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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 365 KB, 773x1384, FPS Evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5116549 No.5116549 [Reply] [Original]

>Be all depressed about the state of the game industry
>constantly shrug at all the new, 10/10 "Triple A" games I get for the last year.
>ask where games are that are fun like games used to be
>people explode in rage, tell me I only like old games because I played them as a kid and have fond memories of them. (Nolstalga)
>tell me I'm just growing up and am tired of gaming
>decide to go "back in time" and play all the hits I missed on emulators and through ebay. I literally have nothing left at this point.
>play Jet Force Gemini, Faxanadu, Blaster Master, Shatterhand, Skyblazer and Earthbound all for the first time.
>HOLY FUCK I'm having fun in video games again!

Wow, those asses were full of shit. I'm not tired of video games at all.
The way people immediately shout 'Nostalgia' it's like they can't even comprehend the possibility you might just like the style in which games were done in the past. Why can't people comprehend this?
Do any of you have stories like this?

>> No.5116556
File: 261 KB, 1024x768, c848da_1137577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture is 10 years old.

>> No.5116558

Not sure what you're trying to get at here.

The game industry is shit right now, yes, and nostalgia is not the only reason people enjoy these games, this is also true, but people know this already. I imagine a sizable amount of posters here are 25 or younger (I hate to bring it up but I feel it's relevant to say I myself am 19). I don't think anyone, at least on /vr/ of all places, uses nostalgia as a point to argue against someone liking a game.

Just go play games anon. You might not go find a lot of people in real life who play those games but that's fine. You enjoy them and that's all that really matters.

>> No.5116560

>fingerless glove meter
This image still gets me every time

>> No.5116562

Lots of us feel the same way. In my opinion emulators using speed ups and save states make many old gsme playable by todays standards.

Try out the MSX Metal Gear if you havent. Its very fun.

>> No.5116563

>In my opinion emulators using speed ups and save states make many old gsme playable by todays standards.
Get out.

>> No.5116576

Speed up's fine in some older JRPGs and the like, but I try to avoid save states.

The MSX Metal Gear and MG2 were included in one of the MGS HD collections. I had a fucking blast playing it for the first time in like 2013.

>> No.5116581
File: 19 KB, 973x141, new games are shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like you've settled into your tastes. You want to play games that look like, sound like, and play like games you're already used to.

>> No.5116587

Nostalgia can backfire. There's a lot of shit games I enjoyed and have fond memories playing as a kid, but I can't replay as an adult.

>> No.5116589

Ok, get this. What if we took the gameplay of indie pixel shit and gave it an actual budget? Also indies clearly do it, because they don't have an artist. So many of them look worse than a SNES game trying its hardest, and that's just insulting.

>> No.5116615

Sounds about right; mid 2000's gaming dove off a cliff and has been plummeting every since. Babies today like them because they no point of reference to what a real video game is actually like.

>> No.5116634

>All indie games look the same
>No indie games have artists
Just admit you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and prefer gulping gallons of nostalgic semen over enjoying the actual gameplay. Also;
>Talks up graphics
>On /vr/
Keep choking on all those dicks my dude.

>> No.5116646

If you honestly think either
a) all modern indies look similar or
b) modern indies look trash
then i must conclude you've only been exposed to the most absolute mainstream or spoonfed indie that showed up in your steam/discord/whatever feed. There are so many indies of all kinds of gameplay and graphics that you're bound to find some you like. I know this is borderline /v/ but since it relates to /vr/ and they are mostly in /vr/ style im going to give you some examples of good quality modern indies, most of these are free:

Calm Time (2.5D horror)

All Of Our Friends Are Dead (creepy platformer)

Undertale (jrpg)

Electric Highways (build engine 2.5D puzzler)

The Mask Reveals Disgusting Face (build engine 2.5D horror)

Zineth (Jet set radio style, 3rd person puzzle/movement)

>> No.5116647


FAITH (DOS style horror/adventure)

Evo Explores (isometric puzzle platformer)

Bastion (isometric action)

Braid (puzzle platformer)

Fragments of Euclid (first person puzzle platformer)

Antichamber (first person puzzle platformer)

Polynomial (ambient space shooter)

Plasma Pong (it's pong)

These are just a few that come to mind, there are hoards of great indies (and hoards of crap) and if you can't find stuff you like, that's entirely on you.

>> No.5116649

not him, but most of these look like shit tho

>> No.5116650 [DELETED] 
File: 1.18 MB, 908x2255, based Icycalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Reddit/Facebook tier opinion

>> No.5116653
File: 1.18 MB, 908x2255, based Icycalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you have a Reddit/Facebook tier opinion.

>> No.5116656

What I really wanted was indies with the production values of something like Cuphead but that still took millions of dollars of investment and had an exclusivity and publishing deal with Microsoft, barely could be considered indie. Fez is non-game trash btw.

>> No.5116654

There are good indie games.
But theese aren't.

>> No.5116657

If you think these look like shit i'm not sure what youre doing on /vr/ - unless the only /vr/ you like was the absolute creme graphics wise from the late 90s. These are just some games i really enjoyed, of course indie's arent often strong visually but they DO compete with 90's and early 2000's visuals. Of course the main point is they have such a wide range of gameplays.

>> No.5116661
File: 415 KB, 768x256, Kof2kegyptbglite.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>compete with 90's and early 2000's visuals

>> No.5116662

Do you (and OP) realize games like Cuphead have bigger development teams than /vr/ 3d classics like Doom, Duke3d and Descent? If that is your standard for visual fidelity why are you pining about missing /vr/?

>> No.5116667
File: 19 KB, 60x104, dong_hwang_leerm02_edit_3166_thumb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want Third Strike-tier 2D animation, I don't care whose cock I have to suck to receive that.

>> No.5116669

Street Fighter 3 New Generation came out in 1997.

>> No.5116670
File: 828 KB, 848x477, SnakePass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the graphics (technical side at least) that make those games look like shit.
It's the visual design that is shit to the point of being repulsive.
look at the games like Gish, Aquaria, Hollow Knight, Valdis story, Amid Evil, Ion Maiden, A Hat in Time, Snake Pass, etc. All of those are indie games that don't do anything special on the technical level, but look great thanks to the visual design - devs actually thought how to make their game look pleasant within the limits of their tech and budget.

>> No.5116673

how could this look so good and yooka laylee turn out so bad

>> No.5116682
File: 235 KB, 640x480, tv02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree style is important, but I disagree with your assessment of the list. Evo explores (monument valley style), bastion, braid are all praised for their looks. Polynomial and plasma pong are abstract color. Antichamber and Fragments of Euclid have a great minimalist style that matches their minimalist puzzle gameplay. Most of the others (calm time, electric highways and TMRDF) have a deliberate dissonant style. Fair criticism of AOOFAD, i like the style but i think the artist was finding his feet still, his later games are similar but more refined.

Anyway, i realize most people won't agree this list is any good, i was simply trying to show the breadth of indies, they arent all pixelated 8-bit platformers. I actually don't like or know anything about fighting games or RPGs beyond pokemon hence why none appear in my examples.

>> No.5116684

Because instead of making the game based on the best parts of the 90's platformers, they made an almost exact copy with bad parts included, then made some very basic gamedesign mistakes (that are common for modern games) that shown they don't understand what made old platformers tick, thus botching whatever good was about the idea.
This way they managed to take all the bad parts of the oldschool and almost none of the good.

Absolutely most modern indie retro-stylized game devs only go for the surface level both visually and gameplay-wise, not understanding why old games did what they did, and only copying those elements without understanding of how they work, some times from different games to boot which leads to the game being a mess that doesen't do anything right.

People who have a very good idea and how to realize it (like Snake Pass guys), and people who intimately know the formula of the game they are styling after (Ion Maiden, Hollow Knight) make great games.

>> No.5116686

I was talking only about the post I linked, otherwise I'd link both.

>> No.5116687

Doom and Duke3D are still played and remembered fondly. Games after HL2 are all forgotten.

>> No.5116710

But the post brings up graphics first? "Indie pixel shit", as the screencap calls it, refers to a specific type of indie game. Those games never have the balls to go for peak sprite work.

>> No.5116731

Do you want me to kick your ass?

>> No.5116757

>lol those are shit
Give us your list then.

>> No.5116760
File: 66 KB, 600x338, warlock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

project warlock looks good too

>> No.5116776

Don't get me started on that piece of shit.
1) Everywhere it is said or at least implied that it was made by one 19 y.o. lad. That's not true. It made by 10 people, and no assets were made by him, he simply put it all together using basic Unity templates. What is excusable for one-teenager-team is not excusable for what can be considered "medium-sized" indie team.
2) There are only 200+ sprite frames (enemies have 4-6 frames each, no rotations) and ~100 textures, all extremely low res.
3) Levels are wolfenstein-tier flat, though I must admit variety is a bit higher, but that does not help much since the mapdesign itself is nonexistent. Sure, there are about 3 or 4 elevators that show that it can do more floors in a level, but it is used once in first episode and three times total in ep.3 and 4.
4) They used vectorized font. The game starts at "oldschool" 640x480 resolution, at which the font is not even readable in many cases
5) This game manages to dip below 60 frames on 3.2 GHz Core i7 with GTX 1060. All the decals and every blood droplet are 3D models, hitting an enemy near a wall with an axe results in dip below 30fps and ridiculous stutter. Numerous Z-fighting issues between sprites/decals etc.
There is no excuse for such poor performance.
6) I can go for several thousands of words on how unbalanced the gunplay and upgrade systems are - "cheesing" the game is incredibly easy even on highest difficulty - basic example - Proximity Mine upgrade for TNT (allows picking it back) + perk for bonus explosives on pickup = unlimited TNT, throw around corners for the win. There are many more than this, but if one were to call it an "oversight" then the whole "arpogee" system in this game is one big oversight.

etc. etc. I can continue on describing everything else wrong with the game, but you get the idea.

>> No.5116782

>"Retro FPS inspired by Doom and Hexen!"
>its a shitty Wolf-clone instead
every goddamn time
there are couple dozens of these kind of trash on steam
why these indies cant into proper levels?

>> No.5116784

>Those games never have the balls to go for peak sprite work
Or budget/avaliable artist to go for peak sprite work?
People in this thread are bringing up Cuphead, King of fighters and SF 3rd Strike, all with big company budgets and AAA of their time except for Cuphead, as the entry point where games are considered having good graphics. I call this bullshit.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qp-WeTNbLzM - a good example of game true to the style that it emulates.

>> No.5116790

Hollow Knight looks good.
pic related >>5116670 looks good
A Hat in Time looks good
Axiom Verge looks good
Odallus looks good
And so on - made by small teams of 3-8 people on shoestring budget, even lowtech games can look good. But most often they don't.

>> No.5116792

>This game manages to dip below 60 frames on 3.2 GHz Core i7 with GTX 1060
Call me poorfag (which is somewhat true) but big part of indie games audience are those who can't/won't build themselves an AAA rig. And now >muh 8 bit platformers and what is essentially a BROOTOL WAFFELSTEHN on Unity require that to run? Fuck this shit.

>> No.5116805

>even lowtech games can look good. But most often they don't
I am okay with that personally. For AAA studios, looking great is a requirement. For 3-8 teams, it's an achievement.
Yeah, this. I liked, say Ziggurat, but when people say that it is inspired by Hexen (to their credit, i've never heard that from the developers) i can't help but wonder if they played Hexen at all.

>> No.5116810

This kind of dismissiviness to the production values of indies is exactly what's wrong with the industry. Sonic Mania was a major release backed by Sega and somehow still looks like a Genesis game with slightly more colors but we're supposed to turn a blind eye because Christian Whitehead is an underdog? Fuck off.

>> No.5116823

To optimise a game made on Unity you need to purchase a second tier license (dont remember how its called) that allows you the access to rendering pipelines and most of the code.
Most indies buy the cheapest one that is unoptimised as fuck and can't be optimised without getting through some ridiculous hoops and gross hacks newb devs have no idea of. Basically put it runs ~20+ additional shaders on top of everything else even if you turned them off, and the basic setting of unloading of assets is so wonky people prefer to turn it off entirely.
At that poing both complex environments, and 90's-tier graphics like >>5116760 gonna perform like equally like shit.

Good visual design can be achieved even with no budget at all. The problem is that quite a lot of indies have no idea what "visual design" even is - in hands of those even top quality UltraHD textures and assets would produce a shitty looking game.

But Sonic Mania looks good. It might look like a Genesis game, but it looks like a good Genesis game none the less. That's the entire point.

>> No.5116828

Production values may vary depending on the goals set. Noone expected SM to look like AAA, despite SEGA backing, because noone have promised that. On the other hand, it wasn't indie at this point.

>> No.5116835

It should have looked like a Saturn game.

>> No.5116848

Games are fun because of game mechanics. Even old consoles were more than capable of implementing nearly any mechanic the developer could imagine.

There are still good games coming out these days, but they're mostly rehashes of established game mechanics that bring nothing new to the table except enhanced graphics and stuff that don't really make the game any more fun. It's also a shame that so many games are trying to get political. Even if a game would otherwise be fine, nobody wants to play a game that was clearly created to push propaganda.

>> No.5116850

>Even old consoles were more than capable of implementing nearly any mechanic the developer could imagine.
Not before analog sticks though.

>> No.5116865

Not even after though

>> No.5116884

This thread is fucking CRINGE. Unironic stuck up boomers fucking kys.

t. 31 yo enjoying ALL THE GAMES

>> No.5116893

>enjoying ALL THE GAMES
go enjoy Bubsy 3d, faggot.
t. guy that played Xonix on its release year

>> No.5116895

Nostalgia can shape your tastes, too. Current games aren't worse per se, but they're different and probably don't resemble the titles you grew up with that much.

I mean already got tired of modern games and switched to full time retro mid 6th gen, in like 2004. And here you have people arguing about how that was the best gen ever and totally retro etc. That's going to happen to literally every gen.

>> No.5116896

There's both kinds of people though.

Personally I don't think old games were that great, but we expected future games to be the something amazing. And the future came but that didn't happen.

>> No.5116907

the truth is both of those faggots actually look like that the faggot on the left

>> No.5116971

I'm not an indie-only fag, but i enjoy trawling through indie junk to find the gems. There is lots of innovations and interesting mechanics to be found:

> a small adventure game with a twist

> a unique puzzle game based on players perspective

> https://amon26.itch.io/in-the-kingdom
> thriller shooter with a twist, the baddies don't die.

There is also remixes on /vr/ games like you mention, but i disagree they don't make the game(s) more fun. Take the "arcane dimensions" mod for quake which i played yesterday. Fucking amazing mod with a true-to-the-original feel yet pushing new boundaries in map design - it's more than just a new map pack with a few extra enemies/guns whacked on. Sorry to sound like a massive faggot, but that mod was *designed*.

>> No.5117386

As a know-it-all teenager who has never played any retro games, let me give you my expert opinion on things.

>> No.5117474

pray tell, sirrahs, know you the art of war?
r. fellow who hath participated in the first CatapultCraft joust hosted by Ye Olde Snowstorm Company

>> No.5117493


zoomers not knowing what it was like to hit runstop and "hack" a game in BASIC ol' timer style

the mischief

>> No.5117526


I don't think people understand how to think about these sorts of problems in any meaningful way.

People make all sorts of logical errors, but a major one I see time and time again is people confusing per-capita-quality with raw-quality. The games industry today is significantly larger than it used to be. There are many, many more games available these days, and most of them must appeal to most people. This is why there are a trillion horrible smartphone games.

In the past, selling a million copies of a game used to be a very big deal. These days it can be downright disappointing. Now, consider all the different competing platforms, and the wide array of gamers by the numbers. Middle-aged women might be the biggest gamer demographic these days since they seem to be completely addicted to using smartphones.

There are all sorts of amazing games available these days. I'd argue that there are even more great games per year than in the most retro years. But, the general gaming market itself is absolutely full of shit. The absolute number of games released is much larger than in the past

It's just clogged with crap, and there's no helping this: gaming used to be a niche hobby. Remember when we used to be made fun of for being into video games? That's long dead, and instead of appealing to a small slice of the population, many companies are instead attempting to appeal to the average person. And, the average person doesn't like 1993 Doom, or Elder Scrolls, etc. The average person wants something dumb and simple, like [generic match-3 cellphone game].

>> No.5117565

There's a big performance fix coming soon. In the meantime, I've turned the detail down and reduced details to 50 and it's been a smooth 60fps on a 2.3ghz rig.

The unbalanced guns bother me a little, but mainly because of the boss fights. The 4th boss is a fucking joke, upgrade a higher tier weapon and kill it without it firing once.

Despite that, I think P:W is worth the asking price.

>> No.5117583

just what I expected when I read "60 gazillion levels, 70 gazillion enemies!" on the trailer. another game that puts quantity over quality. meh.

cant wait for Ion Maiden to come out and show how it's done.

>> No.5117601


This. It's the fucking retards that lap up the modern shit that can't understand that modern AAA-design is bland as fuck (because they are not very bright), and thus resort to the only argument they have: Nostalgia.

Nostalgia is a factor, of course, but as you said it can easily be disproven by going back and playing old games you've never played before. I've done the same.

>> No.5117604


Is this the continuation of the nostalgia-argument? You're reaching religion-level of argumentation here, creating arguments that can't be refuted because they are based on faith. Get the fuck out.

>> No.5117616


>Current games aren't worse per se

They literally are. God damn I hate this "everything is in constant stasis and nothing ever changes"-mindset. It's very easy to pinpoint why modern mainstream games feel so hollow: runaway budgets leading to extreme corporate meddling (see also Hollywood).

There are still good indie games, which further proves the above statement. But mainstream games are pretty much DOA if you've got a modicum of taste. The only way you could disagree is if you REALLY love tacticool CoD-like multiplayer-FPS's, since there's so many nowadays that you'll probably be happy if that's your specific nische.

>> No.5117638

PROTIP: "Triple A" is a marketing term, do not trust anyone who unironically uses it in a review, spotlight, or article. Until it is given an objective and enforced definition do not trust it. It's the "Best DBZ game on BYOND" of gaming.

>> No.5117665


AAA = mega-budget game

>> No.5117681

And you can argue that all of those points make the games different, not better or worse. I used to think that too, but all the people loving 6th gen here made me change my mind. Give it a few more years and a lot of people will say shit like
>Gears of war now that was a game

>> No.5117725

>>HOLY FUCK I'm having fun in video games again!

I was playing modern games, some were fun, but most were lackluster. I got into traditional roguelikes (even some that were not /vr/) and had a freekin blast. This told me that new games are often dumbed down (not all modern games so please don't let this statement trigger your autism) and made way easier. Basically floating camera going through objectives via an arrow on screen. I got back into retro and really enjoyed the lack of hand holding and the more gameplay focused games that don't need or give you a 30 minute tutorial on how to walk towards the arrow.

Roguelikes are basically rpg boiled down to their most concentrated form, but with much superior world building in a lot of cases. Not as much story, but a newish experience every time.

>> No.5117854

>literal Minecraft clones
>modern SO RETRO games
>2deep4u puzzle/ambient/walking simulator "games"

No thanks

>> No.5117878

> Games after HL2 are all forgotten.

UT99, Q3, Deus Ex, Serious Sam, hell even Painkiller?

>> No.5117891
File: 140 KB, 797x596, Momoko1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most indie games look and play worse than some 2000s flash games.

Just play some modern nipp eroges, those are actually good and you can fap to them too.

>> No.5117908

The Japanese doujin game market got fucked in the ass by Touhou, everything is a generic Touhou clone.

>> No.5117916

serious sam was hella fun

>> No.5118187

>UT99, Q3, Deus Ex, Serious Sam, painkiller
FYI They all came before HL2 buddy, not that i agree everything after hl2 is forgotten.

>> No.5118769

Link to the game? Can't find it. Google does nothing.

>> No.5118790


>> No.5119397

That's because almost all of the fps games released after HL2 are run-of-the-mill military shooters like CoD.

>> No.5119591

Nostalgia is an actual thing. But it is entirely unrelated to 80s/90s/early 2000s videogames. It's not about the way the industry made videogames back then. Twenty years from now, there will be people that downplay flaws in their 2010s videogames while criticizing newer videogames that correct those flaws.

>> No.5119970

I am what you might consider a shut-in to the point I sort of never left the 90s outside of technology. I upgrade my rig and visit the internet, but my entertainment mediums are stuck firmly in the 90s.

Recently I had been getting miserable at the thought I couldn't relate to others because my games were touched by next to nobody, even other retro gamers insist on using source ports and playing modern maps. So I started trying to play Skyrim SE in the hopes I could mod it to how I wanted.

First off, finding out I needed Steam was quite bothersome. I like the idea of having a game and owning it. Not being able to launch something without a third party program is highly bothersome, especially when said program is ludicrously clunky. It fails to launch half the time, other times it decides to randomly update, and it loves to spam news.

I then tried to launch the game, but suddenly found myself in a linear tutorial. No worries, it is just the tutorial, and it will soon expand. No luck, it just kept going on and on, with no real clear separation at all! Well, luckily I can spam hundreds of mods, time to make this thing like a rougelike.

So I get hundreds of mods, but then Skyrim SE got an update. Steam automatically installs it. Old versions are pretty much expected to never be touched. This sent me on a rage, since I love to check out old versions of games I play, such as the wonderfully buggy early versions of Doom where you couldn't access all the same slots. It is nice to appreciate progress and make the decision to change it as I wish. Why was this taken away from me?

Oh, then the update broke the mods. The update that just changed DLC content, content not even part of the actual game. I am losing access to my mods that hopefully developers update because you decided to add in some wild horses in an optional DLC?

It isn't nostalgia. I cannot stand the modern mentality of gaming.

>> No.5119980

You sound like one of my uncles who still refuses to use a smartphone. Blah blah blah shit's complicated, I just want to make calls etc. Meanwhile the rest of the family are all in a group chat.

>> No.5119986

Smartphones are too complicated anon. It is why I don't bother with them and just talk on the computer. Gaming died the day it stopped providing endless shovelware packages to provide a slew of endless content.

>> No.5119991

You could have avoided most of that by just pirating everything.
But yeah, PC gaming means all that bullshit and more, like intrusive DRM, region locked games, no physical editions for barely anything, millions of DLC and more bugs than ever. That's the golden age for you.
If you're lucky the game you want to play could be at GOG, besides that you're fucked.

>Meanwhile the rest of the family are all in a group chat.

Your uncle just seems smart enough to avoid that shit.

>> No.5119998

I see your point BUT you should have done the research and realized the modding community doesn't support Skyrim Special Edition.

>> No.5120000

I also refuse to use a smartphone and it's such a bless not being bothered by everyone at all hours.

>> No.5120003

Like anyone would call you LOL

>> No.5120006

Thanks God.

>> No.5120271

Wonderful Pink 2

>> No.5120276

For some reason I read that as HL(1).

>> No.5120338

the reason games are bad now has everything to do with the state of the industry that creates them

someone who knows more about game history than me explain this

>> No.5120375

developers no longer care about the product and their disdain and hatred leak into the codes

>> No.5120397

Game updates were breaking mods in /vr/ time too buddy, you just don't remember because nobody has updated those games in two decades.

>> No.5120425

Most of the 80s/90s games that I've played I only ever played for the first time as an adult. This is true about MOST people now. Most people didn't discover these games until emulation came along. The reason why there is such a huge following for pre-HD era gaming is because of EMULATION, not "nostalgia".

>> No.5120510

that's a gay way at looking at it

what i've been able to make out is that the position of games in the economy in the 90s and early 00s (up to the economic crash, more or less) was much more level: there were shifts happening of course, gta iv costs loads to make and market but there was more diversity in the market, more developers in the "double a" space. (you still have that in japan but it stays in japan)

back in the 80s and 90s it seems you could have a mildly successful game and keep building and building on it, and the game didnt have to be one that appealed to casuals to be extremely successful. studios were born on years of continually good and solid products with modest sales

now you have to break and get big like undertale or fnaf or already be a really big aaa developer to get anywhere. with the advent of stronger digital distribution and crowdfunding it's changing a little

developers also dont have any restrictions to deal with, which allows them to get along with half baked ideas and aesthetics

>> No.5120595

good posts

It's like people think that 1993 Id could crank out Doom 2016 if they had 2016 technology. That ain't how it works.

>> No.5121476
File: 23 KB, 500x327, 5222440108490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 35
>enjoy games from 30 years ago
>enjoy games that come out currently

not even sure why there is a line in the sand drawn over this shit, bad games are always there regardless of time frame and the good ones are there too. This year I enjoyed PS4 Spider-man, Nier Automata for the third time with it's Xbox release, revisited Dynamite Cop and EGG on the Dreamcas as well as Guardian Heroes and Zwei on the Saturn, had a blast with DBZ FighterZ and I'm really enjoying Soul Calibur Vl. I try to understand people that take issue with modern gaming but I can't see it, just like anything else there is good and bad.

>> No.5121553

bottom of that image is literally Doom 2016

>> No.5121585

I enjoy some new games too but you can't deny there's awful trends going on. Sure, there's always good and bad games but the industry changes.

>> No.5121592

most people here are posting ironically, welcome to the internet, enjoy your stay

>> No.5121669

I think it's likely there's a cycle at work particularly with franchises.

1. Good game with rough edges produced by a small passionate team with an idea and vision.
2. After learning from their mistakes on the first game, the polished second game is a huge hit and the franchise becomes a household name.
3. Third game follows up on second and the audience growth slows.
After 3 games original visionary/creative talent moves on to other projects or becomes an "Executive producer."
B-team moves in. They focus on accessibility, pandering (eg waifushit), and marketing points (eg 100 hours of gameplay!) while taking the original vision for granted.
4. With the fourth game there's a sense of going through the motions with the formula. It's polished and expensive-- good enough to cash in on the now-famous brand, but the product is soulless. Fans from the old days start feeling empty and grouse about "modern games."
5. Eventually the old guard is completely gone and no one left really understands why the originals were so beloved in the first place. The new people in charge start making drastic changes for the new audience, completely alienating the original fans.

These alienated fans blame "modern gaming" but in fact it's just a typical life cycle of a popular franchise they happened to follow (or in some cases a developer or publisher over multiple franchises) .

>> No.5121674

forgot that another thing the B-Team will often do is implement whatever the current meme development trends are (open-world, etc.)

>> No.5121751

How is this defined? Does it apply retro actively?

>> No.5121783
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There's plenty of genuine ill feelings here too, it's just masked under 5 layers of meme indirection.

>> No.5121793

Like anon here >>5117526 said, people don't like new games because they see hoards of shit without taking into account the fact there is more of all quality of games.

>>Gears of war now that was a game
It's funny thinking back to all the shitty shovel-ware and trash for DOS and ps1, that now get praised as gems since they have 1 or 2 redeeming features.
Gears of war isn't 100% bad, it has *some* positives, so you're surely right - people will wax nostalgic about it for those reasons in another 10 or 15 years.

>> No.5121801
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None of the games in your linked post are minecraft clones, cheap cash-ins on retro visuals, /2deep4u/ posing or walking sims. Are you high?

>> No.5121807

>all the shitty shovel-ware and trash for DOS and ps1
>now get praised as gems
like what?
No, most of that shitty shovelware is forgotten, as if it never existed.

>> No.5121829
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>but you can't deny there's awful trends going on
That' always been a thing, it's just using new ways to be awful. I'm not trying to drum up all evil as equal but bad exploitative practices are nothing new and are what lead to the 83 console crash.

>> No.5121985
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not that anon, but this is not true:

With the invention of the internet and smartphones, followed by a bashing amount of statistics and surveys over habits and likes of people, everything started to be formulaic streamlined into the same rehash over and over again. This isn't only in gaming, every single element we experience nowadays that is buyable is infested with this. The formulaic approach ensures that you will have the highest chance of successing with the product and getting the highest amount of money possible, which then again gets forced even more to please the shareholder gods.

This has started in the mid 00's and has been getting worse, and this is unique to the evolution of the technological situation we are in right now, there couldn't have been the same situation before this like your 'douglas adams' argumentation suggests. Greed has changed the way games are played, not the people playing it.

>> No.5122035

>everything started to be formulaic streamlined into the same rehash over and over again.
You really need to look over history again in gaming.

>> No.5122097

anon isn't talking about a frenzy of lazy attempts to cash in on a market bubble. He's talking about products psychologically optimized to maximize profit without respect to creative vision.

>> No.5122101

>psychologically optimized to maximize profit
or to achieve some other agenda (cross-marketing/political/etc)

>> No.5122117

someone post the comparison shot

>> No.5122118

That's like saying videogame industry never changed.

Now image how absurd sounds applied to movies, music or art. Like if there's no good or bad ages and just nostalgia makes us preffer one or the other, so all eras are the same.

>> No.5122120

>Anons that have no reading comprehension

>> No.5122136

>anons that have no idea how much progress has been made on marketing to human psychology since the 1983 videogame crash

>> No.5122168
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>> No.5122183

bad ass

>> No.5122237

>Not being able to launch something without a third party program is highly bothersome, especially when said program is ludicrously clunky. It fails to launch half the time, other times it decides to randomly update, and it loves to spam news.

Welcome to 2018, enjoy your stay!

>> No.5122242


sociopathy 101, i like it :D

>> No.5122248

Hype is absolutely 100% as bad as nostalgia at getting people to overlook glaring flaws. You won't hear this from the fags that don't like old games, though. They're just thinking 100% objectively of course.

>> No.5122253

On old games vs new games. I think the industry has greatly changed. During the nineties the measurement what a good game was, was mainly in the quality of the actual product. Today the measurement of what a good game is, is in sold units alone. The rest is just a matter of opinion shaping.

This industry has shifted it's focus from what the consumer wants to what the publishers want, and that's merciless profit maximizing. It's predatory capitalism at it's finest with the most psychopathic outfits at the top.

>> No.5122260

There used to be a time when consoles all had their own look, feel, and personality. There's mostly nothing interesting about modern stuff which is usually just a hacked up PC.

>> No.5122262

A smartphone is tolerable for browsing websites and the very few actually good apps that aren't just poorly duplicating functionality done better by other tech. It's nice being able to do work from my phone when I'm out waiting for lunch.

Smartphones are hot steaming garbage for actual voice communication, though. They all suck. I miss the compact convenience of my LG VX8300 flip-phone and REALLY miss phone conversations where both parties are on a landline and you can actually fucking hear each other naturally with good audio quality.

And I've never even liked talking on the phone and avoid it whenever possible. But it's undeniable that cell phones have shit audio quality and smartphones are massively over-burdened with features when it comes to making phone calls.

They also suck for playing games. It has nothing to do with age. People of all ages play shitty phone games, from zoomers to boomers and they all share the same poor taste.

>> No.5122278

>There used to be a time when consoles all had their own look, feel, and personality.

I miss that too. Original hardware. Now its all second rate PC parts with Unreal or Unity engine. And the games all look and feel the same. The excitement, constant innovations of the 90's are painfully absent from the whole industry these days.

>> No.5122280

>but this is not true
bad exploitative practices are nothing new, never was it said it was better or worse, just that this is nothing new, if they had 2010 internet tech in 1970s you can bet you ass they would have had all the mirco transactions they had to day, because even then, they design games around to being quarter munches some going as far as making their game worse than the Jap releases ensuring you would need to spend quarters.

Now the big thing I don't like about anons like you is you stare at all the bad we have now but ignore all the good, return policy are way more lax now, games cost nearly 50% the price they use to, consoles are no longer shackled to proprietary memory cards as well as cloud saves being a thing.

Yes there is bad shit but you are ignoring all the bad things that have been done away with because it was what you grew up with. That's what the quote is getting at, you ignore all the evil and greed you grew up with and get angry at anything past a certain amount of time

>Greed has changed the way games are played
Greed has always been a core source, otherwise terms like "doom clone" would have never come into existence and game devs of the 80s and 90s wouldn't have stories where they were pressured by higher ups to make the game harder than it needed to be to force kids to buy it rather than just rent it.

>That's like saying videogame industry never changed.

where are you even getting that? Nothing posted implies it hasn't changed. What is being implied is that the good old days weren't that good, that there were just as many problems they were just different problems.

>> No.5122292

>Greed has always been a core source

Sure games always have been about money making. We all know that. The problem is the likes of SONY, EA. ubisoft and co are about to perfect their exploitative practices. They
SHIT down your open throat and you better be a thankful and obedient little shit sucker or they will remove your access from the games you purchased, but never owned in the first place.

It's always stupid people unable of critical thinking that enable the worst con artists.

>> No.5122301

Take two years off and I’m in the same boat. I think a big thing is how much you have going on in your life. With a wife and two daughters I don’t really give a damn how good or bad the game industry is doing, I’ll enjoy what’s good and ignore the rest, not like I have the time to burn out a 40 hour game in a week.

>> No.5122310

You really think that wasn’t a thing back in the 90s? That this hasn’t happen before? Also look at the signs anon, EA is getting its shit kick in and they are learning that no people won’t put up with anything and they are scrambling to win back people. Hell TTGs fucking died from being so full of their progressive shit and shutting out bad games for the last 6+ years.

It’s like you just need to be made at something that you ignore when bad practice get punshied and show that people will Ignore them. Otherwise we would have seen Ninja Theory DmC 2 already but hey, it died too because people aren’t blind drones.

>> No.5122358 [DELETED] 
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>, EA is getting its shit kick in


>> No.5122370

All that bad karma, man. They should just let go.

>> No.5122371 [DELETED] 

What are you even going on about? Are you needing insulin?

>> No.5122385

The first game in the list is literally Minecraft.

>> No.5122407

>there were just as many problems they were just different problems.

Not even remotely comparable.

If you have told me in late 90's or first 00's about Steam, death of physical market and other PC (and console) bullshit I would have thought you were talking about some exagerated distopia. HL2 requiring an internet connection was such a big deal not too long ago, I can't even imagine how we accepted so much shit in so little years.
Something as easy as being able to buy and sell any videogame whenever you like is being put in question, I don't think that ever happened before.

>> No.5122409

>a bashing amount of statistics and surveys over habits and likes of people, everything started to be formulaic streamlined into the same rehash over and over again.

This is what happens when everything in life, including what media we are able to choose and consume is decided by committee consensus and excel tables. This is literally the future we chose.

>> No.5122414

>I don't think that ever happened before.

It has not happened before. That anon is just delusional and argues for argues sake.

And we aren't even fully there yet.
The next big industry scam will be cloud gaming.

>> No.5122423

>Cloud gaming
It's already happening, remember PS Now?

>> No.5122426

>exagerated distopia
how personal is this to you? Games are suppose to compliment your life and personality, not be them.

>> No.5122430

We were talking about games, not about anyone's life.

>> No.5122440

>If you have told me in late 90's or first 00's about Steam, death of physical market and other PC (and console) bullshit I would have thought you were talking about some exagerated distopia.
You sound really retarded then more so the early 00s. That was seen as the future for a damn long while, hell the moment Steam happen Something Awful forms and soon after 4chan was plagued with threads saying this was the death of the physical market and it was churning through upwards of showing it. The idea of physical ownership being a bygone has been talk about since the internet gained popularity in the late 90s/early 00s. The thing that shocked everyone was the limited key use shit that was pulled in 07 that thankfully crashed and burn because no one was going to buy that shit. Really that's a strong case of how bad things could have gone but the market said "no" was limited use keys for physical properties.

>> No.5122442

You think games exist in a vacuum? Do you really think this doesn`t affect other parts of life too?

>> No.5122445

Your life comes into question when you see this as major as you clam it to be. You are trying to paint this as something grander than it is. So it's either your life is out of wack or you are just getting louder in your argument rather than smarter with it. Either way: life is life, you either make something of it or mewl over the lack of it.

>> No.5122449

>Do you really think this doesn`t affect other parts of life too?
I'll be blunt it shouldn't, but seeing how many lives were ruin by shit like WoW I rather the industry go down in flames. When the comic book guy from the simpsons becomes the norm it's time for everything to be taken away or worsen for them

>> No.5122453
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You don't belong on a hobby board.

>> No.5122456

I wasn`t exactly meaning the effects of games themselves, but the way the industry is going won`t purely be exclusive to games. Take cars for example, in the near(ish) future all new cars will inevitably self driving and your personal transportation device will have to be constantly connected to the web to even function. This is only one example mind you.

>> No.5122457

Metal Gear 2 is a quality game and its a shame we didn't get a port on the snes/genesis and had to wait until 2005 to play it.

>> No.5122458

Team Fortress 2, L4D, SS3:BFE were released after HL2 yet I remember fondly.I still play tf2

>> No.5122462

But L4D and Hat Fortress 2 were meme games at best.

>> No.5122465
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Self driving cars have been a future meme almost as long as flying cars and hover cars. Also most people wouldn’t want the tech, if you wanted to be driven somewhere it’s far cheaper to get shuttled by means of bus or taxi/personal taxi services and a car is about freedom of driving, most would not want to sit behind the wheel of a machine going the speed limit or worse.
I get you have more examples but you can look at anything as doom impending if you are negative enough. Hence why this thread was made, a person wanting to be reaffirmed that he’s not wrong for hating something, rather than just enjoying what he claims to love.

>> No.5122467

Nah I found L4D 1 very fun and repayable. And TF2 has all these cool weapons n stuff that I find my self playing still after 10 years. Shit its probably the most "modern" multi fps I play.

>> No.5122468

Honestly, I'm like 20 years old. I hate modern triple-A games because I believe fun is so 'watered down' in them. Old games relied on genuine depth because they HAD TO. If your core gameplay wasn't spit-polished your game would tank.

Now you can make a completely boring mediocre game and it will still make money if it's filled with Skinner Boxes, DLC, achievements, giant empty open world, pointless levelling system, and if you're Call of Duty, gun manufacturer product placement.
All you need to do is to generate 'hype' by providing some bullshit about how 'revolutionary' the game will be, and rake in that preorder money.

And if you can't even do that, just make sure to put some lesbians in it to pander to LGBT crowd, or make some homophobic jokes to pander to anti-sjw crowd and it will sell too.

>> No.5122472

>And if you can't even do that, just make sure to put some lesbians in it to pander to LGBT crowd
you say that when Telltale Games crash and burn in less than 6 years and every game after TWD had lesbianism and/or homosexuality
Things are not as cut and dry as your confirmation bias would tell you.

>> No.5122478

> most would not want to sit behind the wheel of a machine going the speed limit or worse.

This wont matter if it will be mandated by the state, or whatever other higher powers that be and all non self-driving vehicles will be banned for safety, security, or whatever other statistic they they can think of.

inb4 someone calls me a paranoid loony

>> No.5122489

>inb4 someone calls me a paranoid loony
honestly I just call you an idiot. Or question how much of this sheep mentality you are projecting, people have limits, they will go against things and will refuse such, even in games, films or other media see it happen but for whatever reason people miss it or glance over the bullshit juggernauts that fuck up so bad they killed themselves (Lionhead) or they push an agenda so hard it impacts the entire brand (Star Wars) but people over look that and claim people will just buy into anything when the signs are clear they won't, telling me this is more of a "stop liking what I don't like" than having any real doomsday to it.

>> No.5122490
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They can pry my 69 charger from my cold dead clenched hands.

>> No.5122491

Telltale crashed and burned not because of lesbians, but because it was a horribly ran company. Walking Dead sold millions of copies because it was a genuine revolution in the adventure genre, so the morons in charge of course thought that the best way to repeat that success isn't to keep innovating, but to KEEP DOING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER.

Compare and contrast, genuinely innovative adventure games like Stanley Parable, Firewatch, Her Story and Night in the Woods actually do pretty well, while Telltale sells like shit.

Also I honestly didn't even mean Telltale games, LGBT stuff is usually done decently in there and with some thought.
I'm talking about shit like Assassin's Creed Odyssey which is a generic cookie cutter Assassin's Creed, but the LGBT crowd is tripping over itself to buy it BECAUSE LESBIANS.

I'm gay and trans but it does't change the fact that I'm disgusted nonetheless.

>> No.5122527

Please post the minecraft clone listed, or explain your attempt at humour because i don't get the joke.

>> No.5122540

Not him but IMO people only go against things to an extent, companies will push forward with something crap, people react, but they only 50% backtrack. It's always 2 steps forward 1 backward with them. Or, they introduce something insane, back-peddle, then introduce the toned-down 'compromise' that's actually what they wanted. There are heaps of these manipulation tactics at work against us from all industries, and by and large they work.

>> No.5122547
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>it was a genuine revolution in the adventure genre
You mean copying shit that has been done in adventure games and rpgs for the last 30 years? Quest for Glory was 3 times the depth with the same idea and had more going on than QTEs. For fucksakes does everyone forget they made Sam and Max episodes and Jurassic park long before it caught on? The shit work because it was the right time and place for a walking dead game.
How fucking stupid can you be?
>I'm gay and trans

>> No.5122682
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>people only go against things to an extent


>There are heaps of these manipulation tactics >at work against us from all industries, and by >and large they work.

They are tried and true, they work. Period.

The gaming industry tests how far they can push the enveloppe with consumers all the time. And every time we lose more ground and they gain a little.

>> No.5122735

You've just described the Silent Hill series pretty accurately there.

>> No.5122758

>You've just described the Silent Hill series pretty accurately there.

Street Fighter and Resident Evil too, lol. SFV is such a clueless abomination.

>> No.5122821





I had no idea it was this bad. I hope to be able to unsee it.

>> No.5123347

>Calm Time (2.5D horror)
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SBxIdyuBbo [Embed]

Look at it

>> No.5123395
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Thats the most retarded thing i've read in days. You believe it's a minecraft clone despite sharing no gameplay similarity because they both use low-res textures? Holy shit, i guess you look at the 8-bit era and question why companies kept re-releasing the same game hundreds of times.

>> No.5123406
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>> No.5123423

>every goddamn time
For real? This is the only one similar to Wolf I've seen. Usually when someone tries to make a throwback shooter it comes off as a shit Serious Sam clone that thinks FPS games in the 90s were nothing but big empty hallways with loads of enemies who rush at you.

>> No.5123430

Nostalgia isn't a myth. Stop being a pretentious ass and pretending you have some special arcane taste in games because the reality is you're a mental child who can only play games that take your back to warm little safe space and you're just upset people are rightfully calling you out for it. Break free of the arbitrary restrictions you have placed on your life and broaden your horizons instead of being defensive and digging yourself deeper into delusion.

>> No.5123440

You ever considered you are just conditioned to like the trash of your youth over trash of today?
Issue about waking up is you face to face what's wrong with you and change it, for most that's a horror that is to much to ask so it's back to games

>> No.5123471

You obviously haven't seen the Steam (most of this shit is buried/reviewbombed so you'd have to dive)
There are couple of dozens of these kinds of games that all claim to be successor to Doom/Duke/Quake and they all feature Wolf3D/Blake Stone - tier flat maps, monsters with no rotations and very basic weapon sprites
- some of them even outright steal assets from Doom mods and less known commercial games like Blake Stone itself and TekWar, the later being more popular for some reason.

Warlock is actually slightly better than them, but being a slightly more polished turd in the mountain of shit is not an achievment to be proud of.

>> No.5123638

Odallus is pretty mediocre, as is Axiom Verge, it suffers from too much item bloat. The drone + drone teleport thing is pretty cool though.

>> No.5123665

What if I barely played any games until I was 15.

>> No.5123731

pls be fake

>> No.5123881

It's not
I literally only bought the game for a shitty railgun

turns out they fucked up a railgun
I expect no less from Randy "embezzlement" Bobandy

>> No.5123940

I'm sure nostalgia forms during whatever child-like regression a man goes through to start playing children's games at a late age.

>> No.5123987

what if you broaden your horizons by playing old games you fucking retard ?

>> No.5125207

Polynomial, make sure you set up the controls before you take the acid. dont be like me

>> No.5125253

That sounds like a fun 3 hours thinking you have controls set up then re-realizing you don't.

>> No.5125324

What in the fucking shit are you talking about? Do you think the fucking QTEs are the reason people talk about this game, are you shitting me?
>Quest for Glory
Ah, you're a Sierrafag. That explains a lot.

>> No.5127663

this picture applys to me only number 3 started when i was cca 23.

>> No.5127934

Quake 3 Arena and Doom are children's games now? It's becoming increasingly obvious you are psychologically messed up. Sad to see this ridiculous and desperate anonymous projection, the idea "those guys are the losers, not me, they are". Just a horrible car crash, it's hard to look away, to see someone with so many mental issues projecting so hard.

>> No.5129765

>speed ups
In some cases yes. Having to see those numerous screens before it gets to a menu plagues all games and is even worse with modern ones. Its good skipping shit like that. Also what is good to skip is games with long unskippable cutscenes and dialogue if you have already seen that stuff enough. I can also see why people want to speed up RPG combat since too many of them are extremely slow and don't even take much thought at all and are extremely easy. All JRPG should have a speed button for the combat at least.

>save states
Absolutely no. You should always want to beat these games the proper way in which they were designed. Nearly all are beatable even if they are very difficult. You either have the ability to beat the games or you don't. That is not the fault of the developer in most cases. It is the fault of the player of which many these days would rather whine saying its the games fault rather than their own. The only other instance save states are okay is if you are familiar with the game and simply want to try a part again.

Using save states is admitting you cannot beat the game or just don't care as much about the game you are playing atm.

>> No.5129776

NPC's are little fucking shitters. Do not listen to the masses about any topic ever. Form your own opinions because it is YOUR opinions here and nobody else. These fucks can't think on their own which is why they need the approved thoughts of others before they have opinions on anything.

When you look at 3rd or 4th gen games and arcade games it is clear few games made today are done in that style at all. If there are any these days they are harder to find. You'd need to ask anons on here which newer games are like that to which you are likely to get hostility for even asking. At best you would have to put your hope on the indies which is a whole other post on to itself about that crap.

>> No.5129818

Nothing wrong with speedups unless you are a retard that likes to stare at long, dull cutscenes.

>> No.5129831

>Game intends cutscene crawls with text for dyslexic jap children
>English ends up having 3-4x the characters, so cutscene crawls takes 3-4x longer
Speed up is fine for some games.
This happened for Nintend's Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword as well. Jesus that fucking text crawl.
How fine it is, depends on how good gameplay is, and how long your uninteruppted sessions are. Half the fun of something like Dark Souls or Might and Magic is that there is almost nothing that interupts your gameplay sessions, so you can just keep on going if you enjoy it.

You get things like Shovel Knight, Yookie-Laile, Hat in Time and Hollow Knight.
Quality is really high, and so is gameplay.

>> No.5131742

>just don't care as much about the game you are playing atm

so? it's really funny and pathetic to see people care about games so much and talk about them like it's some important honourable thing. it's fucking games. no one cares how you play them.

sad and pathetic.

and no, i do not use save states, so it's not that i'm "mad". you're just a sad loser, and your whole kind.

>> No.5131748

Pretty sure the point was that it’s just old school point and click shit with QTEs in it.

>> No.5131750

Again, that's subjective. Until an objective and enforced definition is applied, it is not to be used. Ever. As long as it is misused, I apply a severe penalty to the review scores of any "twibble ay" game on the grounds of "If you have ten times the budget, I expect... no, I demand ten times the quality through an innovative, polished, thoroughly tested, bug-free experience."

>> No.5131782
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>it is not to be used
>I apply a severe penalty...
>"twibble ay"
>no, I demand ten times the quality
I don't disagree it's a stupid meaningless term but this is the spergiest post i've read in a long time.

>> No.5131972

People talk about it becuase walking dead was the hot item at the time as well as the whole father figure to little girl was a big sell too. The game wasn’t any different from what they did before.

>> No.5132050

>play game not the way it was intended by cheating
>then say game was absolute shit and perhaps ask dumb question like why do people like ____ game when you beat it easily (leaving out the fact you used save states)

You know this happens all the time with people and fags like you are a perfect example of this type of person.

>> No.5132120

I think they took Moirai down. Interesting article about it though: https://www.pcgamer.com/a-brief-history-of-moirai-one-of-pcs-most-disturbing-games/#comment-jump

>> No.5132716

Most of those indie games are shit compared to the actual old games because the old games were made by PROFESSIONALS, in PROFESSIONAL QUALITY.

The person that quote is responding to probably just has higher standards than the anon replying to him. Or you, for that matter.

>> No.5132723

>care about the topic enough to get into an argument about it
>lose argument
>suddenly be above caring about the topic

>> No.5132729

Not the guy you're responding to, but most old games were shit too; the only ones we talk about and play today are the good ones. And a lot of indie developers are professionals with years of experience, who decide to leave their jobs in order to make their own game.

>> No.5132751

So do you compare the shit old games to the best new indie games? What?

No, the vast majority of indie games are shit, and their developers are skilless amateurs.

>> No.5132843

So were the vast majority of games for consoles and PCs back then, but you couldn't be aware of that because internet wasn't that big back then and you pretty much were stuck with those shitty games (even more if you rented them), so you had to force yourself at times to like them so you got the most out of your money.
Nowadays you can simply look up a gameplay on jewtube and see if the game meets up your oh so refined curator standards or not.

>> No.5133907

can't you read? i wrote that i do not use save states.

>> No.5133910

that was the first post i've written itt.

>> No.5133947

>It's funny thinking back to all the shitty shovel-ware and trash for DOS and ps1, that now get praised as gems since they have 1 or 2 redeeming features.
It's the complete opposite. All the shovelware got completely buried, so most retro games that are still remain in the public consciousness are the good ones frim that time. This is why you get boomers insisting that games back then were at a higher standard, when in reality nobody remembers the shit from back then.

>> No.5134363

>All the shovelware got completely buried
>This is why you get boomers insisting that games back then were at a higher standard
No that's not it. The people who insist this have usually observed trends and are comparing modern popular games to the AAA-equivalent in the same or similar genre-- often within the exact same franchise. Yes, they're often failing to notice popular new games that aren't from old names and franchises, but you will often see specific comparisons and complaints the prove it's not just rose-colored glasses. The criticisms are usually NOT about some cheap cash-grab of a game no one will remember in 5 years, but mainstream popular games.

Complaints look like this:
> Level design is better in [old FPS] vs [popular new FPS].
> Combat is more challenging in [old Zelda] vs [new Zelda].
> Class/party system is deeper in [old RPG] vs [new RPG].
> This [old RPG] doesn't waste your time with cringe romance subplots like [new RPG].
> This [old Game] is not full of trash quicktime events and cinematic bloat like [popular new Game].

>> No.5134375


>> No.5135119
File: 286 KB, 1280x695, no hud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the jews, in arabic jews is "ya hud"

this is what a non jewish game looks like, aka "no hud"

>> No.5137145

The Uncharted series was entertaining, but oddly the gameplay was indeed the worst part.

>> No.5137172

But Anon, modern games didn't get shit until seventh gen, sixth was actually pretty gewd.

>> No.5138014
