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File: 11 KB, 221x285, 024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5063918 No.5063918 [Reply] [Original]

Who the fuck was he?

>> No.5063945

A magitek experiment

>> No.5063964


Would love to see the concept art. Maybe he was a rejected Kefka sprite.

>> No.5063967
File: 293 KB, 755x1000, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah there it is. Magic Master. Western Translation wins again.

>> No.5063975

Yeah Magic Master the boss of the Fanatics tower. Number 024 is in the Magitek Research facility and uses the same sprite.

>> No.5064004

Someone designed for composite video.

>> No.5064017
File: 353 KB, 698x1000, Inferno_FFVI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a magitek experiment. Probably a guy who was enhanced. You fight "Number 128" later on.

>> No.5064329

Looks sort of like a more steampunk version of Frankenstein's monster, with the hair and the things on the side of the head.

>> No.5064394

Magitek David Bowie

>> No.5064462

A fancypants

>> No.5064974

Nghhh I love this Amano art style so much. I hope some day we move away from today's pointlessly "realistic" graphics in which it takes 10 years to make a game that still looks fake as fuck (see: FFXV) and move to a classic FF watercolor look but done with modern hi powered hardware.

>> No.5065643
File: 22 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing that always annoyed me about FFVI was that when you fight humans their sprite is so much bigger and better than yours

>> No.5065665

The amount of shit involving this guy...

>> No.5065674

He looks straight out of JoJo

>> No.5065687 [DELETED] 

Why did FF6 have so much better character designs than FF7?

>> No.5065714

Amano did the character designs in FF6, Nomura did the characters for FF7.

I hate it too especially how your party is chibified in the battle screen.

>> No.5065730

just imagine the camera is angled so your party is further away than the enemy

>> No.5065754

the alternative would be underwhelming...

>> No.5065916
File: 249 KB, 450x450, tumblr_inline_p6ydsdIYJA1qlaths_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I can tell, he's an experiment on a similar line as Kefka, not quite a normal person anymore, but able to use powerful magic. That in itself is speculation though, beyond looks, he might actually be quite rational.

Other than Celes, did the empire ever actually manage to infuse normal folks with magic without them coming out exceedingly wrong? I think there was a boy in Vector that could cast cure, but I can't think of anything else.

>> No.5065921

Would you rather just fight tiny regular sprite people? It makes the enemies look cool, unique, and intimidating. Meanwhile, the protags are small so they can be expressive and animated. Wouldn't it be pretty boring for your party to be made up of those big detailed sprites that just stand there and blink?

>> No.5066345

What game is that magimaster from?

>> No.5066348
File: 64 KB, 357x386, shino cross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


an asshole

>> No.5066367


They did, but all turned up as mutants.


XIV, or "Hey! Lets fill this online version with stuff from the first 12 games!"

>> No.5066373

A candelabra

>> No.5066507
File: 214 KB, 1280x720, number 128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hey! Lets fill this online version with stuff from the first 12 games!"

Honestly the only thing that really keeps me around, I'm a fucking sucker for that kind of shit, especially FF6 stuff. I really hope some of the towns near the Imperials have the same kind of design as FF6's.


>> No.5066524

So, Magic Master in the Fanatics tower, was he a "natural" monster of the FFVI world of ruin or was he an escaped experiment that managed to climb it? Was he there under Kefka's orders, or was it just somewhere he decided to take up residence for no particular reason?

And speaking of that, what sort of reasoning do the humans piloting the (still functioning and improved) magitek armor in Kefka's tower have for staying around there? How do they even survive in such a place?

>> No.5067058

Yeah and have zero the amount of animation as your sprites

>> No.5068391


>Wait for the remake of 7

>Meanwhile, 6 gets sort of its due in 14

Its not really irony in as much as poetic justice.

>> No.5068585

Too bad the world of XIV has no personality of its own.

>> No.5068705

All my life i have unironically thought that Amano's art looks like absolute steamed horse shit. Once again I feel justified in my belief.
This is such fucking trash. It's not "imaginative" or creative or fantastical or whimsical. It just looks like ass.

>> No.5068708

And why did his sprite look like utter dogshit compared to everything else?

>> No.5068726
File: 419 B, 32x48, Number024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5068736

That looks fine, but I'm referring to that hideous battle sprite.

>> No.5068737
File: 8 KB, 128x162, Number024-ffvi-ios.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it's just because he's skinny and they couldn't fit as much detail. Here's the iOS version.

>> No.5068929
File: 39 KB, 365x545, c47d796757966912d43874f74d662ea6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joke's on you, this is an actual portrait of Bowie by Amano

>> No.5069257
File: 43 KB, 478x428, 1489858833263.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5069260

t. Faggot with no taste.

>> No.5069559

Holy shit, could you imagine if a FF6 anime was made by Hirohiko Araki, using the Jojo art style? That would be tits! Though, I think Sabin would end up looking too much like Polnareff.

>> No.5070514
File: 71 KB, 600x600, artist-s-shit-1961.jpg!Large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amano's art is popular only because his works are associated with Final Fantasy. Without that association, it's 100% garbage.

>> No.5070724

The JoJo artstyle is garbage.

>> No.5070767


>> No.5070769

why do the iOS battle sprites for enemies look so good while everything else is shit? it's not fair

>> No.5071371

Idk. It reminds me quite a lot of Gustav Klimt and there are few who'd say Klimt sucks. In fact, if I didn't know any different and someone showed me Amano's work and told me it was Klimt's, I'd at least be skeptical, but open to the possibility, if not believe outright. His work is derivative as all get out, but I wouldn't say it's bad.