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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 9 KB, 256x224, 2018-10-25smtif_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5123604 No.5123604 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5123632


>> No.5123658


>> No.5123698


>> No.5123709

But where is the last novel of the original trilogy translation. I would pay someone but I dont even have the raws and to get the raws I need to know what to order, but its in japanese so fuck me amiright.

>> No.5123712

>Aeon Genesis
Is there a more based translation group?

>> No.5123720

>It's because of plasma. Plasma explains everything.
Did Kojima have a hand in this or did he just take inspiration from it?

>> No.5123721

Are these games hard.

>> No.5123726

>"For me personally this journey has encompassed a second undergraduate degree, a cross-country move, a complete career change, multiple periods of both employment and unemployment, the licensure of one of our translation patches, and the beginnings of a family, in addition to having to deal with several project-related IRC and Discord raids, hate speech, and generalized harassment from the SMT community at large."

Yeah, not gonna play a game translated by reddit.


>> No.5123727

>For me personally this journey has encompassed a second undergraduate degree, a cross-country move, a complete career change, multiple periods of both employment and unemployment, the licensure of one of our translation patches, and the beginnings of a family,
Is he literally bragging about being a lazy ass who takes forever to get something done

>> No.5123734

>/threading your own post,
He-llo reddit!

>> No.5123754

Yeah, asking for a status report when he doesn't provide any is harassment now.
That word is starting to lose its meaning at this point.

>> No.5123764

People did more than that, he was legitimately harassed.

Dude is still a little bitch who squated on projects for nearly a decade to stop others taking them up though, and the fact this dropped so soon after someone else said they'd do If... makes me think he's been sitting on it for a while and was just refusing to release it. Prick.

>> No.5123765

holy shit it's real

>> No.5123767

Maybe some did, there's always an asshole or two, but most of the stuff was people asking pretty normally about it and him going nuclear. ...which probably summoned the trolls to get a rise out of him since it was too easy.

>> No.5123774

It wasn't translated by (((Gideon))) though, he's the romhacker.

>> No.5123775

>playing a fan translation from an SJW who went through 5 mid-life crises before hitting 40
I'm curious how much of a trainwreck this translation is

>> No.5123804


Yep. This fucking patch has been 'in the works' so long he felt he had to justify it with a "muh life" write-up rather than just dropping the fucking thing and moving on.

I don't know the level of 'harassment' he got, maybe some of it was legit and uncalled for, but from everything I've read over the years he's a douchebag who works the romhacking mods like puppets, 'claims' games so nobody else can work on them and just generally victimizes himself and whines all the time.


I get you but Gideon is just a hacker, he didn't translate shit. Somebody else worked very hard on actually translating the game and you shouldn't drop it just based on who put the code in.

>> No.5123812
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>> No.5123813 [DELETED] 

a bloo bloo muh sjw

Hang yourself.

>> No.5123821 [DELETED] 


>seething degenerate

>> No.5123824
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>> No.5123829

ahhhhhhhhh yeah ZSNES support!

>> No.5123831
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>the Saturn MegaTen game, Devil Summoner, has been put on indefinite hold so Persona could be released first for the Playstation
On one hand, I'm disappointed since its still not translated at all, but on the other hand it likely would have been butchered like the PSX localization of Persona 1.

>> No.5123875
File: 18 KB, 256x224, Shin Megami Tensei if... (J)000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5123926


>> No.5123939

Well it was localized in the 3DS version

>> No.5123941

That's the sequel, Soul Hackers. The first game in the Devil Summoner series remains untranslated.

>> No.5123942

I believe the script for Devil Summoner is translated, or mostly translated at least, and the problem is no one has taken up the programming and such. The actual translating is the easiest part of any fan translation.

>> No.5123953

Oh my bad, you're correct.

>> No.5123971
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>> No.5123981

Madman actually did it

>> No.5123997

Cool fanfiction.

>> No.5124006 [DELETED] 

Are you upset that the shoe fits?

>> No.5124020 [DELETED] 
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>hate speech impeded translation progress

who was coming at the guy and why is aeon genesis big gay

wheres this one stack up against 1 and 2?

>> No.5124023
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>> No.5124069

Comfy weekend coming up!

>> No.5124112 [DELETED] 
File: 1.18 MB, 1150x805, 1488088829586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet. Time to load it onto a SD card for my Super NT.

And as for you pol/acks bitching about SJWs, I hate every last one of you. Eat shit. Taking over /v/ wasn't wnough for you?

>> No.5124121 [DELETED] 
File: 158 KB, 534x392, 1538341631564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow you LE EPIC OWNED that poster with FACTS AND LOGIC ECKS DEE.

Also, like /pol/posters played SMT1/2 or would play this. The amount of people who post """FBI Crime Statistics""" and made it past the Diamond Realm in SMT1 is 0.

>> No.5124137


>> No.5124239 [DELETED] 

Why are you so obsessed with /pol/ and politics?
The dude working on this is a little SJW pussy bitch that can't handle people asking him to work on something that he promised and spins it as him being attacked when he's just sitting on something and preventing other people from getting it done faster
Enjoy the game but this dude's still a faggot

>> No.5124265

>Gideon sits on this for nearly 20 fucking years.
>Someone gets sick of his shit and says "Fuck it, I'll do it."
>MYSTERIOUSLY, a few months later, Gideon releases it.

Fuck you, you petty manchild.

>> No.5124270

>go to /v/
>smash this smash that
>template threads up the ass 24/7

there is nothing to take over there in the first place

>> No.5124326 [DELETED] 

I've never seen so much butthurt over a free translation

>> No.5124384
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Holy shit, we actually got it at last

>> No.5124387 [DELETED] 

you obviously haven't been following the years long situation with this game.

>> No.5124389

Who cares? LOL EOPs.

>> No.5124397 [DELETED] 

I have, I just think the whole thing is childish drama. The translation scene is such a whiny place. I'm just here to enjoy games man, I just finished up a Grandmaster run of Tenchu Stealth Assassins, and am moving onto TES: Arena.

>> No.5124402

learning japanese is truly the best solution

>> No.5124437 [DELETED] 

Agreed, the whole scene is a shitshow. I just like Megaten.

>> No.5124440 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 533x482, CwkLT5AXUAAVCVo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A bunch of omega males crying over beta hackers not standing up to Gideon...

I can't even imagine being this cucked

>> No.5124568 [DELETED] 

>beta hackers not standing up to Gideon
This release *coincidentally* happened right after someone stood up to him.

>> No.5124574 [DELETED] 

And, in return, you act like a little pussy bitch as well.

>> No.5124576

All of these games are much better than IF.

>> No.5124619

Persona 1 sucks ass, and there's a good chance If... might edge out Soul Hackers.

>> No.5124657

At last, now we can ignore Gideon for the rest of eternity.

>> No.5124671

I'm surprised you brainwashed faggots can even play SMT without shitting yourself over all of the cultural appropriation.

>> No.5124673 [DELETED] 

>n-no u...
Good job. You can go back, now.

>> No.5124675

Not him but SMT is probably one of the better series in terms of cultural reoresentation. The only real actual racism that comes to mind is the Ikebukuro section in IV that seems to be pretty anti-Chinese

>> No.5124694

You know as bad as this whole translation mess was, it's nothing like Absolute Zero.

>> No.5124702

Fuck the Tales fan translation scene

>> No.5124801

Why? Yeah its a little inelegant, but its also pretty respectful and in some ways pretty progressive regarding it's themes and subtext. I'd argue the series is downright anti-colonial in it's representation of demons

>> No.5124832
File: 410 KB, 1628x272, VWF_Refinement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The larger script translation is done and you can find a copy over in the pastebin in /smtg/ but the script that it was translated from (before the game itself was ever hacked) only contained plot-relevant text transcribed over on a Japanese fansite.

It wasn't 'till much later a programmer got on board and VWF was implemented in the PSP image, and the formatting of the text in there is totally different. It's the natural problem with a translator and programmer who don't work together from the start of a project.

>> No.5124880 [DELETED] 

Reading his post complaining about 'hate speech' gives me mixed emotions. Who cares if someone calls you nigger? Its just words man.

>> No.5124971 [DELETED] 

I don't know what was said to him, but you sound like an edgy teen. The internet isn't 4chan. You'd be surprised to find that most parts of the internet don't go around calling each other faggots like you idiots.

>> No.5125017 [DELETED] 

To be fair I would say it depends on the context. Here on 4chan for example words like faggot and nigger are just used because they're controversal and thus funny. They don't carry any real meaning beside being funny. In a social setting though or when discussing politics it then takes a serious meaning. Some people just can't separate the two usages. I say nigger and faggot all the time here, that doesn't mean I would use them in real life or that I hate gays or blacls but I guess some people just don't have thick enough skin to get that.

>> No.5125026 [DELETED] 

Lots of channers say nigger seriously to actually cause damage.

>> No.5125029 [DELETED] 

>he fell for the serious anon meme

>> No.5125036 [DELETED] 

Could you imagine if every developer was as spineless and decided, "clean up your community before we make another Mario"?
How many times must we call Nintendo a bunch of ugly nignogs for not putting our favorite character in Smash before this happens?
I look forward to it.

>> No.5125037 [DELETED] 

Nah I been here long enough to know some of you are actually insane and want to take other impressionable young minds down with you.

>> No.5125042

No, he still sits on SRW Alpha translation.

>> No.5125043 [DELETED] 

To be fair you can't compare a megacorp like nintendo to some guy translating 20 yo games
Ghideon is still a dick but at least he ended the translation successfully and for that I will congratulate him

>> No.5125048 [DELETED] 

Nah dude, when you get a little older you will realize that ironic edginess loses its luster. Its kind of the same way as when kids turn like 12 or 13 and start getting really into weird "random" humor because it feels transgressive and new. Eventually you realize that nobody is impressed with ironic bigotry, and its all kind of the same low-effort shit that makes it as easy to emulate and ultimately as boring as a bunch of 12 year olds gushing about how funny and random they are. I really wish people were less obsessed with memes so we could actually talk about the games.

>> No.5125049 [DELETED] 

We have 4chan Harassment Squads waiting outside of all corporate headquarters. At least 5 executives have had to be hospitalized from the amount of racial slurs they heard.

>> No.5125050 [DELETED] 

Words hurt anon, they hurt a whole lot. You don't get it because you're not an easy target.

>> No.5125053 [DELETED] 

>You don't get it because you're not an easy target.
Anon is probably an easier target than he thinks he is. No one wants to admit it, but there's a damn good reason why depression and low self-esteem run so fucking rampant on this site.

>> No.5125059 [DELETED] 

Our 4chan Harassment Squad will only go to the next SMT translator. Harassment Squad: ENGAGE.

You could try, but even Chris-chan hasn't backed down.

>> No.5125062 [DELETED] 

You have such an insane hatred of the leftist caricature you've created you pretend to not listen to them even when they have good points. And also if you're old enough you should there used to be real life raids in the past, but the raiders moved to kiwi farms since the mods banned it.

>> No.5125064 [DELETED] 

For one, 4chan has a pretty disturbing hatred of trannies. I'm afraid one you idiots might end up beating a fag up in real life if the craziness continues.

>> No.5125067 [DELETED] 

lol, what "leftist caricature"?
Gideon: "Oh no, I received RAIDS on my IRC channel!"
>doesn't post logs

There, a simple search of people who responded to him on Twitter. Even prior to his temper tantrum in March, find this "massive" amount of evidence of him being called names. I'll wait.

>> No.5125068 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 472x598, SMTGotou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If /pol/tards actually read, you'd probably be dumb enough to think pic related did nothing wrong.
Ehh, it's Japan and as far as JRPG series go, it's pretty politically agnostic, so I'd give it a pass. Honestly the only entry in the series (even Persona tbth) that would have actual political effects on society would be DeSu2, and that game's writing is the most 2010's lite novel garbage without much in the way of actual ideology.
Nice reddit spacing, you edgy dipshit

>> No.5125071 [DELETED] 


>> No.5125072 [DELETED] 

>Gideon: "Oh no, I received RAIDS on my IRC channel!"
Why do you care so much about this? Newsflash: Most people don't put up with 4chan-style behavior outside of this site.

And honestly, Anon, it doesn't matter if he posted the chat logs. People like you would just call them fake.

>> No.5125076 [DELETED] 

People like you would just call everything Gideon says as real.
We can go all day.

>> No.5125079 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 537x397, 1514552562767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We can go all day.
Yes, but we won't, because you're a sad little man and I have better things to do with my time. Ta-ta~

>> No.5125081 [DELETED] 

>better things to do
You could have started your day off right by not pretending to be correct and responding the first time. You'll be back to lose some more.

>> No.5125098 [DELETED] 

Man, the Gideon drama is not even worth discussing. The translation is released and the fucker said he is going to stay away from Megaten like the plague. Everyone wins in this case.

>> No.5125118
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Well I'm glad it happened, but the 'never ever' thread won't have a justification anymore. And talking of which, this game when?

>> No.5125121


Buuutttt I want a translation of the Playstation version

>> No.5125145
File: 50 KB, 600x583, 1515354894405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to bully people who put a lot of effort into translation patches
I don't understand why people want to be so mean here.

>> No.5125156

the append version of FES isn't just episode aegis, it's all of FES and just requires you put in a vanilla P3 disc to authenticate it

>> No.5125160

Translators deserve death.

>> No.5125182


>> No.5125189
File: 32 KB, 717x402, angery_rabbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when someone translated it to Chinese first

>> No.5125194
File: 287 KB, 1024x600, french holdup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and in french.

>> No.5125197

That feeling when I'm ok with that because I know Japanese, Mandarin and Cantonese

>> No.5125203 [DELETED] 

>With Majin Tensei 2 being mostly done elsewhere, don´t expect any further Megami Tensei work out of AGTP. No updated patch for SMT1, no back-porting of if...´s work into SMT2, no Majin Tensei 1. I´m done. To those who were looking forward to the aforementioned, I truly apologize. Maybe focus on cleaning up your community.

What a fag

>> No.5125212

no you don't

>> No.5125256

Imagine you have a personal chef. He makes delicious meals for you every day. But he also insults you all the time, constantly gets into fights and is generally a nuisance to have around except when he cooks.
Would you appreciate his meals, or his horrible attitude would sour it for you?

>> No.5125258

Anon...that's not all that unusual.

>> No.5125259

not him but lol at your life, EOP

>> No.5125272
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>> No.5125276

dude that came out on steam last year
they are even porting Scarlet Grace

>> No.5125372

> Gideon is my personal chef

oh dear lord the entitlement

>> No.5125378
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> be me
> getting more enjoyment out of the game than from drama
> beat first boss
> get stunlocked to death by a common enemy on the way back

>> No.5125602


>> No.5125630

>equating a translator/hacker who gives you content for FREE with a personal chef
This is the problem.

>> No.5125652

Oh no icky steam
Its on switch, vita and PS4
And your phone

>> No.5125662

Anyone played IF?
How is it? Iv never touched a smt game or persona

Where should i start and should I start with IF? Not interested in the hs persona kids. I am way over that age and not interested in the slightest in anything high school related. I want occult stuff and leaning more towards snes than psp despite having both

>> No.5125679

Oh boy, another canned localization.

>> No.5125681

>Anyone played IF?

I'm halfway through and it's pretty easy and straightforward so far. Comfy dungeoncrawler, but some equipment properties are troublesome to figure out.

I can see it being a very smooth introduction to SMT.

>> No.5125684

Wasnt that released like less than 30 hours ago?

>> No.5125694

Unrelated as fuck, but how the hell did we even get these games in the states? No matter how much they cleaned it up, the game is still ridiculously "Japan silly". Konami used to be based.

>> No.5125704

There's a working French fan version. Some say it's an old-school "quality" translation, "some" being people connected to RHDN and Gideon, but you can definitely play that.
Gideon and pals teased it, but then did counter teases. Learn French or Japanese and play it.
inb4 i just harassed gideon zhi on /v/

Play the latest versions of SaGa games whenever possible.
They are always rushed to the market full of bugs.
RS1 came with an apology letter for the bugs and text typos in 1992, seriously.

RS2 is out of question because the commercial version happened, Gideon said that.
RS3, the do-over, may still release before the official translation.

SMT IF snes is worst version. it's the initial version. and missing:
- a chapter because of size limitations (phone exclusive)
- quality of life improvements (ps1)

it's the proto persona.
if you expect normie persona 3/beyond it will disappoint you.
if you expect persona 1/2, it's a shittier version.

it's unbalanced af. for example the dungeon with lots of treasures makes the boss harder the more you collect, and it can become unbeatable.
a lot of its content is locked behind replays and alternate playthroughs without the dungeon variety to make that interesting.

>> No.5125735

N64 software drought + quality platformer IP + anime boom

Konami never bothered with the series besides an early SNES game (to pad the launch period software library?) and 2 Gameboy games (TWO with the same name to show how much they gave a fuck), even the PS2 one was to be handled by Wrecking Designs, not them.

All of the jp-only snes goemon stuff was almost designed around the Nintendo of Burger ban list to set as much red alarms as possible. But they did rip bits and pieces of its stages, assets and engine to use in US-exclusive cartoon games on SNES.

>> No.5125778

>if you expect persona 1/2, it's a shittier version.
I already put a couple hours in. This game is way better than Persona 1.

>> No.5125789

Does it run properly on real hardware via flashcart?

>> No.5125793
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Then it doesn't sound like your game. This seems like proto persona.

>> No.5125801
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>> No.5125819

Cant read moon runes

>> No.5125821
File: 13 KB, 143x225, ulalalala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just works.

>> No.5125823

and just like Persona 1 the game only spends the opening 15 minutes in the school

>> No.5125831
File: 24 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2014-05-19-14-16-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snow Queen Quest.

>> No.5125837

Gideon Zhi is a piece of shit that trolled the community multiple times and hung this hack over their heads for leverage.

>> No.5125841

>People did more than that, he was legitimately harassed.

No, he wasn't

>> No.5125848

Baddesthacks.net had its owner leave. He did all the work. The guy who made the announcement never did shit with it anyway and has disappeared.

>> No.5125919

I like how you're admitting to being some stalker fag who's more qualified to comment on Gideon's inbox than he himself.

>> No.5125924

How he admitted that? I don't know the full story other than that the guy.didn't want anyone working on if.. while he was working on it, it seems pretty stupid if ask me. Like, why?

>> No.5125928
File: 715 KB, 1744x2604, Girimekhala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much shitposting, not enough demons.

Playimg SMTI at the moment, estoma really makes the game a lot more bearable. I still need to beat this and SMTII before I move on to If...

>> No.5125941

I feel like his giant contributions to the community overshadow his piece-of-shitness and I'm ok with that.

>> No.5125956

Should I play smt 1 and 2 before trying IF?
Im itching for a new rpg series and this seems right up my alley

>> No.5125973
File: 594 KB, 707x1000, 48396561_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but maybe start with Nocturne. The snes games are pretty rough ariund the edges, I imagine starting with them will lead to you getting irritated and put off the games.

>> No.5125976

I'd actually suggest playing Wizardry first. The series takes a lot from it and if you enjoy Wizardry at all you'll probably enjoy SMT.

>> No.5125987


They honestly do, but he should take this opportunity to fuck off as his contributions mean less and less the more he bitches and moans. Some of his patches having game breaking bugs is already enough of an addendum to his legacy without damaging it further.

>> No.5126002

If it's not translated by that fucker then it's an instant download for me.

>> No.5126029

can someone share it prepatched

>> No.5126034

Why do we hate Gideon again? `O_O`

>> No.5126048
File: 13 KB, 256x224, Shin Megami Tensei if... Eng005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SMT: if... is the shortest and most focused of the games. If there's any "best" point to jump into old school SMT it would probably be here.

>> No.5126054

I need to do that too, but I'm in the middle of a FF6 playthrough. What a time for this translation to come out.

>> No.5126062
File: 19 KB, 480x272, gfs_155419_2_116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because 14 yo girls love their drama

>> No.5126208

I wouldn't say that, it has one of the worst dungeons in the entire series not too far in.

>> No.5126263

The one waiting for mining tunnels to be dug?

>> No.5126369

He said he's withholding a finished patch on purpose because "the SMT community needs to sort out its problems", in response to randoms asking about it on twitter, coming off 15 years of "claiming" that game and romhacking forums policing and honoring that territory piss mark.
To rub salt on the wound he released 5 translations in the same day for the Great Battle series not to long after and clarified in the announcements it was actually out of spite and went all "friendship ended with SMT fanbase, now SRW fanbase is best friend"
And then he said the SMT fanbase as a whole and their momma suck dicks, and only Persona kiddos would want to play a game as shitty as SMT:if

Maybe he expected the collective hivemind of the SMT fanbase to hold social media trials for "bad apples" (how do you even enforce that) and forums to mass-ban everyone who ever complained about no SMT:if in english, just so that he ...'considers' working on it again.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

That spectacular over-the-top reaction caused intense discussion mainly mocking it and coordinating new projects. Even the baddesthacks losers had one on track. There's one more for the superior PS1 version, and another new team assembled with people who had actual translated MegaTen games done to do this one.

>> No.5126385


He would have been better off just cancelling the project instead of all of the drama attention whoring. The was no lack of interested parties over the years. Then he wouldn't have come off it looking as bad...

>> No.5126507
File: 55 KB, 500x500, asfas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started SMT1 today, I entered the building in the starting area with the ID card and defeated the boos, now I find myself in another part of the city
there is a zone underground with one messiah shrie at one and an one gaia shrine at the other, there is a disco and some empty rooms but Im cant really find the summoning guy, thats a bit annoying since I amassed some minions.

I might have to backtrack to the mansion in the starting area

>That spectacular over-the-top reaction caused intense discussion mainly mocking it and coordinating new projects. Even the baddesthacks losers had one on track. There's one more for the superior PS1 version, and another new team assembled with people who had actual translated MegaTen games done to do this one.

where can I follow these projects?

>> No.5127092

Ok, death to the shitter kid then.

>> No.5127229

Waiting forever for that.

>> No.5127237
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PS SMT games have really gorgeous item equip scenes.

>> No.5127260

Persona is consistently the only series to get me hyped on menu navigation

>> No.5127350

Remember when Jack Frost was the SMT mascot character and he was more often then not just a regular demon?

>> No.5127378

Hes not anymore?
>my life is a lie

>> No.5127384
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Posting my NEVER EVER

>> No.5127572

please tell us more about your failures in life.

>> No.5127903
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He still is, they sell plushies of him on the ATLUS website.

>> No.5127923

>RS1 came with an apology letter for the bugs and text typos in 1992, seriously.

Having recently completed the game (Albert route), it was indeed painful at times. Yet I'd rather play the super famicom RS2, as messy as it is...

As a native french speaker, I wonder if I could translate the script for a romhacker (I never got past getting mad at GB pointers when it comes to romhacking)...

>> No.5128635
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Is this a glitch? I killed a pixie at the start of the game and got 48 exp which for some reason made me level 99.

>> No.5128716

>As a native french speaker, I wonder if I could translate the script for a romhacker (I never got past getting mad at GB pointers when it comes to romhacking)...
Translations of translations are never good, and the translation part is never the part that holds game translations up. What you're saying is akin to saying you have a video camera, so you just need a script, actors, a director, budget and a set and you can make a Hollywood blockbuster.

>> No.5128737

>Now SRW fanbase is best friend
be my fucjing guest Gideon, I love that shit as much I love SMT.
All that's swell ends well.

>> No.5128851

As much as I hate impatient shitters who keep pestering fan translators to work faster Gideon is a piece of shit and while he has certainly contributed a lot to the community over the years I'm glad he's gone.

>> No.5128854

It definitely scratched my old-school SMT dungeon crawling itch, especially since SMT 2 didn't quite do it for me, but in the end it's a pretty barebones game. All the cool occult stuff only happens in the beggining and end of the game, everything in between is just nondescript dungeon crawling, with the Persona games Atlus really did a much better job at keeping up the atmosphere throughout the whole game.

>> No.5128869

fucking lucky

>> No.5128880

am at the end of the game, would kill for decent stats on Yumi

>> No.5128906
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I wish I could be more excited for this, but that little comment at the end about not doing anymore SMT stuff because the fanbase is a bunch of big meany-weenies who hurt my fee-fees is fucking obnoxious and petty. Way to ruin it, faggot.

>> No.5128930
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> imagine identifying so closely to an overblown weeb fanbase that you get hurt by an "I'm done with this" comment

>> No.5129328

Not him but when he used "hate speech" was a much bigger way to ruin it.

>> No.5129364

Who's made a play thru video for me to watch?

>> No.5129370

i'm all for translators taking their time to make sure things are quality, but gideon has been holding this back for an absurd amount of time.

>> No.5129373

dude seems like he's up his own ass honestly.

>> No.5129381

Reddit sure seems like a catch all for type-b personality disorders. This dude seems like a cross between a flaming homosexual and a hopeless manchild. How he even managed to reproduce is beyond me.

>> No.5129509

lmao naggers

>> No.5129519
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I miss Persona 1. I really do.

>> No.5129530

where do I save in the domain of pride

>> No.5129559

fuck, somehow when ever I fight like normal it says auto battle engaged. anyone know how to fix that?

>> No.5129563

Somewhat hard, you just need to learn resource management and accept that the random number god hates you. For instance, stomping around with a full party will deplete your magnetite which is needed to summon and maintain demons.

Later SMT games do away with magnetite, but have obscene macca (money) costs for demon management.

>> No.5129567

I can't remember if there's a recorder in there since it's the first dungeon, but it's pretty short, so you can manage without it. I know the dungeons after have recorder rooms.

Are you tapping R going into battle? I can't remember if that sends you into battle here or if that's just Etrian Odyssey.

She's right you know

>> No.5129571

Jack is actually the Atlus mascot.

>> No.5129591
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>She's right you know

She's a constant delight.

>> No.5129623

Which version of the game is this?
It seems to represent a lot visually than the snes version

>> No.5129652


This is the PSP version of Persona 1. Which Id LIKE to strongly recommend but the new music is AWFUL and while there's a patch fix it ain't perfect. Id realy love to see someone just double back and throw a patch on the PS1 port

>> No.5129667

Took that faggot long enough

>> No.5129671

So ps1 is superior?
>guess my psp will be my new buddy once again

>> No.5129681
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Eeeeeeeeeeh, I mean maybe the Japanese version. The English PS1 version is gutted to hell and had all manner of localization made to it to appeal to western audiences. And while I confess to being rather fond of Black Mark compared to his Clownish Japanese counterpart the huge chunks of missing content are just too big an issue to over look. Entire quest lines and endings are missing. So Id probably suggest PSP with the music patch. It aint perfect but it's the most complete.

>> No.5129687

Gideon isn't a translator.

>> No.5129719

So, now that Gideon isnt going to do the hacking for any SMT translation, do you think that someone will take his place? will we ever got to play the games that remain officially untranslated in english?

>> No.5129868
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Speedrun strats. Gonna try this.

>> No.5129874

Black Mark is the best Mark.

>> No.5130015

The Switch version has some weird input lag, you notice it while moving around. It's not awful, but it is still annoying.

>> No.5130105

Holy shit. I can't believe no one has posted a prepatched rom yet.

>> No.5130215
File: 72 KB, 537x399, qJFr0qe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghideon, shut the fuck up. You were never fucking harassed, and even then you certainly didn't receive fucking death threats. You just acted like a gigantic cunt to even those who were courteous and just wanted to know the status of their favorite weeb game translation, going so far as to fuck with progress bars on your site. If you want to whine about bullying, then it is my sincerest hope you get aids and kill yourself for the lazy ungrateful, non-communicative faggot that you are.
Hopefully yes, especially now that no one has worry about their romhacking bullshit rule of not translating a game someone else is working on.

>> No.5130246

Calm down dude, no need to get this worked up over perceived slights against your strict bideogame translation timetables. this is some real high school shit

>> No.5130252

>woah dude like dont call out someone for being faggot while promising to deliver a product
Calm down dude, no need to posture yourself as being cool because you don't mind putting up with some faggot's bullshit attitude.

>> No.5130314
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> this is some real high school shit
What Ghideon did? Damn right it was. Don't pretend to be a victim when you're just maliciously lazy.

>> No.5130376

>especially now that no one has worry about their romhacking bullshit rule of not translating a game someone else is working on

do people actually follow this? holy fuck, talk about cucked.

>> No.5130392

So what's the consensus on this?

>> No.5130438

This dude makes it seem like people have unrealistic expectations for how fast he works when in reality all people asked was for him to not take 10+ fucking years to finish a project. Seriously, the fan translation scene's "don't claim projects someone is already working on" rule is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because it avoids unnecessary drama but also a curse because it enables people like Gideon to actively discourage other people from picking shit he's claimed a decade ago.

>> No.5130485

>So what's the consensus on this?
sopa opera material, 10 people will play the translated game at best

>> No.5130503

its shit like thisand the countless manga translated to french that makes me happy over learning that so I could do my research papers

>> No.5130509

How did they fuck that up? It should be the exact same game for all plataforms, then again its SE

>> No.5130519

it's pretty short, yet tedious

>> No.5130554

Playing it rn, it's way more dungeony that 1 and 2, kinda similar to Megami Tensei 1

>> No.5130605

Turn your message speed down to Medium. I got tripped up by that too.

>> No.5130610

>first boss on Akira's route drops Mazandyne round 1
>party is level 15
What the fuck, I can't even get to the demons with Makarakarn or Makajama yet.

>> No.5130829

It makes sense in theory, since translating a game as big as this is a lot of work, and if two groups are working on it at the same time, the work is kinda wasted for the group that doesn't release first.
The problem is that it's turned into faggot groups "claiming" games and then not working on them.

>> No.5130916

that sort of moderation isn't really necessary though. if a bunch of retards want to work on a game that's already been claimed with quite a bit of work put into it, then more power to them.
it's basically just an excuse for mods to be faggots, lo and behold

>> No.5130920

it's pretty much all dungeons like the other guy said. tfw leaving my snes on for days now cause no save states.

>> No.5130930

The point is the personality, not the profession, you dingus.

>> No.5130936

I don't know, I thought the fox spirit becoming stronger the more treasure you collect was a very fun touch. Sure, it'll take you off-guard the first time, but the whole name of the area clues you in about it.

>> No.5130983

It's literally impossible for someone with a brain to screw up that bossfight. It's spelled out for you multiple times, and only relates to the highly suspicious treasure corridor leading up to the boss room anyway. Just stomp that squirrel in one turn and move on to Mecha-Teacher who is the real dungeon boss.

>> No.5131481

I only just got into the Tales series a month ago, so when I decided to give Phantasia a shot, I was amazed to find out that literally none of the patches are still online and the whole community is a massive shitshow. Found them on the wayback machine luckily, but man, why are translation groups so weird?

>> No.5132101

It's the same with any type of online project. I've seen similar drama on Github. A lot of it is just ego-based. It's hard work that only certain "personality types" can stomach and give away for free, and then when you're done, people go on and play "your game" without giving you any type of real feedback or recognition. Especially with bigger groups, I think a lot of the drive isn't really to share the love of the game around, and more to get it done and you expect your dick to be sucked the whole time. AGTP is probably the pinnacle of this as they pick up what seems to be any and everything and leave their projects on hold for years all the while expecting to build up a rapport with the game's existing fanbase.

It's funny, the few translation groups I know of that move quickly and drama-free are mostly ones that work on otome games.

>> No.5132152

Find it yourself, we're not gonna spoonfeed you and the FBI altogether, you cunt.

>> No.5132615

he still held it back for reasons.

>> No.5132646

Magicite is not fun. It makes want to never use my demons outside of boss fights. It's the biggest flaw in pre-nocturne SMT

>> No.5132667

Demon's can't attack from backrow anyway, so you'll only ever have one companion (and perhaps a backrow one with useful support like Tetraja/Mapper)

>> No.5132863

never had a problem with it in the first one.

>> No.5132896

this game is fucking shit

>> No.5132927
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I still hate Gideon Zhi with a passion, but I have to give him props for actually finishing it. He probably did it to spite BHDN but spite is a perfectly valid motivation to do something good.

>> No.5132992
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Spite is the only thing that gets me out of bed

>> No.5133496
File: 39 KB, 640x561, snes9x-x64-2018-10-25-19-41-16-34-640x561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you spend years waiting on a game to be translated only to realize that it's fucking shit

My fucking sides. I wish I could go back to memeing about wanting the translation to finally be released

>> No.5134062

> waiting for years without getting a clue what to expect from the game in the meantime
shame on your handler

>> No.5134773

Are you the same person that used to always post NEVER EVER about the Captain Tsubasa episode of Game Center CX?

>> No.5134776

He just doesn't fit as easily with the visual motif of Persona 5 (black and red) so it makes sense that he wouldn't be used in as much promotional material this time around.

>> No.5134782

I learned Japanese out of spite.

>> No.5135051

What is Game Center CX? Also no

I think Captain Tsubasa 3 and 4 are already translated to french. If I were to get those prepatched roms I'd gladly learn that language. 5 has tons of content though, that's why the never ever

>> No.5135091

>What is Game Center CX?
Japanese TV show about playing retro games.

>> No.5137358

Why were you waiting for a dungeon crawler with bated breath if you don't even like dungeon crawlers?

>> No.5138362

Perhaps she likes the ambiance of later SMT games.