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File: 234 KB, 800x1259, 391091-jet-set-willy-zx-spectrum-front-cover.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5081862 No.5081862 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good Willyvanias?

>> No.5081869


>> No.5083013

Christ this game was fucking impossible. Catchy tune though

>> No.5083019

Would you guys want to play jet set willy online?

>> No.5083442

How would this even work?

My idea is like, having a pseudo-MMO where you have a world with thousands of screens (after all with modern tech etc it'd be super easy to design content for a game style as basic as JSW), and your goal is to collect all the trinkets. You pass through other players (thought you can see them and talk to them) and once you collect a trinket, it only stays collected for you.

Once someone collects all trinkets, their name gets put on a leaderboard, with their 'score' increasing by one, and game world resets.

Basically, competitive speedrunning.

>> No.5083465 [DELETED] 

Pitfall 2

Honestly though, I don't know many games like it these "2D collecthatons" were you're dumped in a completely open world and your goal is to simply collect all of X. Closest thing I can think of is Rogue Legacy, which is also a metroidvania where the entire world is open from the get-go instead of being gated by keys or upgrades.

>> No.5083469 [DELETED] 

Hold on, there IS one. You Have To Win The Game is clearly inspired by these ZX Spectrum "willyvanias"

>> No.5083473

You're right there - due to a bug it was literally impossible to complete on the C64 version.

I had it on the Speccy and I was kind of obsessed with the cover art. Willy having his head down the toilet bowl (obviously having a hangover puke after the party that sets the scene for the game) made him a bit of an enigma. What does Willy actually look like? You never see his face on any of the game series covers. And what the fuck was that poking it's head around the door? On the tiny cassette-size cover art it was impossible to tell. Looking at the blown up art in the OP it looks like a dolphin waiter but I'm still not really sure. As a kid I always thought Willy was wearing biker boots but now I can see that they're National Coal Board boots - because he's a miner of course. Which begs the question - how does a coal miner afford a huge mansion?

Weird, weird game but I loved it.

>> No.5083489

> how does a coal miner afford a huge mansion?
With all the treasure he found during Manic Miner, duh. In several levels you find gold bars, coins and bags of cash.

>> No.5083739

Nodes of Yesod
Monty on the Run

>> No.5083772

Okay, that makes sense.

>> No.5083775

Dynamite Dan & Dynamite Dan 2 spring to mind

>> No.5083794

It also literally explains this in the manual.

>> No.5083950
File: 36 KB, 400x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get it Super Metroid + Symphony of the Night = Metroidvania, but I need a clarification on Willyvania, if you please, since I'm not quite seeing enough similarities