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File: 130 KB, 256x341, grim fandango.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5091392 No.5091392 [Reply] [Original]

Is this any good? Want something to play on Halloween/Samhain/Dia de los Muertos.

>> No.5091393

It's more noir than creepy.

>> No.5091414

This. It's also lefty propaganda.

>> No.5091453
File: 262 KB, 1200x900, grimfandango_city_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its got some pretty kino environments and music

>> No.5091465

It's not creepy at all, but it's a pretty good choice for Halloween. I recommend it.

>> No.5091482

it's a game full of charm and charisma, both in its presentation and characters. The puzzles solutions and figuring out where to go next can feel random and cryptic sometimes. Also, godtier soundtrack


>> No.5091589

I don't even like adventure games but this got all of my love forever

>> No.5091604

In what way? I don't remember thinking that even though I'm a fascist although it's been a while since I played it.

>> No.5091820

Love this game. Running around Rubacava and talking to everyone was just amazing. Lots of fun characters and dialog. Some of the puzzles are just downright awful though, but it's worth sticking it out just for the satisfying ending.

>> No.5091854

>I'm a fascist


>> No.5092163

>grim mandango is 20 years old

>> No.5092767

I just finished the PS4 remake/update/whatever you want to call it. Having played the original when it came out, it holds up pretty well.

Glottis still bugs the shit out of me, though.

>> No.5092790

lefty propaganda? where? making fun of revolutionary workers in blue casket cafe and rubacava docks is leftist propaganda to you?

it is literally
1. the best adventure game ever made
2. the best movie script transformed into an interactive game
3. the type of game fucking david cage is trying to make his whole life but he'd not ever come close
4. the best "live" soundtrack game in any game ever, period

>> No.5092980


>> No.5092993


it's lefty becuase it looks at how labour is alienated (a marxist concept), working for a living is unfair and cruel, and you need to break the law and rules to overthrow the economic and political system. that and you join straight up anticapitalist rebels.

antifascists hate this secret technique!

>> No.5093221

It's bizarre to think Tim Schafer used to do good work eh?

>> No.5093274

Like most of Tim Schafer's games, it would have been better as a movie.

>> No.5093381

Not worth it. Bullshit puzzles that make no sense. Expect to use a guide a lot.

>> No.5093762


>> No.5094172

Shouldn't have gotten a remaster imo.

>> No.5094349

wasn't gf pretty much the last big and good adventure game?

>> No.5094435

Discworld Noir was p good.

>> No.5094439

The last one by LucasArts, anyway.

>> No.5094454

Probably The Longest Journey, which also sold well unlike Grim which bombed for some reason (I bought both I was a weird kid)

>> No.5094564

TLJ was rare for a Euro game in that it didn’t have very much jank at all, and it was available in several languages. So it was kind of a minor hit everywhere, and that led to a modest success overall.

Still pissed that the Dreamfall Chapters Kickstarter didn’t reach the TLJH stretch goal.

>> No.5094569

Have fun thinking that just because a system is in place it must be okay. You're a/pol/ brainwashed potato rotting in your parents house. Maybe if you ever worked a day in your life and watched your lazy boss drive off in his new Corvette you'd understand

>> No.5095481

Yeah, the lines of logic usually make sense in retrospect, but the game doesn't lead you along very well sometimes. Like when you need to get the suitcase of #9 tickets from the wine cellar, well, you can work backwards from the goal to think maybe you need to smuggle yourself in there. But the wine barrel is full, so you're supposed to think, "Oh, I need to show the membership card to Glottis, who I'm supposed to know has a drinking problem, who will then empty the barrel."

>> No.5095498

Did anyone else not realize you could actually go into Maximino's office and talk with him in Year 2? He's connected to all the characters in that year, but nothing about him or his office is essential to progress. I only figured out you could go in there when I played the remaster.

Also, why the fuck does Domino have neon coral in his desk? I always felt like I was missing something there.

>> No.5096918

>Also, why the fuck does Domino have neon coral in his desk? I always felt like I was missing something there.
it's a souvenir from his slave labor thing at the edge of the world. It's some pretty nice foreshadowing, makes the whole world feel more connected.

>> No.5096928 [DELETED] 


>> No.5096989


>le cringe maymay

>> No.5096996

look at you floundering for attention.

>> No.5097201

That's more or less the best explanation I think, but it triggers my autism. Like, was he part of that operation, then relocated to El Marrow, then went back? Seems weird.

>> No.5097291

capitalism and socialism are both shit

>> No.5097301


Seething commie.No one owns you a thing. A system that's specifically based in going against the very core human instinct is faded to fail time and again. Communism wasn't ever created to serve its marketed purpose.

>> No.5097303

Capitalism is just freedom and the ability to do things you take for granted.

We dont have capitalism or free markets in the west, so dont say we've try tied it and failed. The us attempt at a minimal state was kicked off the rails immediately and it turned into something just like every other state. You need a man in Washington pushing for favorable legislation to keep you barely competitive and make your real competition criminal

>> No.5097983

he's doing both of them at the same time, they're connected.
He picks up good souls via the El Marrow business, steals their Number 9 tickets, and in order to get rid of any evidence the souls get dumped at the edge of the world never to be heard from again working in slave labor. That's why it was so important to get Meche back, because with her out there the whole corruption was in danger of being uncovered.