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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5103243 No.5103243 [Reply] [Original]

>There are people out there who play the NES SMB trilogy with awful gimped physics

why tho?

>> No.5103247
File: 155 KB, 363x363, kirby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck cares, just play the damn games!

>> No.5103249

but why play a shitty inferior version?

>> No.5103250

It's just the first game that has the physics bug. The others play the same.
It's okay for different people to like different aesthetics.

>> No.5103253

I keep hearing this but I don't believe it. These games control far differently on the SNES than they do on the NES. The momentum throws me off big time.

>> No.5103254

I remember hearing that all of the games except USA run on the SMB 3 engine. I'm not sure if that's true but that might explain it.

>> No.5103268

>speedrunning becomes a thing
>suddenly everyone is a hitbox physics expert and can notice these small differences easily, making them unable to enjoy the All Star versions ever again
Also yeah it's just SMB1/LL, not 2 and 3.

>> No.5103281

game plays exactly the same except it uses the superior snes controller. literally what's the issue?

>> No.5103304

2 and 3 are literally the exact same, just with updated graphics.

>> No.5103362

Anyone else think the SNES aesthetics are actually a lot worse? They’re more detailed but I think the simplicity and minimalism of NES looks better. I also think the ost is MUCH better for every game on NES. NES osts just sound like bleeps and bloops while SNES soundfont tries way harder to emulate real instruments, but I think this change makes them all sound worse. The instrument choice especially for USA makes it all sound like shitty low quality carnival music instead ofcatchy tunes. And I grew up with the GBA versions so this isn’t just nostalgia.

>> No.5103401
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Not a lot worse, I think they're pretty decent, they added some nice background graphics in all games, colors are vibrant, music is okay. I like the 16-bit renditions, didn't have any issue with SMB2's, but I do think SMB3 has better sounding drums and overall sound on the NES.

>> No.5103408

did they fuk?

>> No.5103409
File: 10 KB, 277x182, dylan klebold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i could never get into all stars because of the different physics. i don't have anything against people who like it, though

pic unrelated

>> No.5103412

I love Allstars + World, it's my absolute favorite game of all time.
I have the first game for NES but I never play it.

>> No.5103425

As has already been said 2 and 3 have exactly the same physics, they are merely palette swaps. Good luck in your future posering, you're gonna need it.

>> No.5103495

Because they were unfortunate to be only exposed to those games first and experience the inferior physics.

>> No.5103512

I grew up preferring the All-Stars aesthetics but in recent years I've grown to prefer the originals.
All-Stars has a really nice color palette all around and looks way better than World, in any case.

>> No.5103531

You mean the hitting the blocks slows you down in Mario Bros thing? It shouldn't matter unless you're speedrunning.

>> No.5103556
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*ruins your artsyle*

>> No.5103558
File: 25 KB, 1408x1760, SuperMarioBros3-World5-Tower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My biggest gripe is the World 5 tower background looks like a generic fortress in All Stars instead of being built out of blocks.

>> No.5103589

The only one here that looks bad is the weird rainbow building blocks in 2. Everything else is fine, or better than the originals.

>> No.5103643

But it's just the one physic

>> No.5103651

Taste. I prefer Mighty Final Fight over any other version of Final Fight. I'm not saying MFF is better than arcade/snes/whatever version, I just prefer how the NES version plays/look.

>> No.5103654

NES is a lot better but the whole "it's not the thing I like so it's complete shit" thing is garbage

>> No.5103731
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>> No.5103738
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Well from my point of view it's the original NES versions that have weird physics

>> No.5103837

SMB1 (and maybe Lost Levels?) had a bug on All Stars where youd lose your momentum when you hit a brick from below. They do not play the same. Luckily there is a fan patch for it now though

>> No.5103850

It's not momentum loss exactly, quite the opposite; breaking a brick is supposed to reverse your vertical speed, but they somehow fucked up and the operation uses 1 instead of -1, which leaves the variable unmodified. It's fucking mystifying how this went unnoticed past the whole development/porting cycle, the playstesting stage, and all subsequent revisions of the cartridge including the SMW re-release.

>> No.5103856

That nerdy shit don't matter, the practical effect is that you lose all your momentum.

>> No.5103865

Time has, at least, proven them to be inferior versions. Nobody plays them, nobody runs them. As it should be.

>> No.5103870

Maintaining a "retro gamer" persona is a delicate balance. Obviously if you are a Twitcher or YouTuber you're going to go for the NES versions since "retroer is better" is a solid and safe generalization.

Truth is, there's indeed no reason to play them beyond the updated visuals so I don't even know why I'm arguing anyway

>> No.5103883

It seems more likely that the All Stars games use the Super Mario World engine instead. It would be a weird choice to use an engine from a past console for a next-gen remake, even if both the NES and SNES processors are based on similar instruction sets. Also, notice how the sound effects are very similar to SMW and All Stars.

>> No.5103887

No one was playing these versions before internet personals were a thing

>> No.5103915

Well, it's literally in the top-20 most sold games for the system, but it's indeed not documented whether all those people actually played it besides buying it 2bh

>> No.5103924
File: 160 KB, 256x217, remake3_gif1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you prefer allstars, you need to leave this board and never come back

>> No.5103927

Not reeeeeeeeeetro enough for you son

>> No.5103931

The sound engine is the same but the games are source ports over to SNES hardware.
If you dig around in the rom you'll find a lot of unused graphics for Mario 1 that implies they started off with a more literal port from NES to SNES.

It's also possible to port NES Mario 3 level hacks to SMAS since the code matches up otherwise.

>> No.5103936

There's a basic architectural similarity between NES and Super NES; upgrading the code was probably more straightforward that "bending" the SMW one to reverse engineer it

>> No.5103952
File: 26 KB, 227x360, shad_allstars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont argue with allstar fags. they are mentally ill

>> No.5103963

Not everybody has access to the peak brain ventilation provided by awkward undercuts zoomer boy

>> No.5103968

That's how I feel about a lot of SNES games in general. Systems like Nintendo and Genesis had their own unique catchy video game sound. SNES just sounds like it's trying to recreate real instruments but it always does it in this very dull, muted, flat, farty way.

>> No.5103978

Only 4chan could turn something as enjoyable as gaming into this :/

>> No.5104071

>>suddenly everyone is amazingly good with reflexes and can notice 1 or 2 millisecond delays easily making them unable to enjoy emulation again
You could say the same about a lot of things that shitposters love to trivialize. Oh well, if that's what keeps them from being suicidally depressed then so be it.

>> No.5104073

> /vr/
> "enjoying" games
It's all about discussing CRTs and complaining about eBay scalpers bro

>> No.5104096

because they had a super and not an old nintendo, some people also prefer the updated graphics and sounds as well as saved games

>> No.5104097

It was the physics in NES 1 that were bad. Not SNES 1.

>> No.5104115
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>> No.5104151

No matter if the the games run on the SMB 3 momentum or the World momentum SMB and LL's level design weren't met for it. It's poo poo.

>> No.5104223

So in what way the altered physics actually change the game?
I played both the NES and All-Stars games a lot as a kid and never had any trouble beating the games in both versions.

>> No.5104265

I'm curious about this too. My only exposure to Mario games before World were through the All Star version. Maybe I should grab the nes versions to try sometime.

>> No.5104270

your head goes through the block instead of just hitting it, making it more difficult

I only play USA and 3 on the cart

>> No.5104279

Wouldn't it make it easier?
Anyway, crazy I never noticed this.

>> No.5104283

Just use the patch someone made to fix it.

>> No.5104456


It's just this: >>5103850

>> No.5104469

Is there a framerate difference or something? There definitely a weird floatiness in SMB3 that isnt in the NES one

>> No.5104490

No there's not

>> No.5104558


>> No.5104570

PSA that there's a rom hack which fixes the physics, if you're playing on a flash cart or emulator use that

>> No.5104596

Atleast it added a few nice tunes

>> No.5104610

>Anyone else think the SNES aesthetics are actually a lot worse?
For some games, yeah. There are definitely some games that had charm in 8-bit and somehow lost it in the transition to 16-bit. But certainly not all. There were lots of aesthetic 16 bit games. Also, in many cases the problem wasn't aesthetics but dumbed-down gameplay and lazy graphic design. In fact I think sometimes 16-bit games tried too hard to be aesthetic at the expense of good graphic design (which is more important for videogames).

>> No.5104864



>> No.5104938 [DELETED] 

Go back into whatever hipster loony bin you escaped from. I can understand to some extent NES graphics having a certain charm to them, but talking about NES "MUCH better for every game on the NES" is just pure horseshit. Are you TRYING to be as much wrong as you can possibly be? Are you TRYING to have a view that is not understandable and to horrify people with rational opinions not your objectively wrong hipster take? Good NES music is better than bad SNES music. But in general, those beeps and whirrs are better than the SNES music? Grow a brain.

>> No.5105096

does USA/2 have any physic changes i.m playing it now and it is way more slippery than I remember the nes version being

>> No.5105118 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 640x481, SFC_1989_Ann_Famitsu_SMW-01M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can argue about All-Satrs all you want, but nothing can beat the aesthetics of the Super Mario World 1989 prototype build.

>> No.5105120 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 640x516, SFC_1989_Ann_Famitsu_SMW-02M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5105123

just the block breaking thing
the rest is your imagination

>> No.5105125

Can't argue with that

>> No.5105127

Thanks I guess USA really is just slippery

>> No.5105129 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 700x553, SFC_1989_SMW03M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would be able to play as Racoon Mario

>> No.5105130

Cape mario is better takes some actual skill to fly rather just having enough space to do it

>> No.5105138

i hated smb1 on all stars. the sound were weird and the physics were weird, too. you would break THROUGH bricks, instead of bouncing back. I personally like the NES games better.

>> No.5105147

I wish that gif was both

>> No.5105186 [DELETED] 

I want to play this version so bad!

>> No.5105618


>> No.5105689
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>> No.5105713
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Here's a clearer version.

>> No.5106000

Agree with this. SMB2 is the best with the remake graphics. It has its own unique style and a lot of things are very sureal. It works. The rest of the games take a dump on the art style. The music is a nice change and so are the battery saves. I play and love both versions.

Whoa. How do you get to those 1up mushrooms over there?

>> No.5106090

SMB3 feels slighly off too

>> No.5106180

Just a guess, could you use the tanooki suit to break the blocks? Or maybe fly over the top? I never knew they were there either.

>> No.5106193

patrician taste friend

>> No.5106237

Everyone in the 90's thought All-Stars looked better than the NES originals. EVERYONE. Once we had All-Stars we never played Mario games on the NES again. Keep crying about your "soulless" memes, kiddo.

>> No.5106248

Why are redditors so obsessed with """consensum"""

>> No.5106250

Your imagination.

>> No.5106252
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>90's kids are literal brainlets

>> No.5106269

Oh hey, this thread again...

Use the following to fix the retarded brick physics in SMB1/LL portions of All-Stars: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/167/

>> No.5106275

No, it's a thing, more people in the thread noticed it too. You probably have to play the original to death and then try all stars to "feel" it tho

>> No.5106280

I agree, this is like that Crash Bandicoot remake where people swore up and down that everything was the exact same until someone broke it down frame by frame.

>> No.5106281

The point is that thinking the NES versions look better is a new trend. At the time we thought the graphical upgrades in All-Stars were cool as shit.

>> No.5106286

Meaning you and your friends?

>> No.5106289

It's not far fetched to say a group of 8 year olds were impressed by a base level graphical upgrade we still see that shit to this day.

>> No.5106687

It's not only that. It feels like gravity pulls harder than I the nes version.
Also SM2 on the snes version is way easier. Not sure why.

>> No.5106703

You can switch characters between every death, you start with 5 lives, there's a saving system and the slot machine is way slower. I also think there's unlimited continues but I'm not certain.

>> No.5108697


>> No.5108709

Why? Just to see a few unfinished stages and slightly different graphics?

>> No.5108896


>> No.5108897
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>> No.5108926

Why wouldn't you just patch the game with the physics fix?

>> No.5108928

Nope, it was me and my friends, too. And pretty much everyone else at the time. One of the reasons we all got Super Nintendo systems. The bigger, arguably better, games with the improved graphics.

>> No.5108939
File: 481 KB, 288x192, 54CA3C22-D988-4CAD-B9B7-642CE70706F8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old school Mario was a cute

>> No.5108957

The SNES era Mario art is perfect. I hate what they've done to Mario's art since then.

>> No.5109061

Then stop playing as Luigi.

>> No.5109649

what's it like being the worlds biggest virgin anon?

>> No.5109661

I can't stand the modern design. It's terrible.

>> No.5111698


>> No.5111867

>clouds are generic
Ok that gave me a chuckle

>> No.5112770
File: 738 KB, 1280x853, 02fa41a1fbcd1e514048acea89717239c5ff545a0cd62aa1ddc155dc3dbb81a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original NES games have better control and "physics". But I usually only have me snes hooked up so I just play Super Mario Collections instead because it transitions in Super Mario World better. What the hell is All Stars?