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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5124218 No.5124218 [Reply] [Original]

I'm addressing this thread to Doomfags, Mariofags, and all the other fags who try designing a level for their favourite game.

If you read this thread, the chance of (You) being a hack at leveldesign is 100%. Those who can design levels at professional level are not visiting 4chan, and usually get paid for their work.

Here is the problems with your levels:

1. Your map is ugly. You think you're smart and want to improve the original game with adding shit details, but in the end, your level will end up in a total clusterfuck. Doom levels with sprawling overdetailed design is the worst case of this.

2. You try to raise the difficulty to level 11, but in the end, it will be just an unplayable save-load, or god mode bullshit like all those Mario hacks with ugly muncher/kaizo design.

3. You try to hack your work with adding graphics and sounds and whatever from different games. FUCK YOU IDIOT, THAT WAS MADE FOR A DIFFERENT FUCKING GAME WITH DIFFERENT AESTHETICS AND FUNCTIONALITY. CREATE YOUR OWN, OR GO FUCK A DOG.

4. Fucking mazes in FPS games. It's boring and turnoff. Create clean design and easy to navigate layout, don't put a fucking switch in the map's easternmost part which opens a door in the westernmost part. Backtracking is no fun, only for (You).

That's for the basic start. Many other problems are there in your work, but this is step zero to understand something what makes a level look legit.

>> No.5124223

I cant make a good content because I'm a literal turbobrainlet who can barely even function in day to day life

>> No.5124225

Imagine being this sour about some fan project you never had to spend a dime to play. Also there's already a thread about this exact fucking thing. Also fuck you.

>> No.5124227
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>> No.5124231

Is everything OK anon? I think you may have some more important stuff to deal with in your life than criticizing romhacks.

>> No.5124238

That's basically true of all romhacks in general. I don't think I've ever played any romhack at all that actually feels properly balanced/paced/etc like a real game. The ideal for a romhack should be that it feels just like a real game, but 99% of the time they feel like some circlejerk that romhackers make for each other so they can test out bullshit exploits.

A very basic example would be all the super metroid romhacks that require the use of advanced tactics like mockball, infinite bomb jump, single wall jump, etc to beat.

>> No.5124256


it seems like romhacks are usually made for hardcore fans and no one else

>> No.5124262

>Vasyanposting on /vr/
Starving for attention, I see? Have your (You), pitiful wretch.

>> No.5124520

I can't think of a single mod or romhack I've ever played in my entire life for any game that has been good.

>> No.5124532

this. I've never played an enjoyable romhack.

...and this is why. Romhack devs only make romhacks that interest themselves. So they cater to the audience that it autistically obsessed enough with a particular game that they'd make romhacks for it. It's a recursive issue that makes them all hot garbage.

>> No.5124537

Have you ever played Zelda3 Parallel Remodel, Mario Adventure, Super Mario Land 2 DX or Metroid Rogue Dawn?

>> No.5124547


>> No.5124565

Unless you already make levels and so a better job than the masses, you really have nothing of value to say.

>> No.5124627

I'd actually interested in good romhacks and mapsets for Super Mario games or Doom/Duke/other FPS even paying for it, because why not? I like these games after all. Just the terrible track record keeps me away from any similar projects.

>> No.5124632

Then you have literally never looked around. Some of the people who started making custom maps for games ended up working for the companies that made the games. You just have a bias against hacks because they don't have a corporate logo slapped onto it.

>> No.5124662

>assmad blogrant by tard butt blasted he can't even make shitty rom hacks as shit as the shit he hates
wew lad

>> No.5124772
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I think this might come into play.

>> No.5124782

Design (ACTUAL design) is a highly specialized skill. Just because you know how to poke around in Photoshop does not in any way, shape, or form make you a designer.

To follow the analogy, almost all rom hackers think they can design just because they know a few tools. That's why almost everything is complete fucking dogshit.

>> No.5124825

And why even the "good" romhacks will only ever just be "good relative to otherr romhacks".

>> No.5124895

>A word so broad in its scope it's almost meaningless

You can't have a clear-cut, goal-oriented, narrowly-scoped skillset for some barely defined mess of a concept like "design".
Fuck you, you fucking stupid, arrogant, underschooled cunt.

>> No.5124916

buzzwords and butthurt

>> No.5124923

Wat? Old FPS like Doom have tons of good maps, I enjoyed the fuck out of Scythe 2 and that's not mentioning Blood's Deathwish. Arcane Dimensions looks awesome too though I never played it. If you can't enjoy any of those you are simply a tastelet. As far as romhacks go I'm not sure, the games I care about don't get any romhacks, it's always some gay shit like Mario or Megaman.

>> No.5124926


>> No.5125074

Tell me a couple of names.

>> No.5125101
File: 60 KB, 480x451, 1539959914674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those who can design levels at professional level
Oh you. Tell me more about how much [insert game here] has the worst level design of the series.

>> No.5125268


>> No.5125293

Sonic 3 Complete does exactly what it needed to do - has everything from both sth3 and s&k and gives the user to option play sonic 3 the way they want and isn't bogged down by the decisions of the hacker and there is no stupid fanwank shit in it like adding Sketch Turner or Spider-Man to the main story like in every fucking hack ever.

Zelda 1 randomizer let's you go the same thing and is a lot of fun if you've played that game to death.

>> No.5125310

>Those who can design levels at professional level are not visiting 4chan, and usually get paid for their work.
You do realize that game industry professionals have hobbies, right? And a lot of us create indie games and mods for fun because it gives us completely unrestrained freedom, unlike work-for-hire in a large team?

When I'm hired to make a level for some action adventure title, I have to work within constraints of the game's plot, atmosphere, lore, assets, what enemies need to be introduced whenever, and I don't even create the full level (as I'm not responsible for aesthetics and lighting, as those are done by dedicated environment artists).

When I make a Doom map I can do whatever the fuck I want. I can have a naked chick throw globs of acid at the player, and have the player shoot said chick with a plasma shotgun that melts her face off in a super gory animation, I don't give a shit. I can do whatever the fuck I want and nobody can tell me otherwise.

>> No.5125317

>Fucking mazes in FPS games
one of plutonia maps is literally a maze filled with archvilles
and I loved every second of it

>> No.5125326

I can barely find enjoyment out of playing games let alone creating them.

>> No.5125330

> be you
> a complete and utter fucking lamer
> knows how to use a hex editor
> knows nothing about machine language
oh? is this a fucking lamer thread? fantastic.

> That's for the basic start.
you need to leave, lamer.

>> No.5125489

Because you're an autist.

>> No.5125990

I agree for the most part that romhacks are largely terrible. Game design is a skill set most people don't have, just like not everyone is good at art or whatever. Then generally those people who are good are not programmers. There's a reason games are built by a team of people beyond time constraints, people are hired and work to their strengths.

There are some exceptions though like these, but I think largely what makes these so great is they haven't actually changed the fundamental game. Nothing new has actually been designed in each, just different features added.

>> No.5126193

Greetings, I'm Eli Shwartzburg and approve this thread.

>> No.5128334

>actual Jew and my last name isn’t there

>> No.5130990

The only good SMB style game I've played was New Super Marisa Land (and to a lesser extent, Giana Sisters on the C64). These are not hacks, but legit games with their own source code, graphics, sounds etc.

The problem with romhacks is they use existing assets which had their own course. For example SMW enemies and other obstacles had all their relevant permutations in SMW (maybe the Bullet Bill was a bit underused). In a romhack you just fuck everything up, like putting all enemy types in one level, and make it more difficult. The end result will be good for hardcore fans, but not for casual players, who want novelties with coherent style.

>> No.5131047

>Mordecai Weinfeld

>> No.5131094
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>Those who can design levels at professional level are not visiting 4chan
I have internet and I can visit any page that I feel like it

>> No.5131098

>but I have played like 2 romhacks and roms

>> No.5133380

Mario World has proper romhacks friend. Even those kaizo romhacks are playable. They're just not playable by people that suck.

Give me mario world ormahcks to play.

>> No.5133743


Sonic 3 Complete would technically count as Jesus 1 since it both fixes bugs and restores content with the only further changes being minor cosmetics like unique level cards, shit barely anyone would notice. It's really good, one of the finest examples of an improvement patch.


Honestly I get OP's point regarding Mario/Zelda/Metroid and most romhack fodder but really can't see it with Doom. If you take an FPS like Doom or Half-Life, the mods make up a HUGE part of their story. There were shiity mods, sure, but there were also mods made that were so good they unquestionably affected the direction and future of their respective series, which I think is where they should be given their due. It happened with Sonic too, Sonic Mania only got made after the devs slaved away making hacks and fangames for years, eventually making a good enough impression to get hired.

The worst example I can think of for almost everything OP listed is that one Conker Zelda hack, just the most irredeemable autist fanwank shit.

>> No.5134052

>adds swastika to hack
>bad, delete off internet
>restores swastikas from weeb version
>based and redpilled
Absolute State