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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 90 KB, 444x640, rolythepoly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5051136 No.5051136 [Reply] [Original]

Now that Zeddas: Horror Tour 3 was found, does anyone know what other games are or still lost?

>> No.5051142

You just lost the game

>> No.5051350
File: 586 KB, 850x1091, bf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5051497


>> No.5051520

Have you enjoyed homebrew gb version? Heard its pretty cool

>> No.5051618
File: 268 KB, 548x826, rolypolys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rolypolys 1 and 2 seem like the last well known lost games. After chu-teng, garage, and now labyrinthe, only wizard level lost games are left

>> No.5051736
File: 33 KB, 261x384, 145025992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purevex and Zeus: Carnage Heart Second are still lost too.

>> No.5051929

Technically, if a game isn't already dumped and can't be obtained through eBay "immediately", it's "lost". This is like, 5,000+ PC games. It's double "lost" if the dumper doesn't run it through Redump.org and post it in ROM Shepherd's forums. Like, you can say Labyrinth or whatever Jap cancer isn't "lost", but since it's not on Redump, the shit will likely drop off the internet in 5-10 years after you get done circlejerking over it. It's already happened to hundreds of doujin/indie titles, so joke's on you. I could list tons of things none of you dweebs will find a working link to.

>> No.5051931 [DELETED] 
File: 3.88 MB, 400x292, jerry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate my life, but i hate you more.

>> No.5051940 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 320x240, gloop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been looking for alot of stuff that used to be on the internet, but the links are all dead. no snapshots on archive.org, archive.is or any other archive sites i know. shit sucks man!

>> No.5051958

True, unless they preserve the game on a page like archive.org or some safe website.
There was some games in Theisozone that were lost again when they closed the page.

>> No.5051962

thanks for ruining my day

>> No.5052029

Some Redumpers tend to dump it, upload it to archive.org, then drop a link to that on ROM Shepherd. Honestly, it's like people don't understand the simple concept of making "mirror" links.

>> No.5052053

BakuDD, the guy who found Zeddas (which later got leaked by Saint), made some posts about rare games in those threads.

"If this saint timmay dude can manage to find a copy of this game
or this game
and upload a video then I’ll be impressed, until then GOML."

He also posted this, which might be of interest.
"I don't have access to my full collection right now as I'm out of the country for work, but this was my backlog for 2018

Susume Venture Keigyo
The Alius
Nijiiro Twinkle
EMIT 1 2 3
The 4th Unit series
Uruuru 1 and 3
Uruuru Excellent
The Tower 1.2 and 1.3
The Tower CD Winter Edition
Crescent Satsujin Jiken 1 and 2
Dragon Syndicate
Power Climb
Kaeruman with the rare VHS tape and concept album
Pantos Story
Putle Story
Eternal Odyssey
Locus Alba 2
Polychrome with the OST
The Dinoventure
Tattoon Master
Doukeshi Satsujin Jiken
Future Zero
Heian Mato Karakuri Kidan
Key Of The Magic
Ozawa Ken+
Garzey's Wing
Panorama Quiz Kaitou
Diet Go Go
Virtua Memo
Kastia No Ken
Darkside Conbini
Aa Megami Sama
Ding! Mono
Favorite Dear
Frane 1&2 Pack
Frane 3
Spectral Force
Final Odyssey
First Queen (remake)
Last Guardian 2
Ryuuki Denshou Plus
Small House 2
Mushidanshaku No Yakata
Hanamaru Koumuten
Dinosaur Museum (unreleased Pippin game)
Top Management II '96
Para Para Paradise (not the konami game)
Youkai Ningen Bem
Silent Mobius Alice Ridell
Macro TV
Tenrou Toshi
Tam Tam Teo Rhythm Star
Gokudou Simulation Teppoudama Jingi
Frontier Brain
Platoon Leader
Target Gear Alga 2nd
Wrestle Life
Buster Sword

I've played some of them for a few minutes to see what it's like but never finished any of them, I'm more focused on work (and my iphone games)"

If people are serious about tracking down rare games, the best way to do it might actually be hunting down developers and talking to them.

>> No.5052059


>> No.5052060
File: 607 KB, 861x1231, the case.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting the imgur links as images so people don't need to click the link.

>> No.5052064
File: 128 KB, 968x1296, the better dead ratification.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5052221

The shit thing about the Roly Poly's is that there's one fucking Japanese person on twitter that has them and has uploaded gameplay footage, but they absolutely refuse to upload it online because of their fucked up and broken copyright law. The games are like 2 decades old ffs who gives a shit?

>> No.5052790

who is the guy?

>> No.5052807

Already found that. Looks cool. Thanks for the link.

>> No.5052832

do unreleased games count?

Viewpoint 2064

a few years ago a prototype cartridge surfaced on eBay, but the faggot buyer only released that video and has kept the game in his personal collection, to eventually succumb to bitrot and vanish forever.

>> No.5053338

god damn that game looks amazing.

>> No.5053558

this one ? lmao

>> No.5053581

Most of that list is probably easy as fuck to find especially if you know nip since some do seem to be doujin titles.
Hell, in one of the lists he put that live action Gundam game. What a fuckin' retard, you can find that shit on Amazon or download it anywhere.

>> No.5053613

>Zeddas: Horror Tour 3
Did ANYONE EVER play Erevos besides just me? That was such a fucking BIZARRE experience. The game REQUIRED of you to play ONLY at night, because it was tied to system's (PC) clock and when it was day, it was day in game, and you're playing as a Vampire or a Vampire Hunter, so you can't do jack shit in the day. Gladly, this could be cheated out easily by manually changing Windows' clock every time to the night time hours, before starting the game.

>> No.5053861

This one?

>> No.5053925

Russians know how to make horror games that look cursed as fuck

>> No.5053938
File: 616 KB, 1363x830, eh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe Labyrinth was the only interesting game of his entire '' collection ''

>> No.5054625


It's Spaniards, you dumb fuck. The game was either Puerto Rican-made, or Spain-made. It's just Russian translation (pirated, highly likely) applied over it.

>> No.5054657

I'm spanish and I've never heard about that game, I doubt it's from here.

>> No.5054671

According to info available (which is VERY little), Erevos was developed by NYX, which was a studio of several people in the long-defunct company Genadios. This was a Chile-based company, though it's not known in what location the game itself was developed specifically. Also, Erevos is a Spanish/Portugal version of the word "Erebus", the "Darkness". GameFAQs lists this game as North American, but that's a mistake.

>> No.5054780


>> No.5055087

info about this, anon?

>> No.5055110


>> No.5055348

>The designer of the game was Mr.T
hahaha what the fuck

>> No.5055360

Jet Force Gemini gameboy color is still being hoarded

>> No.5055679

It's not the same mister T, fool.
The "Mr. T" is a guy from Konami, it's his moniker. He worked on A LOT of music for Dance Dance Revolution and other BEMANI-labeled RBG games.

>> No.5055910

just some dumb fucking nip, makes music or some shit. its not worth trying to get it from him


>> No.5055920
File: 192 KB, 344x317, gud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5055924

What in the fuck is this game supposed to be
Teaching japs about english phrases that don't translate well?

>> No.5055952

it's an educational game about life and problems or something like that

>> No.5055998

Some guy in the youtube comments says that it's from Greece.
And so do these sites

>> No.5056135
File: 1.01 MB, 730x848, macrotv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motherfucking Macro TV. He uploaded scans of the games in that list and that one looks so damn interesting. There's next to nothing about it online though. Did a bunch of digging in an infinitychan thread a while back when this stuff was still fresh http://archive.is/6FkYn

>> No.5056195

Thanks for the archive link, looks cool. I'd love to find out more about it.

>> No.5056216
File: 2.83 MB, 2268x3024, GAMEST MACRO ARTS INTERVIEW smaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. I actually did get around to getting the magazine mentioned near the end of that thread. Snapped a quick pic of the relevant page

>> No.5056219


Game School Guide 2000







>> No.5056221





>> No.5056224

「始めたばかりですから楽とはいいません。何より問題なのは、キャラのほとんどを人材につぎ込んじゃうことです。どんどん機材も買っちゃう。利益もそれなりになる。税理士さんには会社は利益を出すところと、怒られました(笑)。でも、食費も削ってもいい。ゲームを作ることにお金を使ってます」 (原田さん)。



>> No.5056226



man i wish i could play the goddamn game

>> No.5056539

Again, it's NOT That mister T, you dumb fuckos.
The "Mr.T" is a nickname of a composer who made a shitton of musical tracks for Konami's BEMANI label. He's a DJ.

>> No.5056753

Takeru's unreleased megadrive and pc engine games too, hoarded by a japanese collector or so the legend goes. Those are the developers of little samson if you're familiar.

There's an adventure game by hudson that's about hudson's headquarters, for the pc engine. finished and unreleased.

snes shit: dragon warrior V on snes (finished localization of 6), euro localizations for final fantasy iii (6) in french and german, prototype of super turrican 2 with extra levels not stuck on an overpriced FPGA pos and actually complete, prototype of asterix and obelix with the cut levels, maui mallard 2
sega channel shit: garfield lost levels
satellaview shit: milon no daiboken extra content
n64 shit: mother 64, last 4 volumes of mario artist, cubivore, hudson's famicom wars 64, kimba
virtual boy shit: dragon hopper
game boy color shit: from whom the frog bell tolls dx, stafy, lunar chase

lufia 3 design docs (sold on an online auction)
anything from tengai makyou III

>> No.5056797

DJ != composer/producer

>> No.5057046

What magazine is that? The dev of the game are still alive tho?

>> No.5057080

GAMEST, issue 268 from July 1999, page 122. And I would certainly hope they're still alive, pretty sure they'd be in their late 40s, maybe early 50s by now. Tried looking up names but haven't found anything definitive.