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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5070201 No.5070201 [Reply] [Original]

So, the Polymega.

Legit or a giant scam?

>> No.5070216

obvious fucking scam.

>> No.5070224

This. Some anon posted the link to the autisticage thread where they're actively ripping it apart. They realized they couldn't do what they wanted, settled with using mednafen and then couldn't figure out cheap hardware that could run it. They had preorders up before they had a current tech demo.

>> No.5070234

Costs more than current gen consoles and releases on April fucking Fool's

>> No.5070247

why anyone would buy this is beyond me

>> No.5070263

Its a nice idea, in theory.

>> No.5070265

that controller looks pretty shitty

>> No.5070280

You can build your own right now. There's a device that reads snes and genesis cartridges.

>> No.5070284

none of these premade "all in one magic nostalgia" consoles ever turn out to be good.

>> No.5070296

I hate it when people come to the store I work at to tell me about it. People even pre-ordered and they're gonna get burned hard. I get it, I'm coming from a biased position, but please understand I'm not bullshitting you about the mountains of questions this thing raises about BIOS, copyrighted software, patent infringement, etc. is gonna spell its doom. The only one of these things that ever delivered its promise is the Analogue NT mini and that thing was enthusiast tier expensive and seems like it hasn't been in production for a year now.

>> No.5070307

Allegedly a real and "major" company is going to headline their virtual store. Should be interesting to see who it is.

>> No.5070309

legit want analogue nt mini to be produced again

>> No.5070317

My brother in law is bad with this and he still hasn't learned his lesson. A couple years ago he bought one of the Genesis consoles for the kids. After realizing half the games had broken sound and the IR controllers with the wacky protruding buttons didn't work worth a shit, it got thrown in the closet pretty fast. But right now he's excited about buying another one, from the same company, with the same controllers. "Well yeah the last one was trash but they've had years to improve it. They say it's like using the real console!" I don't know what to do about him.

>> No.5070318

Was it a Retron?

>> No.5070321

He's talking about those shitty AtGames ones I believe

>> No.5070326

A fool and his money

>> No.5070339

Who cares? Only literal retards buy shit like this instead of just hooking a PC up to the TV.

>> No.5070341

he made a snes one. people says he's just jewing everyone since you could probably put the whole nes version on the snes one. all i know is the guy is an autist, it's expensive, and people seem to like them

>> No.5070362

Total fucking scam. I was on board until they got rid of their literal main selling point, couldn't even handle a fucking pre-order campaign correctly, and then paywalled a bunch of shit to the degree of 8 million dollars to get everything developed for the console. For fuck sakes, a half a million dollars gets you a theme. A FUCKING THEME!

It literally made me buy an RPi3B+ because of this, since it would run everything the Polymega is supposedly going to run (on the exact same shit might I add), and more.

>> No.5070364

>I'm not bullshitting you about the mountains of questions this thing raises about BIOS, copyrighted software, patent infringement, etc. is gonna spell its doom
The Retron 5 is really popular and IIRC did some illegal shit regarding stolen code or something and nothing ever happened so I don't see anything happening with this.

>> No.5070367

100% Sega giving some ROMs

>> No.5070369

Even if it's "legit", it's a scam, like all emulator boxes are.

>> No.5070392


What’s this supposed to be? Glorified emulator? I’m old and don’t know things

>> No.5070412

it's google it you stupid old man.

>> No.5070420

No it's not. It's literally a PC with some emulators installed on it and overpriced cartridge connectors. You'd have to be an actual retard to buy one.

>> No.5070432

>>5070265 The controller is literally a repainted version of this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01EO5QPN2/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

>> No.5070436

> FPGA only for the controller
> And only on some systems
It's literally a scam. If you're dead set on getting an emulator box just get a retron or something. Or better yet get the original system and a flashcart

>> No.5070441

A legit scam.

>> No.5070871


>> No.5070876

It can't use flash carts and doesn't accept loading roms from a storage device, yet it's still an emulation box. Dropped.

>> No.5070965

Of course it's a scam. I feel like it's not targeted towards us, it's targeted towards people who know nothing about retro. At least that's how it should be, knowing /vr/ some of you mongs might end up buying one.

>> No.5070984

Its kinda nice for people who prefer physical copies. Having an all in one thing.

>> No.5071051

yet has none of the advantages (whatever those are) of playing a physical copy. reading from a cart or an sd card is exactly the same thing.

>> No.5071062


Advantage of this over a Retron 5? Does it save even more space so that it not only saves your marriage but the wife also gives you a blowjob afterwards?

>> No.5071078

Yet those that actually prefer and own physical copies are enthusiasts that would 100% already own the real consoles and prefer to use them for authenticity.

I don't think Polymega have a clue who their market is outside of the usual idiots with more money than sense.

>> No.5071142
File: 1.05 MB, 267x219, 1365256903649.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>emulation box
>still can't load my roms into it
Goddamn how could they fuck this up this bad?

>> No.5071147

I can't believe people keep getting suckered by these things.

Just stick an emulator on something and connect it to your TV. That's IT. That's ALL you have to do to get the exact same experience, except with literally any rom you choose.

>> No.5071148

Retrons don't play Saturn games.

>> No.5071154

B-b-but I have money I want to use for something stupid that makes no sense.

>> No.5071157

I assume people are excited for it because it claims to run Saturn? Even though all evidence points to it being an over-glorified Mednafen box.

>> No.5071160

applies to gamers desu

don't (you) me

>> No.5071164

My guess would be demands from game companies in exchange for licencing their roms and setting up their retro shop.

>> No.5071175

>that pos ps4 looking controller

Why don't these companies go with the Xbox type of design? I wish people actually liked the duke controller. It was the best. All what it needed was better rounded buttons.

>> No.5071181

The only companies that will support this thing are shitty third-rate publishers with games no one gives a fuck about.

>> No.5071196
File: 200 KB, 315x404, 1522926309141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Do you really think Nintendo is going to allow a competing storefront to sell roms on their platform that hasn't even been proven yet? I hope for people excited for this that it will eventually allow them to run downloaded roms off of it.

It's just going to be a shitty PC running emulators. I have a Saturn with Pseudo flashed on a cart and a fuckton of CD-Rs and all together it's cheaper than what this piece of crap is going to cost.

>> No.5071201

wait don't you need bios files for the saturn and other cd consoles? how are they bypassing that?

>> No.5071286

It will be hacked for sure. I'm 90% certain it will be a raspberry pi chinky clone SoC running Linux underneath.

>> No.5071310


It's probably SEGA. They'll whore themselves out for anything. If it is SEGA, nothing to get excited about. They'll give us the same fucking games they've always given us.

>> No.5071314

More than likely but it won't be able to run Mednafen so they'll just drop playstation and saturn support right before release. I firmly believe they set the n64 stretch goal absurdly high because they knew they wouldn't be able to license an emulator that had anywhere close to good plug and play compatability.

>> No.5071591

Just gonna post this:


>> No.5071783

two words: psych hold

>> No.5071786

I have no idea what that is or what it's supposed to do, so it's a scam.

>> No.5071791

As much as I want to deny this, you're probably right. Sad.

>> No.5071792

>More than likely but it won't be able to run Mednafen
It actually does. They confirmed that's how the Sega Saturn is working on it, but the guy told them to not say anything about that and they deleted that tweet.

>I'm 90% certain it will be a raspberry pi chinky clone SoC running Linux underneath.
And you sir, are not far off from the truth.

>First up is the fact that the console's CPU has been upgraded from a 4-Core Rockchip RK3288 1.8Ghz on ARM to a higher speed Dual Core Intel CM8068403377713 (G5500T @3.2Ghz) on x86

But wait, it get's better

>Our first run of a PlayStation game didn’t work quite as well as we had hoped, however. When booting up Tekken 3, we noted it was running very slowly, causing a brief moment of concern for those running the demo. We were informed the demo unit had been having some overheating issues due to the fact that the unit was not yet complete and didn’t have its final thermal solution in place. A quick reboot of the system saw PlayStation games once again running at full speed. For the rest of our demo, games ran smoothly. We’re hoping the team at Playmaji can sort out the thermal issues with enough time to manufacture and ship without delaying Polymega’s release.

>> No.5071893

legitimately the maker's sexual identity

>> No.5071897

The AVS is really quite good if you're looking for a great NES/Famicom experience. Not to mention it's $200 shipped in the US.

>> No.5071930

If you have to even ask the question you deserve to lose your money on it.
>They confirmed
Their only evidence is a screenshot of arcade sega rally, emulated, at the wrong aspect ratio.

>> No.5071934

Yeah AVS is a great alternative.

>> No.5071972

I've played mine nearly every day since it arrived, while a little goofy looking, it does exactly what I need it to do very well.

>> No.5072085

Now, when you guys say "scam" do you mean that in the sense that "it won't do what they say" or "there are cheaper alternatives"?

>> No.5072093

they marketed it as a "hybrid" FPGA/Emulation device, which on its face sounded interesting at least, but now that it's on pre-order it's just regular ass software emulation in a box. No more interesting than the Retron5.

>> No.5072096

Whats wrong with emulation in a box? As long as it works, that is.

>> No.5072264

>>They confirmed
>Their only evidence is a screenshot of arcade sega rally, emulated, at the wrong aspect ratio.
Not defending them, but they actually rectified that.


>> No.5072321

Nothing it's just a bit pricey

>> No.5072336

Literally why. You could get a usb controller and a HDMI and you have the same result for a fraction of the cost.

>> No.5072364

Ouya of old school gaming.

>> No.5072498
File: 102 KB, 905x804, icy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5072757

>i've built a PC that proves the polymega is a scam
>but I preordered one anyway

>> No.5072787

that video is not even possible, they are loading games instantly. even if they are installed to the hard drive it's impossible for them to launch into the save state IMMEDIATELY

>> No.5073050

Feh. I have a full time job, a huge library of Genesis carts and a system thats on the fritz, and live near a second hand store with a huge library of old games. This sounds like a dream.

>> No.5073075

ffs. We can try to warn people but here they come, every time, wanting to give their money away.

>> No.5073856

Is this the new "the wife and I" shill?