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File: 51 KB, 512x448, 2-Lufia_II_-_Rise_of_the_Sinistrals.001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
508506 No.508506 [Reply] [Original]

Truly underrated. while zelda/FF keep getting good sequels, Lufia only got shitty handheld sequels.
I just dont get why the series died, it had all the elements of a good RPG.
The ancient cave has to be one of the most addicting parts of the game, I must have spent hundreds of hours on it.


>> No.508794

Boring, repetitive broken bridge - town - tower - fixed bridge - repeat

>> No.508870

This is tied with Secret of Mana as my favourite game on the SNES and favourite RPG. It had an amazing dungeon system with no random battles except on the overworld. It is very unfortunate that the only good lufia is the second one and it is miles ahead of all the others but the first one was good for the time it was released.

That stupid second dungeon where you had the re growing grass and you can't beat it until you get the flame arrows later on in the game lol that made me so mad, i spent many hours trying to do that puzzle as a kid and teenager and then looked it up when i got the internet and BAM i wanted to explode.

you have a point but that's like saying every zelda is just, ganon causes trouble, you play as link and the dungeons are , find the item in the chest and use it to solve the dungeon and use it to beat that boss then use it on the overworld and repeat in the next dungeon with the next item.

Even with the basic "young boy saves the day after monsters start appearing" storyline, it was very unique and still deserves a play though, I was so let down by the DS sequel I don't think they will ever give us a true successor to Lufia 2. OP, did you find it weird that the island across from where you start your journery is filled with those high level dinosaur guys lol

>> No.508912

I wouldn't say all the handheld games were bad.

The one for the GBC was pretty awesome.

>> No.508980
File: 59 KB, 640x507, 588451_254940_back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> played lufia 1 as my first snes rpg and tought it was the best since I didn't knew any better, replayed the whole game frequently since it was that awesome
> go to video game store and see pic related
> no money to buy it
> many years later remember about it and download and play it on emulator
> holy fuck this is the awesomest game ever
> finish single player and spend hundred of hours on ancient cave

while I agree the main story is kinda dull, the main selling point for me was the ancient cave and battle system

>> No.509024
File: 597 KB, 1764x670, lufia1map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can the world change so much in 99 years

>> No.509028

>all dem blue chests


Love this game so much. Rented it ten thousand times because no place in my shitty backwater town sold electronic merchandise and this was literally the only RPG they had in stock on their shelf.

>dat feel when every time you got near the end some asshole erased your save and over-wrote the name with BITCH or SUCKA

Fuck you fellow white kids.

My stupid blogging aside, am doing another run through of this as I speak. Trying to get the retry + gift modes unlocked before the day is out. Thank fuck I know this game's dungeons like my dick knows my palm.

>> No.509038


That giant floating mountain still kinda smashed into the ocean, probably rearranged some things.

>> No.509059

i never even thought of that

>> No.509078

>tfw maxed out Dekar's Octo Strike

>> No.509138

>shitty handheld sequels
The GBC one was good and a strange wonder of space usage.
GBA was shitty.

>> No.509150
File: 2 KB, 64x64, GoldDragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember me, fuckers?

>> No.509196

>>all dem blue chests

2 of them are mimics

>> No.509375

Never really got into the first Lufia. Game was pretty slow paced, and causing characters to whiff their attacks if a target died before it was their turn was stupid.

The second Lufia was amazing though.

>> No.509605

Wait I forgot, what was so bad about these guys? Didn't they have some crazy gold storm attack or some shit and it dealt crazy damage?

>> No.509729

Man, I am still buttsore about what would become of Lufia 3, I mean we got that GBC game that is essentially lufa 3, but did you know it was actually planned for PS1, was about 70 or 80% done with development, the developer went bankrupt, taito pulled in all the assets for it, and to get a product up they scaled down the assets, removed about 40% of the content, and released it as the game we know now.

Oh and there's not gonna be a prototype of any of the PS1 data floating around due to how japanese developers thought about handling project data back then, as in "ONCE THE PROJECT IS OVER, GET RID OF EVERYTHING AND START FROM SCRATCH FOR THE NEXT ONE", kinda funny how that bit square in the ass for years when they had to remake chrono trigger from scratch because they kept saying "Oh, we LOST the source code"

>> No.509841

im i the only one that likes the first one better than the 2nd one

>> No.511032

I've had my save file on my PSP emulator corrupt SIX times ;_;
I just can't find the motivation to play for hours and hours and have it go down the drain anymore. I know I have a new update to it and it likely won't happen but that doesn't make me want to tackle it again.

>> No.511134

The balance of Lufia 2 was utterly fucked at the end. The regular enemies were harder to fight than the fucking Sinestrals.

>> No.511962

the sinistrals were piss easy, not even close to losing to them, the only one remotely hard was Guard Daos on lufia 1, but only because his annoying confusion attack and his very high hp

these dragons are were its at, even if you were at level 70 or so, if you battle 2 of them at the same time you have a 50% chance of your whole team dying
their gold dust attack hit your whole party for crazy damage, and they were pretty hard to kill.
each encounter with them was like a boss fight

>> No.512036
File: 23 KB, 638x478, 563456245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.512164
File: 85 KB, 512x448, 21-Lufia_II_-_Rise_of_the_Sinistrals.351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tia was friendzoned
Maxim's true love was Selan
<spoiler>mfw they both die ;_;</spoiler>

>> No.512449


It didn't. They're completely separate regions in the world. In the ending of Lufia 2, Lexis says that the trajectory of the floating fortress will cause it to land in the "West Lands." More specifically, "Northwest of a village called Alse," which is obviously meant to be the same as Arus from the first game, they were just romanized differently.