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File: 547 KB, 1121x800, DKC3_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5101645 No.5101645 [Reply] [Original]

redpill me on dkc3

>> No.5101651

Good in a lot of ways but over not a must play like the first 2.

>> No.5101658

The B team made it

>> No.5101664

It's not good.

>> No.5101720

Too pastel.

>> No.5101723
File: 616 KB, 651x704, cranky .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure ass compared to 1 and 2.

>> No.5101783

The quintessential 8/10

>> No.5101792

Never played it but DK64 was a really bad game.

>> No.5101879

a lot of people from here prefer Diddy's Kong Quest over 3, but I preferred 3...

I think Dixie and Kiddy Kong made a better duo than Diddy and Dixie

>> No.5101883



dixie kongs double trouble is kino

>> No.5101984

Yeah changing the duo dynamic from one fast and one slow-as-shit monkey to two slow-as-shit monkeys really did wonders for the game.

>> No.5101997
File: 289 KB, 924x864, donkey_kong_country_3_world_map_by_gpuronen-d8wt13w[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly it's a great game, it's just that the series became more convoluted as it went on. DKC1 felt like it was more about platforming, with a few levels focused on certain gimmicks. DKC2 started introducing gimmicks to pretty much each level. DKC3's gimmicks are even more out there. If you want more of a pure platforming experience, you'll like the earlier 2 games, but if you love those, I don't see a reason you wouldn't at least enjoy the 3rd.

>> No.5102008

DKC3 was set on Canada?

>> No.5102009

Never played DK64 but I like the concept of progressive tax.

>> No.5103380

>Dixie kong
>Double trouble

>> No.5103384

Stop poking me with your cane you geriatric fuck.

>> No.5103390

Not nearly as good as the first one but much better than the disaster that was 2.

>> No.5103527

Nintendo Power ranked DKC3(#23) over DKC2(#33) over DKC1(#39) for a good reason in their top 100, back decades ago (1997). When you wipe the nostalgia off, it's obvious that each game is an improvement in literally every area over the last *except* in soundtrack. Their top 100 is one of the most credible and objective lists you can find of retrogames.

>> No.5103548

You respect your elders you little shit

>> No.5103592

No one cares about your two frame walking animation you boomer.