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5083212 No.5083212 [Reply] [Original]

Let’s hear them

I actually don’t mind green label PlayStation games at all

>> No.5083224 [DELETED] 

Biohazard 1.5 is better than 2 and the series should have ended there.

>> No.5083234

Classicvania games are boring, the series really didn't start for me until SOTN

>> No.5083236

-Ristar is the best platformer of the 4th gen
-nothing wrong with saying a game "aged". We all know what it really means and everyone getting into semantics over it are just a large bundle of sticks
-Pinball > all other forms of gaming

>> No.5083351

I don't either. Honestly was surprised when I found out how hated they were years later.

>> No.5083359


I can honestly say I like them. I dare say they’re very 90’s

>> No.5083383

Well it's not a unpopular opinion any more because i don't care about the green label either.
I love the Crash games on the PS but i hate Spyro games also on the PS, also i think that CTR is the best kart game ever.
Ridge Racer is better than Gran Turismo.

>> No.5083437

>Ridge Racer is better than Gran Turismo.

>> No.5083438

MGS is all right

>> No.5083439

Crash team racing and star wars pod racer are better than mario kart 64

Working designs games are good.

>> No.5083510


I wonder how they pulled it off. I'm not a game dev, but my first instinct would be to treat the GBA like a weaker Saturn and use the sprites as quads, as both systems have similar rotation and scale capabilities. But it's hard to tell whether the games are using quads or tris.

>> No.5083515

I will take what I can get now, but that green is still ugly. I don't think it is a coincidence that they changed it to a red for the PS2 GH covers

>> No.5083519

Majoras Mask is shit and the only reason why people all of a sudden loved it is because it was the cool thing to do.

>> No.5083520

games age no more than music or television or movies

most of the n64 canon is bad

>> No.5083535

I've never understood the obsession with "muh black label"

>> No.5083541

It's more O R I G I N A L
Some games have exclusive bugs or anomalies but overall anyone who bitches about them is fucking autistic as far as I'm concerned. I'm very happy with almost all of my games being green label because they're far cheaper and they're newer.

>> No.5083658

Yeah, that's a good point. It's essentially zero sum, and all the people demanding black label and paying a premium for it also results in the greatest hits versions costing less than they would otherwise. Same goes for all the different iterations of this, like the players choice gamecube titles. Although I don't see anyone obsess over greatest hits vs original quite like with PS1 releases.

>> No.5083691

I like SS and N64 more than PS1.

>> No.5083853

SotN-likes are the natural progression of Classicvania. Besides, they've been trying to do the formula since Simon's Quest.

>> No.5083862

I mostly had green labels

>> No.5083940

I'll help you. A fair amount of games had color game discs and manuals. Every greatest hits game cd is silver with black lettering. Some, not all manuals went from color to black and white. Greatest hits version of ff anthology doesn't have the soundtrack cd and finally, the green clashes with 99% of cover art.

>> No.5084028
File: 46 KB, 1007x195, 1538765176848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sega was never good

>> No.5084030


>> No.5084032

And also MSX

>> No.5084041
File: 39 KB, 220x206, 220px-NES_Kirbys_Adventure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mario and the platformers inspired by it are all incredibly boring to me.

>> No.5084043
File: 64 KB, 1002x438, 1538765962239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seething segafag

>> No.5084054

>sharing your resetera posts here
checks out
I can't even imagine having taste this bad

>> No.5084061

>Better publisher than developer
100% true, though i don't believe that sales equals quality most of SEGA games weren't big sellers, after Sonic, SEGA biggest franchise back in the day was Sakura Taisen which has sold to date around (all games included) 3.5 millions units.
SEGA was an arcade company, it had great console games of course.

>> No.5084065
File: 70 KB, 1006x496, 1538765521112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth hurts.Sega games dont deserve to be in the top 100.

>> No.5084074
File: 59 KB, 576x507, 1538563866919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks his shit taste is the truth
stop posting your resetera shit here anon, it's not at all helping your shit argument.

>> No.5084085
File: 76 KB, 988x473, 1538765819906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove him wrong.that guy is an arcade expert.

>> No.5084106

Video games are fun.

>> No.5084114 [DELETED] 

>Video games are fun.
heh, only a cuck numale beta basedboy sjw pink-haired triggered liberal would say this!

>> No.5084120

No one proved this guy wrong yet. I guess he is right.

>> No.5084145

He's right now go back to resetera oh wait, you're banned.

>> No.5084148

You can't prove him wrong.Pathethic

>> No.5084150

>Honestly was surprised when I found out how hated they were years later.
Hated by who? 19 year old hoarders/collectors?

For people who actually played the games, getting them for $19.99 new was a great chance to grab games you only ever rented once the previous year and never finished it, or you completely missed when it was new. Gamers never even noticed the green band, just the low price tag.

>> No.5084152

Hey, my hair's purp- I mean, fuck you.

>> No.5084153

You can't prove opinions you dumb fuck. LMAO

>> No.5084167

that guy is right and an arcade expert No sega game deserve to be in top 100.No even their arcades are good

>> No.5084168

You generally don't prove someone is wrong. Claimant has to prove he's right. All he has are some hot takes and appeals to popularity. To be fair the guy he's arguing with has even less.

>> No.5084232

He is an arcade expert.

>> No.5084246

>arcade expert
More like zoomer who tried out mame in 30 minutes, not that I'm criticizing, I love that mame made all these obscure games accessible.

>> No.5084296

This but unironically
The only thing that guy's an expert in is being a faggot

>> No.5084301
File: 392 KB, 638x443, npiFgNv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prove his opinions wrong
do I have to point out how retarded you are?
>he is an arcade expert

>> No.5084308

He got banned because the truth hurts.

>> No.5084309

They're superior because you get the exact same game for a fraction of the cost.

>> No.5084340

I actually prefer the green labels because easier to differentiate on a shelf and it’s so distinctly 90s and of its era and would never be dont today, so it’s more nostalgic to me.

>> No.5085121

basedboy detected

>> No.5085179

Some green labels are patched and updated versions so they're better for gameplay, but less desirable to collect. For example, Crash 2 green label implemented Dualshock support, and Jet Moto 2 green label aka Championship Edition has all JM1 tracks unlocked, 6 less AI but now runs at 30 fps where physics are different as it's one of those games with physics tied to frame rate.

>> No.5086369
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The Kirby series peaked too early with Adventure on the NES.
After that I couldn't get any other game in the series other than Amazing Mirror and maybe Kirby 64.

>> No.5086860

>Sega is mediocre
Lol k

>> No.5087153

I stop playing a series once it hits its fourth instllallment unless there's some serious shake-up. It's usually where a series becomes stagnant or goes downhill in quality.