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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5070698 No.5070698 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you beautiful angels ever built or bought an arcade machine?

Considering building my own with Raspberry Arcade but i'm wondering if anyone has bought one and what they thought or built one.

Would be keen to get your thoughts, I'm also one for diversity so please by all means talk about your favorite arcade games and memories.


(Also not from reddit)

>> No.5070702

Raspberry is shit for emulation

>> No.5070706

Why do people want to use RasberryPis for literally everything? It's an ARM system and that probably suits some needs very well like a compact system to play media or something but if you're going to have a full upright cabinet you're going to get better performance for less with whatever beater deskside tower you can find instead

>> No.5070732

I'm open to suggestions guys nothing is set in stone.

>> No.5070746

I've bought and built arcade machines. Meme. None ever used a memeberry.

>> No.5070752

When you say meme do you mean arcade machines in general?

>> No.5070782

When I built a cab, I bought a used PC off of ebay dirt cheap, put the best cheap Graphics card I could get for it. it runs almost everything and cost me about $100. RPi3B+ runs a lot though, and would be great in a handheld or a bartop where space is at a premium. GPIO is good for directly wiring a control panel without an encoder, but if you're building a full size cabinet, you might as well just build a PC as you can run a lot more arcade systems with better emulation and will get better framerates.

>> No.5070979

It all depends on what games you wanna play, I started off on the raspberry Pi, super simple to work with great for nes and sega games but beyond that you start to run into compatilability issues whether games will lag or simply will not boot. Another simple option could be buying a multi board with a set amount of games like a 60 in 1, if your just interested in the classics. Or you can go get an old pc and setup mame or just buy a plug and play multi game and hardwire the controller buttons to your arcade stick. There's so many ways but it all depends on what you want to do.

>> No.5071794

I think he might mean Mame.

>> No.5071941

>Raspberry Arcade
lmao, Jesus Christ anon.

>> No.5072175

>Not just getting a jamma candy cab, and using a fucking jamma converter for your raspberry pi shit so you still have a functional machine that can play real games

>> No.5072202


My father serviced arcade machines in the 70s & 80s, before moving in to the poker machine industry.

He said if you're going to buy one, be prepared to do some tedious maintenance on them. He also emphasized to avoid pinball machines at all cost. They are electro-mechanical hell.

Given everything he has told me over the years, I'd probably the route that >>5070782 went

>> No.5072780
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This is pretty good advice

As, sort of this is even if it is kinda jackoff too but I make similar posts

You should be able to buy a used cabinet cheaper than a kit even if you have to rent a truck or pay for freight but you don't get something brand new. Some people like spanking new, some people like something with history. If you don't want to spend a lot on your first cab though you can build a "Vigolix" cabinet. Even with buying tools, it'll still be the cheapest option by far and then you'll have tools for future projects


Sounds like your dad isn't really all that skilled. Someone who has serviced a retro console setup will encounter the same type of things inside an arcade machine. To use an /o/ equivalency it's like going from a car to a truck. Everything is bigger, more rugged and more easily accessible (though replacing whole components is more expensive). It's made to be worked on and a person who would have just bought a new power supply for their SNES may find themselves choosing to repair their cab's power supply. Same with the monitor, though the power supply and monitor do have exposed high voltage components that might be scary to noobs

Base your arcade project on what you want for a final result. Most plebs just want cred so a small bartop or slim sit-down cab. Consider building it around a broken laptop if you want better performance than you'd get from an RPi

>> No.5072784

I have a Sega Astro City, working perfectly: CRT screen, jamma system, it does the job fucking perfectly.

I'm also working on an old euro cab, the N'styl.

>> No.5072792

damn, guess i have a fetish for interracial lesbians playing arcade games

thanks anon

>> No.5072917

>Wh y s me
I meant memeberry

>> No.5072929

This pic always gets my dick rock hard. I love big juicy ass and cute black girls

>> No.5074936

Let us talk of hyperspin setups.

What’s the minimum amount of hardrrive space and RAM needed for something like that?

A day without video games is like a day without nuggs and big anime tiddies.

>> No.5074974

I have built one. The real key is finding a junk cabinet but with a good crt in it. You can fix woodworking related things, switches, joysticks etc. but without the crt there is no point in making a cabinet.

As someone who owns 3 dedicated cabs and a mame cab I can say don't underestimate space requirements. You would honestly be better off making it a bartop form factor because moving these things fucking suck. Having dedicated cabs is nice if you're obsessed with a particular game, or a jamma cab that you can swap other games in easily. Having a dedicated game of something you only play once in a while is pretty pointless.

If you do go the mame route just don't destroy some unique cabinet. Use adapters to keep the stock harness and safely store the pcb away somewhere.

There's tons on info on the klov forums and the byoac forums if you're in research mode.

>> No.5075030
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i have repaired and own several from the 80s and a few from the 90s

it's all original for me (games and components) or nothing

however, messing around with MAME, a pi, multi-board, etc is a great way to delve into the world of the arcade hobby.

many of the old timers are a bunch of pretentious fags that totally eschew ANYTHING not original, but again, for your first foray into the hobby, the Raspberry Arcade is a good first step

also, Zaxxon fucking sucks

>> No.5075032

If you just want to dabble in hyperspin download one of the pre-configured torrents there ones as small as 25gb to add big as 2tb (and a guy on Amazon who will install it on a hard drive you mail to him for $50). Hyperspin is a trap though there a whole community around the interface itself and they want you to pay actual money to join it.

Just use Launch Box

>> No.5075094
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nothing in the world of video games will ever create the wild intersection of entertainment and social phenomenons found at the now gone classic arcade (specifically, the 80s or "Golden Era" of the video game arcade)

i suppose this is why i collect and repair them.

>> No.5076336


When I was in college, one of my friends was interested in starting a business after he had graduated. His parents were practically shoving him into starting a business and he had to choose what type of business that he'd start.

One of his "finalists" was owning an arcade and we'd drive around to these arcades and he'd talk to the owners about all sorts of financial details. One owner was even interested in selling his arcade to him. However, my friend eventually decided to start a music-related business instead.

Even back in the mid-90s, my friend could see that arcades were dying.

>> No.5076427

I wish I lived in the US where there was such a thing as salvageable cabinets, I gotta build everything from scratch where im from, I cant find a godamn monitor for my dedicated.

>> No.5076448

My dad owns an arcade cabinet and pinballs
Arcade is alright, can be annoying to setup (he uses an old computer, doesn't need to be something great) but once it's done there's pretty much no maintenance, don't know what you're talking about
However pinballs are fucking hell indeed, consider yourself lucky if you can play one week without any trouble.

>> No.5076645
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I've been working on a project for the last 6 months. It's taken forever due to just not having enough time/money but it's coming together

Don't use a pi OP, they're awful. Build a barebones Windows 7 PC and get an old Radeon card for crt_emudrivers. Will run things 100x better.

If you're not planning to use a CRT then I honestly wouldn't bother building one at all IMO

>> No.5076692

what's a good usb stick for mame and shit? im guessing i should get something with a trackball and side buttons for virtual pinball?

>> No.5077792

I just bought my second machine today, its a donkey kong project I plan to fully restore. Super excited

>> No.5077957

Restored a cabinet once. Need to build another one for my mvs. Actual hardware is cheap if you search around, so why emulate?

>> No.5077986

east cost anon here what's the best way of getting a candy cab aside from finding one in cali and having it shipped?

>> No.5077989 [DELETED] 

Testing to see if posting is fixed.

>> No.5078804

get a flat pack from ebay and build a hyper spin front end on itx pc parts

>> No.5078813

also a budget option is to just gut an old 250-300$ dell desktop and just mount it inside

>> No.5080448

So, mame and raspberry pi
Whats one got over the other? does it even fucking matter?

>> No.5080463

Just got an MVS board. What's the cheapest supergun out there? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/JAMMA-to-DB-15PIN-Joypad-Converting-Board-JAMMA-CBOX-Converter-With-SCART-Output-For-Any-JAMMA/32845227000.html?spm=2114.search0104.3.18.4d382353QOnIcn&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_2_10065_10068_204_10130_318_10547_10546_10059_10884_10548_10887_10696_100031_10084_10083_10103_10618_452_10139_10307_532,searchweb201603_1,ppcSwitch_0&algo_expid=479ae3ea-1b73-49f0-8664-063f4099a86a-2&algo_pvid=479ae3ea-1b73-49f0-8664-063f4099a86a&transAbTest=ae803_4&priceBeautifyAB=0 looks cheaper than building one myself. Aside from diagnostic tools and aesthetics, why do people pay premium?

>> No.5080496
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>Considering building my own with Raspberry Arcade

>> No.5080515

My pin's been going fine for the past 6 months with the only damage being a drop target spring that was easily fixed. You may not be able to easily fix everything and a major component may fail but proper preventative care goes a long way in preventing serious damage.

>> No.5080789

What’s a reasonable price for one?

>> No.5081150

Doing the same. Honestly the cheapest supergun depends on what you have on hand. You can get the jamma harness for real cheap, and wire it up to existing joysticks and buttons. I have some from old projects, and am going to use an old pc power supply. My only new costs are the plywood, and cga->vga adapter.

>> No.5081156
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If you've never looked into it, the million and one Pinterest posts of four inch high Raspberry Pi arcades might make you think it's a good option. Hell, they even sell kits for them.

>> No.5081303

it's honestly impressive how effective the advertising for raspberry was.

>> No.5081345

Cabinets are not good, only what was there. It won't be the same outside the environment you played it in. Just put a quality arcade stick on your desk and call it a day.

>> No.5081347

Have you seen the episode of Black Mirror titled San Junipero?

>> No.5081351

People get them for emulation exclusively in the same room as their PC. Functional fixedness is weird. I was at a cabin with my boomer uncle who brought a laptop, tablet, and multiple cell phones, and he asked if anyone had an alarm clock because he forgot his and wanted to force his daughters to get up early to fish like he did once as a kid.