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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5052135 No.5052135 [Reply] [Original]


>Introducing PlayStation Classic, a miniaturised version of the original PS console which comes with 20 preloaded games, including Final Fantasy VII, Tekken 3 and Ridge Racer Type 4.

>> No.5052136

at least they still care about wild arms

>> No.5052146
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I'd prefered if they just released a mini PS2 that plays backups

>> No.5052150

That game selection is pretty horrible. While it looks cool, that is a very steep price.

>> No.5052152

This. I love the Playstation, but this doesn't seem to be showcasing what I feel would be the best of the system's library and they can fuck themselves for charging $100 for it.

>> No.5052154

So if they don't follow Nintendo's retardedly limited stock policies and it can be modded to run other games, I might look into getting this, I missed out on most of the PS1 library.

>> No.5052159

>including Final Fantasy VII,

Why not buy the PS4 version

>> No.5052160

>no joysticks
>no composite output (understandable due to size)
>doesn't look like it supports a full size controller (I'd hope they make it compatable with dualshock3/4 seeing as those are usb ports)
I mean the only thing i'd really want it for is the HDMI support (which hopefully gets automatically upscaled or i'd be pissed). If it had the ability to play downloaded iso's i'd buy one right now but i doubt it. I mean not swapping discs is neat but why would anyone want one just to rebuy the old games they already own again after they probably already did when PS1 classics got released.

>> No.5052162

I haven't played a lot of ps1 games but I thought Ridge Racer IV, Final Fantasy VII, Tekken 3 were meant to be some of its best games? Anyway what will be important is 1) is it emulation or is it real hardware (it will likely be real hardware considering they use the same thing for PSP) and 2) will you be able to hack the fucker any time soon so you can play every playstation game, likely also yes since Sony don't give a shit about piracy compared to Nintendo. So I'm liking this announcement, very cool.

>> No.5052163

Why wouldn't you just get a hacked PS2?

>> No.5052164
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hope i can pruchase the original Spyro disc for cheap now

>> No.5052169

>No dual shocks
>No Ape Escape
No sale

>> No.5052172

whats the point of playing 240p games on a peripheral that is not a crt trinitron tb h

>> No.5052173 [DELETED] 

shit posting this twice on /v/ just wasn't good enough for you? was it, cancerzoomer?

>> No.5052181

This could be good if it's hackable and can use other usb controllers like dualshock 3 or 4.

>> No.5052182

Well it was bound to happen

>> No.5052183
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>no mention of resident evil
I'll still get one if it can be hacked as easily as other Sony products.

>> No.5052196

why not just get a ps tv or something then?

>> No.5052198

>ng PlayStation Classic

i'm sure it will be hackable in some form

>> No.5052208
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>> No.5052210
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>$129.99 in maplebucks
>no dualshocks
I'm skeptical about what games it'll have. They only mentioned 5 out of 20. Granted the ones they showed are fine, but I'm wondering if there having issues getting licensing for other games they want. Maybe there trying to build up hype, but it's odd that a system that willl have 20 built in games and they can't even list half the games that will be in there. Guess we wait and see. I'm kind of tempted to get one but after seeing the price it is way too much for me to justify buying. I can understand going for the classic feel with just the plain old controller, but there really should be an option to get analog controllers.

Do you guys think they would even include Crash and Sypro games? Considering there is already remastered versions of those games that just came out?

>> No.5052212

Wow, it's like as if people were predicting this was bound to happen for like a year now or something.

>> No.5052215

>even knowing what happens on /v/

You have to go back.

>> No.5052216

I wonder how it handles tekken 3's interlacing. I couldn't tell from the clip in the video.

>> No.5052218

Is this a joke? Every sony console ever made sans the PS4 plays PS1 games

>> No.5052236
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Isn't the Playstation still reasonably cheap to buy along with a lot of its games?

>> No.5052238

Disc rot

>> No.5052248

>Disc rot
just burn them brah

everyone and their mom in Europe has a modified ps1

>> No.5052249

one week and it'll be cracked so you can put your own ISOs in

>> No.5052259

I cannot hook this cheap og playstation bought on ebay to my new monitor due to a lack of composite/scart.

>> No.5052260

>one week and it'll be cracked so you can put your own ISOs in
to be frank, unlike the nes/snes, putting a ps1 iso library on it requires several GBs and I don't see a microsd card slot

>> No.5052263
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>I will buy a 100$ emulator because I can't buy a 15$ cable

I have a fountain to sell you, my smart friend

>> No.5052269

Cant they just restock PS3?

>> No.5052270

no gaems

>> No.5052273
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>no dualshocks

>> No.5052274

found the zoomer

dualshocks are only needed for ape escape and little more

>> No.5052276
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>No dualshock, not even basic bitch analog

Unironically, what the FUCK is wrong with them?

>> No.5052278

Hardly any games actually made good use of dualshock support. That being said the lack of Ape Escape is stupid.

>> No.5052283


The list of games that need it, that is to say they won't work without one, is tiny. The list of games that are greatly enhanced by analog on the other hand is huge.

>> No.5052284

>The list of games that are greatly enhanced by analog on the other hand is huge.

>> No.5052285

>The list of games that are greatly enhanced by analog on the other hand is huge.
I'm pretty sure most ps1 titles treat analog input as digital (1 or 0) with no ramp up

But it's been over 16 years since I played games like v-rally 2, so I might remember incorrectly

>> No.5052291


Excellent rebuttal, brainlet.


Yeah that's something of a default setting when you hit the analog button but it doesn't apply for every game. I remember several racing games, platformers and FPS' having specific analogue modes, using the right stick to accelerate, control a camera, strafe, you name it. It goes without saying Sony won't put any of them on this collection but they were out there.

>> No.5052292

You need to go back.

>> No.5052293

>using the right stick to accelerate, control a camera, strafe, you name it.
do you have proof it was not just 1-0?

>> No.5052297

wow I could just buy a ps3 or vita and just hack it. good for displaying on a shelf though

>> No.5052324


Of the games I remember, Croc had an analog mode that when activated moved camera control to the right stick and movement to the left, which allowed him him to walk or run depending on how you move the stick. I just tested this now, it's not quite Mario 64 sensitivity but it's nowhere near 1-0. There's also shit like Alien Resurrection and Medal of Honor which had controls similar to modern FPS games using both sticks, again with the sensitivity required. I know I had a racing game that used the right analog for acceleration though I can't recall it, but yes, there were regular games with true analog modes beyond simple digital conversion.

>> No.5052325


>> No.5052328
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>a hundred bucks for something with far less functionality than a ps tv

>> No.5052334

descent pretty much requires it.

>> No.5052338
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Right now you can pick up a PSTV for half the price, hack it in two minutes and play every PS1 game ever with a proper controller. This isn't some "pirates win again LOL" spiel, it's legitimately a better deal in every way. You would literally have to be retarded to buy this.

>> No.5052341

>came to ps1 in 1996
>dual analog came in 1997

[ doubt ]

>> No.5052342

Not to mention they chose the digital gamepad instead of a dualshock 1 when we all know they're gonna include some games that use analog sticks and rumble
I'm guessing they want to dupe people into grabbing a ps4 controller for $60 instead, net more money that way since $100 for an overglorified Pi isn't enough.

>> No.5052343

>when we all know they're gonna include some games that use analog sticks and rumble
do we?

>> No.5052346

works fine

>> No.5052347

you (?) wrote "requires it" which is clearly bullshit

>> No.5052348

Ape Escape is amazing tho

>> No.5052349

I am confident that crash and Spyro are out the window entirely, including crash team racing and crash bash, because Activision is currently milking their remasters and Sony can rake in more money for themselves by getting people to pay for the psn versions separately on their ps4.

>> No.5052350

have fun playing descent without dual anlogs.

>> No.5052351
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>meanwhile, smart people...

>> No.5052352

If it's the same emulator they use for pap, ps3, and ps4, poorly. Just like how a lot of them on ps3 and ps4 have slowdown and frame rate issues which weren't present on real hardware or even mednafen

>> No.5052353

also I said "pretty much"

>> No.5052354
File: 31 KB, 550x535, 1990 was 30 years ago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have fun
those times are long gone, fren

>this pic is basically true now

>> No.5052356

you can do it right now. Don't let sony tell you when you can play psx games

>> No.5052357

I have my hacked vita in my hands

it's not that I cannot play, it is the fun that is gone

>> No.5052358

>I'm pretty sure most ps1 titles treat analog input as digital (1 or 0) with no ramp up
Absolutely fucking wrong, even shit that only utilized the left analog stick like kingsley's adventure had proper analog motion.

>> No.5052359

then I guess the classic is for you

>> No.5052360

Do you guys even play ps1 on the vita?
native emulator has tons of problems and the retroarch emulator sucks ass, you can't even put it in sleepmode without crashing the game

ps1 on psp is way better but the screen sucks ass

>> No.5052361

Tekken 3 has rumble and it's confirmed on their website as being included so that's one down. I'll laugh my ass off if they put in resi 1 dualshock edition

>> No.5052364

I'd like to buy from ebay instead. Maybe PS3's store if a game is too pricey for me. Not seeing the appeal here.

>> No.5052365

Vita sucks ass. Should be playing on pc with messages not that libretro middleware trash

>> No.5052373

PS3 isn't being sold in stores anymore?

>> No.5052375

>and play every PS1 game ever

And how long will it take to download all that fucking shit? I can't keep my internet on for days or months where I live because the weather is shit.

>> No.5052384

but it's shaped like a cute miniature PS1 tho

>> No.5052385

lmao this is not an anime girl

>> No.5052387

>he doesn't emulate PS1 games via PSP emulation on his Vita

>> No.5052389

>>native emulator has tons of problems and the retroarch emulator sucks ass, you can't even put it in sleepmode without crashing the game

dude, we use the psp mode

>> No.5052390

>libretro middleware trash
we use the actual psp code to run ps1 games

>> No.5052394


Yeah you probably shouldn't legitimately do that, what with all the shovelware and all, but the option's there.

>> No.5052396

Less time than waiting to blow $100 on an inferior product couple months down the road.

>> No.5052397

at the moment there is no fucking way to expand the storage

good luck fitting 500 GB of isos on it

>> No.5052398

just open up the cd case and put your cd inside how hard was that

>> No.5052401
File: 119 KB, 500x441, 404girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you honestly think this is funny?

this board is for people older than 25 dude.

>> No.5052403
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what the cd pops in right there just put the cd in

>> No.5052484

It looks pretty nice. Depending on the games list it might be worth it getting day one.

>> No.5052489

Can they even do that? You need a machine that needs cooling or at least something as powerful as a PS3 with no active cooling in a small shell that will cost at max 100-120 bucks. I don't think they can do it yet even if they have the necessary emulator already on their hands.

>> No.5052491

psx was the last console I really loved, so I'll buy one even though it's a retarded waste of money

>> No.5052493

chinese already ported pcsx2 to arm/android and that's some hacked together shit. I'm sure sony could easily do that themselves with way better performance.

>> No.5052495 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.5052496
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>> No.5052497
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>controllers don't have analogue sticks
I know they wanted to spend as little as possible while cashing in on people's nostalgia, but that's unacceptable.

For $100 you can buy a secondhand PSTV (with DualShock 3), a high-capacity microSD card plus Vita memory adapter, then hack it and play all the PS1 and other emulated games you like.
Actually I may just do that, I haven't used my Vita TV in years.

>> No.5052498
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>> No.5052501
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I am really happy for this shit the PS1 was a great console and i really hope they do something but with the PS2.

>> No.5052502

English is so obnoxious

>> No.5052504
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>no star ocean 2
into the bin it goes

>> No.5052505
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>this thing is 150 Kangaroo bucks

Yeah, no, fuck off Sony.

>> No.5052506

>sans the PS4
So... NOT every console Sony ever made, then?

>> No.5052507

not discs you can still buy digital copies if they are on psn

>> No.5052514 [DELETED] 

It's gonna cost a fortune here in Brazil, and all the s0yb0ys and basedgals will still buy it.

>> No.5052517

Just flee the place man

>> No.5052518


>> No.5052519 [DELETED] 

Lie. PS3 had PS1 BC and classics, PS4 never did.

>> No.5052526

PS4 doesn't play PS1 games at all. PS3 had the BC as well as digital copies from the store.

>> No.5052536

you can get a used PS3 for less than this...

>> No.5052574

>No dualshock
Don't think so mate

>> No.5052579

I already have one of these pre-loaded with 97 PSX games though. I think it’s called a PSP

>> No.5052584
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>> No.5052595

Better have fucking bushido blade II on this thing!!

>> No.5052597


>> No.5052603

>but it's shaped like a cute miniature PS1 tho
That will unironically be a major selling point for most people

>> No.5052623

pretty much every non budget racing games can be set to use true analog inputs. F197 and latter, NFS 2, 3 and Porsche, Gran Turismo, Colin McRae 1 and 2, TOCA games etc

>> No.5052628


>> No.5052632

>og playstation
>new monitor
Bait harder.

>> No.5052651

But my modded original ps1 still works perfectly, and i can play it on a crt.

>> No.5052656

>doesn't play PSP or Vita games
>no internet connectivity
>no support for analog sticks
Do you want your food chewed for you too

>> No.5052658

But a PSTV does do those things? I thought it was a glorified HDMI cable.

>> No.5052659

install henkaku and Adrenaline and you can play every PS1 and PSP game ever. if you have firmware 3.65 or less you can setup autoplugins that let the firmware boot with USB drive support allowing use of up to a 2tb hard drive for storage

>> No.5052660

It's actually pretty ingenious marketing. Whenever a remake of a game comes out, demand & prices of the original version spikes. This both serves to promote the FF7 remake, and also give and option for people to buy the original FF7 once the remake comes out.

>> No.5052661

It's the innards of a PSVita that has tv out and controller support

>> No.5052664

Good to know, sounds like it would simplify things.

>> No.5052675

I wonder if Nintendo will follow up with an N64 Classic.

I am interested in this because I have never owned a piece of Sony hardware, and I am quite a stickler for retro compilations.

>> No.5052683

The N64 mini is not happening. Remember, with the gimmick exception of Star Fox 2, only Virtual Console games end up on those things, of which the N64 only had 21. Plus it wouldn't have the truly cherished Rareware titles.

>> No.5052684

>FF7 once the remake comes out.

>> No.5052689

What's so funny?

>> No.5052691
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>once the remake comes out

Anon, I...

>> No.5052703

Microsoft own Rare and they aren't putting out a mini-console of their own. Licencing the Rare titles to Nintendo for a N64 Mini is basically free money. I don't see it being an issue.

>> No.5052707

>implying Nintendo will pony one thin dime for licensing fees.
you just don't under this company, do you?

>> No.5052758

The more I think about this thing the more inclined I am to expect this thing is going to be made out of unsold PStvs or based on them

>> No.5052767

>Right now you can pick up a PSTV for half the price
Hope you don't mean eBay or Amazon, because clearly you haven't checked lately.
Most GameStops don't have them in stock anymore either.

>> No.5052776


I actually did check shortly after posting and yeah, production has suddenly ended and prices have skyrocketed. A couple months back you could still get them new and cheap from Amazon. Very tactical play from Sony.

>> No.5052780


I'm half-expecting this too, especially with the PSTV's disappearing from the market all of a sudden. It would save them having to make anything new emulator-wise.

>> No.5052787

Sony is ignoring anything Vita related since 2015 and Vita TV production ended years ago. What you were talking about was when sellers were trying to get rid of them and selling them for dirt cheap. A bundle with some digital games, a memory card and DS3 was going for 25-30 bucks, even less in some places. After henkaku, the thing gained value but what truly spiked the prices was Vita TV getting usb stick support. After that people bought them in mass, installed cfw and sold them for profit, thus upping the prices.

In short sony had no hand in this. The hacks did.

>> No.5052795

Vita TV was killed at the start of 2016. For regular consumers it never existed. You can't make something disappear if that thing never existed in the first place.

>> No.5052797


raff raff is the sound of my laugh

>> No.5052965

as if nintendo reselling a 20 year old console is "innovation"

>> No.5053015

If this is the case I'm hoping that the PS1 Classic firmware or emulator software can be somehow flashed to the PSTV because I'm currently using Adrenaline for PS1 games on PSTV and the image quality is dire.

>> No.5053159

HAHHAA, I knew this all along! No worries they're going to launch another one with Dualshock.

>> No.5053246

They should have skipped it and made a ps2 the size of a CD player loaded with ps1 and ps2 classics. That way it could take real discs for your collection and highlight something that Sony had over Nintendo in the earlier day, backward compatibility

>> No.5053309


>> No.5053428

>I missed out on most of the PS1 library.
>Used PSX w/expansion port: $40
>Gameshark Flashed with uniROM: $20
>50# Staples brand 800mb CD-r: $20

You don't have HDMI output. Still cheaper to use the real system while enjoying your backup and archive'd games.

>> No.5053431

why would you do that. Just buy a raspberry pi

>> No.5053435

>copying nintendo yet again
Wow. What a shock.

>> No.5053436


>> No.5053450

>why would you do that. Just buy a raspberry pi
Raspberry pi's are a great computer to donate to sub-saharan african nations who cannot afford to eat more then dirt. I want to run games at full speed without slow down on real hardware. I would buy a Mini-PSX before I would ever consider a PI I but, would never buy a mini system so long as real PSXs are so cheap. ....Not that I ever need to think about it....I own 3. One 1001 is like new/CIB in the box. That is the benefit of being 20+ years old when a video game system comes out. You can afford to buy it and basically ignore it for a few decades until you need it...because at 20 years old you shouldn't have time for games. I had 3 jobs, because I valued living on my own more then neet'in out in my parents basement until I was in my 30s. Thankfully by the time I turned 19, I was able to drop down to a single full time job.

>> No.5053456

You are retarded.

>> No.5053972

then buy an odroid

>> No.5054448

That's what I'm talking about, the psp emulation of ps1 on vita is weak, did you try playing DQ7 on it?
You can't even change the version of the Popsloader

>> No.5054458

There have been rumors though that Ape Escape is getting the remaster treatment like Spyro and Crash, so it makes sense why mini would not feature dualshock, an unnecessary feature they'd make customers pay more for, for as you say "hardly any games" and out of 20

>> No.5054794

>Unironically, what the FUCK is wrong with them?
There was fuck-all for games that used dual analogs. Everyone says "Ape escape" but chrono cross also works much better with analogs.

However this is just the basic-bitch psx that resembles the first editions.

>> No.5054805

No, there is a range of motion in the PS1 analog sticks. It's embarrassingly small compared to the N64 joystick, but it's definitely not binary.

>> No.5054819
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>then buy an odroid
I had to look into this, and I would be more then happy to pass on that as well. I am not sure your angle or if you read my post, but I have no need nor desire for any mini-pc-emulator-box. I already have plenty of native hardware...not just for PSX...I am ONLY a retro gamer in a sense. The most recent PC game I bought was Dark Souls (Not the remaster). I am not part of any target audience anymore & they know they have to squeeze me pretty hard to get a few shekels.

That is not to say that I wouldn't get one of these.....I just would have no idea how to hook it up to my TV, and I know I am not paying extra for scanline converters etc. IF the hacking of this system is possible and works well, I may consider. I was complaining the other day that I could get one more system under my tv is the PSX or N64 were just slightly smaller.....It is going to take a lot to draw me away from Original hardware that plays backup discs.....again I realize I am not the norm.

>> No.5054824

dark souls (not remaster) is not retro, sorry.

>> No.5054890

>dark souls (not remaster) is not retro, sorry.
My point wast that the last time I gave any company money for a new product was 2012.

>> No.5054948

You know Atari did it first, right?

>> No.5055154

>Machine more powerful than a PS3
You don't need anything, ps2 architecture is already small enough to fit into anything and remain solid state.
Remember, the PS2 has been around for more than a decade and has been updated and upgraded for about as long.

>> No.5055213

You are saying base it on real hardware, not on emulation I take it. I mean I am no expert on this stuff but that would need some r&d on how to make the same chips on smaller scale with consuming less power and custom made them on China, not just use cheap mass produced parts and just make an emulator for them or use one if you already have it. Sony has the PSX emulator since the PS2 days and used it on every PS console aside from PS4. They will probably use it for this too. I guess most feasible way a PS2 Classic can work would be basing it on real hardware instead of emulation. Or maybe half hardware half emulation solution would work.

>> No.5055220

That's probably way before his time.

>> No.5055321

>thinking retroarch is an emulator