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510989 No.510989 [Reply] [Original]

What game would you say has the best music? A lot of the games in the SNES/Gen era would have one or two good tracks, but what would be a game with almost all tracks sounding great?

>> No.510994


Mega Man X

>> No.511023

Donkey Kong Country 2.

>> No.511126
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Picture related.

>> No.511149

This. Probably Mario RPG as a close second.

>> No.511158

Yeah, Megaman X, X2 and X3 Saturn/PS version. If I had to choose from those 3, probably X1.

Megaman 2 also has a pretty amazing soundtrack.

>> No.511218


>> No.511280
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>> No.511294

that one is good but
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJfSz06Qtco get on my level

>> No.511302


>> No.511308

final fantasy mystic quest mediocre game god tier soundtrack


>> No.511337
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Let's see....
Pretty much all Sonic games for the Genesis.
Megaman X
Chrono Trigger obviously
Street Fighter 2

>> No.511345

Sonic CD
>hands down

>> No.511346


seriously listen to those buy this game its cheap as fuck and its not as bad as people say it is. It is really really easy but entertaining enough for that music.

>> No.511361

man every single song in the game is fantastic, i couldn't pick a favorite
even if there's debate regarding whether or not it is the GOAT, it's at least the best soundtrack on the genesis

>> No.511362

Oh yes, especially the US&JP soundtrack.

>> No.511375

I dunno some of his other shit comes close like revenge of shinobi omg that shit is so good too

>> No.511401

Mega Man 2 hands down.

>> No.511448

I enjoyed the second one.

>> No.511482

SoR 2. Not even close.

Although on the whole level track quality you'd probably want to look at Bully.

>> No.511504


Plebs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fr_8TlVx9P8 is clearly the superior piece.

>> No.511514
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Mega Man 2
WarCraft: Orcs & Humans (hnnng, those glorious OPL sounds and Romantic influences)
Red Alert, maybe

>> No.511529

Spyro The dragon

>> No.512805

What about Sonic games? Between Sonic 1 and Sonic 2, which has the better soundtrack?

>> No.512842

Intelligent Qube has some amazing music.

>> No.512932

Live A Live

>> No.513003

Command and Conquer 1: Tiberian Dawn
Lotus 2 and 3
Transport Tycoon
Anything related to Megaman (especially 2 and 3)

>> No.513009

Sonic 2. Though most of of the tracks in Sonic 1 are good

>> No.513107

Megaman X
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy 4-6
Yoshis Island

A good way to actually find out if ALL songs are good is to find one bad song. So can anyone find an actual bad song from the above listing?

>> No.513156

For me, FFVII and FFVIII have amazing soundtracks. Nobuo really fucking killed it for both of those. They're 50% of those why those games were ever good.

>> No.513182
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The correct answer is Secret of Mana.

>> No.513192

Yeah, I recently got Spyro 2's soundtrack and I fucking love every song.

>> No.513195

goddamn I was just about to post that I was ashamed nobody had said this yet. Especially the final Thanatos fight.

>> No.513286

Shadow of the Beast on the Amiga. It has one of the best, if not best sound track.

After that I have to say the SaGa games, I love all of the battle music, some of the best JRPG battle music. I'd also like to mention Bio-Hazard Battle for its odd sound track as well.

>> No.513537

I couldn't pick a bad track from Super Mario 64.

>> No.515310


>All this SoR2

Close, but have something better:


>> No.515334

Sympony of the Night, I think.

I also think highly of Snatcher.

>> No.515354






>> No.515375
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Probably not the favorite version of Valis, but I do like the Genesis-guitars they used for the first stage.


>> No.515397
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>> No.515401

For some reason Goof Troop on SNES knocked its music out of the park!

And the less-known Lost World: Jurassic Park game on Genesis is even better. This video starts at my favorite track

>> No.515407

bad recording makes it sound awful

>> No.515430
File: 234 KB, 1024x819, Gunstar_Heroes_Doodle_by_BG87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gunstar Heroes has a really good soundtrack. Each level gets your blood pumping, and each boss has his own theme song.




>> No.515437
File: 396 KB, 512x384, Harry Nilsson, Brian Wilson, Van Dyke Parks 1973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earthbound was heavily influenced by the sounds of Los Angeles circa 1970. Stuff from Harry Nilsson, The Beach Boys, Randy Newman, and other high-level composers like Kurt Weill and Miklós Rózsa...

I'm always nonplussed when I see threads like this where Earthbound isn't unanimously agreed to be the best SNES soundtrack. If it were released in condensed form as an actual LP, it would have to have been a huge hit.

It sucks that Keiichi Suzuki and Hirokazu Tanaka never made an album together. Keiichi has one or two good songs from his Moonriders days, but none of it compares to how American and dynamic the music is in the Earthbound OST.

And who is Hiroshi Kanazu? I can't find much info on him.
Apparently he's on some stupid IDM compilation. I hate bleep bloops but anything by one of the Mother 2 composers should be interesting, so I'm downloading now...

>> No.515436


>> No.515457

What game is that?

>> No.515489
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Mah nigga.

Pretty much the Mega Man X series on SNES is the best 16 bit soundtracks ever created. Every single track just makes you want to rock out and kick ass.

>> No.515503

i find them pretty mediocre

>> No.515506

>almost all tracks sounding great
That already dismisses a large portion of this thread.

I nominate Tyrian. The only game from which I still have every single track stuck in my head. Every. Single. One.


>> No.515523


something's wrong with your ears or you're one of those weird faggots who thinks the "Megadrive" (they're almost always European) has a better sound processor than the SNES. In which case, something is still wrong with your ears.

>> No.515538
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One of the best 16-bit soundtracks ever

>> No.515547

the Genesis WAS better. Unless YOUR ears are broken and you think that same orchestra sample every SNES game had was good.

>> No.515549


Now now, let's not turn this into a YM2612 vs SPC700 war. Both processors were all fine and good.

>> No.515553


The YM2612 is the elder god of sound chips, eat my ass.

>> No.515554


confirmed for Yuropfaggot with broken ears.

Genesis sounds flat as fuck.

>> No.515559

Arin plz go

>> No.515579

Wrong on both accounts. The level of technical mastery in the Gens chip is leaps above the muddy SNES. The SNES music wasn't as deep, defined or as dynamic. It sounded good for shit like title screen fanfare music but everything after that sounded like muted trumpet hell.

>> No.515594
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That one always reminds me of


>> No.515595


You've gotta be kidding me.

Genesis sound is almost all all square waves, it's flat as fuck Everything sounds flat and empty, it had fewer separate channels, and next to no effects, no reverb.

>> No.515616
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>mfw some retarded americlap nintendoboy turns this into a SEGA v SNES thread

>> No.515627
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>> No.515629

They tried to use the echo and reverb to hide the fact that it sounded like shit

>> No.515631


I love that game but only a few tracks actually stand out, all of them battle themes.

>> No.515636


No, they did use them so that they didn't sound flat and empty like Genesis games though.

>> No.515648

battle music is god-tier, but some towns and world-map had awesome music as well.

>> No.515652


I always imagined the final level theme as a 90's hardcore rave with a bunch of teenagers flailing their limbs around with strobe lights and dry ice in a large warehouse.

>> No.515656

FF1 and 2

>> No.515660
File: 439 KB, 660x900, ff7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final Fantasy 7.

Not even trolling. Not even my favorite game. But every single track is above average to amazing, and when combined with the graphics and story, it just seals the deal.

>> No.515669

So instead they sounded muted and stunted. So many time the music woudl actually veer out of key because of all the bullshit effects they had to pile onto the sound to make it sound less lifeless.

>> No.515674

Heroes III of course.

Based Rob King and Paul Romero.

>> No.515691

I completely agree with you, Nobuo Uematsu is an amazing artist and his music in FF7 is some of the best work he ever made, I listen to it, and his Distant Worlds almost daily since they and FF7 came out.

>> No.515696

Genesis version of MMX3


>> No.515706
File: 173 KB, 598x298, 1359731713647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'mon, where the falcombros at.

Here's a game that doesn't get posted often, back when they were almost dead, vantage master, with it's MIDI goodness.


>> No.515717

Best is fucking subjective, but mi favorites are Megaman x4 and x5

>> No.515741


Think you meant to post this, friend:


>> No.515832

Far East of Eden by Toshiyuki Sasagawa, Kohei Tanaka and Aya Tanaka.

It's really difficult to give a good sample of their work since it's very varied. Here's a handful.


>> No.515847
File: 108 KB, 1438x971, top_gear_snes_1992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...a game with almost all tracks sounding great?

>> No.515896


>calling that a Genesis cover
>music given reverb that the Genesis doesn't have to cover how muddy and distorted it is to disguise that it also sounds flat

yeah.. okay.

>> No.516107
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People on this board seem to like Alisia Dragoon. Soundtrack was really good as well.


>> No.516283

>eat dust!

>> No.516357


>> No.516405


>Striped lizard

I am like 90% sure that was supposed to be a bone dragon throwing ribs and shit. That picture must have been drawn after the game was made by someone who wasn't on the main team or something.

Also, at first I thought the didn't have the best pet, then I realized they gave him the proper respect and turned him into a badass wailing demon spirit face thing.

>> No.516551

>Implying bullshit

>> No.516572

Fucking love this theme in particular.

For what I read in HG101, it's a very quirky JRPG series, like Goemon.

Another reason of why I shouldn't slack on my moon studies.

>> No.516591
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>That cover
Damn, I sure do love that kind of art.

>> No.516594

There's even a remastered soundtrack with the album number DPCX-5059~61, but I can't find it anywhere and it makes me sad.

>> No.516613


>> No.516637


How about you find actual Genesis game soundtracks that make use of reverb.

I'll be waiting, because you can't. The Genesis sound processor did not have reverb. All of these mockup "genesis remix"'s of SNES OST's use reverb and effects that the SNES has, but the Genesis does not.

Genesis: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uVdHvPr2r0

Note the flatness, no reverb, terrible voice synthesis

SNES: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_GoKd7Ynpk

Note use of reverb that makes it sound more full and lively, and can produce recorded speech.

>> No.516681

Dude the Orchestra hits are identical and from that point on the SNES uses muffled guitar and drums and the Genesis sounds clean and hi fi.

>> No.516698

even the sound of Shredder getting hit is cleaner in the Gens version

>> No.516714

>Continuing to talk out of your ass



Both have "reverb" (in fact, I don't even think you know what that word means). Genesis one sounds better in this case, SNES sounds "flat, muffled, canned".

But this shouldn't be a Vs. thread. Both consoles had awesome music, but both linked Mega Man X songs were composed using the same tools the Genesis had to offer.

And I love the Mega Man X soundtracks, but I think that their instrumentation was off, as was the case with many Capcom titles on the SNES era.
Konami though, were kings of the SPC700:

>> No.516725

Capcom games sounded out of tune a lot, or am I just crazy?

>> No.516747


SNES is playing more sound channels at once (because it can). Reverb is related to echo, but not quite the same. Reverb is the persistence of the sound after the sound has stopped as it is still in the air before being absorbed by solid objects. Echo is reflection of that sound off solid objects.

The Genesis sound sounds like it just doesn't "carry" through the air, or fill the space.

The difference in reverb is noticable over headphones but might not quite be so noticable over speakers where the sound would actually reverb as it carries through the space outside the speakers. But over headphones Genesis songs all sound like the sound is suppressed as soon as the source is dead, while the SNES's use of reverb makes it sound like it's filling the room around you even over headphones.

>> No.516750

On the SNES and Genesis at the time. It was like they didn't know how to transition from the arcades and the Nes era.
It's funny, but I always think the Street Fighter II music bickering is off when it comes to both systems, both versions were kind of way below each respective system's power to adapt it from the arcade and even enhance it.
Just imagine if Tim Follin had handled it on the SNES and Jesper Kyd on the Genesis, that would probably have lead to two versions arguably superior to the arcade one.

>> No.516772
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Sonic CD


>> No.516780
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Retro pick? Legend of Mana.

Non retro? Silent Hill 3.

>> No.516794


which is, why it can do orchestra like pieces better, having more sound channels and using effects to create the illusion of even more sound channels and making it fill more space.

Genesis is like a 4 piece band playing in a room that has sound dampening walls. SNES is a small orchestra playing in a concert hall.

>> No.516826

>SNES is playing more sound channels at once (because it can).
But it's sample based, so it can't do as much with those 8 sound channels as the 5 to 6 FM sound channels on the Genesis can, as the composer can "morph" the FM at any given time, but the SNES is stuck with the sample track chosen.

In the rest of your post you start to loose me. Why does the louder reverb function of the SNES make the audio "better"? It's totally based on taste which one you prefer. With the Genesis you usually get harsher sound but its also clearer, while some compositions on the SNES "drown" the samples with reverb in order to cover up how caned they sound. That's not to say that the Genesis isn't capable of reverb, it's just more subtle, like in the Mega Man X adaptions you originally accused of being "fake".

And I listen to all my vidya music with headphones btw, but not when I'm playing the actual games, so I have experience with both.

>> No.516840

>Jap disco muzak

>> No.516846

>SNES is a small orchestra playing in a concert hall.
that you are listening to through a wall

>> No.516863

Shows what little the fun you know about Jap Disco in video games.


>> No.516868


Genesis didn't have reverb?

Listen to Decap Attack

>> No.516874

Disco lives

>> No.516884

No, you aren't. Capcom games on SNES sound horribly mangled. I'm not going to use ridiculous hyperbole and claim that the SNES sound sucks, because it clearly doesn't, but Capcom sucked at using it.

>> No.516920

You can imitate reverb/echo/whatever by having a copy of the melody play on another channel at a slight delay. Capcom's QSound arcade games do this a lot.

>> No.516932

>only one mention of Yoshi's Island.

Step it up /vr/

>> No.516987

Not a single track that isn't fantastic.

muh forest music

>> No.517032
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The classic Sonic games, the JP version of Sonic CD particular is quite amazing.

Pokemon Red/Blue, and most of the other games to an extent.

Panzer Dragoon/Zwei/Saga.

>> No.517080

I'm surprised none of the Streets of Rage guys posted this.

>> No.517232


when you're listening to an orchestra, you're listening to dozens of individual sound channels playing in symphony, they're "muddied" together. You don't pick out individual string players and listen to them, you listen to the entire piece as a whole.

With a band with only a few instruments/channels, you're picking out individual instruments.

On the SNES, you're listening to it as all one soundscape, with the Genesis, you're trying to pick out individual instruments, which is why Genesis fans always point out the bass. In the SNES, the bass is subdued, because it's meant as a part of a whole, not meant to stand out.

So what you call "muddied" I call "symphony" what you call "clearer" I call "empty sounding"

>> No.517253


the mega man "adaptations" were not done on an actual genesis soundchip, they're done on a PC with synthesizer software.

using Rebirth or Fruityloops to emulate a Roland TB-303 does not properly make a Roland TB-303 sound (as the TB-303 is analog, and there are quirks with the envelopes and filters that do not properly emulate on solid state hardware or digital software). In this case the software synthesis does not have the same limitations as the actual analog hardware of the Genesis.

>> No.517261


which is what the Genesis did to attempt reverb. The SPC-700 used an actual reverb effect processor. Genesis wasted another sound channel out of its 6 to fake it.

>> No.517264


with the exception of the Mega Man X games?

>> No.517273


>> No.517276

I'd pick either Super Castlevania IV or Donkey Kong Country 2

>> No.517289

duck tails moon

>> No.517413

>So what you call "muddied" I call "symphony" what you call "clearer" I call "empty sounding"

He's not actually me, which you are referring to. What my point was is that your elitism in favor of just one soundchip is ultimately pointless. Both soundchips had their strength and weaknesses. There are plenty of horrible sounding Genesis music out there, true, but there's just as much dreadful SNES music as well. Ultimately a combination of composer power + technical ability and know how wins the day and not the soundchips themselves, especially since the Genesis soundchip could do stuff the SNES couldn't and vice versa.

>the mega man "adaptations" were not done on an actual genesis soundchip, they're done on a PC with synthesizer software.

No, they're done with similar software available to creators back in the Genesis development days, where composer composed on PC first and played it of the Genesis second.
Sure, bad Rebirth/Fruitloops covers are out there but they tend to be poorly done and you can spot that they're fake a mile away. Not the case with those two covers.

ChiptunedRaijin on accusations of not being capable on the Genesis:

>MK3 and Comix Zone were two of those poorly programmed games as far as sound goes. They both use the horrible GEMS sound driver, which is the main driver notorious for bad Genesis sound. Basically it allows the composer to use a MIDI and transfer it over to the Genesis with poor, preset FM patches.

>Anyway, I programmed the sound from scratch for this cover, trying to get the best sound I can. Trust me, I guarentee you that this can be played on a real Genesis.

I have no reason to disbelieve him. If you still do, bring it up with him.