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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5069973 No.5069973 [Reply] [Original]

>been trying to enjoy the classics for a long time, mainly because of their reputation of being hardcore and rewarding
>end up dropping most of the titles I start
>mfw I realize it's impossible because my lifestyle is incompatible with them

these games (8bit ff, dquest, wizardry....) are fun only if you're some gook in the 90s that get bullied at school and have your cold abusive parents harass you for not scoring perfectly on the university entrance exams. Only in that context booting up a nes just to spend the evening getting into random encounters every two steps and spamming the same set of actions is a colorful joyful moment of entertainment in your sad life of tortured teenage salary worker in the making. and thats if you don't own something cooler at the time like a motorbike or a cable tv with movie channels
It's near impossible to get fun from old ass rpgs when you have shit like youtube and porhub available 24/7
call me a faggot but that's the only explanation

>> No.5069984

Not sure if your reasoning is legit, but I share the same sentiment. Old JRPGs aged the worst of all genres. They're a genre based around characters and storytelling, but the old ones are for systems where storytelling, characterization, presentation, etc were never that important. Action games still hold up just fine but those old JRPGs are almost completely worthless. There's no fucking reason to bother playing dragon quest, final fantasy, or any of that stuff anymore other than if you played it as a kid and have nostalgia for it.

>> No.5069991

They can only work in a world without internet

>> No.5069996 [DELETED] 

Stop playing jarpigs and play a superior skilled genre such as shoot'em ups.

>> No.5070036

Everyone had longer attention spans back then - and lower immersion thresholds

>> No.5070040

Thanks for the blogpost. Is this your first realization that not everyone enjoys the same things?

>> No.5070054

Old RPG's, especially "WRPGS" or "CRPGS" have aged so poorly that they're basically unplayable these days.
Unless you're in your late 50s and you have some silly nostalgia for that crap.

>> No.5070136

It's storytelling through numbers.

>> No.5070146

Play actual games instead

>> No.5070345

>bullied in school
>cold abusive parents
I didn't ask for this feel OP

>> No.5070496

>/vr/ - the place for /v/ to blogpost about how they don't like old games

>> No.5070725

how is it blogposting, you need to read again

>> No.5070727

Not even him but that's how it reads to me also. We're supposed to give a shit some kid doesn't like old rpgs? Lol

>> No.5070740

you don't get the point

>> No.5070779

Well duh, NES games aged like shit...what do you expect from hardware that was barely functional? Some of the games can still be fun, but the entire RPG genre was like 10 years too early and back then everything was bare bones shit.

I can't even play most classic RPG's because I hate the old isometric ones and shit like FF7 aged like ass...I'll play Chrono Trigger, then KOTOR, then I move forward from there...nothing older than those two can be enjoyable.

>> No.5070810

I used to love them but I can't seem to tolerate random encounters anymore.

>> No.5070817

>I'll play the two most casual RPGs ever made, then I move forward from there...nothing older than those two can be enjoyable.
Lol what a fag.

>> No.5070889

Your problem is that you assume you have something better to be doing with your time but the reality is that you don't.

>> No.5070894

OP never even implied that he had better things to do, just more interesting things than play Dragon Quest.

>> No.5070901

I think the more important thing is that everyone was kids back then and didn't have jobs. I loved all kinds of RPGs as a kid, I'd pump 100+ hours into each one. But when you're a kid in school that means playing for hours a day every day in the summer because you have no other responsibilities. As my free time decreased with adulthood, so too did my enjoyment of RPGs. What used to just take a week or two out of my summer now takes months of playing a couple hours per day after work or playing exclusively on weekends, so it turns into a drag.

>> No.5070941

JRPGs are fucking garbage and usually aren't actually RPGs. The "RPG" elements simply act as a pellet dispenser mechanism for shut-in neckbeard autists. Easily the worst fucking genre of video games.

>> No.5070946

>my lifestyle is incompatible with them
Oh, you must be a responsible adult with a job that has very limited free time, understandable.

>when you have shit like youtube and porhub available 24/7
Never mind, you're just another ADD zoomer. You probably posted this from your phone while not paying attention in class.

>> No.5070952

My recommendation is to not play the original janky-ass versions.

Play remakes. Almost every RPG worth anything from that ancient era has a much better remake in the SNES era or later.

FF 1&2 on PSP
FF 3 on DS/PC
Wizardry 1-3 on SNES (The Story of Lyllgamyn)
Megami Tensei 1&2 on SNES (Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei)
Dragon Quest 1-3 on SNES etc.

>> No.5070964
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Remakes aren't ALWAYS better

>> No.5070970

Well, yeah. That's why I only recommended remakes of NES era games. Don't touch the PC ports of FF 5&6.

>> No.5070981

Absolutelly this. Its like porn today; back then, one 320x240 jpeg of a hentai tit would do very fine. Today, i need almost two hours of unstopable shemale-on-female action just to get hard.

>> No.5070983

>Never mind, you're just another ADD zoomer. You probably posted this from your phone while not paying attention in class.

Not him but well you can watch anything on youtube now. You can watch legendary old tv shows and movies, you can watch documentaries, you can even take "courses" that give you skills you need to make money, to do diy, be interesting or whatever the hell else you like, and also of course to play old games, or even watch James and Mike play a Jrpg for the truly insane. Do what you want, go to where your interests are, in the end we all die.

>> No.5071026

you can stay in denial as much as you want and force yourself to see these games' qualities but when it comes to choosing between killing goblins every two steps to get to a cave with different colored goblins with zero gameplay variety (attack heal attack heal ad infinitum and maybe one line of text every six hours) and porn available immediatly your brain will prefer the latter and this no matter how hardcore you view yourself

>> No.5071042

That's because you've consumed so much porn that you absolutely fucked your brain's understanding of sexuality and arousal. Not only that, but you've unwillingly turned yourself into a cuckold, your brain has been taught that the only time sexual reward is reached is when two people are fucking in front of you. Now if you ever enter a sexual relationship, you'll be confused and frustrated to find just having a woman touching you with her naked body and grabbing your dick isn't enough, it's too vanilla, so you won't get a boner, then you realize with your porn "addiction" you've crippled yourself psychologically. Video games!

>> No.5071068

This is a shitty argument because people's brains often choose killing goblins in many situations such as if they have just been looking at porn for the past while. I'm the guy who posted this btw >>5070983 so I actually am not defending the games, just saying your argument sucks and it's also obnoxious to say someone is in denial.

>> No.5071081

*burp* god isn't real Morty, just do what you want lol, *burp* we're all gonna die in the end, so n-n-nothing matters lol Why play a video game you like when you can watch pornhub wubalubbadubdub

>> No.5071103

Most of these games, western or japanese, were aimed at 12 year olds. The market of the 20+ year old gamer was a niche until around 1990, and even then, no game major developer made a game with the expectation of making the bulk of its cash from adults until around the turn of the millennium.

>> No.5071115

There are some genres I don't like, but I never open their threads or post about them. Makes you think.

>> No.5071123

you get the point yet pretend I said something else
who's the child now

>> No.5071125

The older you get, the more you appreciate CRPGs. It's an acquired taste. You know when you ask a little kid about liking the opposite sex, and they freak out, wanting to let you know how gross they think that is? Same psychology in this thread--OP wants to let every know just how much he does NOT like CRPGs. This is because subtly, subconsciously, the child and OP know someday their mind will change but don't understand why, and they're scared.

>> No.5071143

>This is all parody and CRPG stands for Children's RPGs.

Good point.

>> No.5071176

More like "a two-hour story stretched out to sixty hours by a ton of mindless number grinding".

>> No.5071194

If your brain is that of a horny teenager, then maybe. The rest of us can function properly in society without requiring porn during every possible moment. You'll understand when you grow up, well, either that or you'll probably end up in jail for rape.

>> No.5071232

what a weird thread

>> No.5071261

ok maybe porn isn't the best example, let's say you have a nes cartridge of FF1, random fight with goblins every step for one gil, a decent variety of classes and spells available but the only viable playstyle is attack and healing because status effect are pointless against random mobs and bosses are immune to them, and let's say next to that cartridge you have an android phone.
come on now be honest

>> No.5071271

The point of the post is yet another "I don't like games prior to the X era" whine of a kid who doesn't understand how people ever liked or still like games the kid doesn't like. It's like people who whine that Atari games suck, or text adventure games suck. You screaming "I DON'T ENJOY THIS" doesn't mean other people can't. Go back to /v/.

>> No.5071995

Funny that it says "RPG Maker" because RPG Maker default assets look much better than this crap.

>> No.5072002

your addiction to instant gratification is even less productive and won't get you laid either except with equally dysfunctional crazy childish girls who instantly become a burden

>> No.5072007

What you need to understand that in the 90s, there were no roguelike games, mobile games or multiplayer games - there were no games that could last you long hours.

Average kid back then had 3 or 4 games for their computer or NES. Let's say they're Mario, Castlevania and Contra and Dragon Quest.

Here's the thing: he already beat the first three games several times. He can finish Mario in half an hour because of warps, Contra and Castlevania in an hour each, and he has five hours to waste because the weather is bad meaning he can't play outside and TV doesn't get reception.

So what is he going to do? Play Contra, Mario, Castlevania OVER AND OVER to fill those five hours? That's a terrible idea.

But if you play something like FF and Dragon Quest or Wizardry - those are very slow paced games. You are supposed to take notes and draw your own maps. Even walking around takes a long time because of random encounters which are designed to do nothing more than drain your resources requiring you to backtrack to the cheapest inn often. Grinding exists for that exact reason.

They exist to be comfy timewasters that are slightly engaging. Personally, I don't believe that they are much worse than modern mobile games - various Emoji Blitz and Candy Crush - that are also based on a simple puzzle as a core, and everything other is just watching numbers go up.

Of course, everything changes in SNES era, because increase in storage capacity meant that these games can finally have a real STORY, which is why the genre exploded so much back then.

>> No.5072009

to be honest everyone still has time to watch game of thrones and every other series that takes a commitment of dozens of hours so that doesn't really follow so much

Something like fallout 4 has tons of gambling mechanics and dingy dopamine moments to drive addiction but then so does any given SaGa JRPG

the problem at whole is that jrpgs were just an early step towards giving an authentic simulation of something and now you can find much more efficient and successful adaptations of the concept

but then, people still make 100 hour behemoth games or infinite timesinks like skyrim when everybody really actually wants a game that just condenses only interesting moments and cogent narrative experiences into a continuous stream of gameplay that only lasts 20 hours or so

but they keep making the filler and playing a videogame is about slowly killing yourself with distraction

>> No.5072010

Since this thread is probably a good place to ask (and there's no Wizardry General currently), what are some good dungeon crawlers on mobile?

>> No.5072013

Also I forgot to mention that, but RPGs also have greater replayability than action games, because when you play again you can pick a different class, build or party members. So it's a game that is always there to play when you have nothing else to do.

>> No.5072016

>everyone still has time to watch game of thrones and every other series that takes a commitment of dozens of hours so that doesn't really follow so much

Dozens of hours spent 1 hour per week over the course of years. Or, sure, people will binge a single Netflix season which takes about 12 hours. Hell, I'll beat a video game on a single Saturday if it takes 12 hours or less. But for me to put 100 hours into a game I've gotta dedicate 10 hours per week just to finish that in 2.5 MONTHS. And while I can spend one Saturday every 6 months binging a Netflix series, I can't really commit 10 hours on EVERY Saturday to play through a video game. I could play it a couple hours per day every day as well, but eventually I want to play something else or do something else. So yeah, it really is a big time commitment when you have a job, friends, multiple hobbies, family, etc, etc. But that's why I've had to go away from those super long RPGs, because I just can't dedicate every evening after work or every Saturday for 2+ months to playing an RPG for that long. Like I said, when I was a kid during the summer I could blast through a 50-100 hour game in like a week because I'd just play for 12 hours a day every day and then be done with it and take a break from games for a bit. I just can't do that kind of shit as an adult, even committing most days or weekends to gaming like that is tough, so games that long become all-consuming and it's not great.

>> No.5072020

name faggot be gone.

>> No.5072021

>RPGs also have greater replayability than action games, because when you play again you can pick a different class, build or party members. So it's a game that is always there to play when you have nothing else to do.

I find RPGs to be much less replayable because of the time commitment involved. Yeah, there's always something new to try, but then that's another 60-100 hours to beat the game again. I'd much rather replay a game that I can beat in a single day or afternoon.

>> No.5072029

RPGs are my favorite genre, but I do agree with this wholeheartedly. There are some exceptions, some that are so good I just had to replay a few times, but, for the most part, even for ones I really like, once I beat it I'm done, too much time to sink in all over again.

>> No.5072062

Not everyone was kids back then. The adults thought our attention spans were terrible and now they're worse but the threshold for immersion is a big part of it. Story driven RPGs today are certainly a lot more cinematic, to put it mildly. To enjoy retro RPGs, one has to be able to get "into" them. Nostalgia is one common way but there are others. People still read novels, even bad novels. Some people just want to use their imagination.

I agree. I don't know why porn keeps being compared to retro games. Even the most hedonistic person needs something to do besides watch porn lol.

>> No.5072083

You know what's much more annoying than namefags? People who waste everyone's time and thread bump limits complaining about them. If you're so fucking inclined, hide their posts, there's a script for that I believe.

Like, some people prefer to have usernames, who gives a shit? This isn't the 2007 4chan when we were all conformist 13 year olds bullying each other about fake 'rules'.

>> No.5072090

>What you need to understand that in the 90s, there were no roguelike games
Rogue literally came out in 1980.

>> No.5072118

Are you 14?
>you have some silly nostalgia for that crap
>silly nostalgia
Do youb know where you are?

>> No.5072150

>teenagers seek constant porn
I see this sentiment a lot but I think the reality is opposite. Teens can fap to anything. The people craving contant sexual stimulation because it barely even gets them excited are probably 40+

>> No.5072152

I mean modern rougelike games in modern meaning, like Binding of Isaac and Nuclear Throne.
"Classic" roguelikes like Rogue are very similar to exactly the kind of oldschool RPGs that OP describes.

>> No.5072190

>just to finish that in 2.5 MONTHS
>games that long become all-consuming
The psychology of this is just different for different people. Some people will play an RPG a few hours a month over the course of a year and a half and it just feels normal to them, doesn't weigh on their minds at all.

>> No.5072192

I can only guess >>5072007 meant to type "80s" 'cause otherwise the last paragraph about SNES doesn't make sense.

>> No.5072524

I don't particularly like most RPGs, but what's your beef with isometric graphics? I consider some isometric games from the mid 90's to early 2000's to be the best looking of all games as they were getting to a stage of high resolution high detail stylized pixel art, before switching everything over to low-poly 3d. Baldurs gate 2, diablo 2 are good examples and fantastic looking.

>> No.5072638

i played fallout 1 for the first time earlier this year and was really into it, i genuinely had fun. even with the turn-based combat it's pretty brutal and satisfying.
i haven't been able to get into any jrpgs though from any year ever

>> No.5072639


>> No.5072643

I played and beat and decided that dragon quest 3 is one of my favorite games in a world where I was overstimulated and a fully grown adult so I think you're just making excuses.

>> No.5072648

>that are also based on a simple puzzle as a core, and everything other is just watching numbers go up.

This is why I like traditional roguelikes. You get all the puzzle/problem solving/strategy with the fluff stripped down. It's kind of hard to describe, but the world and procedural generation stuff is often much deeper than other games. There are obviously games with tilesets, but ASCII is actually amazing if you have, or want to train, an active imagination. Once you get into it (it takes practice) you'll no longer see a "g" on the screen, but whatever you imagine a goblin to look like in your mind's eye.

>> No.5072662

If I played a game that infrequently over that long of a time I would just eventually drop it for one reason or another and never finish.

>> No.5072704

>only if you're some gook in the 90s that get bullied at school

Wizardry isn't even a Japanese franchise.

>> No.5072719

Asian people also live in the West. They even did in the 90s, if you can believe it!

>> No.5072750

Your fucking blog post. Why did the mods let this get to over 60 comments. Should’ve deleted this off topic bullshit.

>> No.5072961

play Gateway to Apshai or Eye of the Beholder, those are pretty easy to jump into for a few hours.

>> No.5072980

The characters look out of place. Hideous

>> No.5072990
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>porn available immediatly your brain will prefer the latter and this no matter how hardcore you view yourself

Weak willed basedboy confirmed.

How does it feel to resolute like a wet noodle?

>> No.5073045

holy fucking shit dude your imagination must be as numb as a death gripped dick that gets beat off 9 times a day

the whole point of jrpg is to put yourself into the story and pretend that you are going on an adventure. graphics and buttons don't mean shit

>> No.5073530

This. It's like a book but you control a small part of the story progression. It's not about playing a game so much as experiencing a story.

"Well then why dont I just read a fucking book?" You can do that; but jRPGs are just a book that gives you some visuals and music to along with the story.

>> No.5073559

He's talking about dungeon crawlers which have little to no story you mong.

>> No.5073561
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>implying WRPGs have aged worse than JRPGs

>> No.5073569

>people's brains often choose killing goblins in many situations such as if they have just been looking at porn for the past while
This is a perfectly grammatical statement and it still feels like I'm having a stroke

>> No.5073576

I wish "roguelike-like" or "roguelite" was used for 'games with roguelike elements' instead of just calling them roguelikes

>> No.5074159
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The simpler the better for me. Might and Magic is a pretty decent set of rpgs that are far more forgiving than Wizardry.

Hell if you got automapper software the first two are still very enjoyable.