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File: 278 KB, 850x1207, fatalfuryspecial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5112605 No.5112605 [Reply] [Original]

Fatal Fury Special is the best SNK fighting game.

>> No.5112636

I was playing it with my friend recently because fatal fury special world cup happened so I really wanted to play, it is fun combos are really easy but almost all character have one or two special moves which have super awkward motion, even terry's spin kick is weird tiger knee like motion. a lot of them are impossible on keyboard.
for me the best snk game is probably garou, breakers revenge, karnov's revenge or kof 2002

>> No.5112905


Whats so great about it? The borked hitboxes, the fucked up controls, or the bad sprite work? Or perhaps the AI that does button reading like a bitch?


>> No.5113024
File: 9 KB, 250x147, pic-san.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Vengeful Pole Pounder

>> No.5113070
File: 115 KB, 600x817, Garou_Howard1433748693838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a lot of them are impossible on keyboard.
It's meant to be played on an arcade stick
I remember you, you always show up whenever someone mentions Fatal Fury with your retarded "arguments" such as "bad hitbox" (get fucking good, bro), "fucked up controls" (get fucking good, broski), "bad spritework" (muh grafix, also it looks great), or "button reading AI" (what is every fighting CPU, play against a real human being and get fucking good, broskandi).
You're a faggot.
Yeah those are hilarious.

>> No.5113725

yeah, but spending 300$ when you only play these old dead games with your neighbor is really hard. but on the othehand games like garou have so good inputs that even doing 360 not that hard tho impractical but still doable which shouldn't be possible.

>> No.5115613

Even a regular pad like SNES or Saturn will make commands feel more natural than using the keyboard arrows.

>> No.5115620

Pad is not a much bigger upgrade from keyboard IMO

>> No.5115625

Not much bigger, but controlling the motion with your thumb makes for a more seamless move, thus it "feels" more natural.

>> No.5115631

It depends on the game, I can do 360 just fine on modern games that have been coded properly instead of trying to rob your quarters

>> No.5115635
File: 39 KB, 600x800, 7BABF318-A50A-4CE4-948A-CBB2448B5F51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know if it’s the best, it’s one of the best! I do believe it was the best selling NEO•GEO game in Japan until KoF ‘97.

>> No.5117339

I really tried, I really do want to get good with pad, I perform quite okay in online tournaments have even won one, but all offline tourneys I can't even beat sweep mashers, and also relying on your thumb for all things is really scary, and not even just for directional keys but for even action buttons how would someone even do whiff cancelling kara techniques etc and whiff cancelling are a breeze in keyboard and are quite fun in snk games. also what pad would you recommend to get good feel of dpad for fightan I currently can borrow a ds4.
but don't underestimate keyboard its fun as hell and techniques like charge partitioning become way easier in keyboard, only problem is while doing half circle motions quickly keyboard tend to skip down input and directly jump from down back to down forward or vice versa, its not a big deal in new games but in games like super turbo it becomes really hard or almost impossible to do them quickly, but luckily in 3rd strike except few chars its regular like new games but few command grabs like makoto, q, chun flip kick don't work on one side but you can do them with a certain tech tho.

>> No.5117392

Sega Saturn controllers are great. The official USB ones are nice, but expensive. I use a Saturn one with a converter. I don't like the DS4 dpad for fighting games.