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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5057436 No.5057436 [Reply] [Original]

No one here talks about new fucking video game translations. They are essentially brand-new games. Let's change that.

Released today (THE 21ST OF SEPTEMBAH)

Play and discuss


>> No.5057483

> essentially brand-new games
> shilling your own lame rom hack
no thanks.

>> No.5057490
File: 20 KB, 635x320, Ut3w9ig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one here talks about new fucking video game translations. They are essentially brand-new games.

>> No.5057665

The Laplace No Ma thread is pretty busy it makes me think I should take the time to play it. I haven't even played DQ11 yet I don't have 40 hours for C tier games anymore. Maybe when I'm old.

>> No.5057710

i wonder how many snes jrpgs are left to translate?

>> No.5057752

>No one here talks about my shitty romhack

>> No.5057772

FF9 has a randomizer. So does SMB3.

>> No.5057794

Agreed. LOVE when a new game gets translated. Anything worth playing deserves a thread on /vr/.

>> No.5058003

What would a randomozer even do in SMB3? Just swap around the question mark blocks so you'll get coins or a star instead of a shroom? Give you a frog suit instead of a fire flower? A vine to nowhere?

>> No.5058029

Randomized levels, randomized items from mushroom houses, all kinds of shit. Also adds the levels on the cart that were never in the game for more fun.

>> No.5058030

>no one talk about my new, carbon copy, SFW translations
If it's not an eroge, it shouldn't be translated.

>> No.5058038

Oh, and System Shock 2 has had a randomizer since 2008ish apparently.

>> No.5058054

Sounds cool. I'm running nes platformers right now so when I hit 3 I'll try it out. I've beat it a dozen times so a change might be nice.

>> No.5058061
File: 68 KB, 480x495, Aretha trilogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aretha series isn't an eroge but it still has nice women. They should have started translating from the beginning instead of jumping to the SFC games though.

>> No.5058065

still waiting for super shell monsters story 2

>> No.5058130

>go to get the latest translated games and patch them
>everything since July or so has been asking for roms no one seems to have
>Jajamaru Ninpou Chou has 5 different versions that I've found
>not one of those 5 is the version the translation patch demands
>almost every fucking game translated since July has the same issue
Is there a reason for this?

>> No.5058160

What are headers? I'll take basic shit for $400, Alex.

>> No.5058183

What is it like to be a fucking EOP?

>> No.5058201

No one should need to know any semblance of programming terms to play a game. This is why OP feels the need to make threads complaining about why no one talks about it. If they can't get it to work, don't be surprised when no one gives a shit about your terrible translations.

>> No.5058242


>> No.5058259

And why is it these versions of the roms aren't available through a quick search? Why are we still hanging onto bad dumps and overdumps but don't have both headered and unheadered roms out there? I don't understand, explain.

>> No.5058396

All NES patches only work on headered, but """preservationists""" only give a shit about unheadered since they have a hard on for exact extractions. They also make sure, because of these """perfect dumps""", to keep all the dummy data for Wii that wastes GBs worth of space, and then make a retarded, Win64-bit-only compressor called nNASOS when all I wanted was a verified dump to put on my Wii (gotta update the PC just to extract files, how fun). There are multiple formats for N64 with extensions like .v64, .n64 and .z64, but GoodSet has their dumb tools which only archives one version and not the rest.

tl;dr: They're all mental midgets with no coherent thoughts.

>> No.5058450

Dude just kill yourself. I never undersrand how someone can be such a cynical faggot.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

>> No.5058463

Looks good. Another one for the backlog.

>> No.5058712

Whenever a new game gets fan-translated someone should always patch it and post a patched ROM to download. THAT'S how you get people playing a new translated game.

>> No.5058786

>all my NES roms have a header
>the patches don't work on games translated after July because ????
Something doesn't add up here. Either the newly translated stuff requires roms without a header, or you're full of shit.

>> No.5058846

Headerless NES ROMs that aren't in No-Intro don't work. Emudevs make sure sure to hash check whatever their No-Intro """buddies""" put up to make sure it works. Why this patch doesn't work for people, I really don't care.

>> No.5058868

It was actually released like two weeks ago, just nobody could be assed to post it to rhdn in that time.

>> No.5058890

We literally have three threads up about fan-translations rn, probably the most we've ever had. What an inopportune time for OP to be a fool and make this thread. We even had a thread about the original IP Infinity GBC JRPG finally being patched and playable the other day.

>> No.5058925

>say they are using a specific version of the rom I can't find anywhere online
>all my shit has headers
So you have no fucking idea what you're talking about but still wanna try to act like it? Thanks for posting nothing of value period.

>> No.5059253

I'll make sure this thread survives for a few weeks just for you. My post wasn't even explaining how to get it to work in the first place, but nice try. """Preservationists""" should still be shot, though.

>> No.5059309

ughhh fuck, someone just post a link to the rom they expect to be used with the patch. I downloaded the three from romhustler and none of them worked.

>> No.5059363

>Jajamaru is only playable on certain emus
lol, it only works on FCEUX, not Mesen or Nestopia.