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5127528 No.5127528 [Reply] [Original]

I've been replaying Vandal~Hearts this week. It's a pretty fun game. Does anyone else remember Vandal~Hearts? It's got blood geysers.

Favorite characters? Classes? Maps? Im sitll feeling the classes myself again after all this time but man fuck that mission that with villagers.

>> No.5127558

It's on my to-play list, but I've got many game to complete before reaching it.

Would you recommend it?
How's the sequel?

>> No.5127592
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>Would you recommend it?

I was a big fan of it when it was released and replaying it now Im still rather quite enjoying it. It's not without it's quirks but it's also very straight forward with an interesting story. It's on the short side maybe only around 20 some odd hours but at the same time it also moves at a nice pace.

It's big advantage is that there's a good bit of map variety, objectives and obstacles other than the usual murder everything. You have to push switches to open doors, close damns etc. One early stage has you moving along a bridge that's exploding every turn and if you're not moving your troops up you can guess what happens. So yeah, Id recommend it very much.

>How's the sequel?

I really can't say. I haven't touched VH2 in FOREVER. I remember not liking it as much as 1 at the time, but I also want to try and give it another go when Im done here. There was also a third game on PS3 a few years back that was....decent..ish.

>> No.5128469
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>> No.5128527

Good game from what I remember. Played it a lot when it came out, haven't since. I don't think I beat it. I liked that archers could turn into flying spear knights or turrets.

>> No.5128567

holy shit, OP wasn't joking about blood geysers

>> No.5128613
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>Would you recommend it?
Certainly. It has a simple, classic feel to it and a satisfying level and story progression.

>How's the sequel?
They added a bunch of stuff (bigger cutscenes, more story, combat is deeper) but it's all very clumsy and overly complicated to me without really improving anything. For instance they messed up how turns are ordered so if you move first the enemy ends up moving out of the way of your first attack automatically at the beginning almost every single turn. It doesn't really add anything to gameplay it just means your first move is always wasted but this is a comparatively minor thing. It's just so drastically different in tone and mechanics compared to the the first game it feels like the charm is gone.

>> No.5128753

Are there any games with classes similar to hawknights?

>> No.5129250


Nothing that springs to mind, no.

>> No.5129263

You could try playing Rocket Knight or Alien Soldier, or maybe Shining Force or Tactics Ogre or Fire Emblem

There's also Baiten Kaitos and Legend of Dragoon

>> No.5129456
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Enjoyed it back when I played it through a year ago. Probably my favourite strategy rpg on Playstation 1, and it's one of the easiest one's to get into. Nothing overly complex or no steep learning curves. Lots of variety in the stage design like others have said. No typical, "murder all enemies to win". There was a stage where you have to rescue people who are about to be ambushed by wolves or something, and there's switches you have to activate at the right time to move your troops across the map. There was another one where a town has been attacked by vampires and you have to take them out in a certain order while moving your troops across the map, and make sure no villagers are killed. Definitely adds a lot of variety and more depth to the game.

I'm playing the second game right now, I'm having a hard time getting into it. The battle system is different because now enemies move every single time you move a character, and alot of the time it might lead to you moving a character and attack, but it ends up attacking nothing because the enemy that it would have hit moved at the same turn. Also a small thing but the character portaits look noticeably worse than in the first one, and even those ones aren't that good.

>that satisfying feeling when you kill an enemy and you get that cool slashing sound and blood gushes everywhere
why the fuck did they not have that in the second game

>> No.5129460

To add, I always thought the archers were annoying because they can't shoot diagonally

>> No.5129463


Didn't play the first game, but played the dick out of Vandal Hearts 2. Used to think I was a clever little shit when I was able to accurately predict where the computer would move its units.

>tfw I overlooked something and my hero ends up getting slaughtered, costing me the game

It was a long game and quite difficult for me at the time, though I would probably find it easy today. The story is long and convulated as fuck, spent hours just trying to get a good grasp of what was going on. Music was amazing as well.


>> No.5129472

Well, now that I look back on some of the tracks, many were simply melodramatic and forgettable, but others were just plain awesome. Also agree with >>5129456, the portraits looked crappy.

>> No.5129631


Going back, 1's story is kind of a breath of fresh air. It's all very clear about what's happening and why I should care. The characters are somewhat simple but they're not without their own depth and motivation, it's just that game doesn't beat you over the head with a plot stick telling you what to think. And I appreciate that, especially these days when so many JRPG plots are just convoluted nightmares made by writers who are desperate for their story to be taken seriously and appear complex and just being completely unable to keep a straight thread. Here though? A nice and easy tale of political intrigue, personal redemption and overthrowing a tyrannical despot who himself isn't without a bit more depth to their motivations.

Also Hel Spites is an awesome name.


I actually like that can only shoot straight. It works better with the grid layout and lets them stay further away. The way they take damage, being able to shoot at an angle may seem useful but Id rather be a good bit away rather than one panel down and to the left.

>> No.5129696

Weren't there a few games that were ported to Korean Windows like this and Suikoden?

>> No.5129713

Love me some Vandal Hearts. The sequel is good in its own way as well. Had a third game on psn and xbl that is a bit dull but good in its own rights.

Grogg story with his brother from the first game is pure Kino

>> No.5129716

What is a Blood Geyser?

>> No.5129724
File: 317 KB, 640x480, vandal blood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pretty much exactly what it sounds like. When you kill an enemy (or they kill you) it erupts into a massive blood spray. It's pretty sick.

>> No.5129972

Unless you kill a stone monster, then there is a shower of boulders.

>> No.5129980

sequel has worse graphics a bad story and a pitiful end boss

>> No.5130265
File: 102 KB, 426x510, rachelyork_agress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sequel has a story that's the darkest and mature of any SRPG I've ever played, not even Tactics Ogre could be that dark.

Overall, it's a hit and miss.

It has some positives(the equipment a character is wearing changes their sprite, some maps feature different enemies and treasure depending on the time of day) and negatives (The game is too easy due to stupid AI, lack of classes, and some of the characters are less memorable).

>> No.5130685


I remember the OP scene being a village being razed with some lady getting drug into an ally and strongly implied to be raped

>> No.5130736

always liked VH1, played through it at least twice. it had a pretty interesting story going by my standards back then. picking the different classes for the chars was interesting

couldnt stand the simulatneous movement of VH2

>> No.5130759

Nice i miss this kind of stuff. Especially Baldurs Gates exploding bodies

>> No.5130840

I played the sequel before I played the original, and I ended up liking it more, which seems to be contrary to everyone else's experience. I liked how absolutely dark the story was, how sad and sometimes shocking. There's a lot of stuff in there - rape, homosexuality, pedophilia - that is genuinely very surprising to have in a video game.

>> No.5130873

I finished Vandal Hearts some weeks ago,it's a really fun game.
It was exciting to get an advance class for my party and killing an enemy never was so satisfactory.
That train map was my favorite.

>> No.5130938

It's a shame that Monks/Ninjas and Dragoons/Duelists were kind of crap.

>> No.5131312
File: 123 KB, 482x738, SARA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I really liked Sara's ninja sprite with the tonfas and I was tempted to make her one of those just for that and some variety but the healing power of the Arch Bishop class is too potent.

what I really wish there was more of artwork of the characters and their various classes.

>> No.5131327

Vandal Hearts 2 has a great story and great characters until the very end where the writer went full retard and ruined an incredibly great scenario.
I still can't fathom how you can waste such an incredibly good and actually mature story and characters with that ending stretch.

At least we got zombie pedophile warden John Cleese out of it.

>> No.5131409
File: 129 KB, 298x163, kane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Never got to play as this handsome devil, or the crimson guard/blood knight unit class

I really liked the character design in VH1, but I don't feel their stories were properly fleshed out at all.

>> No.5131453
File: 82 KB, 640x480, Vandal Hearts Sara Amon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Most of the characters where pretty straightforward (man Im using that word a lot, but it's apt.) It's not that the characters stories don't get fleshed out but it's more that characters are there for the sake of the big plot rather than the other way around. The most extreme "development" is stuff like Ash coming to terms and learning about his dad, Clint and Kira's ...thing, Sara and Amon's to a less extent etc. Outside Kira nobody really does a 180 and changes hugely because they're all pretty well developed as people and soldiers out the gate. And the huge focus point is the political tale with the party as just movers and shakers so stuff can happen. They're not without they're own quirks but it's not as super important. I suppose, it may seem shallow if you're expecting something more complex but the game's brevity works better for it and there's really no pretensions to the opposite.

Kane was a magnificent dick. The build up to finally taken him and the Crimson Guard on where glorious.

>> No.5131634

What's wrong with the ending?

>> No.5131658


There are multiple endings if recall

>> No.5131783
File: 116 KB, 1292x727, New Getter Robo 12 [720p][Some Guy].mkv_snapshot_21.58_[2017.03.03_03.19.16].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Surrounded by all four Crimson Guards
>objective is merely escape
>set up buffs and choke points
>kill ever single one of them

>> No.5132046

That mission is a ton of fun if you opt to kill everything instead of running.

>> No.5132059
File: 755 KB, 2560x960, VH1-2_screens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm playing the second game right now, I'm having a hard time getting into it. The battle system is different because now enemies move every single time you move a character, and alot of the time it might lead to you moving a character and attack, but it ends up attacking nothing because the enemy that it would have hit moved at the same turn.

That's really not an issue, though. You simply have to spend one turn memorizing which enemy reacts after your characters and that's it. Also, it makes it a priority to reduce enemy numbers ASAP and I like that.

>Also a small thing but the character portaits look noticeably worse than in the first one, and even those ones aren't that good.

To this day I think someone didn't know how to apply the transparent layer to images.

>> No.5132064

>Vandal Hearts 2 has a great story and great characters until the very end where the writer went full retard and ruined an incredibly great scenario.

To be far basically all great SRPGs do that to some capacity. Why Japanese devs can't just keep it straight about politics and factional warfare when that's what the game is for 3/4 remains beyond me.

>> No.5132070

You mean the horrible ending where the main villain turns out to be a butthurt version of Martin Luther and suddenly loses all his characterization as an evil mastermind always a step ahead of everyone just to turn into a screeching manchild and a demonic abomination just as every SRPG ever?
Or how the complicated relationship between Joshua and Adele is hastily wrapped up in one stage before the end when even his sister got a better storyline conclusion?

I love Vandal Hearts 2's story and characters, but the ending was rushed and pretty jarring compared to the rest of the game, and also a total joke in terms of final boss fight.

>> No.5132071

Unlike FF Tactics in which suddenly had demons, Godard and the Kudur Cult was handled quite very well. They weren't shoehorned out of nowhere.

>> No.5132104


1. After being revealed to be a leader of a doomsday cult and having spent the entire game brainwashing everyone in a murderous maniac or a puppet, what do you expect his role to be? Not to mention having an evil laugh everytime he appears.

Even when he revealed his backstory, he was still a dangerous threat who achieved all of his plans with a massive bodycount and he almost won.

He just didn't expect Joshua and his party to be that tough and kill off his giant monster form like that.

Heck, the only reason Joshua was able to kill him was due to the spirit of Franz immoblizing him so Joshua could kill him.

2. Adele did forgive him when you choose the "make amends" option during the cave scene and only with Clive and Yuri's survival does she not continue her suicide.

>> No.5132127

>what do you expect his role to be?
To have higher ambitions than being a butthurt fedora tipper taking out his angst on other people just because the church branded him as a heretic.
There's no real meaning to his actions either, which is weird because he carefully crafted a convoluted master plan for the sole reason of being literally butthurt about getting called out by the church, his motivations are weak and when you find out Joshua's life has been turned in a living hell because some dude got really offended during his catholic seminary is pretty bad.
>he was still a dangerous threat who achieved all of his plans with a massive bodycount and he almost won.
Literally 90% of videogame villains are like that.
>Adele did forgive him
The problem isn't Adele forgiving him or not, the problem is that Adele and Joshua basically had no sort of meaningful interaction for decades, you meet her like, one time after the timeskip iirc?
All the rest of the game has great pacing, even Nicola's role is handled well and you can see why he turns out ot be the person he is and the events that befall him, but Adele just pops out in front of Joshua one day after years and you have to deal with a crash course of crazy ten minutes before the end of the game.

>> No.5132174
File: 770 KB, 1072x1500, vandal-hearts-2-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiroshi Tamawari's music is easily equal to Sakimoto's TO and FFT soundtracks. The best thing about both Vandal Hearts games. Gameplay in 1 was alright, in 2 a bit cumbersome though inventive. Story in 1 was basic, but 2 had a story on par with FFT and TO:LUCT.
Cool stuff, this. Did you know that Tamawari wrote some on-game music too? Some of it sounds very much like Vandal Hearts stuff.

>> No.5132193

>Fav chara/classes
Priest/Healer exploit.

Can't say for sure. I like rolling the boulders. Felt that the difficulty spiked up too fast. Need a walkthrough to get pass the prison stages.

>> No.5132202

Don't get me wrong.

While Vandal Hearts 2's ost is good, it doesn't compare to the likes of Iwadare, Tsujiyoko and Sakimoto's works.

Also, I'm quite weirded out by how different the in-game portraits are when compared with the art by Shinobu Tanno.

Also, what is Advance Mode. Does it make the gamr actually hard?

>> No.5132204

>At least we got zombie pedophile warden John Cleese out of it.

Who where what citation?

>> No.5132224

Matters of taste are one thing, but in terms of professional composition, harmonic complexity and general originality VH and especially VH2's music is quite comparable to Sakimoto's best.
This stuff, for example:
Vandal Hearts 2's title screen "overture":
Vandal Hearts 1's staff roll theme:
"Destiny and Will" From the second game:

In my opinion, this stuff is on par with Sakimoto's good stuff like Ovelia's Worries, Back Fire (FFT), Revolt (OB/TO) or Wyvern (VS).

>> No.5132292


>> No.5132838


Man, what an A-hole that guys was

>> No.5132858

>There's no real meaning to his actions either, which is weird because he carefully crafted a convoluted master plan for the sole reason of being literally butthurt about getting called out by the church, his motivations are weak and when you find out Joshua's life has been turned in a living hell because some dude got really offended during his catholic seminary is pretty bad.
>implying your own real life and the people causing you problems have been any less petulant

>> No.5132878

Not even close man, Sakimoto actually has the awareness to use the absence of sound in his compositions instead of all that cacophony of noise. Instead of all those layers and layers, there's a progression and narrative.

If you listen to the soundtrack for VS or Dragon Quarter you can actually hear the transitions from emotional lows and highs, you can hear a different space being created by the aesthetic of the music itself.

I love the credit roll from VH, but just go listening to the opening sequence from VS and it just blows everything away.

>> No.5132894

>Dragon Quarter

You. I like you. Love that OST.

>> No.5132907

hell yeah buddy

>> No.5132950
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>The way it builds momentum

So good.

>> No.5133720
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>> No.5133823

Awww yeah, buddy and I used to call that meaty chunks. Moms hated it.

>> No.5134108


Just did the train stage. It was kind of easy but it was also a lot of fun. I love how many maps just make it feel like you're actually doing shit besides fighting.

>> No.5134218

Vandalier Ash is one of the most overpowered characters ever.

>> No.5135275

Those VH2 combat sprites look pretty revolting.
Sacrificed a lot to show off all the different equipment

>> No.5135627


Im kicking myself because I forgot to grab one of the items needed to get him. I even got one my dudes to the spot to search and just....blanked.

>> No.5137010
