SMW or Sonic, but really fun.

>> No.5128798

I want to see Kaiser again.


>> No.5128987

Imagine if he had made it, we'd have spinoffs now with his darkstar brother riding a motorcycle and dating human chicks.

>> No.5128997

its a mid-tier genesis platformer.

high tier would be heady and rocket knight

>> No.5129031

This. Ristar is alright but incredibly overrated, judging by what people are paying for the game these days. If anything the game should've been given more time to ferment and also been a saturn release to get that console some games.

>> No.5129043

>you will never play Ristar 2, Ristar RPG, or Ristar 3D

>> No.5129051

Great soundtrack and graphics and ahead of their time bonus modes pseudo unlockables like boss rush, super hard mode and bonus stage time attack. Lotsa replay value.

>> No.5129091

whoa look at all those hot correct opinions

>> No.5129101

GG Ristar is the real shit.

>> No.5129105

DID YOU KNOW they removed a level from the american release for no fucking reason.

>> No.5129108

didn't even know it existed back in the day. it's got good graphics, good music, and the gameplay is interesting but doesn't flow very well. better than average but not Sonic tier.

>> No.5129119

its a cute game but the gameplay couldve been something more.

>> No.5129128

I always forget how a bunch of genesis games got gamegear versions. For the longest time I had no idea there was a gamegear version of gunstar heroes, for example.

>> No.5129143
File: 219 KB, 480x360, Snapshot2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the UI is my favorite part

>> No.5129151

so comfy. whyd we have to settle for safe minimalism. media industries take some risks and go for artistic design!

>> No.5129181

The level where you have to put the song back together with the mechanical singing birds is inexplicably emotional for me:

>> No.5129191
File: 2 KB, 184x123, ristar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the jap version has some different graphics/story
every character was edited to look mad outside japan

>> No.5129319

Is it

>> No.5129332


>> No.5129427

Music is good.

>> No.5130714
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>> No.5130847

This. Never played D. Heady but RKA is outstanding. Ristar isn’t even within touching distance of that game.

>> No.5130865

amazing graphics, great sound, middling gameplay

>> No.5130903

Didnt like it, Left over character design, lame game. Its colorful though. But it sucks too much.

>> No.5130905

I like Headdy a lot but I always get my ass kicked. How the hell do you get continues in that game?

>> No.5131007

Best platformer of 4th gen IMO
>inb4 nostalgia
Played it for the first time last year so nah.
>b-but DH & rocket knight??!? ;_;
Both are fantastic but if I had to pick:
Ristar > RKA > DH
Planet Undertow has the honor of being on the short list of actual fun water stages.