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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5061771 No.5061771 [Reply] [Original]

I've been playing games for about 20 years now. My first game was Super Mario World when I was four. I'm a collector-fag but only for hardware as I like playing games on original hardware, but realise that collecting physical copies of games is a fruitless endeavor.

I've played a lot of games from a lot a different genre's and I'd like to think that I'm pretty open in regards to trying new genres. One of the major weak spots for me is the RPG genre though. To me, the gameplay never felt active enough to have it feel like I was playing an active game. Every time I've played one it felt like I was moving a character around in an overworld and just selecting things from a menu and watching things unfold.

So my question is; What defining RPG would you get someone to play that would convince them of the genre and maybe make them a convert. Chrono Trigger? FF3? FF6?

>> No.5061795

Paper Mario

>> No.5061804

Mario RPG

>> No.5062073

Chrono Trigger is the best you're going to find...if you don't like that then don't even bother with anything else...but if you like that there are plenty more that are almost as good and definitely worth the time to play.

>> No.5062086

The SNES/SFC port of Dragon Quest III. You create your own party and the gameplay is nice

>> No.5062109
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>What defining RPG would you get someone to play that would convince them of the genre and maybe make them a convert
Heavily depends on their age, since older people have a tendency to get into more mature things easily.

Basically, it goes like this:

Age - 9~15 = Chrono Trigger, LUNAR, Marl Oukoku, Seiken Densetsu, any mainline Final Fantasy except VI and VII, Megami Tensei Persona or Devil Children, Dragon Quest, MOTHER, GRANDIA, Shining Force, any Zelda aside from Majora's Mask, Thousand Arms, DewPrism, Shinkisekai Evolution, Landstalker, ALUNDRA 2, Secret of The Stars, Undertale, Xenoblade.

Age - 16~28 = Skies of Arcadia, Shadow Hearts, FROM's RPGs, mainline Shin Megami Tensei (first~IV, etc), Phantasy Star, any Elder Scrolls except Daggerfall, Diablo, Star Ocean, Suikoden, Eiyuu Densetsu, Final Fantasy VI/VII or Tactics, Vandal Hearts, Vagrant Story, Zelda Majora's Mask, Xenogears, Xenosaga, Rogue Galaxy, End of Eternity, Shenmue, Fire Emblem, SaGa series (Frontier, Romancing, and Unlimited alike), Parasite Eve, Disgaea, Emerald Dragon, Time Stalkers, ALUNDRA, Torchlight, Fallout, ULTIMA Underworld, any Wizardry after V (VI, VII, 8, etc), any Might & Magic after VI, King's Bounty, Front Mission, Wild Arms, Legend of Dragoon, Septerra Core, Breath of Fire, Deus Ex, System Shock, Arc The Lad, pretty much any mainline "Tales of..." game besides Rebirth or Berseria, Paradise Cracked, Titan Quest, majority of modern day MMORPGs.

Age - 29 and older = Baroque, Volfoss, any Megami (or Majin) Tensei game that's not mainline Shin Megami or Persona or DemiKids or Last Bible, Elder Scrolls Daggerfall, Anachronox, Monster Hunter, Neverwinter, Baldur's Gate, Planet Escape Tournament, Icewind Dale, Dragon Age, WASTELAND, Divinity, Gothic, Arx Fatalis, any mainline ULTIMA, any Wizardry up to V, any Might & Magic up to VI, Witcher, VampirE The Masquerade, Legacy of Kain, SHADOWRUN, NetHack, Tales of Rebirth and Berseria, El Dorado Gate, Arcanum, pre-2004 MMORPGs.

>> No.5062117

Avoid JRPG garbage. Try Jagged Alliance 2.

>> No.5062120

If you don't like Chrono Trigger or Super Mario RPG then the genre isn't for you

>> No.5062121

Neck yourself, faggot.

>> No.5062129 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 480x360, loser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*unsheathes katana*
>don't you dare insult my glorious nippon RPG, gaijin
Kill yourself, weeaboo.

>> No.5062171

>If you don't like two similarly soft and babbified games from the same developer then the genre isn't for you!
Are you for fuckin' real, m8?

>> No.5062214

They are indeed two of the most accessible JRPGs and in this context its pretty clear that OP is talking about JRPGs. You're making a terrible case for it but from his complaints about the genre he probably should be starting with a good, real time WRPG perhaps Morrowind then maybe move to a more exciting, open turn based game like Fallout then apply that tactical appeal to move to something like Final Fantasy Tactics to get into the JRPG philosophy of he even takes it that far but he just might not be into that genre which is fine. I don't like puzzle games.

>> No.5062240

spoken like a true wizard with over 1000 hours on skyrim

>> No.5062254

People play RPGs for many different reasons. I play them largely for the world-building, characters, atmosphere, and story. Others play them for the customization, challenging combat, or the ability to break the game. It sounds like you would like a more active role in the combat, so I'd recommend a game like Super Mario RPG or Shadow Hearts.

>> No.5062289

That you are, indeed.

>> No.5063009


>> No.5063289

Age - 9~15
Final Fantasy VI/VII
Age - 16~28
>Tactics, any mainline Final Fantasy except VI and VII
there, fixed your list

>> No.5063340

>Tales of Rebirth and Berseria
I understand Rebirth, but why the hell Berseria for ages 29+? Why not just clamp it together with the rest of the Tales of games?

>> No.5063924

Pretty good list. Thanks. I'll have to try some of the games that I didnt hear of.

>> No.5063979

>why the hell Berseria for ages 29+? Why not just clamp it together with the rest of the Tales of games?
Because it's too adult and mature to be like the others. It's not as mature as Rebirth is, but it's not your typical kiddie/angsty/arrogant teenager Tales either. Legendia, or Symphonia, Berseria is NOT.

>> No.5063981

The only thing that needs fixing here, is your fagshit brain.

>> No.5063991


The whole thing is dogshit. Such an elaborate list of games based on your age... fuck off and take your issues with you tosspot.

>> No.5064010

Neck yourself, uneducated inexperienced fagshit.

>> No.5064012

Unironically earthbound. It's an rpg for those who don't like RPG.

Also, paper mario and super mario rpg.

>> No.5064015

For SMRPG and Paper Mario the reason I like them is you have timed hits instead of just pushing buttons on a menu. This is a small thing but to me, a non rpg lover, they make the game more fun an interactive.

>> No.5064054

Anon just get a flash cart and play all the games you want

Honestly fuck getting original copies nowadays until scalpers are put into concentration camps

>> No.5064061

Gah I misread your post but still fuck scalpers

>> No.5064404

>You're making a terrible case for it
I'm not making any case for OP, I was solely highlighting the ludicrous claim made by the poster I was replying to, hoping he as the good sense to be embarressed by saying something so stupid.

>> No.5064445

As someone who generally doesn't like the genre... Skies of Arcadia and Chrono Cross. They really aren't much different from the rest, though.

>> No.5065348


>> No.5065382

Posts are intended in the context of the thread. Please make a note of it.

>> No.5065504

You're a Slavshit? Wow, that's even worse.

>> No.5065549
File: 316 KB, 640x480, HitlerBoss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shin Megami Tensei. Just tell them it's Pokémon but instead of Pocket Monsters you have folklore beasts, daemons, deities and whatnot. Not a Pokèdex, but instead extracts of documents from which you actually learn something. Other then fighting you have the option of socializing, in order to talk with them, recruit etc. You won't have a childish story but often a very obscure one, where the most twisted shit takes place. You won't have Giovanni has a boss, but Hitler instead. Everytime i used these types of affirmations, for people was instant sold out on the title(s).

>> No.5065556

Recommending SMT as someone's first JRPG is just silly.

>> No.5065560
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>it's the "weird dimwit puts Zelda in the same genre as Chrono Trigger" episode

>> No.5065563
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>Diablo, Fallout, Final Fantasy Tactics, Alundra, Deus Ex, Dark Souls ALL IN THE SAME GENRE

>> No.5065575

i successfully got people to approach this genre thanks to said titles though.

>> No.5065685

>Posts Persona 2 instead
Off yourself.

>> No.5065691

They're all RPGs. Suck it.

>> No.5065738

Faggot, i'm all for the original SMTs, but if i recall correctly Hitler was only on Persona

>> No.5065742

None of them are actually RPGs. They're video games. Their genre partially include the letters as a misnomer.

>> No.5065747

How retarded have you got to be to think they're all in the same genre? Serious question.

>> No.5065767

It has to be someone who doesn't really understand the point of genres in the first place.

>> No.5065789

Holy shit you're a fucking imbecile.

>> No.5065976

>So my question is; What defining RPG would you get someone to play that would convince them of the genre and maybe make them a convert. Chrono Trigger? FF3? FF6?

I think it's kind of a fool's errand to try to force yourself to like something that doesn't appeal to you. Rpgs feel like games where you just move a character around and select things from a menu because that's exactly what they are. If that's not how you want to play, there's nothing wrong with that. None of the games will change your opinion of that much.

You can check out action rpgs since they're pretty similar to adventure games.

>> No.5066080
File: 94 KB, 640x839, EFHBoxArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you really want Hitler in an RPG so badly just play "Escape From Hell". Its like "Wasteland", except you are travelling through hell trying to rescue your friends and escape. Hitler is a potential party member, and he is pretty well equipped. Unfortunately he's also a stubborn, petulant asshole who will waste turns arguing with your party members.

The game is unique and has some great writing for a game from 1990, but I wouldn't recommend it as a person's first RPG.

>> No.5066083

You're a god damned retard. And calling Zelda an rpg is just the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.5066565

Holy shit you're a fucking uneducated and inexperienced imbecile.

>> No.5066618

>since older people have a tendency to get into more mature things easily
>mainline SMT to younger people
>spinoffs to older people
Mainline games are way more serious, are you retarded?

>> No.5066626

YOU are retarded since you can't read and comprehend jack shit. Persona is mainline SMT? Devil Children? Are you a fucking IMBECILE? Don't post, I already know the answer.

>> No.5066634

You suggested games like Raidou, Digital Devil Saga, and Soul Hackers to older people. Those are all good games but they're all much sillier in tone compared to mainline. If "mature" tones were all you were basing your siggestions on then you were retarded to put mainline below spinoffs.

>> No.5066731

Raidou is not SMT. It's Devil Summoner.
DDS is Avatar Tuner.
Soul Hackers is Devil Summoner.
None of these are "mainline SMT".
You ARE a fucking imbecile, holy shit.

>> No.5066749
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Oh, so your that kind of autist.

"SMT" is generally used to refer to the entire series. If you seriously are tbis autistic about simeone refering to the seeies as SMT and not megaten then I can't imagine you ever discussingbthe series and not going apeshit. Go pound salt in your ass, it was clear what I meant.

>> No.5066945

I'm neither of those and the Zelda games are absolutely not RPGs. You can yell as many insults as you want but it will never change how hilarious that post was.

>> No.5066947

>"SMT" is generally used to refer to the entire series

Not him, but no it's not. SMT is the mainline games.

>> No.5066983

>Berseria is adult and mature
C'mon now. It tries to be edgy. The plot itself is pretty much regular stuff for Tales of. Anyone with a "mature" mindset of 29+, like you're suggesting, would laugh their ass off from the plot unless they're used to JRPGs.

>> No.5067136
File: 56 KB, 600x596, Velvet_Model_Render.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talesfags are some of the most delusional fans I've ever seen. I have seen people genuinely argue to me that this is good character design.
>"b-but you can change her costume!"
Okay, this is still the default costume and it still looks like someone's deviantart oc.

>> No.5067162
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damn dude nice list

>> No.5067208

>"SMT" is generally used to refer to the entire series.
Megami, you faggot.
Majin, you fagshit.
Slit your wrists. Now.

>> No.5067212

>Zelda games are absolutely not RPGs
Wow, what a fucking moron you are.
I bet you're one of those inexperienced cretins who sincerely think Shenmue is not an RPG too.

>> No.5067215

I don't deny it's edgy. What I was referring to is the fact that it's DE FACTO second most mature no kiddie-BS Tales game after Rebirth. There are literally just two of those right now in the entire franchise.

>> No.5067228

I forgot to add a lot, actually. Remembered about them too late.
Like Jade Cocoon and Jade Empire, for example. As well as Ogre Battle, Kingdom Hearts, Ys, Kingdoms of Amalur, Drakensang, Eye of The Beholder, Valkyrie Profile, Luminous Arc, Atelier, and many many more series/franchises worth of recommending/mentioning/playing.

>> No.5067315
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>Megami, you faggot.
Yes, that is a word in the title.
>Majin, you fagshit.
Yes, that is a srpg spinoff title.

The average person would still understand I meant the overall series. Sure, "megaten" is more proper, but it's not like a normal person would be lost if you used SMT. Keeo being assblasted autist.

>> No.5068061

I don't think you are mature enough to be having a conversation about this. This is like something an angry 14 year old would post when they have nothing left to say.

>> No.5069536

Surprisingly accurate, generally I quite like RPGs but I’m 23 and haven’t liked anything from the third category. Played most of the first category on emulators on a shitty laptop in middle school too.

>> No.5069629

Megami is overall name of the ENTIRE franchise, you fucking IMBECILE.
Shin Megami is a SPINOFF which became mainline series, you DUMB FUCK. Original series were Megami Tensei, Megami Tensei II.

>"Megaten" is more proper
And THIS is how we ALL can now see you are a fucking MORON that doesn't know jack shit on any of this.

Fucking slit your wrists RIGHT NOW.