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5085243 No.5085243 [Reply] [Original]

Why has this masterpiece never received a true sequel?

I tried paper mario and just could not make myself enjoy it, i'm not sure if it was just the graphics (mario rpg is beautiful, even today and paper mario looks like an ugly joke), or the game elements too. Either way, i'd love another Mario RPG, regardless of whether it's a continuation or a new story, perhaps with some crossover characters.

>> No.5085260
File: 48 KB, 440x600, the-dancer-s-reward-1894.jpg!Large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because ....

>Fujioka: When Super Mario RPG came out, Square had already moved onto the Playstation, so it was kind of a neglected stepchild. It’s sad…


>> No.5085263

swan song of the SNES
i never got it because i was only allowed to have $20 or less games

>> No.5085282

Thats a great interview, though sad. I suppose if there were a sequel now there's no guarantee the devs would get it right, given the landscape has changed so much and the original inspiration has long dispersed. Perhaps best not to hope.

>> No.5085310

Let alone the fact that 'pure' jrpgs are no longer as popular as they used to be. It's been more than 20 years.

>> No.5085330
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What do you think was going on in these scenes?

>> No.5085335
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>> No.5085338

I never understood why some of you autimos just make a sequel yourself.

>> No.5085341
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>mario rpg is beautiful, even today

>> No.5085346

You want to brainstorm? What are your ideas?

>> No.5085385

The best Nintendo retro 3D jrpg was released on the snes.

>> No.5085390

Paper Mario and Mario&Luigi are his sequels.

>> No.5085437

We take paper mario and remove the paper shit from it and call it super mario rpg 2 like the last 20 years never happened

>> No.5085443

>mario rpg is beautiful, even today and paper mario looks like an ugly joke

Wow. I didn't actually like playing either of them, but I do like Paper Mario's aesthetic quite a bit, while MRPG looks like geberic hideous cgi. I feel the same about DKC though and I know some people think look good.

>> No.5085450
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, vavava.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Paper Mario better but I'd gladly take another SMRPG if it meant Nintendo would stop taking the "paper" part so literally.

>> No.5085536

That looks kind of awesome though

>> No.5085537

I love DKC's look but I think SMRPG is ugly.

>> No.5085562

amazing read, what an advanced game. Truly superb work despite it maybe being neglected

>> No.5085567

I think dkc 2 especially can look ugly, but i think smrpg has some of the most charm if any game

>> No.5085583

>taking the "paper" part so literally.
>the game is called PAPER Mario

I think they're doing it right?

>> No.5085652

DKC does look like they put a lot more effort into it, I just can't stand that 90's pre-rendered look.

>> No.5085678

Maybe it's a generational thing. You had to be there, it was the hottest shit back in the day.
I do think SMRPG looks ugly as sin though, but I knew a lot of people who loved its look at the time.

>> No.5085690
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why are you even on this board

>> No.5085708


What I meant was that Nintendo thinks people like Paper Mario BECAUSE of the paper. Not because it's funny, features a varied cast of characters and novel settings, mixes platforming with traditional JRPG mechanics that are simple while still being engaging and plays around with the standard Mario tropes in clever ways.

>> No.5085786
File: 128 KB, 304x224, original.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I still like a lot of old games? I just have a strong preference for hand drawn art. That pre-rendered stuff always looked cheap and lazy to me.

>> No.5085804

>there is a timeline where the Sony/Nintendo system lead to more Mario RPGs

>> No.5085820

They're really not. The art style always came second to the original Japanese title, Mario Story. Calling it Paper Mario turned out to be a mistake. It's supposed to craft a grand adventure in Mario's setting. The first game takes the standard SMB storyline and crafts an epic around it with unique enemies, unique characters, unique places, new lore, details, etc. etc. to make the world feel like a world.
The Thousand-Year Door does the same with a NEW story, it gets even more unique. That's what made Paper Mario great. It would also be cool if all those unique and expanded elements/contents could be carried over to other Mario games, like they started to do a little in a few GBA/GCN/DS games before they just stopped. That stuff is a lot more worthwhile than "lol it's the smae Mario characters in the same NSMB designs but paper"

Plus, they're botching the art direction anyway. It was an animated storybook, not an arts and crafts porject. There were pop-up book elements, but a lot of it came off drawn, illustrated, animated. The first game had the best art and design direction.

>> No.5085842
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If 64 had disks from the start, I'm sure Square would have made Super Mario RPG 64 to go with Final Fantasy VII

>> No.5085853

we got paper mario wtf are you complaining about

>> No.5085880

Paper Mario was called "Super Mario RPG 2" in its early development.

>mario rpg is beautiful, even today and paper mario looks like an ugly joke
Oh, this is a troll thread.

>> No.5085925

>Plus, they're botching the art direction anyway.

Opinions I guess. I love the aesthetic they go for in them.

>> No.5085937
File: 44 KB, 470x300, mario-and-luigi-rpg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>whats is Mario & Luigi RPG

>> No.5085949

Fag, the paper thing was the best part from the Mario and Luigi/Paper Mario crossover.

>> No.5085962

>Oh, this is a troll thread.
God forbid people having different tastes than yours.

>> No.5085967

based japanese cover poster saves the day

>> No.5085984

OP here, not a troll thread, paper mario visually does not appeal to me at all. Perhaps it's colored by my disappointment due to how much i loved SMRPG's visuals. I concede perhaps i'm not in the majority.
To clarify, i don't love the low-res look of SMRPG, i just love the art style. If they re-rendered the sprites at a higher res i'd eat it up.

>> No.5086025

That game had some good parts, but it was kind of bad. It didn't have the creative characters and world building of Mario Story NOR Mario & Luigi RPG. It was basically New Super Mario Bros. Adventure feat New Paper Mario: The Million Paper Toads.

An actual good crossover wouldn't be Mario meeting Mario. That's just predictable and boring. A real crossover that would actually be good would be a Mario & Luigi RPG, with it's Mario & Luigi RPG humor and new places and characters, that introduces stuff from Mario Story. Kammy as Bowser's henchman and foil, the partners as the swappable third member and Trio attacks, the return of the Star Spirits and Star Sanctum, maybe even the return of some Thousand-Year Door stuff. And no Starlow.

>> No.5086383

Is SMRPG a pure JRPG though? A sequel with some more (less clunky) platforming, some type of gameplay that incorporates switching between 2D and 3D and expand the battle system's timed system to be more dynamic akin to the way Mother 3's beats system was and you can have a pretty solid, "modern" JRPG.

The Starlite Worlds and Seven Sages games are two fangames made in RPG Maker and they both look great. I never played them though since my machine is Linux. I don't know if they're sequels to SMRPG though.

>> No.5086421

Because Nintendo pissed in squaresoft's soup and square told them to fuck off and stopped working with them.
The paper mario and mario & luigi games are better anyway.

>> No.5086852


And surprisingly still better than the shit they churn out now.

>> No.5086905

Paper Mario objectively looks really good.

>> No.5086914

Never said otherwise, man. My comment was towards anon thought OP was trolling for liking different shit than him.
Personally I think both games look beautiful in their own way.

>> No.5086950

>>Plus, they're botching the art direction anyway. It was an animated storybook, not an arts and crafts porject. There were pop-up book elements, but a lot of it came off drawn, illustrated, animated. The first game had the best art and design direction.
Agreed. It's supposed to be PAPER mario not CARDBOARD mario, although I do think the latter still looks alright on its own aside from the bad lighting.

>> No.5086953

it's too comfy

>> No.5086983

Princess Peach escape scene.

>> No.5087174

The M&L games are closer in spirit to SMRPG but it's just foolish to try to claim Paper Mario 1 and 2 were in any way bad

I could never wrap my head around the pre-rendered sprites of SMRPG, Donkey Kong et al as anything but awful, but that's just taste.

Paper Mario TTYD re-release with a NG+ or second quest to jack up the difficulty (or maybe some probability that you don't always get turn 1) would be a solid candidate for the perfect rpg, tbqh

>> No.5087342

Paper Mario is leagues better than SMRPG.

>> No.5087392

This. Paper Mario was even marketed as Mario RPG 2 before being officially titled.

>> No.5087707

it was anything but lazy, youre retarded

>> No.5087717

my man your taste is superb

>> No.5087736
File: 1.91 MB, 350x262, tumblr_o2ibpgygTE1usrgjso1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said it looks cheap and lazy. Yes there's irony because it was neither of those things, but that only makes it worse that it looks so shitty.

>> No.5088020

What is ironic about Paper Jam though is that it's the only RPG styled Mario game that closely follows the standard Mario tropes in terms of plot and setting thus making it unique in the RPG series, but I still would have preferred some cameos from Paper Mario. Only having the main cast and a billion Toads was incredibly disappointing.

>> No.5088307

Paper Mario did that and actually did it well.

>> No.5088476
File: 20 KB, 360x342, Boomerrpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since this thread's here I might as well ask if anyone's familiar with and knows how to fix the emulator glitch that occurs when you fight Boomer. not the Booster Tower glitch, which is well-documented. i'd never encountered this before. the game crashes right at the point after you defeat him and the screen flashes white for dramatic effect. I'm using higan. any tips or am i fuckt?

(i owned the cartridge as a kid, before i get btfo by the anti-rommers)

>> No.5088845

>isometric platforming
>no difficulty whatsoever
>implying M&L games aren't a sequel
Jesus. They've literally got the same combat. But not everything needs to be milked into an amiibo franchise. Let games be there own thing.

>> No.5088860

Huh, I only just noticed Valentina is at the head of the table there. I wonder why she would be attending a feast with Mario and Mallow, considering that in the finished plot she wanted to keep them as far away as possible.

>> No.5088880

Paper Mario is fucking garbage.

>> No.5089240

paper mario aged way better than that shit, OP. you are full of shit.

That is god awful ugly.

>> No.5089297

Super Mario RPG is a better game than Paper Mario.

>> No.5089307

After the Nimbus Arc, Valentina actually settles down with Booster and you can go back and see them together at his tower.

>> No.5089435

I think Super Mario RPG, Paper Mario, and Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga are all equally great RPGs. They're a good trinity.
Super Mario RPG set up a lot of cool, fun, funny, and interesting stuff and works perfectly as a simple, self-contained Mario RPG. Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi pick up on different elements establish by Super Mario RPG to draw from and expand upon, and they do this in different ways while contributing their own new ideas, creating tree very good and very different, yet intrinsically linked, Mario RPGs.
Thousand-Year Door is great. The pacing, art direction, atmosphere, and writing is generally lower than Paper Mario, but it makes up for it with some really fun and fresh setups, characters, and ideas throughout the whole thing, and some good, natural gameplay evolutions and additions that just makes it satisfying to play. Super Paper Mario is a slog for the first couple of chapters and the pacing, art direction, atmosphere, and writing take yet another big step down to pureply mediocre, and the new gameplay is just barely fun, but it plays with its characters in neat ways and does some stupid things that makes it worth sitting through once if you like Mario.
Mario & Luigi Supestar Saga was lightning in a bottle. No other Mario & Luigi game was very good, except Bowser's Inside Story, which is mostly alright.
Sticker Star and Color Splash are as dull, irritating, barebones, and poorly designed as everyone says.

>> No.5089462

Agreed. I thought I was the only one who believed the first Mario & Luigi game was the best in the series by a wide margin. They even weren't able to capture that spark again in the 3DS remake.

>> No.5089516

I love SMRPG and I’m fine with no sequel. It’s a good game, let it be. Do you really want ANYONE from modern square/nintendo making a sequel?

As much as I’d love a modern mario rpg that plays like 64/sunshine on the map and just has the classic battle system with a few of the improvements from the other rpgs (first strikes, unique inputs for timed hits across different kinds of attacks, etc) I just don’t trust anyone from those companies to know what they’re doing with a Mario rpg.

TTYD already has a double damage badge. It isn’t much on its own, but combine it with a 10hp run and things get pretty fun. Did that about five years back with a no-lifeshroom rule and it was the best time I’ve ever had with the game.

It never should have been a crossover in the sense that Mario and Paper Mario are now different characters. That’s fucking stupid. I think it would have been fine to have Paper Mario characters like Kammy or partners show up in a regular M&L game, or even merge a few gameplay mechanics. But turning them into separate worlds was and is so stupid.