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File: 40 KB, 640x448, Squall_Leonhart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5078518 No.5078518 [Reply] [Original]

Not only is this guy the best Final Fantasy protagonist but he's also objectively the best video game lead of all time. You can't prove me wrong, no matter how hard you try.

>> No.5078523
File: 878 KB, 845x1065, cecil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5078537

>this is my opinion, and I DON'T want to discuss it
What a retarded OP. If you just want to post something and not get any replies, then you're spamming. If you actually want to discuss it, then you're being autistic.

>> No.5078558

I'm sorry OP but a great man has already defeated you.


>> No.5078563 [DELETED] 
File: 460 KB, 570x1000, bartz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also another better protagonist

>> No.5078574

>drawing from random encounters
He's playing the game wrong you know

>> No.5078586


>> No.5078618
File: 953 KB, 850x1200, FFX_Artwork_Tidus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong, but he is one of the best retro final fantasy protagonists

>> No.5078625
File: 296 KB, 640x480, laughing eds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus man, out of all the ones you could pick, you had to choose him.

>> No.5078630
File: 138 KB, 284x465, Theatrhythm_CC_Benjamin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best retro FF protag.

>> No.5078636

I prefer tidus. he seems like a cool guy.
squall seems like a guy that would listen to shoegaze and "experiment" with men

>> No.5078638
File: 53 KB, 460x720, 9D5WSWe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5078651


>> No.5078659

>playing a shitty card game

>> No.5078672

The only issue I have about this statement is that the majority of Squall's most interesting pieces of dialogue are all kept contained in his thoughts, while everyone else around him is left with the few terse sentences that he decides to grace them with for a large stretch of the story.
As if Cecil is anyone worth talking about. The guy turns completely flat as a character not even a third of the way into the story. Once his redemption plotline is resolved, he takes a backseat in his own game. To say nothing of how poorly the game's story has aged to begin with.
The real best classic protagonist is the Warriors of Light from I and III. Being able to (competently) create your own characterizations and roleplay them the way you want to will always be infinitely superior to any pre-written material.

>> No.5078737

>squall seems like a guy that would listen to shoegaze and "experiment" with men
wtf i love squall now

>> No.5078794

Pfffffft, DUAL ORB 2

>> No.5078817

Excellent bait, have a (you)

>> No.5079048

>graduated into a steady job

I fucking jelly

>> No.5079068

Wow steal my thread pasta. It is too soon for another big ff8 thread. I was going to wait about a month.

>> No.5079069

Its the best mini game in the series and the beat minigame in jrpgs as a whole. Hell, it is the best mini game in vidya as a whole

>> No.5079141
File: 201 KB, 348x761, Zidane_Tribal_character.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wanna bet

>> No.5079221

I'm not that guy but I really like Cecil. He's a stand up guy and I'm of the opinion that you don't need some game-long massive character development plot to be interesting or a good character.

>> No.5079260

This nigga knows what's up. Zidane will ritually pee with you under the stars to cheer you up. Let's see Squall do that.

>> No.5079286

Actually agree on this and think the Warriors of Light from FF1 are the best protagonists. They are your own to shape and mold.

>> No.5079321
File: 342 KB, 751x1063, 1528274798703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im in my esper form... RIGHT NOW.

>> No.5079364
File: 30 KB, 698x389, 9583416897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I still like him better than Squall's mopey/spergy attitude.

>> No.5079384

Man, I really wish FFVI gets/got a proper remake. Amano's art lends itself really well to the setting and atmosphere. I'd love to see it "in real"

>> No.5079708

I just finished FF8 and I can't keep thinking about how shitty Ultimecia's deal was. She was forced into being the villain and failing just because that's the way the universe was. I almost want to believe in R=U just because at least then she gets something bittersweet rather than just bitter.

>> No.5079893

>an actual feminine faggot

>> No.5080094

>You can't prove me wrong, no matter how hard you try.
You are the one who need to backup that claim. We don't have to "prove you wrong".

>> No.5080101

He's more of a man than you'll ever be.

>> No.5080190


>> No.5080226

You can make more spells than you will ever need from items that drop from enemies.

>> No.5080242

Too bad FF games are so tightly restricted gameplay wise there's no real role-playing to do. There's nothing like say the depth of choices in Planescape or Baldur's Gate.

>> No.5080273

Squall is alright, and he deserves a bit more credit than he gets, but he's nowhere near the best protag

>> No.5080276

>You can't prove me wrong
And you aren't proving yourself right, either.

>> No.5080287
File: 101 KB, 530x900, Ramza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being such a churlish knave.

>> No.5080380
File: 460 KB, 570x1000, bartz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be a dumb question, but is having a blank slate for a protagonist a bad thing for an RPG?

>> No.5080392

It depends entirely on the imagination and creativity of the audience and how willing they are to immerse themselves in the experience. A blank slate can either be the unparalleled best or the absolute worst because it's whatever you want it to be.

>> No.5080412
File: 7 KB, 243x208, images (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really wanna go there

>> No.5080415

He certainly is one of the very top alpha protags in FF.

>> No.5080434

Is there anything that completely kills the theory anyway? It adds up a lot more than Squall being dead does, and R=U at least adds quite a layer to the story.

>> No.5080779

This is how the game tells you to go about it. You can get magic from draw points, but the tutorial at the beginning very specifically tells you to get magic from monsters. In fact, it even gives you the impression that drawing from monsters and immediately casting the spell you just drew is a good idea.

>> No.5080784

Ramza is awesome specifically because the story gives him room to be a bit cynical but also makes it clear that he's a good person at heart. He's a complex protagonist, but he never really dips into edgelord territory like Delita.

>> No.5080797

depends on the game. i always prefer a blank slate party to a blank slate protag+NPC party members

>> No.5080886
File: 65 KB, 184x233, Rance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rance is a much better protagonist.

>> No.5081052
File: 111 KB, 720x640, whatever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever kid, now let's blow this thing and get outta here

>> No.5081363


>> No.5081368

>They are your own to shape and mold.

No see freedom of customization is a bad thing hence why the materia system is the worst thing ever and why every JRPG character should be predetermined and rigid as fuck.

>> No.5081698

Confirmed canon.

>> No.5081707

I agree, even as the story progresses from a typical civil war to fighting demonic entities and he gets betrayed like twenty times he maintains his good nature at heart.

Plus, all memes aside I enjoy his faux ye olde english.

>> No.5081778


>> No.5083286

very well could be canon.
at least much more than ___whateverguy is dead___.