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5052019 No.5052019[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this the best stealth game of all time?

>> No.5052021


>> No.5052047
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Try again

>> No.5052669

I would post about its superior sequel, but even though it's 17 years old and fits in more with MGS1 and the MSX games than the ones that came after, I can't talk about it on this board.

>> No.5052778

Stealth =/= Avoid getting detected.

>> No.5052864

>best stealth game of all time
>Soldiers don't even have peripheric vision

I mean holy shit I love MGS and all that but I'm not that blind, OP.

>> No.5052872

...then what does it mean?

>> No.5052875

It's not even a proper stealth game, you're interrupted by a minigame or a boss fight every 5 minutes. It's still one of my favorite games of all time.
Thief 2 is better.

>> No.5052879


>3d game on ps1


>> No.5053049

>image hash FiQwPxwEZpxQydK4F2K-8g

I think you have mental health issues.


>> No.5053076

Metal Gear is deliberately gamist.

>> No.5053091

Did Tomb Raider not get released in your country? Or Gex? Or Soul Reaver?

>> No.5053107

>peripheric vision
Wats do you mean?

>> No.5053118

You know damn well what he means.

>> No.5053121

I'm a fucking ESL, meant peripheral.

>> No.5053163

another tripfag to add to my filters

>> No.5053165

The game it's based on is a better stealth game, but MGS is one of the finest pieces of craftsmanship of its generation, and while it was not as rushed as MGSV, we know from multiple sources there is a lot of stuff missing that ultimately got cut.

>> No.5053170

Is that why there is such huge backtrack sections, including one that results in climbing Rex FOUR times?

>> No.5053171

Like what?

>> No.5053232

Backtracking was always a huge part of Metal Gear, besides it helps plot pacing.

Extra cutscenes and voiced dialogue intended to trigger when the player behaved in different ways, extra game mechanics like MG Mk2, puzzle related items, Otacon delivering goodies in a specific room, and the implementation of crouchwalking.

>> No.5053393

Tenchu > Thief > Splinter Cell > Hitman > shit > Metal Gear Solid

>> No.5054682
File: 153 KB, 280x272, tenchuuuuuuuuuuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was decent, fag.

>> No.5054683

You forgot Syphon Filter and Oddworld Abe's Odyssey, you piece of shit.

>> No.5054770

i liked MGS3 better.

MGS2 was good but people read too much into it as some misunderstood masterpiece which it honestly wasn't.

>> No.5054881

MGS 1-2 stealth is very arcadey and accessible and that’s why I enjoy it so much. When I picked up splinter cell and it was actual real life gritty autistic tryhard stealth I couldn’t get into it

>> No.5054943

just a reminder that op is agness kaku's husband

>> No.5054952

Reminder that Agness "Guns Can Break Your Arm" Kaku is a cunt.

>> No.5054953
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its the best stealth game but not at all for its stealth

>> No.5054958

>very arcadey and casual
Fixed. When you grow some nuts and actually play a stealth game like Splinter Cell or Thief you'll see why MGS's "stealth" is considered a joke.
>better than Thief, SC, or Hitman
nice b8 m9

>> No.5054968


Imagine being this much of a brainlet.

>> No.5055362

MGS2 is about as deep as a kiddie pool anon. I'm sorry someone on polygon made you fall for the meme.

>> No.5055392

He's obviously falseflagging, even MGS fanboys can admit that the stealth meachanics are a joke compared to Thief, Splinter Cell, Hitman etc.

>> No.5055403

Not when the Thief and Splinter Cell games exist. I'd personally say Chaos Theory is the greatest stealth game of all time. And even within the Metal Gear franchise, MGS3 is the superior stealth game. MGS1 is still a fantastic game, but it's been surpassed.

>> No.5055408

>it's inconceivable that someone had saved the image used in the thousands of /ogg/ threads posted here as the acronym for the game
lel @ your paranoia

>> No.5055413


Such fantastic stealth gameplay.

>> No.5055447

>hurr because it has a section where you can't sneak through it it's not a stealth game
even thief games have forced detection at times

>> No.5055506
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>> No.5055513

Occams razor

>> No.5055523

>no influence in the genre

It did influence Splinter Cell though.

>> No.5055531 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 1200x794, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah and splintercell had a few good games, had a syphon filter meets rainbow six vibe. good shit. I like thief too, never beat it, cause i was a stupid child and couldnt figure out most shit in it, but i loved its complexity. mgs is fun for a nice romp and i think it had a stealth arcade feel to it, especially in the vr simulations, not straight stealth like thief. the beginning of mgs 2 is one of the best stealth parts of any game ive played. as long as you play on the hardest difficulty and get all the dog tags.

>> No.5055532

how? it takes a lot from thief (sound, light/darkness, enemy behavior). In fact the game was marketed as some kind of sim compared to the more arcadey MGS. If it weren't for the linear level design, it would be hi-tech thief basically. The only title title that took elements from MGS I can think of is nu-Deus Ex (radar, limited cone vision)

>> No.5055536


fuck man, this is why i come here

>> No.5055540

It was going to be an entirely different game based on one of Clancy's books (The Sum of all Fears) but were told to “make a Metal Gear Solid 2 killer” after the latter's commercial success.

>> No.5055545

I tried playing Syphon Filter and thought it was below average in every way. I mean even MGS1 has aged far better and has better stealth mechanics.

>> No.5055551

look man, I'm just saying that mechanically it's most similar to Thief. Maybe the dev team played Thief and thought they could 1-up the basic MGS by bringing deep mechanics into the game.

>> No.5055561

MGS is a textbook case product of its time. There was nothing like it when it came out and it pioneered many concepts still being used today in video games, but that doesn't make it flawless nor change the fact that it has been surpassed several times since then.

>> No.5055571

>There was nothing like it when it came out and it pioneered many concepts still being used today in video games
holy shit MGS was just a 3D MG2. The most original stuff it did was the 4th wall stuff with Mantis

>> No.5055601


thats a pretty stupid way of saying the game is shit

>> No.5055623 [DELETED] 
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syphon filter isnt a stealth game, but has very simplistic stealth mechanics. its just a fun action game where you fry people with a stun gun. but the inluence in splinter cell is there. splinter cell is like if thief was syphon filter mixed with rainbow six

>> No.5056527

>MGS was just a 3D MG2SS
Like that's something bad.

>> No.5056530

>Syphon filter isn't a stealth game
>Lian's stages
>Museum/Expo stages
>Mountain bridge stages
>some of the Moscow stages
>isn't a stealth game
Off yourself, retard.

>> No.5056587

yet the assertion was in response that "there wasn't anything like it" in regards to MGS. Learn to read retard

>> No.5056690


I actually beat the first splinter cell and thought MGS being more casual but having fucking 100 times the atmosphere as SC was a fair trade for the realistic stealth

>> No.5057437

Seems like /vr/ has gotten really terrible with reading comprehension as well as actually following comment thread chains these days.

>> No.5057453

it feels more like a cinematic boss rush when you know the game a little bit

>> No.5057478
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>A game gets easier and less fulfilling the more you play it
Ain't that some shit?

>> No.5057510

Thief 2.

>> No.5058168

kojima can fuck off, thief 1 is the best stealth of all, redditors always love to jerk off the mgs games, dude metafiction lmao xd, grow up manchild

>> No.5058334

>Me, an intellectual
>your game

>> No.5058337

i wasn't saying this as a bad thing. i love the story and bosses. but iirc tenchu was more focused on stealth gameplay

>> No.5058352
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Oh look, we have a genius here!

>> No.5058840

pinky in his butthole at work when boss isn't looking

>> No.5058849

They do though.
Maybe you're thinking of Metal Gear?

>> No.5059049

I'm playing this for the first time and there doesn't seem to be much "game" to it, if you know what I mean.
Just saved Otakon, does the game get any better?

>> No.5059171

isn't it explicitly stated in the codecs that the genome soldiers are basically incomplete humans, which would explain stuff like their terrible vision and poor memory

>> No.5059418

No. And if it was it'd be a terrible excuse.

>> No.5059485


>> No.5059524

>le games don't age meme

>> No.5060714

The codec conversations praise these genome soldiers for their superior senses and combat abilities.

>> No.5061258

also stated that they're suffering from genome sickness. although it's never clarified what this is afaik

>> No.5061272


>> No.5061302

Guards in stealth games have limited vision for gameplay reasons. It'd be really fucking annoying if they had "realistic" sight distances and FoV.

>> No.5062053

so then... what is it actually good for

>> No.5063114

There is a way around this if you're clever enough

>> No.5063779
File: 2.79 MB, 640x360, thief quality stealth.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh no no no no

>> No.5063786

What's the logic behind them having better vision in MG2

>> No.5063829
File: 266 KB, 540x304, 1446408517485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this is a bad excuse. MGS had shit AI but so did Thief: >>5063779 It was just what they could've worked with at the time. MGS2 and 3 however had the best AI in stealth games.

>> No.5064434
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Whenever someone praises 3's AI I can't help but think of Big Saru's videos.
It's not bad but you can abuse/exploit it to ridiculous levels.

>> No.5064631

Fucking love this game

>> No.5065350

On disc 2 now
They pretty much stop caring about level design after Psycho Mantis, huh

>> No.5065689
File: 73 KB, 550x404, comment_BY7TyE6waW8CFNZpXbpILfPxLlZzO0Du.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gather 'n admire my irregularably immaculant English, fellow gentlesirs!

>> No.5066141

No, lying Kojimafag, even speedruns have to do that.

>> No.5066149
File: 228 KB, 473x479, hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
