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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 135 KB, 640x480, PART_1366571591114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
508581 No.508581 [Reply] [Original]

Show me your floppies /vr/

>> No.508604

How many of those still work?

>> No.508635

hey that lemmins floppy isn't legit. I think you copied that floppy!

>> No.508670

They don't expire.

>> No.508694
File: 573 KB, 2592x1944, IMG_20120704_214231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of copied ones, but most are legit.

>> No.508697
File: 183 KB, 625x778, Compact-disk-floppy-3-amstrad-6128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3"1/2 floppy disks are too mainstream.

3" is where it's at.

Amstrad Rulez.

>> No.508725
File: 314 KB, 594x394, OH MR POLICE MAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>all these copied games

>> No.508726
File: 294 KB, 648x484, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.508745

Anybody know if an official diskette that is no longer working (bad sectors, etc.) is worth anything? Obviously not worth much, but is it really completely worthless?

>> No.508859
File: 49 KB, 500x461, 1364713733952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.508929 [DELETED] 

yall niggahs dont know who you're messing with.

>> No.508942

>no ones posted a picture of a floppy penis

>> No.508964
File: 88 KB, 487x600, 1_ede3fa_2114248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mandatory post.

>> No.508989


Anyone else look at the installs for older games and get a chuckle at the RAM and HD space requirements?

>> No.508990
File: 1.54 MB, 3000x1952, stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yall niggahs dont know who you're messing with.

>> No.508998

Those things run off a base number rather than the type of number, so that 20MB RAM game thinks I only have 1.5MB of memory.

>> No.509014
File: 56 KB, 450x373, magnets_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the time man.

>> No.509041

I love this picture, got a really great laugh when I saw it for the first time...
Strangely, my girlfriends never understood this.

it's like some test to see whether your girlfriend is worth it.

>> No.509074
File: 1.62 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20130421_161558[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I win?

>> No.509071

It's a joke completely lost to any newer generations. I think some people my age get it, but we're the last of the bunch. And I've never met a girl who understood the joke.
20 btw.

>> No.509109

>Darklands with the box and manual

Fuck you Jerry, I'm jelly as fuck

>> No.509117

I think I get this but let me clarify: Is it because the guy who was looking for it was clearly scared that he would be bused for illegally copying?

>> No.509128

Oh geeze are you femanon or male?

>> No.509121


>> No.509130

It's funny.
When I was really young I had a ton of floppy discs (still have them but back in the day they were still in use) and VHS's but whenever I want to talk about floppies with someone who is about my age or older (18), they never know what the hell I am talking about.

>> No.509134

What does that have to do with anything? I'll tell you if you answer my question.

>> No.509148

It's copied fullstop. That's the joke. Nobody busted anybody for copying even in those days. If anything ti was even more of a wild west int hose days so I'm told. I'm jelly truth be told.

>> No.509141

>not getting the joke

>> No.509151

It's a bonus level won in a contest.

>> No.509160

No you're wrong. OK here's a huge hint. The joke part is colored black.

>> No.509170 [DELETED] 
File: 2.66 MB, 3264x2448, 20130421_162546[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got ya' beat.
Also, my 486 is in my 486 machine.
I am jelly of that 8" though.

>> No.509173

A1 thread, bros. I remember back in the day companies used to send out official patches on floppy if you wrote to them and told them that you didn't have internet. I got a lot of floppies this way. Kind of collectors material really, since not many people I know of did this.

>> No.509178

Your girlfriend is kind of fat

>> No.509183

Be nice. She has a nice face and a pleasant smile.

>> No.509179

OK my sense of scale is completely out of whack here. How are those ICs the size of a brick? Or are your floppies 3.25mm?

>> No.509186
File: 24 KB, 344x234, dctf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag spotted.

Also : don't copy that Floppy...


>> No.509190
File: 491 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20130421_232537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look around
>find my dos 5, win 3.11 and lots of other floppies
and they still work

>> No.509191
File: 159 KB, 1200x900, PoR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish my Macintosh Classic still worked. Though, I can still play this on DOSBox... but it has different sound and graphics.

>> No.509192

No stupid, the guy was looking for it for any particular reason. (Probably his job.) His wife places a god damned magnet on the floppy, bam, his data is corrupted, meaning she rendered the floppy useless because floppies are magnetic "floppy" disks on the inside.

The joke is his wife, well intentioned, fucked his floppy by accident.

>> No.509195

> post your floppies
> 0 limp dick pics

This place really is better than /v/.

>> No.509202

Supposedly the guy flashes his penis in the don't copy that floppy video.

>> No.509216

You gave away our "spot the newfag/consolefag" scheme, well played anon.

>> No.509207

Sorry for the insult, I just got overwhelmed with the feeling of being a bit 4chan-y.
Come on, don't take it so seriously.

>> No.509217
File: 533 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20130421_232514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and muh thinkpad

sorry for messy desktop

>> No.509228

The joke is that its stuck to the fridge with a magnet, which erases anything on the disk.

How did you get piracy out of that?

>> No.509236

Yeah, I wanted to spoil your fun.

Now, who wants the game Night Raid full version for DOS?

If you ask nicely I will upload to Mediafire.

>> No.509241
File: 11 KB, 320x256, 2bpp nude frame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have about 16k of porn.

>> No.509242

OK I'm this guy:>>509160
And yeah, I was giving a hint about the magnet. It's colored black. I didn't go right out and say what the joke was because I'm not a tool.

>> No.509257

Haha. I remember finding my dad's porn stash on a floppy when I was 16. Holy pixelations. It was damn hot, though. Weird to think that for an entire generation and all the future porn will literally be at your fingerips while you grow up.

>> No.509263

The magnet is green.
You fail even more.

>> No.509264

>someone doesn't know something about computers

Aaaand, this is why you're single.

>> No.509271

Why do you automatically assume the one who wrote the note is a woman?

>> No.509278

>implying most girls know shit about computers
Not even that anon, but stereotypes exist for a reason.

>> No.509281

>implying I'm not mgtow and don't want to be in a relationship

>> No.509291

you know what the sad part of this thread is 99% of the people on /v/ weren't even alive for win 95/98

>> No.509285
File: 229 KB, 704x457, germaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, on amstrad CPC... hope I won't get banned posting this.

>> No.509306

And you're retarded. The photograph is discolored. Look at the top of the floppy. Is it also green? A fancy green and black floppy? Fail harder, why don't you?

>> No.509313

Handwriting is girly, it starts off with "hey dear" and she uses the feminine forms of certain words in the actual note (its in German btw).
Go white knight somewhere else. The picture's like ten years old at least, and you're not going to get any poon from sticking up for chicks on the internet.

>> No.509319

I hope so too man. It's not porn any more. By this date it's clearly art. I'd hope any admin would recognize that.

>> No.509334

The magnet is green, and the green on the floppy is part of the sticker.

>> No.509335

Yes, the label is partly green.
You're anon remember, you don't have to damage control.

>> No.509340

I wouldn't go as far as that. I'd say 25% weren't alive for Win 95/98. another 50% don't remember it because they were too young even though they were alive. And a good 25% of us remember it clearly.

>> No.509343

That's the sticker... mostly.

Daltonian guy, you must have been the son of a C64 user.

>> No.509365

If you keep posting the mods will delete the thread.

This happened to a hentai thread a few weeks ago.

(I wanted to save a picture because it was classic hentai, my browser overloaded and I lost the god damned picture, it was a girl sending off demons or some shit like that, she had some metal things on her breasts holding them it was an awesome picture, with a castle, if anyone has it I'm more then thankful for someone posting it, it was from a classic PC type of thing, hence why the thread was made, it had unique graphics, very few colors for such elaborate art.)

>> No.509378

Damage control doesn't enter into it. What could I possibly have meant by giving a hint that the joke part of the image was black?

This retard>>509228
somehow thought I was making a reference to piracy. Not sure how he drew that conclusion, but I've never really had the patience to try to understand babbys first deductive reasoning.

Also the magnet is not green. The photo has a green tint and your gamma correction is fucked.

>> No.509374

I was born in 1978... got my first computer in 1984 : and Amstrad CPC464.
Then next year got a CPC6128... I still have it and still use it.

Awesome games are still released on those, and great demos as well.

Behold at all the power a 720K floppy and a Z80+AY+GateArray+CRTC can unleash :



Oh Mighty Lord Alan Sugar, pray for us.

>> No.509384

But this is actually a retro demo on Amstrad CPC... WTF ?
You can't be more RetroComputer than this.

I bet Consolfags are all around.

>> No.509393

I remember installing win95 on a 100mb drive I had laying around. I then proceeded to open the drive, and surprisingly windows still booted.
Then of course I had to touch it...
Another time I unscrewed the platters and hooked it up, one of em launched at pretty high speed right into my open computer case. Luckily nothing was damaged.
And I once snapped off one of the chips from a ram stick, and it still worked, it just showed less available memory, rofl.

Oh man, writing this brings back so many memories from when I was just getting into computers thanks to an awesome uncle, I fucked with so many things just to see how far I could push it.
Good times. And now I have a job assembling and fixing computers, love it. Thanks, uncle!

>> No.509395


>> No.509401

I'm assuming at least one person in this thread was old enough to be in their teens during the DOS/95 era.

Did people hang on to their stuff, or just throw it out, because I never find any pre-CD computer equipment other than mice and random sets of floppies with like 3 out of 8 windows 98 installation disks.

And why are there so many windows 98/95 sets anyways. Was OS piracy that bad?

>> No.509410


>> No.509414

>calling people "white knights"
>being a men's rights activist
Ribbit is calling.

>> No.509418
File: 469 KB, 1200x1038, gaems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would but they're inside all these cases.

>> No.509420

I threw 'em all away, because my new PC didn't come with a floppy drive (they don't even make cabinets with those anymore, do they?)

All my Rollercoaster Tycoon tracks were in one of 'em. ;_;

>> No.509430

I hung onto all of my games if that's what you mean. The old hardware was mostly thrown out after it died. I still have my original DOS computer's non-usb serial mouse and keyboard though, since it can't handle any modern drivers.

>> No.509431

Woooah, that's cool. I remember one time I took a RAM chip out of an old junk computer and made a necklace out of it (I'm such a nerd, lol). I'm not too confident I'd know how to actually replace a part if someone asked me to though.

>> No.509438

that magnet is clearly green. look at the pic from another device.

And I wasn't implying that you thought it was piracy when you said the part was black, I just didn't know what you were talking about since the magnet is obviously green.

>> No.509440
File: 126 KB, 1200x900, famicomdisk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Famicom disks count, because I have quite a few of 'em.

>> No.509445

Germaine se déchaine... on amstrad CPC.

Sadly the CPC-Power website is down because of fucking hacker who detroyed it to put a link to a shitty "anonymous" youtube video...

>> No.509449
File: 55 KB, 640x480, trying to install violated heroine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.509453

Holy snap. Nice collection, sir. Particular high points for Bad Mojo. I begged my parents for months for that and I got it for Christmas. A really excellent game. Haven't played the modern remake.

>> No.509454

>Fallout, Shadow of the Comet, Dreamweb

You lucky fucker.

>> No.509458

this post gave me the cancer

>> No.509461

aaaand blocked.

remember, sage goes in the email field.

>> No.509463

Fine whatever. My jimmies are unrustling.

>> No.509469
File: 41 KB, 640x464, scooby playing pool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm such a nerd, lol

>> No.509473

Oh my god. Nintendo tried to horn into the PC business? Did it just make floppies or did it try to make actual computers? This is infinitely mockable. Yet another reason consoles are crap and PC gaming rules.

>> No.509475

>being blocked by some MRA sleaze
I'm sure she's heartbroken.

>I'm such a nerd, lol
Please don't do this.

>> No.509481

I have no idea what you mean, sorry.

I threw out most hardware since it was taking up so much space, and I am never going to need it anyway. Even if for some reason I would need it, I can bring home an old one from work, we throw away at least 1 old working computer a week.

>> No.509482

Dream web was like crack for me

May have a relapse

Try anon

>> No.509484

They're disks for the Famicom Disk Drive, an expansion for the Famicom (Japanese version of the NES).

>> No.509494
File: 10 KB, 651x214, my sides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sides...

>> No.509496

In Japan there was an add-on for the Famicom that played special floppies. and by special, I mean they were yellow and had "Famicom" written on them.

it didn't last very long for (hopefully) an obvious reason.

>> No.509501
File: 132 KB, 1200x900, seikenpisychocaliber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, fuck your shit dude, the Disk System was awesome. It was an add-on for the Famicom.

They made disks because they were cheaper to produce and could actually save your progress. Plus, the games are enchanced with extra audio channels.

>> No.509502

Dat sum Shadows over Riva I see? Good taste.

>> No.509504
File: 34 KB, 400x300, 1246620465418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.509505

>I have no idea what you mean, sorry.
It's a quote from 2001 A Space Odyssey. Classic scene with HAL slowing down.

>> No.509506

Yeah. The disk versions of games were all superior to the cartridge versions, except for the excruciating load times.

>> No.509517

ewwww, gross.

>they were cheaper to produce and could actually save your progress.
At the cost of being easily reproduced by anyone with a computer. Which sucks because they were genuinely better than carts.

>> No.509519

And you had to flip them to side B which is kind of a pain. Kind of.

>> No.509520

They actually can run on regular computers? I didn't know that.

How does that work?

>> No.509523
File: 43 KB, 620x246, Jack-Tramiel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have nothing on Atari and the Jackintosh.

Big Jacko Tramiel was such a magnificent bastard.

>> No.509527

She said davie, as in Dave (characters name), with an "eeee" sound at the end.

>> No.509530

Thread derailed by consolefags. Congrats.

>> No.509541
File: 35 KB, 480x320, woztramiel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen here, noob...

>> No.509542

I really need to watch some of those classics...

>> No.509543

Oh so I guess it was just a weird coincidence that she was also singing it to the tune of "Daisy Daisy". I guess that's how we can tell Kubrick was such a genius. It's confusing on so many levels.

>> No.509536

The worst part is how the belt that reads the disks would end up melting, and would stop working after some time.

Well, they could be replaced, though.

Floppies are floppies, either you like it or not.

>> No.509539

>They actually can run on regular computers? I didn't know that.
what? no, they were easy to copy, since its just a normal floppy disk with nintendo and Famicom stamped on it.

See: >>509186

>> No.509560

>she was also singing it
My sides...

>> No.509573

Your tactics are full of fail. My jimmies are calm. If that's all you can contribute, please lurk moar.

>> No.509575

No, it was the song. daisy

>> No.509585

Oh hush you'll spoil my fun.

>> No.509589
File: 556 KB, 2872x2241, 20130421_162546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I just didn't want it floating around the web.

>> No.509581

will I dream dave? will I dream...

>> No.509582
File: 34 KB, 517x307, 3q4100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>fucking magnet, how do they work...

some obscure magical device called a "FloppyDiskController" was invoked by plunging an AtariDB9 compatible joystik into your asshole and twisting it while reading a listing coded in Basic during a moonless night the first week of july.

>> No.509596

They're about the size of a processor today, but thicker.

>> No.509598

Fwiw, I thought she was pretty cute.

>> No.509607

you know it's allready in the archive right?
no one cares if your GF is fat.

>> No.509631

Just measured mine, its 5 1/5 inches wide, and about 2 inches everywhere else.

>> No.509637

Yeah looking at it, she has a touch of Rogue from X-Men about her.

I still have it up in another tab actually, but I won't post out of respect.

>> No.509663

What's that to the right or "Blood"?

>> No.509752

Realms of the Haunting

>> No.509830
File: 190 KB, 804x904, Leisure Suit Larry 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have a lot of floppy games, but here's what I have.

>> No.509838
File: 224 KB, 1126x892, TIE Fighter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.509845
File: 183 KB, 1188x903, King's Quest IV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.509912

I guess nobody wants Night Raid for DOS.

>> No.509921


Oh wow... jealous!

>> No.509960
File: 339 KB, 1200x900, flop1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.509985
File: 237 KB, 1200x900, flop2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



DOS 6.22 & Windows 3.11

Box is mostly misc/copies.

>> No.509992
File: 334 KB, 1200x900, flop3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.510014

Can you copy those pinball games and send them over mediafire man?

>> No.510145


Believe me I would, but I don't have access to a floppy drive for the time being. Sorry, man.

However, I think some of them are on the Internet Archive. Try there maybe.

>> No.510207


Try this:


>> No.510232






>> No.510272

Why do you have two copies of soul reaver?

>> No.510310

Impressive. Most impressive.

>> No.511496

>Overkill, non-shareware ver.
All my Jelly

>> No.511501
File: 92 KB, 377x250, 1349384889652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was not even a pun. You win nothing for being an unbearable burden on us.

>> No.511509

I just was at a garage sale the other day where they had like 8 copies of unopened Cyborgirl. I bought one and opened it. Installed beautifully. Are those worth anything to anyone?

>> No.511516

It's a great game, man. How many copies did you have? Just one?

>> No.511550

You better get a magnet son, we about to wipe a whole set of floppy disks.

>> No.511567

> bitch doesn't understand theres pr0n on the floppy not illegally copied.

this is why you're stupid

>> No.511585


I will now proceed to pleasure myself with that picture.

>> No.511598

one for game play
one for rent/spreading the word
one the collection

>> No.511604

> took a RAM chip out of an old junk computer
> made a necklace out of it
> not too confident I'd know how to actually replace a part if someone asked me
> I'm such a nerd, lol

Please leave.

>> No.511615


>responding to obvious bait posts from hours ago

>> No.511658

You sure man, that tripfag really seems that stupid. I'm not one of those people who screams troll when I disagree with someone I really think the bitch is that stupid.

>> No.511841

She is, she's posted on just about every board, and it's allways MUH FEELINS WOMENS RIGHTS bullshit. Seriously, just search for her tripcode on ANY archive.


>> No.511963

>tfw amiga
>tfw over 500 games
>tfw exactly one of them not pirated (the original Conan)

i always wondered why amiga died.

>> No.511971


It's not a woman, and you're dumb for responding seriously.