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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 118 KB, 960x960, 1998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5072290 No.5072290 [Reply] [Original]

We can all agree on this, right?

>> No.5072296

gee, i guess if you are the most basic bitch model of humans born in the late 80's early 90's sure!

>> No.5072298




>> No.5072314

I mean you should probably propose a different better year instead of act like that isn't a pretty bombshell of a year for games

>> No.5072316

>33% of the list is role playing faggotry
>only pc and console shit, nothing arcade
wew lads

>> No.5072318

Show me 1999 then well see if we agree or not

>> No.5072323

1997 was better

>Mario Kart 64
>Tekken 3
>Megaman X4
>Ultima Online
>Grand Theft Auto
>Crash Bandicoot 2
>Shock Troopers
>Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II

>> No.5072325

>RPGs are gay
>arcade games are good

>> No.5072328

Shenmue (Japan)
Unreal Tournament
System Shock 2
Silent Hill
Age of Empires II
Half-Life: Opposing Force
Planetscape: Torment
Resident Evil 3
Dino Crisis
Super Smash Bros
Alien versus Predator
Final Fantasy VIII

>> No.5072329
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Ya for sure bro. They don't make em like they used to.

>> No.5072330

Pokemon Red/Blue were 96.

>> No.5072331
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>> No.5072342
File: 34 KB, 252x233, opinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gran turismo
who cares about racing lmao
>panzer dragoon saga
no one played saturn
babby's first steps in philosophy. also unfinished
boring samey collect fest
>pokemon red blue
legitimately good
>grim fandango
very good too
>metal gear solid
movie shit
>half life
doom was better
>dance dance revolution
>zelda oot
egoraptor said it's bad and I agree
no one played this
>baldur's gate
didn't play this but western developers can't make a single proper rpg

>> No.5072343

98 - 02 is easily my favorite era of games. 2000 is probably my favorite single year though.

>Deus Ex
>Counter Strike
>Skies of Arcadia
>Majora's Mask
>Diablo II
>Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
>Perfect Dark
>RE: Code Veronica
>Marvel vs Capcom 2
>Thief II
>Jet Set Radio
>Phantasy Star Online

>> No.5072345

>pokemon manchild
opinion discarded

>> No.5072352

>/r9k/ meme
You're beyond help now, time to kill yourself.

>> No.5072361
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>doom was better

>> No.5072368

im trying to be an edgy cunt, you edgy cunt. and you want a better year for games how about 96 or even 97 for that matter.

>> No.5072369

>nothing arcade
>dance dance revolution
there's other arcade games that aren't shmups anon

>> No.5072372
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>Panzer Dragoon Saga sucks
>Starcraft sucks
>Banjo Kazooie sucks

are you retarded or just pretending to be online?

>> No.5072373
File: 1.42 MB, 500x375, 1538110411158.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think im going to do it. im going to stop wasting my time on 4chan and start hitting my backlog hard. first things first. what console should i start on and what genre should i play?? my backlog consists of Gameboy/color, saturn, snes,famicom/nes, ps1 and master system. i own most of the games ive been meaning to play, but most ps1 and master system will be emluated (yes, i have a larger saturn collection than ps1 becaue i own a psp too)

>> No.5072376

Honestly just randomize your backlog and play the first one

Try to start with something short or medium, not a million hour rpg. At least not the first 2-3 games

>> No.5072380

you need to leave

>> No.5072383

any good way to randomize it. is there a program that randomizes excel spreadsheets. or will i have to writhe everything down and pick them out of a hat....you know what that sounds kinda fun, i think i will do the hat pick!!

>> No.5072404

Soorrrry fags

>> No.5072410

Doom is a game that is still being played and modded heavily. It has a legacy. Half Life in comparison was just a fart in the wind.

>> No.5072426

As much as people wank HL ut died afew years after black mesa... But for some fucking reason doom is more popular than ever. My normal fag friends play poodle broom!

>> No.5072436

you know counter strike is a mod of half life right?

>> No.5072441
File: 703 KB, 918x871, 1998gotyay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listing only 15 titles out of all 1998 had to offer

You had one job.

>> No.5072542

Out of these games, only Half Life, Starcraft and Metal Gear Solid can be considered to be good games with an actual impact.

>> No.5072550

Also Age of Empires and Total Annihilation.

>> No.5072554

half of those games are garbage

>> No.5072560
File: 394 KB, 2135x1881, Screenshot_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I propose a counterargument:
>Deus Ex
>Vagrant Story
>Diablo II
>Capcom vs SNK 2

you know I'm right

>> No.5072568


StarCraft was great. legendary. SoulCalibur was only in the arcade. And not even the best arcade game that year. The rest was mediocre at best.
98 was probably the first year where you could tell gaming was slowly on the decline from a gamers view. So NO we do NOT agree.

>> No.5072579


>> No.5072581

As a "gamer" I disagree. It was only in decline if you were too young to be around and see how great it was.

>> No.5072587


By 98 gaming was turning to crap because there were hardly any innovations any longer. The greedy psychopathic outfits like sony slowly took over and as a result arcades were slowly dying across the globe. Print mags were declining slowly as well, since the internet started to replace the need for mags. A lot of the smaller but innovative gaming companies from before also didn't make it. Maybe due to the rise in internet piracy. 1998 was a mere shadow of the excitement and innovation of the early and mid 90's.

>> No.5072593


Not mentioning KOF98 or Street Fighter Zero 3.


>> No.5072605
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>fighting games

>> No.5072630


>> No.5072647

>dance dance revolution

you sure showed your age.

>> No.5072649


Don't use this image while praising pokemon you baby.

>> No.5072651

Oh my sweet summer child, pokemon came out in 96 but didn't blow out until the cartoon in 98. Not that a toddler like you would understand how marketing expectations worked in a world without broad bran internet;

>> No.5072673

Xenogears, man, that shit changed me.

>> No.5072676
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>not one good game in that list

>> No.5072687
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>> No.5072693

I agree because F-Zero X was released that same year.

>> No.5072696

Nah, fuck that. Didn't like 3D games growing up. To me, 1990 - 1997 is the absolute peak. However, gaming has been mostly good throughout time with the exception of last gen.

>> No.5072708

hold up. here's the process for clearing a backlog.

1. make a big huge list of every game you've bee beating yourself up for not playing.
2. if you're out and about and you have a "man, i should really play ___" thought, write it down.
3. now organize the list. i recommend playing the easiest, shortest, and most trivial games first, and work your way up.

because your backlog will likely be fuckhuge, you have to deal with it in a way that makes you feel good about what you're not playing so you can chill and work on one game to completion.

don't be afraid to put games into different contexts. for example.

>home alone
>traveling (mobile emulators, etc)
>with friends/family
>when tired
>when energetic
>when i need a challenge
>when i want a story

so you'll end up playing multiple games at once without getting bored or overwhelmed. you're welcome.

>> No.5072727

came to say this

>> No.5072912

Found the absolute zoomer. Half-Life 1 is almost certainly the second most modded game of all time.

>> No.5073017

1992 was not bad either about good OR influential games:

- Sonic The Hedgehog 2
- Super Mario Kart
- Street Fighter 2 C.E / Turbo
- Dune 2
- Wolfenstein 3D
- Flashback
- Super Mario Land 2
- Virtua Racing
- Fatal Fury 2
- Contra 3: The Alien Wars
- Alone in the Dark
- Kirby's Dream Land
- Ecco the Dolphin
- Indiana Jones & The Fat of Atlantis
- Mortal Kombat
- Art of Fighting
- Golden Axe RODA
- GI Joe / Asterix / Xmen Konami brawlers
- Outrunners
- Last Resort
- Undercover Cops
- Puyo Puyo
- Road Rash 2
- Streets of Rage 2
- Thunderforce IV

>> No.5073018

>muh arcade
stop being such a fucking bitch, there was definitely innovative and interesting games outside of arcades you triple niggers.

>> No.5073025

progressfag spotted

>> No.5073030

There's more to vidya than just fucking arcade games

>> No.5073037

96 was pretty awesome, quake was also 96.

>> No.5073041

95-99 was peak 2D and single player.

99-2004 was peak PC/multiplayer gaming and coup-co-op, before the MMORPG crack epidemics and "modern shooters", and broadband-connected consoles.

>> No.5073067

Nah. The year you were born in was nothing special.

>> No.5073074
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>> No.5073081

subhuman mamefag detected

probably doesn't even own a console or crt lmao

>> No.5073085


This shmup fag is definitely the worst poster I've ever seen in 12 years of chans.

>> No.5073086

Agreed, PC games are trash

>> No.5073087

You forgot Abe's Oddysee, Wipeout 2097 and Riven the Sequel to Myst. But yes exceptional year.

>> No.5073104

>being proud of owning cheap chink silicon shit because you have nothing else to be proud about in life

>> No.5073117

Was there even a bad year from 1992 through 2002?

>> No.5073131

did I hit a nerve, mamepoor?

>> No.5073163

if collecting junk makes you forget how much you suck ass at games, more power to you, i guess

>> No.5073174

>being good at video games
>something to be proud of
I think I found the root of your disorder

>> No.5073184

>nothing else to be proud about in life
Come on man. Plenty of successful people have silly hobbies that don't require a ton of skill.

Being good at anything is something to be proud of. His mistake is assuming you don't have anything outside of games.

>> No.5073197

yes, the psychological disorder of not being a filthy jarpig tranny nigger

>> No.5073202

It's pretty stupid. I never understood how some shmup players developed this attitude that they're some kind of Ubermensch above fans of other genres. You don't see it as much with other competitive or score-based games.

>> No.5073205

>Pokemon red/blue
Kill yourself retard
>System Shock 2
shit game

>> No.5073210

September 28, 1998 was Pokemon Red/Blue's release in NA. 1996 for Japan. List is going by NA release dates.

>> No.5073216

Fightanfags, dotafags, and FPSfags are way more insufferable than shmupschmucks.

>> No.5073217

taking pokemon seriously in any way after the age of 12 is shameful.

>> No.5073221

>List is going by NA release dates.
I know that dipshit. That doesn't change the fact OP's pic is inaccurate. Pokeyman is a 1996 game, that's what it will always will be.

>> No.5073223

I think his mistake is assuming that if you suck at games, you suck at everything. It's the mamepoor disorder.

>> No.5073231


>> No.5073235

Nawh, I'm jarpig master race. You skillfags should take the jarpig pill already.

>no anxiety/pressure induced while having a good run
>no feelings of turmoil after a failed run, which happens far more frequently than a new pb
>can discuss more things about the game than just strategies, such as story, character development, lore, etc.
>isn't completely dead like shmups and other arcade genres, new games from both indie and AAA devs still made
>you don't have to git gud in order to enjoy the games, but if you do, there's jarpig speedrunning

>> No.5073238
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>> No.5073240

I don't see FPSfags complaining about every other genre from a position of ignorance.

>> No.5073246

FPSfags are too busy in-fighting over who caused the death of FPS (Goldeneye, Half Life, Halo, Cawwadoody, etc.)

>> No.5073250
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>talking about gay shit like story, lore and character development
>thinks the genre isnt dead then points to indieshit and AAA shovelware

>> No.5073258
File: 5 KB, 174x174, 1517339366766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>death of FPS
developers are the main reason, its kinda shit that i cant even discuss any FPS without some faggots circlejerking over quake, doom, the latest FOTM shit or some tacticool shooter, even then it just devolves into waifufaggorty and shilling

>> No.5073295

>egoraptor said it's bad and I agree
Surprised no one saw through the obvious satire

>> No.5073309

why do shmupniggers hate fun so much?

>> No.5073323

Honestly I think it's like five dudes that like saying jarpig and messing with people. Besides that, there are some weird elitists before, but most shmup players are normal and just like their games and improving at them.

>> No.5073331
File: 52 KB, 451x635, 2f6f7bba5f4ae92de4e730ae77a71b7d_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw WCW/nWo Revenge isn't even on the list.

>> No.5073336

>look guys, I said jarpig again, are you triggered yet?

>> No.5073342

Jarpig pls go, this board is intended for arcade and skill-demanding videogames only.

>> No.5073687

Xenogears is unfinished garbage. Try actually playing it instead of regurgitating it from IGN "top games" lists. They didn't finish it either.

>> No.5073775

what game?

>> No.5073798

Martian Successor Nadesico - the blank of 3 years

>> No.5073816


these are the top years for video games and it's never gonna get better.

>> No.5073841

nah, i think id rather pick randomly from a hat and force my self to finish the game, just to beat into my psyche that you need to finish what you started.

>> No.5073890

Does it even explain anything?

>> No.5073902

It's a fantastic game but it doesn't really connect to the movie, just takes place during the time before the movie.
It's multi-ending/multi-scenario anyway and it's not clear that any particular scenario is more canon than the others.

>> No.5073909


1997 and 2005 were pretty good too

>> No.5073913

So is it a visual novel or what? Do you get to have a sevensome?

>> No.5073934

It's mostly novel with some gameplay elements, like the 'gaze intently into her eyes' mini-game. Lots of story branching. You don't play as Akito. No harems but some sex. All sorts of followups to stuff that happened in the TV series. Can get shot down if you pursue unwinnable girls, which is hard to get away with putting in a normal romance game without pissing people off but makes sense in Nadesico. Also lesbians.

>> No.5073937

is it translated?

>> No.5073939


>> No.5074031

Ocarina of Time has destroyed lives :(

>> No.5074034

>yfw reading Iain M. Banks and watching James Cameron's Aliens after growing up with StarCrafts and Halos

>> No.5074070

1995. without question.
dark forces.
panzer dragoon.
full throttle.
chrono trigger.
comix zone.
the dig.
i have no mouth.
warcraft 2

>> No.5074095

>No harems but some sex
b-but nadesico girls are pure :(

>> No.5074123 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.5074124

>SoulCalibur and Dance Dance Revolution suddenly aren't arcade games


>> No.5074128

Nope. I don't really have fond memories of the 5th gen like I do with the 3rd and 4th.

>> No.5074297

Remove the PC games and I agree.

>> No.5074465

what do you have against pc games?

>> No.5074469

Ah that's ok. When you said the player wasn't Akito I thought someone else would shag Yurika or something.

>> No.5074479

Somehow forgot Resident Evil 2 but included "Starsiege", which I never even fucking heard of. What the fuck is Starsiege?

>> No.5074559

She's one of the unwinnables. You can get her as close as saying "If I hadn't met Akito first..." but that's it.

>> No.5074820

Starsiege tribes is one of the best multiplayer shooters ever. It supported 40-50 players in a server when everyone else had 16-20. Maps are kilometers across, and can feature enormous structures.

Also had some really cool canyon, midair, cave and rollercoaster maps

The only hit scan weapon is the laser rifle. You can throw grenades, mines, beacons, and use a healthkit while in a duel with someone and it adds a lot of dimensions to the combat.


>> No.5074824 [DELETED] 
File: 561 KB, 960x960, THEGREATEST1991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These charts are meaningless and can be made for any year at all. Here I made one, 5000+5 hours in MS Paint.

>> No.5074828
File: 909 KB, 960x960, THEGREATEST1991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These charts are meaningless and can be made for any year at all. Here, I made one. 5000+5 hours in MS Paint.

>> No.5075174

Battletoads, Duke Nukem (not 3D) and Sengoku?

No mention of certain little games like Street Fighter 2, Sonic The Hedgehog, Lemmings or Another World?

>> No.5075306

You should always write the best/most known ones first

Putting Zelda first instead of literal who games like power blade, rockin kats and captain america would've made the list so much better

Also as mentioned you missed several great games

>> No.5075319

Sonic isn't good though.

>> No.5075328

God it's been too long since I've played or watched. I forgot how good tribes is and how impossibly high the skill ceiling is.

Just to be clear incase someone only watched the first 15 seconds: the aircraft carrier the camera pans around is the base for one team, and it has two support structures (as I recall) on the map that can be controlled by either team.

>> No.5075624

all those games aged like milk

>> No.5075627

They’re not good.

>> No.5075635

>PS1/N64/SAT gen
>best year

what a fucking joke. fucking youngfags

>> No.5075663
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>> No.5075708

fuck off boomer

>> No.5075796

>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18

>> No.5077458

needs more pc games

>> No.5077474

Such as?

>> No.5077490


Pokemon Blue never came out in Japan.

I want to go back

>> No.5077497

I personally consider 1994-2000 to be the best era. I can't settle on a single year as they had hit after hit after hit. Entire genres could be redefined after a couple years and it was glorious.

>> No.5078892

>no final fantasy

>> No.5078894


pokemon blue came out after red and green in japan

>> No.5078897
File: 282 KB, 300x296, MvC_Cover_Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this?

Marvel vs. Capcom
Released January 23, 1998

>> No.5078961

the best year for video games will always be the current

>> No.5079095
File: 466 KB, 1920x1080, HL Echoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HL1 is still being played and modded. Not at the rate that Doom is, but still very active.

>> No.5079121

miss this kino

>> No.5079154

sure love all those shitty games that are coming out these days that flood the global library of games with shit

>> No.5079365

1993 because Doom with DoomEd and the gates opening to shareware fpss and free megawads. It was the birthplace of Deathmatch and progaming.

>> No.5080821

>System Shock
>Wing Commander III
>Snatcher (Western release)
>Doom II
>Super Metroid
>Donkey Kong Country
>Killer Instinct
>Final Fantasy VI
>Demon's Crest
>Earthworm Jim
>Streets of Rage 3
>Policenauts (PC-98)

>> No.5080847
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What hes getting at is... Wheres the daily hl threads? Theres always at least one doom thread, sometimes more. Half life threads are filled with arguments, shitposts and contrarians. Doom is universally accepted as a magnum opus and is just as satisfying as it ever was. Half lifes legacy is debated all the time and fuck steam and fuck you!

>> No.5080850

If you’re not from Japan it’s 1998, it works from release date not from your opinion

>> No.5081190

97-99 saw the best games on the saturn, ps1, n64 and game boy released. Some of the top pest teir pc and arcade games came out during those years. In 1998 dreamcast hit japan.

These are the 3 best years in videogame history. You can't prove me wrong.

>> No.5081504

1992 was better and it's not even close. People always cite the same 12-20 games over and over again from 1998. 1992 had DOZENS of classics.

>> No.5081515

Depending on your taste in games, literally any year from '88 to '97 could be considered the best. 1998 is vastly overrated.

>> No.5082112

97 is more overrated than 98

>> No.5082139

i've always thought this. Also, Caesar 3 on PC came out in '97 but caught on in '98, so to me that's a 1998 game too. At the very least 98 is a good shout. I seem to remember 2003 being pretty good too but that might just be me.

>> No.5082202

FFT came out in 1998 in the rest of the world, 1997 was JP only. FFT was another part of what made 1998 such a great year for us.

>> No.5082207

I went to the arcade and played Dance Dance Revolution recently. The first game is borderline unplayable.