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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 222 KB, 1200x628, polymega.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5032421 No.5032421 [Reply] [Original]


Is it a scam?

>> No.5032427

It's either a scam or another quick cashgrab to capitalize on the "retro market". I see no point to bother with this.

>> No.5032432

Only if it doesn't work or they don't deliver. Otherwise no, it is not a scam. If you don't like it or don't want one or disagree with it, then that still won't make it a scam.

It would seem to be a mini pc running custom software with a cd drive. The cart support seems to be essentially an overpriced/produced adapter so this pc can use the appropriate controllers and actual carts. Either way it will be all emulation and definitely not high level or FPGA level either.

>> No.5032440

I don't see how in good faith they can promise an online marketplace with legal retro game downloads. I have difficulty believing they are in any position to acquire so many licenses, even if they're successful with the original hardware. Like, how many licenses do those guys who make the toy arcade cabinets have? a dozen or so? Certainly not enough to stock a marketplace.

Furthermore I find it offputting that they've promised FPGAs in their expansion modules but their "initial" ones all lack it.

I've probably put more thought into this than it deserves but I think this thing was originally designed sincerely and from a well intentioned place but like any of these products, the nature of Western business is wringing the soul right out of it - probably before it ever makes it into the hands of consumers.

>> No.5032471

>use cartridges
>to emulate games
>that you own
Yes, it's a scam.

>> No.5032475

Wow, that's a pretty retarded post even for /vr/ standerds.

>> No.5032525

Go back to /v/ I can tell you're new here.

>> No.5032559

>if i tell other people to go back to /v/ no one will notice that i'm the one that actually came from there lmao!!!

>> No.5032564

>Open preorders
>Tell people about all the negative changes they've done to the hardware a day later
They've done the good old bait and switch.

>> No.5032572

pirate scum please.

>> No.5032574

Yes. You ding dong.

>> No.5032593

It's definitely looking like it could be an actual scam. See >>5032564

>> No.5032694

>MD/CD/32X module isn't FPGA

They had one chance to get my money.

>> No.5032701

I doubt there's an fpga that could
do 32x yet, or not at anything approaching a reasonable cost

>> No.5032702

Without a doubt.

>> No.5032704

Yeah yeah, but the module is for all three and doesn't offer FPGA for any of them. Would have thought someone would be offering an FPGA Genesis clone by now.

>> No.5032713

There is no way to reliably emulate the CD based consoles, and the rest are just what a RetroDuo or whatever already does.

>> No.5032716

It's just a Retron5. There is no fucking way the "CD Modules" are going to work right.

>> No.5032723

This is what i feel like is bad in the gaming industry. its really hard to duplicate these products (like the saturn). and then these companies keep releasing these products that have no market because something similar exists

its set up to fail. its literally the retron5 except you have to buy modules instead of having all the cartridge slots available. and then theyre adding cd emulation which is hit or miss.

>> No.5032779

There are Genesis cores for ANT Mini, MiST(er) and Chameleon64. There should really be one for Super NT but Kevtris sold out.

>> No.5032792
File: 574 KB, 1224x1267, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1414204197850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retron thread?
Retron thread.

>> No.5032829

Have they announced the output resolution(s) of this thing yet?

>> No.5032839
File: 172 KB, 640x960, NK_Adidas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can Retrons play flash carts? Also, that controller looks fucking retarded.

>> No.5032894
File: 6 KB, 631x278, AllPorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will there be a retron 5 module?

>> No.5033413

$460 for an emulation machine with close source emulators which are most likely inferior.

what kind of retard buys this shit

>> No.5033425

holy fuck, that advertising.

>> No.5033582

They reckon it does Saturn emulation and then showed a video of the arcade version running at an incorrect aspect ratio.

>> No.5033584

*Sega Rally arcade version

>> No.5033593

Looks like a Retron copycat, but slicker presentation.

>> No.5033598

The kind that have kept AtAt Games in business since Sega discontinued the Mega Drive.

>> No.5033603


Honestly, them not trying to shove it out through crowdfunding makes me a lot more hopeful for it. I'm not going to pick it up at launch for sure, but I'll be keeping an eye on it, and maybe looking at it in the future. I'd love to be able to have a good solid way to play PS1 games from any region without using my old console and the swap-disc stuff. I had considered a PSIO for it, but I'd certainly put that money towards this instead if it works well.

>> No.5033615

I know normies who have bought shATshAT consoles because they were like $20 bucks at walgreens, but these super expensive shit pc emulator boxes are tapping into some next level retard.

my theory is that the only people who buy this shit are youtube reviewers.

>> No.5033616

>I'd love to be able to have a good solid way to play PS1 games from any region without using my old console
it's called mednafen. it's an emulator just like this thing

>> No.5033915


>> No.5033932
File: 52 KB, 382x382, wtffwtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Make fancy Emulator
>Sell it for almost 500 bucks
>Half of the 50,000 amateur youtube reviews buy it so they can talk about it on their channel
>make enough money to buy as many copies of Earthbound as your greedy heart desires

>> No.5033935
File: 62 KB, 640x480, 1476366429129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying they didn't just scoop up Libretro cores and called it a day
>Thinking these people making new retro-focused consoles will even bother writing their own emulators

>> No.5033942

if only the wii had a 32x emulator, it does sega cd just fine!

>> No.5033962

Why would that matter? "FPGA" doesn't mean "Good". Some tiny company isn't gonna be able to write an accurate FPGA core. Analog had Kevtris and they still shipped with a ton of bugs.

>> No.5033990

They literally are doing a crowdfunding though but without a third-party which is kind of even more worrisome since nobody else checks the amount of money received and that nobody gets ripped off.

>> No.5034010

>Why would using software vs hardware matter.

kek, zoomers.

Bother writing their own emulators? To write a single competitive emulator from scratch with no emulation experience would require years of hard work so yeah, that's not going to happen.

>> No.5034242

Sega CD doesn't require any additional hardware to run, it's just an alternative storage medium.

>> No.5034247

wrong, it has a whole new 68k processor in it because the default megadrive one was too slow to decompress video

>> No.5034250

Fair enough. I always figured it was just a straight up disc drive since you needed the 32x to get any decent video quality from it.

>> No.5034257

It could be done with an FFGA. All the parts have. The problem is the parts alone would cost dozens of dollars. Not at all reasonable for access to a handful of shitty games you can play for free.

>> No.5034259
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>> No.5034271
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1528433409871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also closed their forums down, possibly due to questions the dev team couldn't answer.

>> No.5034364

How long until RetroArch guys expose them? No matter what your views on RA are, these guys are very strict when it comes to emuboxes with RA code, and while Polymega denies they use RA, I highly suspect otherwise.

>> No.5034729


From what I've read on the AtariAge forum (which is rightly very negative towards the project) they've now licensed the use of Mednafen, which is a far cry from their original claim of all emulators being developed in-house.

>> No.5034734

If anyone is interested in reading the thread from the point of the p̶r̶e̶-̶o̶r̶d̶e̶r̶ crowdfunding campaign and FPGA backtracking being announced:


>> No.5034860

$600(!) for a low-spec computer with rom dumping ability and original controller ports.

Lads, the retro scene has reached a new level of crazy.

>> No.5034950


>> No.5034997

I would say the not deliver part that he referenced means this is a "scam" in very loose terms. If it still works based on what their website says, and you order it based off those claims and it works exactly like that then it isn't a scam. It is for the first people that expected otherwise though.

>> No.5035003

what does kevtris have to say about this? someone ask him.

>> No.5035015
File: 103 KB, 500x397, what-the-hell-was-that-28959840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5035029


>I don't want to see their project fail, or wish them ill will, but so far they haven't really produced much in the way of evidence that hybrid emulation is going to work. I stand by what I said about their FPGA board: it's just a development thing and is not anything you'd ever ship in a product. Not that there is anything wrong with this- you need to make dev boards- but they seemed to be showing it off like this was the guts. Also, going by their FAQ, there's not even an FPGA inside it now, and hybrid emulation isn't either.

Kev has made other posts within the thread basically just being very sceptical of them being able to deliver on the things they've promised which definitely seems to be the case now as evidenced in recent days.

>> No.5035113

Mednafen's SNES emulation code is literally an old version of bsnes. The only person who can relicense it or grant an exception to the GPL is the original author, byuu. The Mednafen author and byuu are pretty close too, so it sounds like Polymega are full of shit.

It's not like bsnes is going to run at fullspeed on whatever shitbox they're selling anyway. Smart money says it's another RA/Snes9x rip off.

>> No.5035137

Why would anyone want this? It's just a rom dumper. Complete waste.

>> No.5035249

As long as pre-orders can be canceled then it's ultimately fine, but it's still pretty shady and shitty to build your hype around shit you can't deliver on and then not reveal that until after people put money down on it.

>> No.5035267

I liked how people started pointing out that they used footage from the arcade version of Sega Rally instead of the Saturn version in the trailer, where it's being implied the footage comes from the console itself. I liked it even more when they tried to brush it under the rug by saying they used the wrong footage but there's footage of Panzer Dragoon. That's believable, not likely at all they got footage for both games from an outside source. Definitely doesn't make me think they paid someone to capture all the trailer footage from pc based emulators.

>> No.5035408

What would it take to convince the people ITT that it isn't a scam?

>> No.5035414

Refund preorder money to anyone that wants it, as well as full dosclosure on all changes and compromises.

>> No.5035420

Being a real product available for sale at a reasonable price that does a good job of what it claims to do.

So, zero chance of that.

>> No.5035523

Hope not because my wife would love all the space this could save.

>> No.5035526

its emulation so don't buy it

>> No.5035527

Nice try Polymega owner.

>> No.5035528

There's no difference in her eyes unfortunately...

>> No.5035543
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should explain compatibility issues and graphical glitches, pic related

>> No.5035846

Sell your wife and start a Neo Geo MVS collection.

>> No.5036321

Nope. It doesn't recognize mine.

>> No.5036330

it's only a scam if i cannout use flashcarts or multi-cart bootlegs.

>> No.5036340


You can call it a scam then. They had to tell people it wont' support both.

>> No.5036341
File: 143 KB, 1200x758, 682710991498-1-zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.5036353

First sign of a rocky marriage.

>> No.5036406

everyone's moved on to the odroid by now, try again.

>> No.5036457

>They had to tell people it wont' support both.
After they started taking money with claims it would be able to to.

>> No.5036478

>I don't see how in good faith they can promise an online marketplace with legal retro game downloads.
They promised WHAT?
That is so fucking retarded holy shit

>> No.5036735

Why would everyone move onto significantly weaker hardware?

>> No.5037106

what, the odroid go?

>> No.5037118


Didn't one of the Retrons actually grab the rom from the cartridge and use it for emulation anyway? So it's like you have the cart, and you're using it for emulation. The retardation and autismo involved in that blows my mind.

>> No.5037119

At bare minimum wait until it drops so you can see how the emulation is first before you buy one for your wife's son.

>> No.5037182


>> No.5037192
File: 66 KB, 754x335, Polymarket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe GoG versions? I dunno.

>> No.5037519

>I have difficulty believing they are in any position to acquire so many licenses

This. They don't stand a chance of getting licenses for anything that people might actually want to play.

I'm still finding it hard to determine who this console is aimed at. If you question the accuracy of the emulators they respond saying the console isn't aimed at hardcore retro enthusiasts that demand 100% accuracy. But what casual gamer is going to have a collection of original carts that would justify paying up to $600 for this thing?

This whole thing is being kept afloat on pie in the sky ideas that will never happen and many people are going to very disappointed come release day and beyond when support for this failure gets dropped within the first six months.

>> No.5037640

So it's an original hardware Ouya?

>> No.5037642

Hold up... has ANYONE poinyed out that the scheduled release date is April Fool's Day?

>> No.5037681

polymaga ehh that is even dumber name then wonderswan lmao

>> No.5037690

>I'm still finding it hard to determine who this console is aimed at
Suckers. The kind of people who scoff at emulators because they're free, then turn around and buy the Retron 5.

>> No.5037901

Why don't they make this thing as a single unit with discrete slot-in cartridge and controller adapters? The modules they are selling are just pass-through devices, there's no way they can justify selling them at $60 each but the size of the modules fools the consumer into thinking there's more to them than there actually is.

>> No.5037932

You just answered your own question.

>> No.5037998


ALL cart- taking devices that actually just emulate do that. How else should they be able to emulate? They get the rom first.

>> No.5038003

Dunno man, but it happens all the time. Like when reddit users all stopped using PC's and started using raspberry pi's. We're still seeing the effects of this retardation.

>> No.5038930

lel even worse

>> No.5038932

It's certainly a handsome scam, if so.

I hope lots of people who aren't me give them enough money that they can develop some FPGA modules.

>> No.5039125

Also the first day in the second fiscal quarter

>> No.5039139

oh, I'm not that familiar with these devices. It seems like if you're going to own the carts you may as well own the hardware and not an emulation device. It's objectively pointless.