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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 15 KB, 300x190, 90_Neo_Geo_AES_General2_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5033771 No.5033771 [Reply] [Original]

okay Geniuses, we know the Neo Geo was the best Arcade board of all time. But was it just a mediocre console?

>> No.5033774

isn't it the exact same hardware inside? the only difference should be the controller

>> No.5033847

Talking about the library

>> No.5034063

All the worthwhile games are available on other consoles

>> No.5034075

In an era where games that capitalized more on the unique value of the home gaming experience were popular (RPGs, RTS, longer action platformers, etc), I could see where a console with very expensive games that offered only arcade-type experiences might have felt a bit shallow. I have a decent collection of MVS carts now and enjoy the games, but I can't imagine that spending however many hundreds of dollars on a system only to have to spend hundreds more just to get an arcade fighter or shooter or two would have been an appealing proposition throughout the 90s. If you were someone who constantly had friends or gaming-inclined relatives over, it might be fun to have, but for the typical home gaming 1P experience, it would probably have been a huge waste when several of the fun games could eventually be had for other systems which had other games that catered better to home gaming styles. Sure, they might have been inferior to the real deal, but at least they were more affordable and didnt require owning such an expensive machine with relatively limited value as a home console.

Granted, I was a kid through the 90s and never even heard of the AES when it was relevant. Having arcade-perfect games at home back then would have been awesome as all getout, but I think I would have tired of them quickly, especially with how few games I'd (my parents) have been able to afford for it. It would have been fun to have when friends came over, but I doubt I would have been satisfied playing KoF games against the computer for hours on end or struggling to clear Metal Slug without too many other options that would last longer and hold my attention more at each sitting.

>> No.5034131

credit feeder detected

>> No.5034135

You can't credit feed a Neo Geo game, the console limits your continues to 3

>> No.5034252

lmao, are you seriously comparing it to consoles that came years after it and thinking thats what op meant? vr has some dumb fucks.

never 1cced a single game detected.

first metal slug is an easy 1cc even on hardest, try using your brain when you play.

nope it had amazing quality in fighters, puzzle games, shmups (at the time), bmups lacked on it but still better than most console at the time and then you had metal slug, crossed swords, magician lord, neo bomberman, windjammers, ganryu etcetc so what it didn't have in numbers it more than made up for by having the kinds of game that remain fun for many many years if you are an actual player and not the usual brain dead RPG moron who wants MUH STORY because you're childish and too dumb for literature and want achievement without achieving anything.

>> No.5034263
File: 936 KB, 1280x1734, 1016B4B4-28DC-40CF-B4C9-AC8BABC163C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the arcade at home, no compromises. Nobody was getting tricked into buying a NEO•GEO AES, then realizing that it doesn’t have anything like Sim City. No one asked why there were no RPGs, or (god help us) RTS games for it. Why does every console have to have an equal number of games from every genre?

Also, exactly what early 90’s system had a lot of games like this? Console RPGs and RTS games were rare as hens teeth (in America) and most action games could still be cleared in about an hour.

Also, how were you a 90’s videogame kid and not know what a NEO•GEO was? Did you never buy a magazine? We’re you not allowed by your overprotective parents?

>> No.5034538

Way to move the goal post. That anon said you were wrong and you just jumped to another assumption. What exactly are you trying to accomplish with this false sense of superiority?

>> No.5034612

It has nothing to do with being tricked, the NeoGeo just has a library more suited for, surprise surprise, arcades, where there are other people to play against and generally play in short bursts. Does anyone have prolonged fun playing against the AI over and over in fighting games? Say what you want, but you can't deny that the NeoGeo is very fighter heavy. I definitely enjoy playing arcade games, but the difficulty and replay from the beginning every time style was definitely not the only game experience around by the 90s.

As for how I didn't hear about it, I was more of a PC, NES, and SNES (and eventually PlayStation) player during the 90s.

Ever 1CC on real hardware? Or let me guess, another MAME-baby.

>> No.5034946

>Does anyone have prolonged fun playing against the AI over
In fact yes high scores were counted in VS Fighters for that very reason.

>> No.5034964

>comparing it to consoles that came years after
lol wut. this response was in regards to the library, not comparing hardware. /vr/ really does have some illiterate dumbfucks
point still stands though, any neo geo games worth playing are available on other consoles for much cheaper, unless you're emulating, then that's cool too

>> No.5034971

>okay Geniuses, we know the Neo Geo was the best Arcade board of all time
That's not how you spell CPSII

>> No.5034990

>never 1cced a single game
Samefag from the shmups thread detected

>> No.5035070

I find it amusing that someone immediately tried to turn a discussion of whether or not the AES made for a good home console into a 1CC argument.

>> No.5035074

Lol being this pathetic.

>> No.5035083

I guess I was being too harsh on fighting games, and I admit that I enjoy playing 1P fighting games against the computer some, but I guess I just get bored with it relatively quickly compared to the one player experience of many other genres.

>> No.5035091

Not accusing or anything but that video looks cheated.

>> No.5035147

Man, I really want to grab an AES console, but that plus a rom cart would end up being $700+
This console will forever be for richfags only

>> No.5035290

the original Fatal Fury is a really easy game

you can throw power waves while the enemy is getting back up off the ground and they will get hit

>> No.5035306

neo geo was, is, and always will be shit. wow I get to play their 3rd rate arcade games at home for a small fortune!

>> No.5035310
File: 80 KB, 276x328, 0475FD97-B29C-402F-B11C-19B5779F4F40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t hurt yourself.

>> No.5036423





>> No.5036425

the all lower case catty lmao lol virgin

>> No.5036449

if you REALLY like fighting games and beat em ups it's good CPS2 has better quality games in it's library though. there's a few good shooters and puzzle/platform games too. rpg fags will not like this system

>> No.5036450
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1533927842350s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arcades>consolecuck shit so how can it be the best arcade board yet a mediocre console.

>> No.5036458

It was probably the best 2D game console.

>> No.5036465

Samurai Spirits RPG best game.