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File: 32 KB, 466x47, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
503085 No.503085 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We blow each other's minds

Pic related. The Missile icon is 3 units wide, whereas the other tools are only 2 units wide

>> No.503096

cloud and bush is same person

>> No.503123
File: 2.50 MB, 283x212, 1365742657449.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.503135

Yeah, that diagonal aim bumps you ahead a frame or something, doesn't it?

>> No.503151

Delita gets stabbed by Princess Ovelia at the end of FFTactics

>> No.503156


>> No.503171

Was your main character really doomed, or did he ride on the chocobo?

>> No.503209

It's confirmed by Matsuno in a twitter post that they lived.

>> No.503234

Step 1 - Acquire graph paper
Step 2 - Acquire the maps for the dungeons in Zelda 1.
Step 3 - Trace them onto the graph paper
Step 3 - Cut them out
Step 4 - try to fit them into each other.
Step 5 - If you did this correctly you should have a perfect 16x16 grid. Protip 16 is the basic of HExadecimal so basically it's a AxA grid. If you don't get this YOU FUCKED UP.

>> No.503278

Who says it's not just one byte you did?

>> No.503323

>so basically it's a AxA grid
I know you're trying to look smart and all, but FxF is 16x16 in hex, not AxA.

>> No.503735


>> No.503760

Why is that supposed to blow my mind?

>> No.503764
File: 121 KB, 383x381, Welcome to the machine (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only see about 25% of this level.

>> No.503769

Because you can have 100 missiles but not other things.

>> No.503780

. . . correct. . .

My mind is still not blown.

>> No.503817

Thank God.

>> No.503847

i assume its that big because you can get hundreds of missiles and it would look weird to have a number hanging over the icon.

>> No.503858

I have never gotten past like level 6 of that game

>> No.503881


>> No.503902
File: 161 KB, 453x784, CutMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut Man is weak to Gut's Man's weapon because of Rock Paper Scissors.
Also, Cut Man is the weakest to the Mega Buster because Mega Man is named Rock.

>> No.503913

... holy shit.

>> No.503915

In Megaman X:

If you beat chill penguin before you go to flame mammoth's stage, the lava will be frozen and it will be in disarray. Other stages will change depending on the order you bea it.

If you hit armored armadillo with spark mandrill's power his armor will pop off

If you have defeated all 8 bosses and full upgrades you can a special upgrade capsule in armored armadillo's stage to gain a hadouken by completing the stage multiple times by getting to the end of the stage with full health about 4 or five times. To find the capulse you have to make sure to shimmy up the wall before the boss door...

Pokemon 1st Gen: you can catch mew without a gameshark by exploting some weird memory glitch
Detailed here:

>> No.503928

Cut Man is weak against Gut's mans power... Thats why there are 3 brick blocks in his boss stage... One order of the game is Bomb Man, Guts Man, Cut Man, Elec Man, Ice Man and Fire Man...

>> No.503938

I forgot to mention other MMX games have cameo street fighter moves include shoryuken and hurricane kick

>> No.503939

...That's the only order of the game.
It's a closed loop of weaknesses.
Also, Elec Man's fight room has bricks in it, but he isn't weak to them.

>> No.503961
File: 51 KB, 640x480, ecco_ue000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's correct. Other fun facts about Welcome to the Machine:

>The Japanese Version has save checkpoints and goes on a completely different route which shows close to 50% of the level.
>There is Unused Music in the game suggesting that there were supposed to be more than one Machine level. It's speculated that some of these ideas may have been reused for Tides of Time.
>The EU version scrolls at a slightly slower rate, but skims over some of the repeat turns.

>> No.503952

Don't forget that Magma Dragoon from X4 is Akuma.
He wears wooden prayer beads, Hadoukens, Shoryukens, Tatsumakis, and his sole mission in life is to find a worthy adversary to fight.

>> No.503978

I do Bomb Man>Guts Man>Cutman>Elec Man>Iceman>Fireman

am I weird?

>> No.503974

wait wait wait

Delita stab Ovelia?

>> No.503973

Thank god that everytime you get sent back to this level from the final battle, it doesn't randomize.

That would be the ultimate nightmare.


...Somebody needs to make a mod of that, and surprise a newbie to the series..

>> No.503990

none of that is news or exciting

>> No.503993

Try the Japanese version. If I recall correctly, it has this as well as Checkpoints in the middle of welcome to the machine. It's also a bit easier in general and has a level that was left out of the US version.

Also some of the music is different.

>> No.503997

Well, Bomb Man, Guts Man, and Cut Man are pretty much the only Robot Masters you can take down with the Mega Buster without it being a fucking trial of Heracles, and taking out Cut Man first is stupid because then you have to backtrack through Elec Man's stage to get the Magnet Beam, It's perfectly fine.
I prefer Guts Man to start, if only because Bomb Man's stage has a bunch of enemies that are a bitch without weapons.

>> No.504003

If you go to In-N-Out burger and you are the only customer in the store shout "Home RUN" and you will get a free double double

If you say "make it bold" at del taco they will pour green sauce over the fries

>> No.504017

I don't understand what is going on in this gif.

>> No.504027

You normally have to fight a mini-boss after getting the bombs. He got out before the door closed.

>> No.504031

Normally, after you get the bombs, the door behind you closes and you fight the first Torizo.
However, this player did an exploit that allowed them to leave the room before the door closed, allowing them to skip the miniboss.
Great speedrunning tactic, even if it is banned quite a bit.

>> No.504035

Don't forget that after taking down Storm Eagle results in the ship crashing into Spark mandrill's stage, thereby destroying the power station, and rendering it easier to navigate, although there will be more dark areas.

Just as well, beach Launch Octopus, and the pumps to that place stop working, thereby flooding the jungle area in Sting Chameleon's place. I don't know the interaction between any other levels other than what was already listed so far.

I don't know where Armored Armadillo and Boomer Kwanger's stages interact, if with each other. They're the only remaining levels I don't see any interactions with upon beating.

>> No.504043

yes that happens too

>> No.504063

Wasn't it heavuly implied that Alma could have been Ovelia as well?

>> No.504079

Didn't war of the lions retcon this?

>> No.504084


Is this true?

>> No.504090

Not in the least.

>> No.504096

Alma and fake Ovelia attended the same convent.

With Alma's Beoluve link it would have been impossible to swap her in as princess.

>> No.504114

Only 1 way to find out.

>> No.504124

That's a lot of typing spent to not blow anyone's mind. I'm sure you're trying to make a joke, it's just that you put so much effort in to it.

>> No.505754
File: 61 KB, 480x418, 1354239990877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.505812


That's because you can get more than a hundred missiles. Have you played this game?

>> No.505878

FxF is 15x15.
The largest single-digit number in any base is one less than the base itself. Hence base 10 having the largest digit be 9.
10x10 is 16x16.

>> No.506075


Why is that supposed to be mindblowing?