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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5102089 No.5102089 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth playing?

>> No.5102212

If you know for a fact that you enjoy(ed) Shenmue, yes, they're solid ports and play quite nicely. There's some weird bugs here and there, but honestly, the price is worth it just to have excellent arcade ports of Space Harrier and Hang On on my Xbone.

>> No.5102372

I haven't touched it since before the last patch but by then it was filled with awful bugs, I can't say I didn't regreet buying it.

>> No.5102470
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The only bugs I've really experienced on the PS4 version is the sound effects drop out sometimes. Slightly annoying but the other improvements balance it out in my opinion

>> No.5102472

For some reason there's lots of people that say they didn't find bugs at all but I was already fucked the first 2-3 hours, couldn't see any video at all and there was weird shit going on.
Shenmue-dojo noticed more than 100 bugs, Ps4 version seemed to be the worse of all.

>> No.5102479
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I get that the game was originally supposed to be on saturn so they put this anachronism in the game despite it being 1986 as a wink to the audience, but when the project was switched to Dreamcast, why didn't they change it to a DC in the game as well?

>> No.5102481

I was still trying to finish up Yakuza 6 when Shenmue got released so I didn't really get to sink my teeth into it until a few weeks after, maybe a lot of those bugs had already been smoothed out by then

>> No.5102507

You can actually play games on it. If it was a Dreamcast, what would it do? Boot into Sonic Adventure?

>> No.5102514
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That sound issue will happen on the Xbone as well, but only if you let it idle in the background for awhile and then come back to the game. The 'Focusing on Inanimate Objects During Cutscenes' bug is weird as shit though. Pic related. I think some of this was patched out in the recent update, I haven't had the cutscene thing happen since.

>> No.5102539

It should have been a SEGA MKIII. But if it were a DC then it could have still played the same games. I know the Saturn got releases of AM2 arcade games but surely the DC did as well.

>> No.5102549


I can tell you're a zoomer, you reek of it. Definitely not a game for zoomers.

>> No.5102552

But zoomers love walking simulators.

>> No.5102571


Only if they last 3 hours or less and have a leftist agenda.
Besides, Shenmue is far from a walking simulator. It's more of an life simulator with a murder mystery backdrop. It doesn't hold your hand enough for zoomers to like, nor can it hold their tiny, tiny attention spans.

>> No.5102620

It did not that I'm aware of. Shenmue's arcade games were the only ports of those games to the DC.

>> No.5102631

Never play a remaster unless you've played the original first
Unless you don't have the original console and can't emulate it and it costs less to buy the remaster than the original console with the game

>> No.5102676

Isn't Shenmue + DC quite pricey now? I could understand going straight for the HD Remasters.

The biggest issue is the myth that's been spread that Shenmue is 'the spiritual precursor to Yakuza', which is totally wrong IMO.
People go into it expecting wild wacky non stop action with some serious cutscenes, but it's so wildly different.

It's definitely a slow game, but there's so much to appreciate in it and it's so unique to this day. It certainly has some features that make it very immersive, like being able to explore nearly every shop and room in your house, the amount of items you can interact with etc, but also less tangible things like outstanding soundtrack, huge amount of voice actors and just the accuracy of a small Japanese town's streets and buildings that make you feel incredibly 'at home' in the game.

>> No.5102929
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Yep. I am 42 hours in. These games are the gaming equivalent of a 3 hour soviet movie where they discuss philosophy and then there is a big moment at the end that makes it all worth it.

>> No.5102948

Not really no. The writing is incredibly bad and the gameplay is stiff and awkward. It's incredibly ambitious but its impact cannot be felt today, you had to see it back on release for it to be impressive.

>> No.5103063


>> No.5104498


>> No.5104549
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>Shenmue III not coming to xbone

Why keep making me play Sega games on anything but the true platform?

>> No.5104560

I'm both a Yakuza and Shenmue fan and I do think in some ways it is a precursor to Yakuza. I don't think it's a 1:1 thing, they are basically completely different genres. But there are some ideas in Yakuza that I feel are sorta Shenmue inspired.

But let's be real, Shenmue is the precursor to Project Judge.

>> No.5104869

And on PC too, but when it happens I save, quit and open the game again. Thankfully we can save where/whenever

>> No.5104939

I'm still holding out hope, but not that much hope. Really is sad since the Xbox lineage is the proper Dreamcast successor.
Interesting, and yeah the saving anywhere is a nice addition to this type of game.

>> No.5104989

God, please tell me you're fucking kidding.

>> No.5105013

there's absolutely no denying that it's the truth

>> No.5105020

I am being tongue-in-cheek, but I do try my best to play newer Sega games and re-releases on my Xbone.

>> No.5105038

I do too, I meant that it's not coming to Xbone. I haven't been keeping up with it but I watched a video from that Adam K guy a while back when Shenmue 3 was revealed and I swear to god he said it was coming to PS4, PC and Xbone :(

>> No.5105040

Oh I gotcha, yeah it's the biggest bummer. I might even try and run it on my toaster PC.

>> No.5105235

It can't stay PS4 exclusive forever, I figure.

>> No.5105786

Yu Suzuki GameWorks book has a
a compilation disc with Space Harrier, Afterburner, Outrun, and Power Drift.

>> No.5105789

Shenmue 1 has iffy writing, whereas Shenmue 2 is far, far better in its story and characters.

>> No.5105792

If it was an MK3/SMS they could have had a ton of games to buy in the shops and find.

>> No.5105798

I would maybe wait until Japan gets it next month. I'm sure that another patch will come out then and it should be in better shape. But it's still playable and not an awful port now - just could be better.

>> No.5105813 [DELETED] 
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>"is this game released in 2018 retro?"

>> No.5105839 [DELETED] 

>every game that gets a port after the fifth gen is no longer considered retro

Here's your (you)

>> No.5105910

They're both AM2 games though. Aside from ports of the arcade games you can already play in Shenmue anyway, did AM2 have any releases on the MKIII or its hardware precursors by 1986?

>> No.5106814

What got me into Yakuza was the idea of it being a spiritual successor to Shenmue. Yakuza 3's starting portions in particular reminded me so much of Shenmue when I first played it. So in some ways the comparison is warranted, especially in the earlier days of Yakuza where the games often moved far slower and had less content.

Nowadays though Yakuza is known for being very over the top, being extremely dense with easily digestible short content, and for its combat. So the comparison doesn't hold up as much.

>> No.5107048

Ah, gotcha. Japan only though.

>> No.5108921

>still audiobugs when fighting
This annoys me, because one of the ways I used to counter in the game was by hearing the characters going "GRRUAH" like in the 70 battle

And without the update the game was worse, full of bugs and audio problems. The darts mini-game in 2 was completely fucked, which was fixed with the update(the aim was so random that the darts could easily hit the point screen)

The problem is that 1 was the prologue which I can see that being a problem to some since the story doesnt actually start until the last part of 2 which leads to 15+ years of hiatus.

>> No.5108970

Just finished Shenmue 1, gonna be smart with my life and money this time. Especially since we're in a new land. This isn't gonna be like my life now where I fucked up badly.


"How about a game of lucky hit?"

>> No.5108979

Next time I play through the games i'm gonna grind out working in Shenmue 1 before I head over to Shenmue 2.

>> No.5109190

Can you throw scanlines on space harrier arcade?

>> No.5109201

Not sure if you're coming from the perspective of someone who has never played Shenmue, but assuming that's the case: I played these for the first time recently and I'll say this much:
There is a fine line between "relaxing" and "boring" and I happen to find these games relaxing as fuck. Possibly the most relaxing ever, next to maybe Animal Crossing. In both cases if someone called them boring I wouldn't argue.
Secondly, there really isn't anything quite like Shenmue. The closest I'd say is LA Noire but that game doesn't have the same level of intimacy and deliberate pacing. LA Noire by way of Morrowind might be the least bad description of Shenmue.

>> No.5109456

>Shenmue-dojo noticed more than 100 bugs, Ps4 version seemed to be the worse of all.
How major are those bugs? My experience with fan communities is that they will class any minor deviation from the original version as being a "bug".

>Isn't Shenmue + DC quite pricey now? I could understand going straight for the HD Remasters.
There's no way you're going to get two games + a console for less than the cost of a single Steam game even in a good market but I see Shenmue I selling for <$30 on ebay right now, so it's not untenable.

The second game is harder to get in English due to the limited release, and it does actually fetch a higher price tag because of that.

>being smart with money in Shenmue
Ryo borrows money from multiple friends to buy a plane ticket, and then he doesn't even manage to get a refund when the travel agency jews him out. Only then does it occur to him to get a job, which he quits as soon as he is barely able to afford a boat ticket.

>> No.5109463

>My experience with fan communities is that they will class any minor deviation from the original version as being a "bug".

And my experience with certain players is they will class shit like not a single video showing, progression system broken, items disappearing or corrupted saves as being "minor nuances".
So you can have people saying there's basically not important bugs at all and others saying it's an unplayable mess. I'm with the last.

You have all the bugs perfectly described in Shenmue-dojo so you can judge by yourself.

>> No.5109483

Don't forget to use it all on gashapon.

>> No.5109690

Why? You'll just lose it all at the beginning of Shenmue II anyway, unless you want to spend your entire first day in Hong Kong buying lightersto get a fraction of it back. Just move some crates in 2 then get as much money as you'll need all game through cheesing the save system while gambling.

>> No.5109709

I thought that you get your money back after they take it briefly?

>> No.5109721

You get your bag with all your items back but they already spent the money in your wallet.

>> No.5109786

Fuck, I probably didn't notice that on my first playthrough because I was dead broke when I transferred my save data.
I'll just spend all my money on Gatchapons then.

>> No.5109881

What you do is buy up as many zippo lighters as you can afford before your bag gets stolen and later sell them all at one of the pawn shops to recoup some of your money from Shenmue 1

>> No.5109887

I played on the PC and I ran into like 2 bugs the entire time. One of which was the sound of the second game(now fixed with an easy mod). It's not that bad, and the QOL changes are great

>> No.5110294

The audio and sound effects were bad, especially in 2 where certain streets had very bad music, or the tomato place that was out of sync. And we are talking about a game where the soundtrack was great with variation for a bunch of shit
Sometimes qtes input wouldnt work right, especially on the running ones. The qte arcade game was also messed up. And there were things like this in 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2HONJVNRGA
Darts throw in 2 was random.
It is possible for the savefile menu at the end of 1 to glitch out, which means to redo everything again and hope it wouldnt happen again so you could get a cleared save
People who never played this before will think these issues were in the originals which werent and that gets worse rep.

Ryo was naive , because there are people on the streets that warn before getting the ticket how bad the reputation of that place is. After all that shit happened the guy tried to give Ryo another ticket since he lost everything thanks to that lady

Actually the wise thing to do is to ignore the money issues until Ren. If you have less than 500 before paying off Ren, Delin will teach you a move. If you have more he wont.

Waste on the fortunete teller too and do it often since she leads to funny dialogues.

You should buy only the Zippos saying USA. The ones with HK are fake

>> No.5110326

He'll need enough early on to buy Fangmei that dress for her birthday so she'll tell Ryu she's in love with him. Is there a trophy for that in the re-release BTW? I hope so.

>> No.5110361
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Since when do we talk about remastered games on new consoles with the remastering being the specific point of discussion?!

>> No.5110448

The dress sidequest only happens if you talk to her a lot(and meet Eileen) and her birthday is on march, which means losing on purpose a lot of days on the barber qte. You only need to have less than 500 anyways for that move, if you need money at any point just gamble at the docks and then waste it
Also, there is no trophy for birthday or sidequest stuff like Izumi or duck racing. But there was a trophy for reaching Kowloon that was bugged if you did Fangmei's birthday(could only get the trophy if Ryo doesnt say his goodbyes to her at the appartment)

>> No.5111337

Played Shenmue for the first time ~10 years after the release, and fell madly in love with it.

Scratched disc wouldn't load the final fight.

A year later I got a replacement, started the game all over, and realized what a terrible piece of shit it actually is.

>> No.5112832

How many months was it after the game froze that you got a job at Nintendo?

>> No.5114084

Remakes and remasters of retro games, are retro.

>> No.5114291 [DELETED] 


>> No.5114319 [DELETED] 

>Good first round for Masternek
As in, he stayed in the fight? Even the commentators know this is a massive mismatch, they're giving him credit for surviving the first round.

>> No.5114870

Expanding on this, does the PS4 version still have corrupted saves that need deleted?

>> No.5116642

Whenever that corrupt savefile message appeared I just saved again over it and always worked.

>> No.5117585

not retro
come on

>> No.5118482

I personally only had one camera bug during a single cutscene. It was a fairly important one, so had I not played the game 4000 times before I'd been pissed. That was pre-patch so I'm not sure if they fixed.

Other than that it's basically a perfect conservation release. I'm so glad they did this rather than that remake. This feels just like the original, but brought into the HD generation.

I dig it.

>> No.5118558

Would it ruin the experience to complete Shenmue for the first time via the remastered PC release instead of on my Dreamcast?

>> No.5120553

>cant discuss it on /v/
>cant discuss it on /vr/
Always on a limbo

No it wont. Most problems were fixed with the patch, especially the soundtrack issues.

>> No.5120649

It's a port of a /vr/ game, it's retro by the board rules.

>> No.5122961

>Really is sad since the Xbox lineage is the proper Dreamcast successor.
I agree with you, but I think that they compare more similar to an Xbone vs Xbone-X. I don't think the Xbox was too much of a leap over the DC. It is better in some aspects, but shit in others. I don't know why a product made by M$ didn't have native support for monitors like the DC & The initial Xbox360. I think that there was quite a bit of data sharing by sega to M$ as they (sega) transitioned from hardware to software.

I was a bit bummed when I found out that Shenmue was not on the Xbox, but #2 was. Xbox is my only 6th gen console and I got it in the last 5 years at a yard sale for $20. Getting the catpiss smell out was the hardest part of the whole purchase.

>> No.5123109

Its a fucking port you mega autist. I wouldnt even call it a remaster as the graphics are the same and the gameplay is unchanged.