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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 42 KB, 500x350, tony hawk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5091147 No.5091147 [Reply] [Original]

Have the old Tony Hawk games aged well? I never played them.

>> No.5091176

They can't age well if they weren't good in the first place.

>> No.5091178

1 hasn't but it's still a good game just not what people expect from a "Tony Hawk game" nowadays. But other than that they've all held up surprisingly well. Though your music taste may limit your mileage on how much you like them.

>> No.5091180

yeah, they still play fantastically. 1 and 2 are absolute classics.

>> No.5091189

If you played more recent games, the earliest you can enjoy is 3 - before that there was no revert

But they are still classics, modern THPS games are better though

>> No.5091206

I only played the first one, are the sequels actually better?

Maybe I need to play one of them, because I loved the first back in the day but just never felt like buying a sequel since I'm not into skating and figured the sequels were like any other sports series -- just new players and maybe tiny improvements if lucky.

>> No.5091220

Yes the sequels are much better. They feel much more fluid and control much better. Though if were talking strictly retro consoles, the PS1 port of 4 is really different to cope with the aging hardware and I honesty wouldn't recommend it. 3's port is a bit closer with the PS2 but honestly even though I like some of the levels better (thats probably nostalgia talking since the ps1 version was my first tony hawk game) the newer gen version is the one to have.

>> No.5091225

Lol just because you can't do a combo using manuals

>> No.5091234

the first five or so tony hawk games are seriously some of the best games of all time

>> No.5091346

they are still playable. but 3 is where the polish and mechanics are really solid

>> No.5091723

You can't manual in the first game anyway.

>> No.5092165

>if they weren't good in the first place.
that's being contrarian just for the sake of it.

>> No.5092184

I hate this meme. Aged relative to what? There's no relevant arcade skating games anymore so you don't really have anything else to compare the series to.

>> No.5092567

> has <whatever> aged well
fuck off, cancer.

>> No.5093251

hangar is the 1st level of thps2 and it's so amazingly balanced

1-4 are all phenomenal games, fun to play and have aged very well.

>> No.5093298

3 and 4 are my favorite, THUG is where they turned gay

>> No.5093349

everything ages, autist

>> No.5093396

t. buttmad fruit booter

>> No.5093612
File: 53 KB, 640x480, 1537386768923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relative to what is available at this exact moment. Don't be a sperg. Do you honestly believe that the first movies made that were magical and mind blowing at the time are worth watching today? They are garbage by todays standards, just like a game with janky graphics and glitchy sound. It is entirely possible to have something that is 'timeless' like a lot of music that was made.

At the time we didn't have anything better to compare it to so we thought these games were realistic and amazing. Now you can play games with even better graphics and better designs that don't make you ask "What were they thinking!?"

So the next time somebody asks you "did it age well?" just hang yourself from a fucking rope because this won't change your mind.

>> No.5093648

Theres a place where everyone can be happy...

>> No.5093701

I remember 3 being my favorite, but I only own 1,2 and 4 on PS1. Really wish I'd get my hands on 3 for that console we will never ever discuss.

>> No.5093719


Cringe overload.

>> No.5093728


I recently replayed a bit of both Pro Skater 2 and 3 and they're both still fun as hell

>> No.5093793

Old movies are good. Electrocuting an Elephant is pure kino.


>> No.5093796


>> No.5094420

I know that you're just pretending to be retarded and looking for easy (you)s but name some modern Arcade Skating games available at this exact moment. There's no modern standard at all.

>> No.5094447

judging mechanics by modern standards retard

>> No.5094452

>Has Tosca aged well? How does it compare to rap Music?
This is how you sound.

>> No.5094464

I would say... yes.

Some people might be turned off by the graphics of 1, but the games have really easy to pick-up mechanics and goals that keep the player engaged.

>> No.5094535

People who don't like old games also don't like old movies, music, or art either. Miles Davis simply cannot compare to the majesty of Lil Pump.

>> No.5094553

That's a pretty shit analogy considering a lot of those old silent movies not only have held up but are better than most movies made later. Everything you said is just straight up cringe. Go watch Dr. Mabuse you uncultured fuck

>> No.5094557

It's not my fault you won't listen to Miles Davis. What the fuck do you think Lil Pump listens to.

>> No.5094562

I don't agree with who you are arguing with at all, but that's a pretty shit example considering you purposely worded it so they can't just say Skate

>> No.5094704

I'd agree with this, played through the whole series up to american wasteland recently and 1-2 felt so slow/boring compared to 3 and on. Other than the ultra lame "comedy" of underground 2 it was peak feel and levels IMO. Unfortunately a couple years past /vr/ though.

>> No.5094721

A lot better. It might seem a little excessive with how long your combos can get at first, but level design and added tricks/features are really cool. Same with the unlockables. I highly recommend you give THPS2 a shot, then most of the others if you enjoyed it.

>> No.5094734


>> No.5094742

Dude, that's from page 1 of, "Winning arguments based on opinions of intangible ideas that don't matter on any sort of scale."

Cornering someone with absolute nonsense, or calling them a cuck for some reason, is your only hope.

>> No.5094784

>Winning arguments based on opinions of intangible ideas that don't matter on any sort of scale
Are we talking about the arcade skating thing or the aging thing here.

>> No.5094813

It's fine and it takes up barely any space.
Go nuts.

>> No.5097268

Look, I loved Tony Hawk 1 and 2 when I was 11 and had them on my PS1 and my N64 and had absolutely no complaints. But earlier this year I tried playing 1 on the N64 and it was pretty good and I felt that it held up but when playing 2 I didn't realize how foggy it was and hard to see what I was doing. These games held up a lot better than others. Have you tried playing Goldeneye 007 after playing modern day shooters? I loved that game as a kid but after playing Halo 2 and Call of Duty 4 I tried going back and playing it but the controls are so bad and the graphics give me a headache.

At the time a game was released it seemed pretty great but going back to play games that were even on XBOX you can see that the mechanics and graphics are hard to handle. Some games from the SNES era are downright unplayable garbage.

This is what we mean when we say "a game has aged horribly"

>> No.5097280

unironically why are you even on /vr/ if you believe shit like this?

>> No.5097287

>I loved that game as a kid but after playing Halo 2 and Call of Duty 4

>> No.5097364

1 sucks dick. Yes it laid the groundwork for the series Yadda Yadda but it fucking blows compared to 2/3/4/THUG

>> No.5097372


yeah, its alright
it was amazing for the time because it was totally original
kind of sucks how the year 2000 is never coming back again
wish to go back to the ps1 days again