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5099469 No.5099469 [Reply] [Original]

Do 80s RPGs hold up?

>> No.5099470


>> No.5099572

Is there an option to add pictures as custom portraits for Wizardry 6 and 7? I want it to be consistent when I play the trilogy all the way to 8.

>> No.5099616

Yeah. If you need an entry-level game specifically to the 80s period (more user-friendly stuff was released in the 90s, like M&M3), try Pool of Radiance and Ultima 4 or the Bard's Tale I-III (now remastered and unironically a better product than BTIV).

>> No.5101341

Kinda related, what's the best emu set-up for Apple II? I want to play the original versions of Akalabeth/Wiz/Ultima etc.

>> No.5101430

Yea though i dont play them because i cant stand the bare minimum graphics. Love 90s rpgs and goldbox games but this is a little much.

>> No.5101449

I think so but you might have to settle for EGA.

>> No.5101496
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Any suggested ways of playing these? Dosbox seems like a nightmare to get running and most console ports are gimped in some way.

>> No.5101512

You can play the SFC ports of Wizardry. Just avoid the American releases due to censorship.
The core Ultima games except for 5 have engine remakes for modern OS.
DOSbox isn't really that complicated, it's mainly drag&drop. Some computer emulation starts with installing an OS to a hard disk image.

>> No.5101579

DOSbox is the way to go. Escape from Hell is so fucking underrated

>> No.5101601

Hell yeah, the early WIzardry games are great.

>> No.5101602

Dosbox is easy peasy to use, my man.

>> No.5101913

The only issue with older games is up to whether or not you enjoy doing your own mapping. And can handle stuff like teleporting and turn table shit that can make it a living nightmare. Most of the really early 80's RPG is more "just fuck around" which has some enjoyments in of itself but doesn't really have enough there that might keep you going. Mid 80's was when things start to really take shape which if you feel the early stuff doesn't hold you try Ultima 4 and Bard's Tale which has the "just fuck around" but you have a better understanding of what is going on.

If you do love just the whole "just fuck around" and love the mapping maybe try Wizardry 4 but I don't think anyone can actually recommend it.

>> No.5102182

GoG has some ports ready to play get it for free from GoD

Also DOSbox is hella easy i use it on my phone.

>> No.5102302
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Anyone know what game this is from?

>> No.5102318

is it fucking werdna

fuck you recaptcha, stop crashing my browser, i wrote this post 4 times now.

>> No.5102765
File: 29 KB, 200x306, 5579999d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it but i for the life of me cant find it anywhere on the interwebs...other than the user that has ot as his avatar

>> No.5102806

the hardest rpg you will ever play

>> No.5102814

Looks like Wizardry 1 DOS version to be precise.

>> No.5102940

Some of the JRPGs are ok, but none of the western ones are even remotely playable today.

>> No.5103003

Maybe if you're retarded.

>> No.5103286

I don't mind the colors getting shit on or anything, I just want the option.

>> No.5103294

Japanese Wizardry games don't even have proper monster animations more often than not. Where Western Wizardry made the best use of technology at the time the Japanese just use the bare minimum. What a fucking joke.

>> No.5103429

All you need to do is create a shortcut to Dosbox on your desktop or something and drag the game's executable onto it

>> No.5103448

This >>5103003

>> No.5103502

The only Wizardry games with animation are 6-8. And 6 in particular does not use the best technology available at the time.

>> No.5103634

I played Wizardry 6 a year or so ago and was really surprised at how well it held up. It is a fantastic game, way, way better than most of the stuff that came after, and only rarely feels clunky. The biggest problem with it is that, unlike 7 or 8, you can't reload during combat, which is a hassle because combat can go south fairly quickly, but it's mitigated if you're playing in DOSBox.

Bard's Tale, Wasteland (especially because of how often the game says REFER TO PARAGRAPH 35 OF THE MANUAL for interactions) and Might and Magic really do not hold up. But the Wizardry series does.

Wondering how games like Death Lord hold up. I really want to give that one a try but it looks like it might be a nightmare to get used to controlling.

>> No.5103721

As games started becoming bigger with more dialog developers just started putting most of the text in the manual. While feeling weirdly nice at the time (felt like having some control over a fantasy book) I can't image it working well now since scrolling through PDF doesn't have the same feeling as shifting through a book. Plus it's just time consuming. Wizardry was never really about dialog so there wasn't a need to do the manual thing.

>> No.5103742
File: 1.41 MB, 3366x2100, Wizardry V - Heart Of The Maelstrom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The digital versions of Wasteland fixed the paragraph thing, thankfully
Also yeah, Wizardry's design is stupidly tight and is still great even today (although bullshit enemies and difficulty is probably a point of contention) which is why the Japs have been remaking the bloody thing for 38 years, not to mention that it essentially spawned the JRPG genre.

>> No.5103767

What's most incredible is that Wizardry 6 has two control modes, mouse and keyboard and just keyboard. Playing with just the keyboard was so much faster than with both the mouse and the keyboard. I recommend it for everyone. You could probably even map it to a controller fairly easily.

>> No.5103785
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I cant post link because 4chan thinks it's spam, google mad god's Cosmic Forge.

>> No.5104158

Which of the playstation wizardry releases include the remake of Wizardry IV Return of Werdna ?

>> No.5104162

New Age

>> No.5104171

Nah, I tried to play one the other day and it was all confusing and shit and I got really angry and just decided to play some Skyrim instead.

>> No.5104184

Thanks, very cool.

>> No.5104556

for me, it's Ultima 4 and 5

>> No.5104663

Is Akalabeth worth playing or just a meme?

>> No.5104686

I don't think it's a meme.
You can play it to see the origins of Ultima but frankly First Age of Darkness is a much better game.
Akalabeth is a pure rogue-like with little content and poor balancing.

>> No.5105227

I always thought i would like Ultima but then i realized its about space travel and too much shit takes place in modern or the future times. Like no fucking thanks ill take Underworld. Medieval 4 lyfe

>> No.5105239

Why are 80's WRPGs so much better than 90's WRPGs? It's like the genre had a dark age which lasted until Morrowind.

>> No.5105257

Guess it depends on how you feel about Ultima 7 and Underworld and the late 90's isometric RPG like Fallout and Baldur's Gate. But I think the issue was that RPG tend to be more slow and controlled. While 90's kept pushing for faster speed which is why you started getting hybrids of Shooters and RPG like System Shock.

>> No.5105336

The 90s had great stuff. Realms of Arkania, Dark Sun, Betrayal at Krondor, the first two Elder Scrolls games, a bunch of Ultimas. We're in the dark age now, and it began with the death of Troika.

>> No.5105337

This. We have yet to recover. And people will crucify you saying we have tons of RPGs now!

Like no sweetie.

>> No.5105395
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It really kills me that even the most retro-styled modern RPGs have nuked party creation. It's one of the things that gave older games so much tactical depth, despite adding lots of upfront complexity. Rolling up characters, naming them, deciding how they're going to specialize and build... it's a lot of fun for me.

The other thing I miss is the dungeon design. Earlier RPGs put a lot of effort into getting the most from their dungeons, and you got tons of secrets, traps, puzzles and even floor specific mechanics to figure out. It made for some pretty memorable places, even if the graphics were too primitive to draw them as anything but the same dungeon walls.

The modern conception of an RPG is really dialogue and story focused, which makes me a bit sad since it feels like they just left behind some of the funnest parts of older games.

>> No.5105457

That's just 1 and 2, Martian Dreams and Underworld 2.

>> No.5105529

I've never played Divinity: Original Sin or the sequel (I think it's out, right?) but I've heard it's good, and they even seem to like it on RPG Codex. What's the general consensus on it?

I did play Wasteland 2, which I thought wasn't bad, and Pillars of Eternity 1, which I didn't really like, but I can see why people liked it.


Expedition: Viking was fun, not great. Underrail and Age of Decadence are modern classics as good as the old stuff.

I have a soft spot in my heart for Witcher 3. I think what they did with narrative, scope and technology was truly impressive. I don't regard it as highly as games like the Realms of Arkania series or Dark Sun, but it's a really impressive game.

But yeah, just because there are a few good games now doesn't mean we're not in a dark age, it means we have reason to be optimistic. Do you remember just how bad it was from like 2004 to 2014? Remember when Dragon Age of all things was heralded as the return of good RPGs? These are bad times, they're just not the worst times.

>> No.5105538


2004-2010 were terrible, you can't go worse than that. There was also an annoying WRPG fad that proclamed Fallout 3 best game ever and despised JRPG for some reason. The years when Bethesda and Bioware were considered the best developers.
Now we are relatively fine.

>> No.5105563
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I disagree, all the pen and paper conversions are actually superior to modern attempts. Less buggy and more demanding. Sure those games came with a paper book of 300 pages for journal entries and a nifty code decoder paper ring against piracy, but at least you didn't stare at the screen half as much as today.

>> No.5105565 [DELETED] 

I wish I could enjoy The Witcher 3 more but I hate the combat so fucking much. Give me great combat with their level of dialog and internation. Just wondering how Cyberpunk will be like when it finally comes out.
Moving into the HD generation pretty much killed any smaller developer. While people make fun of it engine like Unity and UR4 got a lot of the smaller guys back to do their own thing like Obsidian.

>> No.5105916

What about 4,9 and 3

>> No.5105923

The Sci-Fi elements in 3 are minimal.
In 4 it's just the intro that takes place on Earth and in 9 the first part of the tutorial

>> No.5105928
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But we got Inquisitor,Dragon age origins, VTMB,KOTOR 1 and 2,Beyond Divinity,Sacred,Fable,Avernums,Neverwinter Nights1 and 2,Gothic 2 Gold,Dark messiah,Geneforge,The Witcher ,Fallout New Vegas,Demons Souls. Among others

Right now we have Pillars,Tyranny,Wasteland 2,Divinity Original Sins,Kingdom Come Delivarance,Pathfinder, and uh... some other inXile shit.

Right now is fucking horrible. Because most of those i mentioned are all mediocre or garbage.

>> No.5105930

The story ,voice acting and armor design was horrid in the witcher 3 side quests the only redeeming thing..

I guarantee that cyberpunk will be even less of an rpg than the witcher 3. Right now it looks like a FPS with very,very light rpg elements....so like Fallout 4. Seems people just want money.

>> No.5106051

What are the best retro WRPGs on console? I don't own a computer.

>> No.5106057

Wizardry 1-3 is on SNES

>> No.5106058

As your parents to buy you one.

>> No.5106425

Jesus christ. Well get a DOSemulator for your phone and play all the classics there.

Or pick a cheap $20-100 PC from Craigslist or goodwill and play all the classics there.

>> No.5106473

thats only the first 3 ultima games which is Richard Gariott learning how to code games
you should start with 4 and work your way up from there

>> No.5106543

Dungeons and Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun is really good.

>> No.5106774

>Neverwinter Nights
Half of those games aren't from 2004-2010.
Also you can't talk about games of today being garbage comparing them with Fable, Sacred or Dragon Age, that's not serious.
I remember years like 2005 with something like 10 WRPG's (total numbers), being 7 clones of diablo, two turds and some indie. It was awful.

>> No.5106797
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I wish I was smart enough to play these. I wish I had a better attention span.

I tried getting into Ultima but all the first game did was make me realize I never want to touch another Apple II game because of how excruciatingly slow it was. 2 wasn't much better. 3 seemed okay but I gave up on that one too.
I had the most luck with Ultima 4. Taking my own notes and everything, it was quite enjoyable. But then I realized I was playing it wrong by trying to spare EVERY enemy rather than just the ones the manual said were not evil. Then I hit a roadblock of some sort and then I gave up and played through Ultima Underworld instead.

I dream of playing through Might & Magic series and Wizardry and all the classics. They seem so magical.

>> No.5106858

If Dosbox is an issue I doubt you would be able to run these on original hardware either.. Shame. It sucks to be a brainlet.

>> No.5107045

Just force yourself to play them. Im kind of the same way as a lot of these RPGs are expansive with a lot of words and stats and shit. But if you read up a little with the manual/guide and then just keep playing until you enjoy it it should work. I know everytime i start one of these ill have to take a few hours figuring everything out.

>> No.5107049

Except literally all of those came out from 2004-2010. And yea but i liked bioware from conception until dragon age 2.
Sacred is fun but i will agree there was a fuck ton of diablo clones.

>> No.5107087

Lumping Dragon Age in with Fable isn't really fair. Origins is a great game and I don't really understand the flak it gets. Generic setting, sure, but it's really well fleshed out and presented with engaging gameplay and memorable characters. I think it's a better game than Baldur's Gate 1.
The sequels are where that franchise died.

>> No.5107125

eh... maybe you're just smart enough that your brain instinctively notices what a massive waste of time it is and wants out. I'm not saying these games are a waste of time, I'm saying... there are more useful things most grown men in their 30s or thereabouts can be doing than drawing maps and taking notes. I tend to draw the line at having to draw maps or takes notes, that all feels a bit too much like homework to me.

>> No.5107256

This. I like the tolkeinish setting. It actually has branching dialogue. Your choices make a difference. It was one of the last actual RPGs. Fable is also heralded as a good rpg. I love wizardry and wasteland as much as you guys but im not going to be a hipster and pretend to hate good rpgs because theyre a little different.

>> No.5107270

>tunnels & trolls

>> No.5107276

I've recently been replaying the Might & Magic series and I have to say 4&5 still hold up remarkabley well, to the point where I'd be comfortable reccomending them to modern gamers

>> No.5107296

Wow they actually made a vidya of T&T?

>> No.5107301
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I recommend world of Xeen and 6 to everyone. My first blobber was Legend of Grimrock and it was cool i knew what to do and shit.

>> No.5107314

Problem with the time period is nothing was quite standardized yet, at least not until gold box. You'll pretty much just have to try a few and rate them by developer or what have you.

>> No.5107446

Developed in Japan nonetheless.

>> No.5107471

What's T&T?

>> No.5107479

A simpler alternative to D&D aimed at more casual players.

>> No.5107484

I don't understand, what's D&D and what's that article talking about with tables and stuff? What does it mean with editions?

>> No.5107643

>Except literally all of those came out from 2004-2010.

>Kotor 2003
>Neverwinter Nights 2001
>Gothic 2 2002
>Avernum 2000

>> No.5107653
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Atrocious dungeon design, "pay to complete this quest" shit, lack of exploration, lazy narrative and typical Bioware writing. It's just a really mediocre product with good details mixed with awful ones.

>> No.5107656


>there are more useful things most grown men in their 30s or thereabouts can be doing than playing videogames

>> No.5107731


>> No.5107891
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>Kotor 2003
Ported to Mac in 2004
>Neverwinter Nights 2001
NWN Platinum 2004
>Gothic 2 2002
Gothic 2 Gold Edition 2005
>Avernum 2000
I said Avernums
Avernum 4 2005
Avernum 5 2007
Avernum 6 2009

>> No.5107894

Just like every single other RPG made.

>> No.5107997

Eye of the Beholder on sega cd is one of my favorites, you can emulate it on a psp/vita easily

>> No.5108046

>"pay to complete this quest" shit
If you're talking about DLC, that's not really a good reason to criticize a game 9 years after its release. You can get the complete game with all DLC and DRM-free for $5, it's a moot point.

The rest is just opinion that I disagree with. I'm not one to throw around a "nostalgia goggles" argument, but when it comes to blindly hating on newer games simply because they aren't the ones you grew up with, it's hard not to.

>> No.5108109
File: 179 KB, 800x936, 165661-might-and-magic-vii-for-blood-and-honor-windows-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i get into might and magic i got 1 through 9 and figure ill start at 4.

What are some basic tips?
You cant create your own party right ?

>> No.5108134

you can
some of the games have a pre-made party option as well, if you just want to get going quickly.

>> No.5108163

Oh cus i played 9 and 5? For a little bit and it started right from a premade party. No creation screen.

>> No.5108182

It does start off straight with a premade party, but you can go to the tavern and make your own.

>> No.5108379
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Might and Magic 1 and 2 still have decent exploration.

>> No.5108397

Doesn't automapping software remove the entire point of the game
or are you drawing them yourself
and what's all that other shit

>> No.5108406

Not him but
>Doesn't automapping software remove the entire point of the game
Some people get joy out of the exploration part rather than the mapping part
>or are you drawing them yourself
While it doesn't look like he did, that's certainly an option in the program
>and what's all that other shit
It gives you loads of other convenient shit like actually showing mp/ho instead of having to switch menus every time, active quests, equipment, spells available n shit like that

>> No.5108407


It's configurable. I have it only map where I've walked and to display spell names so I don't have to have a pdf up.

If you play MM2 automap loses functionality if you don't have a cartographer.

So basically just speeds things up a bit.

>> No.5108446

>Mac port and and re-releases

How the fuck is that relevant at all.

>> No.5108451

I don't hate new games, I consider New Vegas one of the best RPG's ever and I liked Wasteland 2, Dragon Age was just mediocre and had awful parts.

>> No.5108615

his brain don't work too good

>> No.5108616

reminds me of the Goldbox companion
whats this?

>> No.5108620


>> No.5108646
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Site goes down occasionally so if you want this make sure to back up your files.

Also, another neat feature is the slowly revealing surface map feature. It's really cool slowly filling out the barebones version.

>> No.5109125
File: 77 KB, 901x741, Louise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be random person in 2004-2010
>game finally comes to your choice of system
>finally buy game with all dlc
>play for the first time
But to be honest i was going through List of RPGs released in X lists cus i obviouspy dont remember every games release date and didnt see that KOTOR was a Mac port. But regardless youve been proven wrong that the only real dark age of RPGs is 2010 - 2018

Because despite having a few rpgs here and there. Theyre mediocre or pure garbage.

>> No.5109127

Wasteland 2 was really good. I enjoyed the quests and combat. Though i never finished it because itd crash when i fought those droids that spin lazers. I always tried to kill them before they started spinning but when theres 3 on screen youre kinda fucked.

Thanks anon

>> No.5109472

>Theyre mediocre or pure garbage.
Unlike Fable, Dragon Age or Sacred?

And CDProjekt or Obsidian don't do games today?

I don't think you even remember how it was to be a WRPG fan after Black Isle and later Troika disappeared. Even the magazines at the time noticed the genre was in a terrible moment.

>> No.5109474

A game in 1990 still does something a lot of modern games of the genre doesn't even attempt.

>> No.5109480

Ah, I checked out Cosmic Forge recently but I don't know how to insert portraits, it only gives me the option to recolor it.

>> No.5109549

Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V

afaik you can only modify the existing ones.

>> No.5109617

Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi were the best 90s movies ever.

>> No.5109657
File: 17 KB, 1000x67, 15467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the codex:

>For reference, these are ALL the PC RPGs released in English in 2005.

Those years were abysmal. Now we are more close to the golden age than to those awful times. There's RPG's of all styles (even blobbers have returned) and quality to the point some people start to notice Bethesda and Bioware do mostly shit.

>> No.5109827

>Xmen Legends 2
>Geneforge 3

>> No.5109831

Dungeon crawls, are they really RPGs? I feel like the genre definition split a while back, when I play what people call an RPG now and when I play Wizardry, I find it hard to draw comparisons beyond "you make characters and fight monsters"

>> No.5109838

If the games aren't similar enough to Wizardry then they are the ones that shouldn't be called RPGs. Wizardry is the defining title.

>> No.5109843

Can you give a more solid definition of "similar" here? What traits do they need to have to fit the "RPG" definition? Like I said, I feel like Wizardry is more representing "Dungeon Crawler" now than what I'd see called "RPG", mostly for the focus on combat and exploration and for the lesser emphasis on story, characters as characters and not as sacks of stats and abilities, etc.

I will admit that I've only really played the first wizardry, I heard the games that followed were very similar, but if they changed a lot after that then I may just be in the wrong here.

>> No.5109849

Games with emphasis on story and shit are called Adventures after the original game Adventure (aka Colossal Cave Adventure).
RPGs are about stats and stat management.
Any definition of RPG that doesn't include Wizardry is bullshit.

>> No.5109858

Which is more of an RPG?
-An action game that doesn't show any of the stats during combat, but lets you fully customize the stats of your characters outside of battle

-A turn based game that only has staged encounters and will always level up your characters stats in the exact same way, but it displays all the numbers in battle to show how much stronger your getting, and each time you level up, it displays all of your characters stats and how much they increase with a lot of pomp and circumstance.

>> No.5109862

Those werent released in the 90s though?

>> No.5109863

They did a Special Edition VHS release in the 90's

>> No.5109865

The first one sounds like RPG, the second one like tactics/strategy.

>> No.5109869

Not him but you really shouldn't go into "What is an RPG" because honestly there is no good answer. Pretty much 4 games define gaming overall and they all stem from D&D so every one of them is a RPG to some degree. Wizardry, Adventure, Akalabeth/Ultima, and Rogue.I mean I can be missing something and most likely am but those 4 games all came from D&D and being thought as a RPG while being developed.

>> No.5109871

RPGs are about choice and your affect on the world and dialogue. Plus stats.

Blobbers are RPGs
Neither ome of those sound like RPGs. But the 2nd could be considered to have light elements.

>> No.5109872

Are you braindead?

>> No.5109876

The "Greedo shot first" rerelease was in the 90s.

>> No.5110594

What size are the portraits? And should I copy + paste from a bmp in particular or would a png do just fine?

>> No.5110647

Those were released in theaters...

>> No.5110660

Ultima IV on Sega Master System

>> No.5110871

Then how the fuck are you posting this.

Legitimately, go to any edump or other electronic recycling center and you can probably find an old ass computer for free that can run dosbox. I scored a pentium 4 computer in near pristine condition at a best buy for completely free, still use it to this day as a windows 98 gaming machine and it works perfectly.

>> No.5110990

Oh shit never mind just looked, it's 24x24 pixels. Thanks for all your help anon.

>> No.5112147


>> No.5112176

Playing 戦闘の監獄 on PC right now and it's so good.
50 years from now they'll still be making Wizardry games.

>> No.5112691

What are some good cRPG's to emulate? I'm sick of JRPG's and their waifushit with abysmally basic gameplay and want to try something new.

>> No.5112704

try Baldur's Gate, completely DEVOID of waifushit romance, and has engaging, thought provoking combat

>> No.5112707

I mean the only problem with the first Wizardry game is that it feels sort of half finished because of space. Since the first half of the floors there's a whole puzzle aspect with statues and keys with clues on how to get them. All the while floor 5-8 has nothing of note. Hell if you happen to find the elevator you can go right down 9 if you can survive against those enemy.

It's funny how people just think Wizardry is just "go to the dungeon and fight enemy" not talking about how there was a bit of a puzzle element from the start.

>> No.5112732

But it has waifushit?

The bards tale, eye of the beholder,champions of krynn,dark sun shattered lands,darklands,wasteland,wizardry,ultima underworld,might and magic world of xeen

>> No.5112907

That's why the best Wizardry-likes have puzzles (like The Dark Spire) and the bad ones are just info/story dumps and grind.

>> No.5112953

the first one doesnt have waifushit
the second one does, but it can be ignored

>> No.5114087

Puzzles are shit and unecessary though.

Why the fuck would a dungeon designer make a puzzle

>> No.5114427

I'm sorry to say anon, but you're actually a fucking retard.

>> No.5114430

>engaging, thought provoking combat
Real-time combat with pausing is actually fucking terrible.

>> No.5114534

Why? For easy fights you let the AI handle it. For harder ones you can micromanage. You have to set up your auto-pauses correctly though.

>> No.5114784

>hold up

>> No.5114804
File: 172 KB, 1920x1080, wizardryr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly it depends if you like jrpg grinding. half of them are guilty of requiring stupid shit like that and moon logic puzzles.

I love a good number of them but they are "objectively" bad games by modern design.
Wizardry 4 is boss though.

>> No.5114805

thats werdna from wizardry 1.
the final boss of 1 and the main character of wizardry 4.

>> No.5114864


I could never really get into 4+5. 6 and 7 I replay once every two or so years.

>> No.5114868


Forgot my basic tips.

So 6 and 7 are basically Doom with bows, spells and quests. running away, strafing and picking off stray targets is very much acceptable as it is recommended.

Spellcasters in 6 are pretty much broken as fuck, in 7 they try to balance it but having a wizard and cleric in the starting party still makes for a fun time.

6 has maps and dungeons that are enormous, be sure to bring some means of mana restoration / food / healing with you and hirelings are your friend as well. 7 has smaller dungeons. If creatures are too tough to handle, you probably shouldn't be in that area yet. Some creatures will always be too much to handle until you're at the literal end game.

Save often, they still have a lot of old school elements like insta death spells from some enemies and them fucking up your equipment.

The first dragon you see in 7 can be killed

>> No.5115068


> Thinks ordering your warrior to hit the same enemy 20 times in a row is necessary

>> No.5115098

Combat shouldn't take 20 rounds.

>> No.5115140
File: 862 KB, 240x228, gnitsugsiD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you want to play the game anon? Surely, you would rather watch AI do things for you!

>> No.5115208
File: 202 KB, 640x480, sonoratruck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... three Dragonfalls, Underrail, people seem to like Battletech a lot, and don't forget thst F2 modding is alive - Fallout 1.5 Resurrection, Olympus 2207 and Fallout: Nevada were released (and what a feast they are), and FN crew is working on a new TC called Fallout: Sonora.

>> No.5115294


>> No.5116296


Olympus will never be translated.

>> No.5116498

Just learn Russian.

>> No.5117517
File: 13 KB, 117x197, 1519137578988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i play wizardry 8?

>> No.5117841
File: 19 KB, 340x511, 11136[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. It's not retro, and Bradley is a hack designer. Literally unplayable without Wiz8Fast.exe, too. Play the greatest roleplaying game of them all instead of being a sape; it works out of the box, too.

>> No.5118072

What's the greatest roleplaying game of all time

>> No.5118136


>> No.5118179

Is that an 80s rpg? Because it looks like something i'd play.

>> No.5118261

Isn't that an anime or something? Tell me more

>> No.5118438

Only NetHack
But I'm not sure that qualifies given how much it's been updated since the 3.0 version's release in 1989
But the core gameplay has remained the same and has aged very well

>> No.5118454


Not that easy.

>> No.5119438

Forged by a single Supermensch Neanderthal over the course of two decades, it is broader and deeper than any other cRPG ever designed.
It will make you laugh, and it will make you cry. It is worth experiencing.

>> No.5120969

Every game u mentioned is shit. Underrail may be good but 1 game versus dozens is not a good decade.

Play Wizardry 8

>> No.5121049

You forgot the turtles. You can ride turtles.