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File: 182 KB, 856x800, Final_Fantasy_8_ntsc-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5028717 No.5028717 [Reply] [Original]

Not only is this the best Final Fantasy game, but it's also objectively the best video game of all time. You can't prove me wrong, no matter how hard you try.

>> No.5028734

Bravely Default and Tactics are both better FF games.

>> No.5028738

Squallfags are bottom-tier humans

>> No.5028753

Orphanage scene ruins 67% of the cast.

>> No.5028757

Terrible game.

>> No.5028771

I'm less inspired to prove you wrong than I am to play the game again.

>> No.5028817

>Bravely Default
It was pretty fucking bad if you looked past the fluff.

>> No.5028829


>> No.5028846

Punch-Out!! is the best video game of all time.

>> No.5028848

> When your game is so broken you have to implement level scaling.

>> No.5028850

Nice try

>> No.5028891

Right and I'm sure it was also by design that you can get the second best weapon in the game before you even beat Ifrit.

>> No.5028914

Yes, ff8 is breakable, but it's still the best entry in the series :)

>> No.5028992

Is Final Fantasy the only series where "fans" only like one game and hate all the others in the series? Its tedious to read shit like this.

>> No.5028994

It's my favorite game in the series, but only by a margin, vii almost takes it. What tips it in viii's favor is the art direction, world and amazing soundtrack.

>> No.5029212


This, i love the game and the characters, but that sudden plot point is a fucking stop sign to the face.

>> No.5029214


>> No.5029217

>implying IV, V, and VI arem't the holy trinity of FF

>> No.5029221


>Irvine: Wait you guys don't remember each other and i never said a thing up till this point about it?
>Oh shit we all grew up together?
>Oh shit the GF fuck our memories!
>Oh shit we're all a family!

Im sorry but, it was so out of nowhere. Even when i was a kid and generally accepted any storyline as cool i thought it was weird.

>> No.5029223

>You can't prove me wrong
We don't have to, you are the one who make the claim, you are the one who has to back it up.

So start writing that essay OP, i'll be waiting for you. See what i did there?

>> No.5029319

I like the SNES games better.

>> No.5029349

When Squall, Zell, Selfie, Quistis, Rinoa and Irvine board the train to Deling City, Irvine looks around and says something like "Perhaps it's fate?" before going to hit on Selphie. The childhood thing was hinted at early on, but yes, it does kind of come out of no where despite that extremely vague hint.

>> No.5029474

They have much better pacing and have better graphics. 8's an interesting experiment, but its kind of tedious, like most PSX era JRPGs.

I don't hate FF8 though. It was interesting, at least.

>> No.5030375


>> No.5030413

This is the weak part in it. By pure coincidence they all happened to be from the same place with the same back-story? BULLSHIT!

It would have been a more effective story if Edea was Squall's mother instead of the wife of a fat coward.

>> No.5030415

The only thing worse than the orphanage scene is how Cloud was living Zack's life xD

>> No.5030440

Except that plot twist makes sense because Cloud always wanted to be a SOLDIER, and Zack was the hero he wanted to be. Its established early on in the game that this was always his goal.

>> No.5030465

It's a 3deep2edgy plot twist that tries way too hard to be deep

>> No.5030489 [DELETED] 

No, its a fitting plot twist. You just dont learn about it until near the end of the game, For good reason too. Its way better than orphan family reunion for absolutely no reason at all. That and the time witchs plot hole with seifer.

>> No.5030546

What plot hole with Seifer?

>> No.5030646

I knew about the orphanage scene before playing the game and I really didn't think it was that bad. It came way earlier than I expected it to, but it's not as if it ruined the whole game. After the scene I was really surprised that that was "it", you could disregard the scene entirely and the game flows about the same.

But the game's theme is fate and I'd just label the orphanage scene typical Japanese writing. I watch a lot of Japanese dramas and the game on a whole has the most Asian-style drama writing in probably all JRPGs I've played. For some reason they just eat that shit up. Even Persona 5 which is a recent title pulls the "everything was connected all along!" bullshit.

But it's still a weird game. It's like they purposefully chose to make the game's plot feel like you're recalling a barely remembered dream. The game only does a halfway job of its plot, and even though that's only enough to have the player assume that thing X might have possibly maybe happened, the game rolls with it like it did and acts like its pulled some masterpiece storywriting on you.

>> No.5030653

I think people bring up the orphanage scene because it is the dumbest thing, but its far from the only dumb thing. Really, everything about the plot after the failed assassination attempt on Edea is a trainwreck.

I still liked FF8 more than 9

>> No.5030667

Yeah, after finishing the game the whole monsters coming from the moon thing bothered me way more, but I think that was more about how it was delivered. In fact the orphanage scene's delivery was kind of the same. They were both announced so matter-of-factly as if they were something mundane.

And I prefer 9 but 8 is more fun in nearly every aspect t b h.

>> No.5031154

Not the best of all time but best ff. fuck anyone who says different. Cloud with a big sword or monkey boy zidane

>> No.5031229

Awww, baby's first RPG. <3

>> No.5031236


Good for you, they were objectively superior. FMV Fantasy was OK but nowhere near the greatness of (some of) those before it.

>> No.5031326

Mi negro

>> No.5031357

How do you get the second best weapon?

>> No.5031492

Well, we obviously can't agree on it being the best or not, but we can all agree it had the best Chocobo theme.


>> No.5031508


Best comfy music

>> No.5031516

convince me that the junction system wasn't awful

>> No.5031520

You could skip encounters without any drawbacks.

>> No.5031526

It was actually a pretty cool idea. It's broken in its implementation though which is mostly why this game isn't great. That and AMNESIA. LOL

>> No.5031530
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>> No.5031572

Chrono Trigger > Every Final Fantasy > Chrono Cross

>> No.5031576
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>> No.5031628

>tfw this is me

It's not a hard system, but I had no idea you could junction magic to level up stats. Got destroyed by Griepher, then finally realized something was wrong.

Still the best minigame.

>> No.5031637

Kill yourself

>> No.5031641

You first.

>> No.5031646

Final Fantasy VIII is what happens when budget and talent converge on a crappy idea.

>> No.5031648
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Sometimes i feel like I'm retardrd amd than i realize a ff8 thread. Yes the game isn't the best in the series but I've read and seen irl multiple tines people not getting the junction system. It's literally you get magic and put it on a stat and it goes up. Some magic adds more power to certain stats. You can also add status effects to attack and defense.

I understood this as a child its an extremely simple concept. I honestly never understood how people could miss this. I'm literally retarded can't drive or tie my shoes on disability at 28 years old and i understood this. I've met smarter people say this also...this game isn't that fucking hard.

>> No.5031659

Squall is more absolutely alpha that the vast majority of FF protags. Decades old memes by people who didn't even play the game or don't get it say otherwise.

>> No.5031660

>im gunna take over the world with my mommy

what a badass

>> No.5031672

He's a pussy who spent over 10 years of his life crying about being alone

>> No.5031698

Squall has internalizations that people complain about unjustly saying he was emo and a pussy, but the fact of the matter is he carried everyone else throughout the entire story, every time the job had to be done he was the first person to do it and often had to operate on the fly to make up for his other teammates nearly constant fuckups. The only real problem he had, is his irrational turnaround to suddenly loving Rinoa out of nowhere.

>> No.5031834


I love IV, VI, VIII, IX and X

I like V and VII

I, II and III are kinda meh for me having played the rest before them but they are still interesting.

It's just people trying to counter-troll the rutinary "beating up X game" (now the trend seems to be disliking Mario 64 and OoT) enter the game and becaming trolls at the same time or maybe falseflagging just to see people fighting etc.

>> No.5031873

I've been going through FF games this year, and honestly I like all of them.

Obviously, the earlier entries aren't very good these days but I can appreciate them for what they did, and what they tried to do over how barebones they are. FF1 is my least favourite of the bunch, but it doesn't mean I hate it.

Same with FF5, it was my least favourite SNES one, but overall it's a fine game with a cool gameplay system, and I liked the multiple different worlds.

FF8 is my least favourite PS1 one, but I think it was the most unique FF game of the bunch, junction was an interesting concept and I loved being able to skip encounters since they were meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

I just think with FF, people played one when they were a kid and it was their favourite, and then played another which they didn't like. In this case FF7 to FF8, which would be quite confusing for a kid back then, so it just seems like they hate them.

>> No.5031880
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>not super punch-out

>> No.5031886
File: 1.57 MB, 1440x2160, Final Fantasy VIII CD3-171115-150238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Squall is great.

>honestly I like all of them
That's great. I stand by the statement that there aren't any bad FF games. There are some seriously bad JRPGs out there and even the worst FF Type-0 doesn't come close to that.

>> No.5031887
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>everything about the plot after the failed assassination attempt on Edea is a trainwreck.

Because Squall dies after Edea impales him and everything past that point is a hallucination conjured up by his dying brain

>> No.5031894
File: 915 KB, 1440x1080, Final Fantasy VIII CD3-171115-140023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But seriously though, people act like Squall is some emo loser kid for much of the game, but in truth the game makes fun of him half the time. Then you regularly get to see his inner monologues and realize that he cares for the rest of the party, he just doesn't know how to translate his thoughts into words and is afraid of feeling for others after his past.

There was one monologue in particular, I think some time after he starts being the defacto leader of the garden where I noticed how much I started to like him. He feels like a real character and is one of the better protags. Unless you're a Zidane/Bartzfag or haven't played the game I don't know how anyone could call Squall a shit character. The only iffy part about his character is him suddenly falling for Rinoa. That didn't feel organic at all, especially with how familiar you get with Squall after spending so much time in his head.

>> No.5031902
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It's almost as if Squall is an introverted teenager who keeps on getting more and more bullshit he doesn't want to do being piled onto him and friends/bystanders looking up to him to be this strong leader when he doesn't want to or something.

>> No.5031996

Its fine. Not my least favorite, 9 gets that distinction.

>> No.5032106

It what happens when each game difference itself from the latest and have different goals in the mind of the developers which causes opinions to wildly vary.

>> No.5032129

lads squall is dead theory made me appreciate this game more, even if it's not true. I like to believe it is though

>> No.5032148

How many times have you beat Wizardry IV?

>> No.5032497


>> No.5032542

But it's a really braindead theory. At least R=U has some standing and frames things differently. The former theory relies on Ulty's ice piercing and that could have been fixed by Ulty healing him to question him like you see is fucking done during the game. Everything beyond that FMV is extrapolation and "maybe he's dead become this thing that I think is weird happened" and starts to delve into stonerbro territory.

You know the theory has no standing when you try applying it to other games. FF8 isn't even the lone game in the FF series that you can apply the theory.

Look at FFIV:

Cecil died in the fire at Mist. The whole game is an egoist fantasy made up by Cecil, a man on the brink of death dreaming about what could have been and regretting his evil actions. Cecil is someone who refuses to see his king as inherently evil so his dream explores the idea that the king is just an imposter. That the father he never knew was a hero and guides him towards his true path and forgiveness. He's even forgiven by the Mysidians, the girl who he murdered in Mist grows up to be a strong person and forgives him for what he did to her and her mother.

That Cecil is actually from the moon and has a brother. A brother he never knew but appears to be evil, but it turns out that he's not and even he was controlled by someone else. That the love triangle between Cecil, Rosa and Kain is resolved and Cecil gets the girl at the end and becomes king of Banon. A happy ending for himself.

>> No.5032878

Ur not wrong

>> No.5032983

Objectively correct opinion and i'm not even trolling

>> No.5032990

>At least R=U has some standing and frames things differently
And the producers laughed their asses off when they heard it

>> No.5033034

Of course they would. They approved the retarded mess that was the original story. It's perfectly coherent that good ideas that would elevate said story from retarded to tolerable would crack them up.

>> No.5033442
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>> No.5033596

Fuck this theory though.

>> No.5033641

Squall's Dead is the normiest fan theory in the history of fan theories

>> No.5033776

You don't know what 'edgy' means. It's psychological, yeah, that's not edgy

>> No.5034308


>> No.5034319

>everything i don't like is... [insert buzzword]
man, can instantly tell we have a real intellectual on our hands right here!

>> No.5034380

My experience:
When I played (in my young days) I didn't like it.
"How the fuck does Squall 3000 damage at level 80? Zidane does +6000 at level -50! Fuck this, G.F. for the win"
...until Ultimecia Castle, wreck me

Years later I found I was playing the wrong way.
The right way is Triple Triad, low level, Meltdown-Aura-Renzokuken
...wow, NOW I like the game. I didn't remember the story, and I was like what? story-loop ED, this is great!

tl;dr: it gets better when you know how to play

>> No.5034391

Yep, even when I was 9, I generally accepted A LOT of bullshit, but I believe this was the first time I ever truly rejected a plot point.

>> No.5034398

And to add to that point, I love how the game tells me Irvine didnt use GFs at all yet I used him in my main party, and always spammed GFs. This whole scene was literally half-assed. It was the point where the game started going downhill for me.

>> No.5034426

Balamb Garden was the only Garden where GF use was common and seemed to be endorsed, the Garden that Irvine was from didn't have the same attitude. They never said that he never uses GFs, he just hadn't used them up to that point which is why his memory was intact.

>> No.5034441

Is when Squall gets Shiva and Questl the first time he's ever Junctioned GFs?

>> No.5034682

But I can run around in a bunch of random battles for 50 hours and spam gfs with Irvine. I would imagine that it would take affect on him eventually.

>> No.5034715

This game has always left a bad taste in mouth, a shame too because I really like some parts of this game. The soundtrack is amazing and I really like the junction system, then the game shits the bed.
> triple triad is ass
> the story makes no sense once they bring the moon in
> the invisible magazines needed for better gear and overall how useless money is
> constant party changing breaks the game for me too
Due to the constant party shuffling Squall ended about 30lvs ahead of everyone else and the fucked scaling meant squall one shot everything and like three shot bosses. Although the cheese strats for this game are good.

>> No.5034895

>triple triad is ass

Nah-ah. I played even the fan made online version of that with extra decks from other FF games.

>> No.5034908


>> No.5035019
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>> No.5035075


>> No.5035330

except for Rugrats Theory

>> No.5035371


>> No.5035659

Preach brother

>> No.5035698

Only a Plank Between One and Perdition is the most honorable track ever.

>> No.5036645

Fuck off

>> No.5037015

literally /ourboi/

>> No.5037053

While I enjoy FFVIII and think it's a good game, it's not even the best game in it's series, let alone of all time.
It's one of the most underated games in the series though, next to FFIII and FFV.

>> No.5037105

Let me guess, the best game in the series is 6, 7 or 10?

>> No.5037356

I think you mean FFII.

>> No.5037359

FII is generally rate exactly as it should be.

>> No.5037445
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But no. FFII is a great, underrated game. People only hate it because its different. It and FFVIII are the only games you can go into a thread to discuss and see people talking about the game who clearly haven't played it.

The game's growth system is a clear evolution of FFI's static classes. When it comes to its gameplay, some things aren't spelled out for you and that's bullshit, but I forgive that for how ambitious the game is and besides, you should be playing the PSX version anyway. It has a refreshing, incredibly grounded plot that never feels too over the top, tragic actors for a cast and an incredibly strong atmosphere.

FFII is about being 99% close to completely losing the fight against the enemy and only barely surviving. At every turn, people die and the empire wins and the only thing pushing anyone on on is hope. Every victory you make is only a small one and the empire is always either half a step behind you, or one step ahead of you. At the end of the game, some many people have sacrificed their lives for the party that you get this feeling that you can't possibly lose for their sake. Even after you defeat the emperor, it feels like you were too late and so many things have already been lost.

People give FFVI props, but FFII communicated a hopeless fight long before FFVI and arguably in a much stronger way.

Meanwhile FFIII is just a FFV beta with a shoddy story.

>> No.5037591

I'm honestly a FFIX guy.
I don't like FFX, though.
I don't like FFII, the leveling system ruins it for me.

>> No.5037756

>I don't like FFII, the leveling system ruins it for me.
I don't understand. Unlike the Junction system, there's nothing to even do. You just play.

>> No.5038151

This guy gets it

>> No.5038513

If FFIII is a beta for FFV. FFII is a beta for the Saga series.

>> No.5039574

That theory is the only thing making the latter of the story remotely believable.

>> No.5039681

>he just doesn't know how to translate his thoughts into words
Ah fuck, he's an Autism, isn't he? That explains it.

>> No.5039974

Ff8 I'd good, but not that good. Especially considering DUAL ORB 2 came out prior

>> No.5040205

>believable in a fantasy game
Are you trolling? Sorcerous from the future who wants to compress time is the best story in fiction, but aside from that, what the fuck does believable have to do with anything in vidya? Is any FF game believable? Silent Hill? Resident Evil? Mega Man? Elder Scrolls? What the fuck kind of criticism is believable in regards to a Final FANTASY game?

>> No.5040225

It's mentioned in at least one place that GF dwells in the same place as memories when junctioned.

>> No.5040504
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OP here. Sorry guys I posted the wrong pic

>> No.5040508

IV, V, VI and VII are the greatest streak of games in any franchise ever produced

>> No.5040804


>> No.5040957


>> No.5041151

Reddit doesn't like any FF. They think random encounters are obsolete and annoying.

>> No.5041157

>Yeah reddit amirite guiz? ;)

>> No.5041165

People hate it because the use-based leveling system is fucking awful. People like FFVI because they like the characters. No one gives a shit about FFII's characters.

>> No.5041173

Did you mean to reply to >>5040804 ?

>> No.5041241

if i'm playing this on a PSP will I lose anything from the experience do you think? Debating whether to play on a handheld (take it everywhere) or on my PC.

>> No.5041251

how would you know that?

>> No.5041294

That's /v/

>> No.5041301

FF8? Its the exact same game on PSP. Wear headphones/plug your psp into a stereo and its the same experience.

>> No.5041860

Nintendo has betrayed me. I wuv this game.

>> No.5041871

Only game not coming to the switch. Damnnnnn lol

>> No.5041872

I know hating on FF8 is a common opinion but I didn't realise Square themselves hated it?

>> No.5042005
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This game's next on my RPG list after I finish Radiant Historia (loved it) and the first Phantasy Star. Taking into account I liked VII a lot, and V still being my favorite FF... what am I in for, /vr/?

I barely know anything about it other than the Gilgamesh cameo,

>> No.5042035

Busted Gameplay
Nice world and setting
Stupid plot and characters
Great music as usual with FF

>> No.5042038

Square Enix thinks on money. "So, the people on the internet says FFVIII is shit, not re-releasing it."

>> No.5042061
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Exactly man, people lose their suspension of belief over the stupidest shit.

Then even worse, is that the fucking issue everyone loses it over in the orphanage scene is hinted at multiple times. Memory issues are shown where squall doesn’t remember the guy at fisherman’s horizon, the garden workers saying don’t believe what people say about GFs, how the prompts in the classroom remark upon it, etc.
And then, it even ties into the story moreso in that the time spent there and Edea’s encounter with Ultemecia and Squall led to the creation of SEED and furthers the theme of fate. Motherfuckers lose their mind over something that’s actually woven into the game because all of a sudden they think they’re supposed to be watching a real life documentary or something.

>> No.5042067
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The plot is fucking amazing though? I don't understand why you low iq retards pretend like Ultimecia isnt the best antagonist in FICTION. No antagonist compares to the sorceress from the future who wants to compress time. Everything about the game is perfect. FFVIII literally has the best magic casting in jrpgs.

>> No.5042072

Oh and the card game is great(with the right rules)
>FFVIII literally has the best magic casting in jrpgs.
Only magic that's worth using are Aura and Meltdown.

>> No.5042082

Not even close kid. Using two casters and casting Cerberus for double and triple on your entire party leads to spell weaving that is beyond your comprehension. I will admit that Aura Meltdown Renzokuken is busted as fuck and I abused it a lot when I was a kid using Squall/Zell/Irvine. Squall/Rinoa and either Selphie or Quistis with full magic is literally godtier jrpg casting.

>> No.5042149
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>> No.5042156

I forgot about that!

>> No.5042162

You skimmed through the game.

>> No.5042216

I think the fate part has a much larger significance in this game than most people seem to realize. The way I understood it is that Squall is essentially the hero that was prophecized much like the common classic old JRPG stories. However, this game took a different approach to that formula. Usually this type of story would involve the characters simply accepting the prophecy, going on a journey, fulfilling their role and destiny to save the world. This time we're introduced to a very introspective main character who's going through the awkward teenage phase of his life. When Cid tries to put Squall on the path of the prophecy, Squall instead feels like others are constantly trying to put his whole life on rails and feels a lack of agency in his own life. He wants his own free will to control his fate.
Eventually he'll accept his role because he has the power and means to do the things that must be done even if it means following a predestined path. Meanwhile we have Ultimecia who's trying to avoid being killed as the prophecy foretold by doing the time compression which would create a world in which only she can live in. Ironically this action opens up a path for Squall and co. to travel to the time and space in which Ultimecia exists through the use of Ellone's powers. Ultimecia's precautions which are a result of the prophecy ends up fulfilling the prophecy in getting her killed.
I thought it was all pretty interesting even if the plot and story wasn't always executed perfectly.

>> No.5042225

oh ok. *locks thread*

>> No.5042235
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Zell is cool, even though he has a face tattoo

>> No.5042313

The locations, semi-modern theme, and ambience were generally really cool. But it's a shame that the gameplay is easily exploitable and a portion of the story is so fucking wacked-out that it ruins the rest.

I mean, you go from being a mercenary hired to fight off an evil warmongering army invading your lands on foot to a spaceship pilot who, with the help of his friends who coincidentally all went to the same orphanage together, fight a demon sorceress witch through time and space?

>> No.5042605

Zell's my favourite kind of character, that upbeat idiot who's a bit hot headed but would be a good friend otherwise.

I always had him and best girl Selphie in my party. They were also a fun contrast to Squall.

>> No.5042669

Sounds about as absurd as any other FF game.

>> No.5042672

I don't think people argue that a future sorceress wanting to compress time isn't cool. However that is barely a focus of the plot until right near the end. What people take issue with mainly is the '''love''' ''''''story'''''' with Squall and Rinoa

>> No.5042674

yeah yeah, everyone says "hurr it's foreshadowed that GFs cause memory loss" which would be fine in and of itself but what makes that 'twist' so random and unsatisfying is that NO-ONE DOES ANYTHING ABOUT IT. You'd think maybe forgetting such a large part of your childhood would prompt the gang to maybe take the warnings about GFs causing memory loss a bit more seriously, but nope, never brought up again and never has any noticeable effects ever again on anyone ever. It's almost as if that plot point was created on the fly and a couple NPCs dialog were tweaked to 'hint' at the twist that was planned all along and crucial to the story, totally.

>> No.5042680

Ultimecia is active from the very start of the game and you see her true form at the end of disc 2 when it leaves Edea's body. You learn her name shortly after that at the beginning of disc 3. I don't understand the "out of nowhere" crowd.

>> No.5042698

I didn't say out of nowhere, I said it wasn't a focus of the plot. The plot early on is focused on the warring Gardens and Squall/Rinoa's twue wuv.

>> No.5042761

It was absolutely a focus of the plot though...a focus of the plot from the very start of the game.

>> No.5042847

Yeah the Squall and Zell dynamic was great

>> No.5042940

I agree. The very least they could do is address the issue through dialogue and weighing the pros and cons of using GFs. They would presumably come to the conclusion that it's a necessity to use GFs despite the consequences, but they could still acknowledge the memory loss issue by ending the dialogue with reminding everyone to be on the lookout for any hints of memory loss in each other.
As you say, I think the reason why none of this happened is simply because the memory loss is solely set up as a plot point to explain why none of the characters recognized each other despite growing up together. After all of this is cleared up, the plot point of the memory loss didn't have a purpose anymore and the devs probably treated it as a done deal even though storywise it really should have been a serious cause for concern for the characters.

>> No.5043020

Selphie suggested started a diary and Squall acknowledged that GFs gave them the power necessary to fight the sorceress. When the orphanage/GF memory loss scene happened, they were literally a few in game days away from fighting Edea. Do you really expect them to stop at this point? I would think that after they accomplished their ultimate goal (Ultimecia) that they stopped relying on GF, but that is just speculation.

>> No.5043065

Did you mean to accidentally not put 9 in the picture OP? Are you sure you're not mistaken

>> No.5043079

They do that don't they? I remember Zell saying something like he's going to keep using them because he doesn't care if he forgets Seifer making his childhood miserable.

But the scene is stupid

>> No.5043313

As much as I love 9, Vivi and Eiko can only carry the game so far.

>> No.5043757

FF8 > FF4/5/6/7/9/10/12

>> No.5044018

You'd think they'd at least try to ask the question of if using the GFs and suffering the consequences is worth it and examine Cid's character and whether or not he's right or wrong but nope. It's such a half-baked plot point. FFVIII is definitely one of the most poignant examples of wasted potential, right down to Ultimecia. It pisses me off desu.

>> No.5044117

Quistis is far and away the best girl. Selphie is barely passable and Rinoa is terrible.
Not a bad party though. Mine was Squall Quistis and Zell.

>> No.5044123

All of the characters in IX were absolute shit except for Steiner and perhaps Vivi, but I still didn't like Vivi.

>> No.5044195

Lol this

>> No.5044201

The problem is that brainlets ff7 babies think they've to draw 100 of every magic from enemies instead of refining cards and items dropped by monsters.

Oh and they also use only GF's in battle lmao.

>> No.5044203 [DELETED] 
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i used to love 8 until i came to similar conclusions. alot of things just dont add up at all, even for the japs! ohh nobody remembers we were all orphan kids together... ohh its because we use GFs..... why did nobody tell us that prolonged use of GFs cause mental stability??? no reason, but me irvine am tellin yall we was siblins n shit. ohh yea guess what. TIME TRAVEL BITCHES LOLOLOLOLOLL

>> No.5044317

1 and 2 were the best

>> No.5044419

Written like a typical idiot who gets taken in by social pressure. Congratulations, you're minimum common denominator!
Those kids were raised by a witch in a magical world, filled with magical creatures that make you lose memories, that they all use. You're just obsessed with having an autistic explanation of a perfectly clear concept. Perhaps the witch that raised made them forget. Perhaps the fucking time loop that happened while they were there did. In FF8 Lore Guardian Force and the Witch have the same origin.

If you get obsessed and start nitpicking the continuity of any show or game you'll ruin it for yourself and make yourself look like a jackass to others.

>> No.5044427

Even Shamalayn would be like wtf is this

>> No.5044524

strange how this defense is only ever brought up for FF8, I never see detractors of other Final Fantasies being told they're "just overthinking it"

>> No.5044551

>implying those are different things

>> No.5044558

Recently finished the game. Actually finished it 20 minutes prior to typing this post. Anyways it's definitely not a bad game, I think it suffers a bit from being in the same generation as VII and IX, which overshadow it a lot. The junction system is certainly interesting, as a whole I'd say it's a negative change but it's not without its good points. It IS however, introduced in the worst way possible, with the existence of GFs. Instead of adapt or die, it's adapt or press the win button to get a summon that does 1000+ damage. I really got deep into junctioning during Disc 3 as haste+GFs can easily carry you past the first 2 discs, and I imagine a lot further. Once you do really get into junctioning though, it's tedious but very rewarding; before long I was hoarding magic from the islands using enc-none and getting ridiculous stats to the point where the game on the last 2 discs became a visual novel aside from the bahamut/ultima weapon fights. The fact that you use magic and it takes away from junctions is very counter-intuitive though, even if you can get more since the junction stats vary based on the number of a spell you have. A much better system would be that junctioned stats stay the same whether you have 1x or 100x Ultima, just that you have it equipped [and stats would otherwise normally scale with level]. And along with this, something like a prestige system where you get more stat points for using a magic X amount of times.

As for the story/characters. The story is decent, it has a few areas of really bad writing such as the orphanage bit, the fact that Edea is actually a good guy being ~controlled by the evil sorceress~ rather than a former acquaintance being conflicted between good and evil [much like Seifer] is lazy writing as well. The characters for the most part are decent aside from Squall being an edgelord, definitely one of the stronger points of the game. The endgame felt a bit short and I'd prefer to explore the future more [1/2]

>> No.5044559

>why did nobody tell us that prolonged use of GFs cause mental stability
Terminals in the classroom explain this but it's ridiculously easy to miss.

It's my headcanon that the reason things seem to happen in a vacuum is because Squall has no memories of the "boring" parts

>> No.5044564
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I also really disliked how there were a lot less towns and cities than VII and IX because the towns and cities that are in the game are extremely memorable and great conceptually. An actual town/city of Trabia would be nice next to Trabia Garden, as Balamb and Galbadia had one. Centra was pretty damn barren too. More party characters wouldn't have been the worst thing in the world either. 6 felt a little too small even though they all had fluid/malleable battle roles because of the junction system. Triple Triad is somewhat fun but honestly I liked Tetra Master better, it just felt more like a traditional card game and was fun to pick up and play. The soundtrack is fantastic and dare I say, the best out of the psx era final fantasy titles. Fisherman's Horizon, The Landing, The Final Battle, Balamb Garden, Timber are all excellent tracks filled with atmosphere. Anyways despite it's faults, shit is a good game, just might not live up to its name of 'Final Fantasy' at least during 5th gen and to be honest, it could probably work as another series entirely if you changed the title, it's that out-there . 8.5/10

>> No.5044567

The orchestrated version of the 'prologue' theme during the credits gave me goosebumps. It was the cherry atop an overall comfy experience.

>> No.5044571

Shit I forget to mention deling city, absolute tune right there. There's more I'm forgetting I'm sure

>> No.5044576

Selphie should've been the heroine. Genki girl heroine + grumpy fuck hero is always a funny combination.

>> No.5044610

Na, I'm >>5044018 and I still liked the game and I think I love it sometimes because I don't even talk about my favorite FF this much

The game's theme is fate, and trying to change fate will involve time travel, however cheesy that might be. You can't change fate no matter how hard you try, even Ellone is forced to give up trying to change her past as Ultimecia failed to change her future.

The plot otherwise is really simple and I think it being seen as confusing is just a meme at this point.

All I dislike about FF8 is how unrealized everything is. Ultimecia could have made for a good tragic villain of a witch that decides to don the name Ultimecia out of persecution, but you only gets hints of her backstory. The GF amnesia could have made for some dark as fuck so dark and gritty child solider moments but again, it barely has baring on the story before and even after the reveal. You revisit characters the cast are supposed to know, why not have them forget these characters? Selphie goes on about muh Trabia for what feels like too much of the game but that doesn't make sense given the GF amnesia. That'd have been a great place to hint at the effects, bonus since you learn about the twist at Trabia.

And while I didn't like Type-0, it feels like FF8 if it had went stronger on its "darker" themes.

>> No.5044625

Apparently you’ve never mulled over the insanity of the Weapons from FFVII and Necron appearing out of fucking nowhere in FFIX and going to the goddamn moon in FFIV or Figaro’s castle fucking going underground in the first half hour of the game. Like get the fuck outta here dude.

>> No.5044628

The fact that you were using GFs as your source of damage let’s me know that you are, in fact a moron.

>> No.5044632

Or Sin sending fucking Tidus a 1000 years in the future or whatever from Zanarkand and that he dives with Rikku fucking hundreds of feet into the water in the first hour of play.

>> No.5044637

I know you autists don't get it, but FF8 constantly breaks suspension of disbelief by having ridiculous stuff happen in a mundane looking setting.

FFX tells you exactly what sort of setting you are dealing with in the intro cinematic, where everyone is breathing underwater.

>> No.5044647

but that's my point exactly, it's only FF8 specifically where that argument gets used as a defense when EVERY game in the series has bizarre shit in it

>> No.5044653

Rinoa is a boring cunt, one of the worst FF love interests

>> No.5044658

Not him but it being a fantasy setting and having unrealistic events doesn't excuse bad writing or things feeling out of place. The orphanage shit is a lazy attempt at an origin story [even if it's for thematic purposes] and has an even lazier way of introducing it. Fantastic, 'unreal' scenarios don't mean that awkward, hamfisted plotpoints are okay. If it's revealed that Squall was actually Cloud in a dream the entire time, Rinoa leaves on disc 3 to become a basketball player and Ultimecia joins on disc 2, and its revealed that the real villain is the Hamburglar, is that good writing because it's a fantasy game and unrealistic things happen?

>> No.5044660

And how the fuck is 4, 6, 7, and 10 not guilty of the same then? Fucking A resort to ad hominem cause you know it’s the truth that they all crush suspension of belief if you’re actually looking for it. You just parrot what all the talking heads online say and focus on it in FF8 way more and somehow come to this deluded state where FF8 is some egregious offender when they’re all on pretty even field. Fucking A man.

Shit, sorry I got you now.

>> No.5044663

Hey man, it was working. I don't like to fix things that aren't broken

>> No.5044664

I just told you why, I'm not going to repeat myself.

>> No.5044665

What the fuck are you even trying to say?

Just fucking read this if you’re still on the orphanage scene, and quit using hyperbole like you’re twelve years old, christ.
In reference and terms of the fate thematic, FF8 did more in prepping for that than it did than the plot points for shit like >>5044625

>> No.5044675

No you didn’t, you lazily fucking stated an excuse for one while being hypercritical for another. As if teenagers running/fighting in a global militaristic operation more efficient than armies shouldn’t have equally set your mind frame for the game. You pick and choosing motherfucker, you’re the autist here who can’t move their mind over little hills that people online tell you and genuinely let it affect your enjoyment of a game that’s a fucking JRPG from a lineage of games with grandiose events which delivered the “unbelievable event” with more foreshadowing than they give to other events. Fuck right off.

>> No.5044679

If multiple people see it as an issue, clearly something is not right. Bad writing isn't a 'pleb filter' or 2deep4u, or whatever VIIIfags like to deflect with. Memory issues are a huge can of worms and the fact that it conveniently only happens for certain things is lazy writing and comes off as unrealistic even in a fantasy setting. This is a fact regardless of what was supposedly foreshadowed.

>> No.5044680

I wish Adel had been more prominent in the story. Early in the game when you see that TV screen being hijacked with
is some creepy shit. And the reason why radio communication is banned is because she can tap into them even though she'd trapped in a space prison, because she's just that powerful. I even like that she looks huge and masculine, gives me the impression she doesn't care about beauty one bit, only power, even if it ends up making her look monstrous in the process

The flashback where Laguna tricks her into being trapped is really lame though, just a lil push and that's it

>> No.5044681

I agree, Adel had the potential to be a really interesting character.

>> No.5044685

It doesn’t happen for certain things, they show him forgetting shit through the game and other characters remarking upon it. Do you want it to be Alzheimer’s with everything being re-explained every other scene? I just don’t get y’all.

If you wanna bitch about something, bitch about the space scene.

>> No.5044693

>If you wanna bitch about something, bitch about the space scene.
Seconded, it's one thing to claim the memory loss was out of nowhere, but Squall and Rinoa drifting through space and happening to stumble across a defunct (but working order) spaceship? Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't remember the slightest bit of foreshadowing that one of Esthar's ships had been lost in space

>> No.5044697

It does happen for certain things. There are a lot of other things he could forget but he conveniently doesn't. I don't want it to be Alzheimer's and I'm pretty sure you know what I want it to be, not blatantly scripted to the extent that it looks like a shitty plot device.

>> No.5044716

Yeah, that whole bit is just out of pocket. And that’s as someone who really likes the game. I should play through it again and try to hard to catch any allusions to any of it, or if it is as pants on head as I recall it. I don’t remember anything alluding to an abandoned Esthar ship existing up there.
But then the focus of the game is shifted from Fate to young man can’t remember last Tuesday. It’s there, it makes itself known that it’s a problem Squall and others face, and supports the main theme of Fate. The game isn’t about the loss of memories or the damn orphanage, it’s about how all of the events were destined by the will of the characters/people involved and Ultemecia’s push against that.

>> No.5044717

All that focus on trains, even so far as putting them on the world map, and not a SINGLE train bossfight in the vein of Phantom Train, what were they thinking?

>> No.5044719

Doomtrain son

>> No.5044723

Even if we pretend for a second that there was foreshadowing about the existence of the spaceship, the odds of stumbling upon it by pure chance as you're floating through space are astronomically small. If there's anything in that game that is genuinely stupid then it's that scene.

>> No.5044728

Yeah, agreed. It’s just wacky. They all got scenes like that through Final Fantasy games, but that ones pretty bad. Otherwise, I don’t have a problem with the game and enjoy it. Just kind of have to turn my brain off there.

>> No.5044730

yeah but you should fight it to recruit it, like some of the other GFs.

>> No.5044731

>I wish Adel had been more prominent in the story.
That's my biggest problem with VIII. Reading all the lore about VIII's history with the sorceress war and all that makes the actual game seem really bland. It all takes place after everything exciting and interesting already happened.

>> No.5044732

for me it's on the level of the spaceship scene in Life of Brian, equally unlikely yet one is played for laughs, the other intended to be a dramatic and serious escape from danger

>> No.5044737

Literally the worst game in the entire series that only ACTUAL faggots and losers enjoys, no matter what you say you can't prove my wrong because my opinion is actually correct and yours is 100% gutter trash false. Enjoyers of ff8 are also enjoyers of fat nigger dicks in their ass.

>> No.5044742

When you say fat nigger dicks, are they dicks belonging to fat niggers, or are they fat dicks belonging to niggers? The distinction is important

>> No.5044778

A fantasy game having bizarre shit in it is okay and expected, but only if you introduce the bizarre elements in a way to not totally ruin your audience's suspension of belief. FFVII's Weapons are the planet's response to threats and you already know that the planet has something of a consciousness before that point. That's entirely different from the nonchalant way FF8 drops its orphanage and basically everything concerning the moon and Lunar Cry plot on you.

Necron is a thematic boss battle and I don't know why they didn't go with the original Hades design, but maybe that was considered too heavy-handed.

Figaro Castle I always look at as a way to introduce the type of technology in use in FFVI's world and also Mode 7. Remember that FF didn't have a setting like that before.

>> No.5044875

Cloud was living Zack's life lmao.

>> No.5044930


It's on the level of "Oh nooo! Reactor 5 exploded and Cloud fell several hundred feet but don't worry a bed of flowers saved his life"

I don't remember any foreshadowing about bed flowers and the odds of falling into one are non existent.

>> No.5044935

cloud falling on the flowerbed is top 5 ff7 moments

>> No.5044947

I'm pretty sure someone tells you not to step on the flowers so yeah it does get foreshadowed

>> No.5044953

>cloud falling on the flowerbed is top 5 ff7 moments

yeah top 5 suspension of disbelief moments

FF8 worst sin is not being FF7-2 that's why people shit on it, I understand that 7 was for a lot of people babies first ''RPG'' and expected 8 to continue ''the adventures of Cloud and his friends'', but longtime FF fans knew that every game was at that point a separate installment until X-2.

>> No.5044956

I hope you're joking but if not then by that standard the amnesia and orphanage scene are also foreshadowed.

>> No.5045705

Using GFs in your first playthrough is fine. I say this as the ff8 turbo autist who has finished the game approximately 30 times. Eventually it gets to a point where you realize that ff8 has the best magic in the series and the only summon that you use is Cerberes for double and triple on your entire party and then you weave spells like a god. Fuck I love ff8 magic.

>> No.5046228

I wouldn't even mind that if the drop wasn't so fucking far.

>> No.5046458

>"Oh nooo! Reactor 5 exploded and Cloud fell several hundred feet but don't worry a bed of flowers saved his life"
Occasional minor coincidences are completely fine in a story like this. Jesus Christ what autism. As a writer, your options are:

1. Waste screen time pointlessly foreshadowing the flowers to placate wannabe lit critics.
2. Rewrite the scene using a less humorous and aesthetic way for Cloud to survive the fall.

Neither of those things would actually improve the story and you dumb fucks would just find some other nitpick to complain about.

>> No.5046613

The problem is that there is retarded stuff in every FF game, but people only criticize 8 for its retarded stuff while completely ignoring retarded stuff in other games, like 7, and Cloud falling hundreds of feet to the ground and being saved by a bed of flowers.

>> No.5046621

I hope the bed of flowers meme catches on, someone might even make a youtube video with a million views on it.

>> No.5046967

I agree. Cloud falling hundreds of feet only to be "saved" by a bed of flowers is silly. In reality, he died in that church and was buried there and the rest of the game is a dream of what could have been. This makes a lot of sense considering that Cloud was already pretending to be Zack.

>> No.5047172

Well, they announced that the Switch is getting 7, 9, X and X-2, but not 8. So.

>> No.5047181

9 got a mobile release, which they'll bring over, and 7 got a PS4 re-release, whereas 8 on Steam is literally just the 2000 PC port. They probably don't have a version of 8 they can quickly push out.

>> No.5047182
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>Don't hate. It's just a theory!

>> No.5047186

>implying half life blue shift isn't the best game of all time

>> No.5047193

Switch is the numale handheld right? Not surprising that 8 isn't on there, since soys can't handle it.

>> No.5047230

It has Laguna wich makes it the best post 7 FF

>> No.5047295

You just ruined ff7 for me

>> No.5047686


>> No.5047783

Squall is a beta-cuck pussy.

>> No.5048332

>whereas 8 on Steam is literally just the 2000 PC port. They probably don't have a version of 8 they can quickly push out.
>waste million on The Shit Within
>spend not a single dime on archiving the assets of ff7+8

>> No.5048335

He's a cool twink and he makes all the girls wet.

>> No.5048443

Stop projecting

>> No.5048453

gacktposter, is that you?

>> No.5049056

>people only criticize 8 for its retarded stuff while completely ignoring retarded stuff in other game
I don't criticize FF8 because I haven't played it. But generally speaking, when I see what appears to be unfair nitpicking of one game or story vs. another, it's usually because there's some bigger problem that is harder to notice or fully articulate.

>> No.5049102

The "problem" that you're speaking of is the junction system, and retarda who think that you actually draw magic. People cry because ff8 isnt ff7-2.

>> No.5049464

>tfw ascended brain tier
Fuck why was Triple Triad so damn fun? I legit wished they had made a standalone game of that damn game for the 3DS/PSP or something.

>> No.5049480

I just started playing through the series in order earlier this year. Never played any FF before. I'm up to VI but so far II was my favorite. Punishingly difficult with amazing writing- the two best features of retro games that have since been lost.

>> No.5049949

see? FF7 babies and FF8 babies are all the same.

>> No.5049968

Thanks a lot Sakaguchi!

>> No.5049969

There are people who play FF8 and draw 100 of every magic from every enemy they fight, can you believe it?

>> No.5049973

I can because the in-game tutorial tells you to do precisely that.

>> No.5050018 [DELETED] 

Can we stop arguing and admit this is a great moment?

>> No.5050021

Everyone stop arguing and enjoy this-


>> No.5050065

What's with Final Fantasy obsession over waltzes?

>> No.5050069

I'm sure someone will accuse it of plagiarizing some american movie.

>> No.5050297

Yeah I realized that when I finally started junctioning on disc 3, everything left was light work after that

>> No.5050402

I don't really understand the complaint about FF8 as I haven't played it, so I can't evaluate whether or not you are completely full of shit. From what little I've seen of the discussion, my sense is that the scenes are not comparable which suggests a bit of desperation and pleading on the part of FF8 fans.

>> No.5050405

Uematsu uses a whole range of classical styles in his soundtracks.

>> No.5050419

Best Final Fantasy; hours of Triple Triad

>> No.5050587

Fucking casuals....

>> No.5051583

IX is a step down from VII and VIII in every way.

>> No.5051705

Except for Vivi. Vivi is maybe the best character in the series :)

>> No.5051785

>muh mortality and am I really an individual?
Wow so deep.

>> No.5051843

IX is the best ff of all time. The immersion is unmatchable.

>> No.5052446

How do you define good character then? Edgy and deep Auron?

>> No.5052464

How the fuck is Auron "edgy"? He's damn chill for someone who lost two friends and his life to Yevon's bullshit, plus Kinoc, is doing the guardian deal again knowing damn well how it ends, and seeing the belief he was raised on be rotten to the core.

>> No.5052585

>Responding to his hyperbole by unironically agreeing
Auron isn't a good character, he's stoic and boring and receives very little growth throughout the game. X doesn't really have any great characters as a whole though.

>> No.5053329

I just think with the way they dealt with the characters in IX, their themes were really on the nose. Some characters like Quina and Amarant basically weren't even characters at all, they were just there. I still don't understand what the point of Amarant even being in the game was, anyone can feel free to enlighten me on that.
There's more nuance to the characterization in VII and VIII if you ask me.

>> No.5054024

No it doesn't.

>> No.5054623


>> No.5054947

I don't think Auron's job as a character is to grow, it's to encourage Tidus to grow.

>> No.5054954

I loved 7, 10 and am playing 9.
Sell me on 6. Why should I play it?

>> No.5055303

I ended up playing final fantasy 8 at at a point when I loved rpgs but was tired of the medieval fantasy setting, so FF8 sung to me in ways I needed. (if I had known about earthbound back then or had FF7, i'm sure I would have loved those) The modern-to-futuristic but magical setting was something I really loved, regardless of the story going on, I really loved the world, and the music helped sell it.

I hear FF9 is really great, but I could never get into it due to the setting reverting back to medieval shit.

>> No.5055689

Extremely mature war drama (no onemoo kiddie bullshit). The setting is a techno-magical world with a big sliver of steampunk on top, also.

>> No.5055706

>due to the setting reverting back to medieval shit
Believe me, it's garbage shit for a lot of quite other reasons.

>> No.5055745

>>>5028734 >>5028771 >>5028846 >>5028848 >>5029223 >>5030375 >>5031492 >>5031516 >>5031572 >>5031996 >>5032983 >>5034380 >>5034715 >>5035659 >>5036645 >>5037053 >>5039974 >>5040504 >>5041871 >>5042005 >>5042225 >>5042313 >>5043065 >>5043757 >>5044567 >>5044653 >>5044737 >>5047172 >>5047230 >>5050419 >>5054623


>> No.5055860

I like IX a lot.

>> No.5055994

This seems like a good thread to piggyback with a question that doesn't deserve its own thread. I'm about to start VII for the first time, should I play the original PS1 English translation, or a version using the PC translation?

>> No.5056150

and the battle system is disgusting

>> No.5056163

Japanese script is the superior one.

>> No.5056262


There's really no need to worry about the translation, it's pretty clean compared to VII.

>> No.5056541

It's not b8, it's the honest to goodness truth....FF8 is the best video game ever made, and my personal favorite. I'm going to get a Griever tattoo one day :)

>> No.5056784

This seems correct

>> No.5056805

You can play it here:


It's not quite the same since you're not using your own cards but it's a good distraction.

>> No.5057294

Fuck off

>> No.5057849

Waltz are generally pretty patrician, so you do the math

>> No.5058991

It was pretty good.

>> No.5059015

Don't be that way baby, your lips are so much cuter sucking my dick.

>> No.5059343


>> No.5060024


>> No.5060439
File: 121 KB, 736x552, 045cd8ce477bedfbe17aeaa201d708a20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look man I really love FF8 but calling it "the best FF ever" is just asking for it to get shat upon. We really don't need that right now, so please stop it.

>> No.5060450

it really is the best one there's no comparison. its up there with 7 goddamn both of those games are so good. the only 2 final fantasies i ever found interesting enough to make it to the end credits in

>> No.5060451

tactics has those baby ass snes graphics though and battles take forever
nigga what?

>> No.5060453

you found that out on your own or someone spoiled you?
that comes with the territory of being a final fantasy fan

>> No.5060513

>it's up there with VII
It's actually better than VII, but shhh.

>> No.5060530

Only in graphics. Everything else was a step backwards.

>> No.5060545

There's more freedom and customization

>> No.5060814

VIII also has the best magic casting in jrpgs. Playing with Squall + two casters and casting Cerberus for double/triple on everyone and weaving spells is truly the high point of jrpg magic.

>> No.5060830

You are a retard who never played the game.

That's just a drop in the ocean. There are much more reasons.

If you're using up magic in actual battle, instead of just Junctioning it - you're playing wrong.

>> No.5060874

Nah bro, you can easily just refine more and the majority of the magic that you actually do use isn't junctioned to any stats. I'm far better than you at ff8, I know exactly what I'm doing.

>> No.5060905

I'd also like to add that using Squall, Zell and Irvine is a lot of fun, and I used them for a long time, but it got pretty boring. FF8 magic is the best in both the series and the genre :)

>> No.5060923

The real problem with FFVIII is that, although it allows for all sorts of fun mechanical trickery, none of it is necessary or at all useful, because the game is so insultingly easy. Instead of feeling clever about making some cool combination you feel like besting a cripple.
(I'm not any of the people you're talking to and haven't participated in the thread or read it.)

>> No.5060934

How can you say that ff8 is insultingly easy when if you play any other game properly you literally steam roll everything??

>> No.5060937

The difference is that you steamroll everything in FFVIII regardless of whether you're doing anything clever or not. The game makes absolutely sure that you always win dramatically. Because of this trying to be good at it feels stupid rather than rewarding.

>> No.5060958

First of all, FFVI and the FF Tactics series are the best FF games, not FFVIII, Super Mario World is the best game of all time.

>> No.5060965

V is better than VI in every conceivable way, while FFT is not a main series game and, if you know anything about anything at all, is more closely related to Ogre Battle and other Matsuno games than the FF series and only carries the brand for marketing purposes.

>> No.5061036

Are you going to make blanket statements or provide any examples of this?

>> No.5061852

Guess not

>> No.5061865

What examples? The game as a whole is one of the easiest jrpgs in existence. What fucking examples? The first disk is a good example? The boss battles and random encounters on it?

>> No.5061879

>V is better than VI in every conceivable way

>> No.5061938

If you think what you're doing is arguing then you're laughable. I'll do it too.
>wow lmao ff1/2/3/4/5/6/7/9/10 are so easy lmao fucking easy yeah just level and 3-4 shot every boss rofl fucking easy
Are you even old enough to post here?

>> No.5062629

You want me to somehow prove that it's easy? How do you expect me to do that and, most importantly, why would I bother?

>> No.5062652

So you're ful of shit then, nice.

>> No.5062731

>You are a retard who never played the game.

The truth hurts, doesn't it?

>That's just a drop in the ocean. There are much more reasons.

And of course you can't list any.

>If you're using up magic in actual battle, instead of just Junctioning it - you're playing wrong.

When completely breaking the game is the only way to play it right, that's not a good system.

>> No.5062736

Well at least we can agree that FF 7 and 8 are better than every other FF due to freedom and customization.

>> No.5062772

Not that anon, but "completely breaking the game" is using Squall, Zell and Irvine and casting Meltdown on your target and Aura on everyone in the party and then abusing limit breaks with 255 strength. I used to do this when I was younger but it got boring. Now I'm all about Squall, Rinoa and either Selphie or Quistis (depending on whose limit break I want to use) and weaving double/triple spells with Cerberus. It truly is the patrician way to play.

>> No.5062776

>Wasting turns on Double/Triple
Neck yourself, scrub.

>> No.5062779

Edgy kid

>> No.5062782

I was one-shotting T-Rexaurs with 100 Death/Break en masse even before going to Fire Cave for the first time ever before you've even been born, you fucking piece of toddler scrubshit. You don't know jack shit about this game.

>> No.5062798

Dude I had already beaten Ultimecia before the opening FMV finished, you're the one who doesn't know shit about the game you cancerous underage /v/edditor scum

>> No.5062813

0/10, retard. You have to try way harder than just that.

>> No.5062857
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I love this game, its probably the best final fantasy for the first 2 discs when it has perfect pacing, it gets a bit wonky after that, though. The sheer replayability of the game makes it my favorite and most played FF game. Like many people I had a poor first impression of it by drawing magic instead of using card refine and overlevelling, but once you get wise to its gimmick it becomes amazing.

I personally love that its so polarizing though, it makes the discussions about the game one way or another always interesting to read, even on shithole boards like /v/ you can see a thread about it reach bump limit because it provokes so much discussion.

>> No.5062861

This is satire right? Grats on grinding all those death spells before the fire cavern. If I wanted to hold down attack the entire time I can, but spell weaving is elegant and fun :) I don't miss aura meltdown limit breaking with the three melee characters.

I've finished the game at least 30 times since 1999 and can run circles around you in it.

>> No.5062871

Lol, like that's cool man, but despite finishing the game 30+ times, I dont want to play the game that way anymore. I find magic casting, even if it isn't as "efficient" as holding down attack the entire game, q lot of fun.

>> No.5062887

My god you're confrontational and edgy.

>> No.5062896

>taking this kind of pride in decimating an easy as shit single player RPG
I have news for you, literally anyone that gave FF8 more than a single playthrough has done shit like this because of how exceptionally easy it is to break

>> No.5062908

Talk to me when you do a magic junction run with squall and two casters :)

>> No.5062927

****no magic junction run :)

>> No.5062963

My argument is that the game is too easy to bother with its systems. What's you YOUR argument? That it isn't easy? Or what? What are you even claiming? Seriosuly, are you okay, man?

>> No.5062982

>grinding all those death spells
You are a fucking noob if you sincerely think I've "grinded" any.

>> No.5062985

Onions spotted.

>> No.5063000


>> No.5063003

You obviously farmed cards and refined them. What card was it? 1 something = 30 death, right?

>> No.5063008

Okay, so are FF5, 6, 7 and 9.

>> No.5063013

You farmed/grinded for all your deaths and breaks and were "1 shotting" Trexuars before the fire cavern. Good job!

>> No.5063029

1 Saw Blade (Belhelmel) = 20 Deaths.
Belhelmel cards are very low level and thus very easy to get immediately upon staring.
It's actually much better than wasting Tonberry (Chief's Knife = 30 Deaths per card) later on, since Tonberries much higher and thus rarer/harder to get (especially early on). You can literally get 5+ Belhelmels in ~30 minutes without leaving BG right at the very start, by playing right people.

>> No.5063034

You were just confirmed for being utter fucking autist, considering you think these are same things.

>> No.5063036

Challenge is relative. But relative to every FF other than 7, 8 is painfully easy. Even 13 has somewhat more challenge and forses the player to actually use its mechanics to win. The only other mainline FF that is truly as mind-numbing as 8 is 7 (not counting the mmos).

You may claim that you were challenged by 8, absolutely. (Similarly, I simply wasn't, period.) But saying that FF8 is on par with FF6 in terms of challenge is objectively wrong.

>> No.5063039

Grinding is repeating the same sequence over and over again. It is an integral part of farming. What are you implying, you fucking imbecile?
Honestly, this thread is full of fucking weirdos. Holy shit.

>> No.5063052

>Grinding is repeating the same sequence over and over again. It is an integral part of farming.
Holy shit you're retarded.
You absolutely don't know difference between grinding and farming, LMAO.

>> No.5063058

You seriously have a real mental illness, don't you? "Lmao".

>> No.5063065

Lol I mean yeah, if i want to put all that effort into breaking the game that early.

>> No.5063092


>playing game normally for 30 minutes
You too should kys, basedshit.

>> No.5063127


>> No.5063171

You are actually on the autism spectrum. Good lord.

>> No.5063172

i'm not sure about your male kysses but I sure as fuck am based ;)

>> No.5063557

I thought that 8 was hard the first time I played it in 1999, but as an adult I don't think that FF games are challenging at all. What makes 8 easier than any of the others? Yes, you can abuse the junction system, but there are exploits in every FF game that I have played and none of them are challenging lol.

>> No.5064687

If you want to bring niggers into the game FFVIII is really like the most nigger free anti nigger FF so you just got yourself fucked.

>> No.5064713

Couldn't be possibly more incorrect.
>junction complaint #95603294875
It is because he was far past the point of growing. Helping Tidus to grow is spot on. It's all there was left to do given the circumstance.
7, 8, and 10 are the holy trinity, best it's ever going to get for FF.
It is better than 7.
FF8 magic is truly the best.
>breaking the game is the way to play it right
>making it the easiest is the absolute right way
You're a total brainlet scrub. There is no right way to play FF8, it gives you more options of how to play it than most FFs
Yeah, replayability is one of the highest. It's incredibly replayable.

>> No.5064735

Liking FFVIII for its music and visuals is one thing, but actually praising its al-around failure of a gameplay is a special breed of stupidity.

>> No.5064794
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>> No.5064797

So os Ultimecia Rinoa from the future? I've read conflicting analysis from people serious on the games lore

>> No.5064923

Its game play is best in the series though

>> No.5064957

Off yourself, lame cuckold.

>> No.5064958

>7, 8, and 10 are the holy trinity
You've 'dun goofed.
The OFFICIAL, globally recognized and confirmed Holy Trinity, is VI-VII-VIII.

>> No.5064962

Artemisia (stop with this retarded "Ultimecia" shit already) is it's own being, stop listening to fanfics.

>> No.5065015

Uhh, truth to be told i didn't finish the game. I always lied i finished FF8 infront of my friends but in fact i spend most of my time walking around enjoying the scene and playing triple triad. I guess the Selphie suicide meme is real.

>> No.5065048

Yeah this guy is pretty cringe.

>> No.5065080

Difficulty curve, which is the centerpiece element of game design, is nonexistent, taking everything down with it. The systems are actually quite silly and easily broken in all sorts of ways, but that's unimportant, because you enver have to bother breaking anything in the first place: the game just let's you win regardless of what you do.

>> No.5065083

From what I’ve seen, and I haven’t even played it yet, I think you’re right.

>> No.5065106

You say this, but are you going to back it up? Yes, the junction system is broken, but you're not going to finish the game without junctioning magic unless you have a solid knowledge of the game.

>> No.5065108

True and based

>> No.5065154

>[BUZZWORDS]: the game just let's you win regardless of what you do

Try playing the game without junctioning magic ever, or junctioning magic like a retard and leveling like normal and the level scaling starts working against you because it doesn't care about your stats, only your level number

>> No.5065157

...you DO know they've actually OFFICIALLY released TT on PC?

>> No.5065167

>leveling like normal and the level scaling starts working against you because it doesn't care about your stats, only your level number
You're a fucking noob sdcrubshit.

1. Leveling does NOT work against you, as higher leveled enemies give rarer items, you can draw better magic faster/earlier from them (sometimes even earlier than getting said magic via refining), AND give more EXP.

2. ONLY random enemies level up, NOT scripted story/event enemies.

3. Random enemies level up ONLY with Squall, NOT entire party (if any). Squall dead/not leveling (if Stone status, for example) = random enemies don't level.

4. Your stats don't affect enemy levels, true, HOWEVER, they affect enemy attacking patterns/behavior (if you have high def, enemies that have Meltdown or similar, tend to use such magic/skills more often on THOSE particular chars with higher def than others. If a char has lower element def than others, enemies WILL abuse the flying fucks out of your char's weakness by attacking with magic your char is weakest of the most. That's why junctioning good magic to Stat-Def and Elem-Def is a MUST, to circumvent enemy trying to abuse your weaknesses).

5. LV UP/DOWN and Devour, you SCRUBSHIT.

>> No.5065169

False, bosses level with you and have their own range as well, you fucking scrub.

>> No.5065179

hahaha nigga calm down I love FF8

Drop rates and shit aside, higher leveled enemies are more difficult and that's what we're talking about here.

>ONLY random enemies level up
that's not true nigga hahaha I don't know the game's whole documentation but I know that THE GAME JUST LETS YOU WIN NO MATTER HOW YOU PLAY isn't true like that anon was suggesting

>> No.5065183

>cinematic jarpig garbage
>the best of anything
millennial detected

>> No.5065196

Yep 30

>> No.5065227

Without proper status defense set up, you can't best ff8 Malboro's.

>> No.5065237

Bosses don't level, imbecile.

>higher leveled enemies are more difficult
T-Rexaur gets one-shot from 100-Death/Break or massively crippled from 100-Blind/Pain regardless if he's LV 1 or LV 100. You clearly don't understand at all how this game ACTUALLY operates.

>that's not true
You are a fucking noob that doesn't know jack shit about FF VIII's intricacies/nuances. Fucking off yourself. One last time, you dumb scrubshits - enemies level only to Squall's level and only random enemies level. Bosses and scripted/story enemies (like in Deep Sea Research Center, for example) don't level up at all, they have very specifically set levels. This is true to ALL bosses and story/scenario enemies.

>> No.5065246

Bosses have level caps, but of course they scale with you.
You fucking troglodyte.
I know what you were thinking too. "Bosses don't give exp". It's hilarious how you have no idea about anything whatever but are still calling him "imbecile" even though he's right while you're not even entirely human by the looks of it.

>> No.5065259

Trexuar are also vulnerable to a lot of status afflictions, whereas Ruby Dragons, Blue Dragons, Malboro, etc are not. Trexuar are a meme dude, keep trying.

>> No.5065275

How did you get L Mag-RF before Fire Cavern without Siren?

>> No.5065289

Bosses level, but they have a cap

>> No.5065294

>Bosses have level caps, but of course they scale with you.
They don't scale anywhere. At all. You are a fucking imbecile, holy shit. ALL bosses and scripted scene enemies have hard set values, SINGLE set for EACH. That's why game becomes piss-easy if you're justing going through the story while junctioning powerful magic to stats or/and leveling to the boot. BECAUSE STORY BOSSES/ENEMIES HAVE SET VALUES AIMED AT NOOBS AND SCRUBSHITS SUCH AS YOUR KIND. ANY person who junctions magic to stats, will see IMMEDIATELY that Bosses are fucking chumps, regardless if you're LV 1 or LV 100.

I think what you STUPID DUMB FAGSHITS don't understand here is that you CAN LEVEL THEM MANUALLY through LV DOWN/LV UP, but they will NOT level if you JUST PLAY THROUGH THE STORY WITHOUT DOING ANYTHING.

T-Rexaur is just a prime example, since it's the most powerful random enemy at the very start of the game.

>Ruby Dragons
Can be Stoned and put to Sleep, even at LV 100.

>Blue Dragons
Can be Blinded, Confused, Berserked, and Stoned even at LV 100. And that's not even all.

Ribbon, fucker. Also - it can be Stoned even at LV 100. And don't forget the Meltdown.

>> No.5065301

>actually using lvl up and lvl down
Hey lmao

>> No.5065304

You're both right.
Some bosses have level caps, some are fixed.
Early examples are Ifrit who is fixed at lv. 6 and Elvoret who can range from lv. 1 to lv. 11

>> No.5065306

You think difficulty curve is a buzzword? How retarded are you? No wonder you like FFVIII's gameplay of all things, holy shit.

>> No.5065316

How do you get the refine ability without grinding for AP?

>> No.5065501

Just play the game and prioritize some abilities over others. Card is 40 AP and card mod is 80. That's about 3 bosses if you skip all random encounters.

>> No.5065507

If you need rare items later on in the game, like Adamantine and shit, it's essential, since some enemies drop rare shit one when they're either very low or very high.

>> No.5065758

Yeah that is true

>> No.5065795

Dude, Card Ability and Card Refine are, like, gotten in MINUTES. Literally just a couple fights with Fistitocalons at the Balamb Beach. Calling that "grinding" would be a downright imbecility.

>> No.5066139

>every character is a blank interchangeable slate
>best gameplay

Yeah nah. V runs laps around both it and the other PS1 games..

>> No.5066143
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>objectively the best video game of all time

>> No.5066150

>characters are gameplay.

>> No.5066153

Yes they are, especially in story-heavy RPGs.

>> No.5066154
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>> No.5066158

>narratives are games
Stop before you hurt yourself

>> No.5066159

They aren't interchangeable though because their limits still work based off of their main stat, with the minor exception of Rinoa's Angelo Cannon scaling with strength for some reason..

>> No.5066168

So far you haven't produced a single argument for how every character having the same abilities barring their limit breaks is a good thing.

Same could be said for FF7.

>> No.5066176

>Telling me what I meant
You're an idiot.

>> No.5066182

>can't even argue properly
You're a retard.

>> No.5066203

Argue what? Your point? The one where you think characters are gameplay? The one where you think narratives are games?
Do I really need to whip a dictionary out and shove it down your throat to give your shitposts more fiber?

>> No.5066227

>The one where you think characters are gameplay?
So your characters' abilities don't affect gameplay? Thanks for confirming you're retarded and don't know shit about the game you're trying to defend.
>narratives are games
Translation: thinking am hard

>> No.5066232

If doesn't matter what abilities you use. You use abilities. It's the same gameplay. A different animation and damage formula doesn't change that.

>> No.5066238

Then all rpgs are the same.

>> No.5066240

*gasp* it's almost like it's a genre.

>> No.5066558

FF VIII is LITERAL fucking PERFECTION, because it's LITERALLY D&D, and Final Fantasy's ENTIRE fucking initial concept and premise TO BEGIN WITH was to be a Japanese clone of Ultima, WHICH IS D&D AS FUCK. Final Fantasy = Japanese D&D (aside from SaGa games, which took it to 11). Final Fantasy VIII = perfection of Final Fantasy's entire concept. But fagshit normies such as yourself could never grasp it and thus REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEd hard back in the days and still keep on REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing at it nowadays. Fucking hilarious. Downright laughable.

>> No.5066901

Are you actually on the spectrum?

>> No.5067047

Sure as fuck looks like it

>> No.5067132

Slit your wrists, fagshit.

>> No.5067181

Be careful that you don't slit your own wrists on that edge! Are you posting from your mother's basement or does your mental hospital have a connection?

>> No.5067197

0/10, you have to try way harder than just that, kidshit. I've been buying Costa Del Sol's mansion during very first entrance into it from selling a very fist Mastered ALL materia while also having Yuffie in the party that early on when you haven't even been born yet.

>> No.5067240

Imagine being so much of a retard that you like a game that's objectively the worst in its console generation because it makes you feel smart despite the mechanics being relatively simple.

>> No.5067246

Yeah, I seriously can't imagine how you're managing going through life being like that.

>> No.5067254

I'm 30 and speedrun ff7 with Yuffie and Tifa dropping tons of dps!!!!

>> No.5067465

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to be able to appreciate FFVIII. The character development and plot are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the plot will go over a typical gamer's head. There's also Squall's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Friedrich Nietzsche's literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of FF8's plot points, to realise that they're not just undeveloped or "go nowhere" - they say something deep about FATE. As a consequence people who dislike FF8 truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate the Junction system, or, for instance, the meaning in Squall's catchphrase "Whatever" which itself is in reference to his acceptance that all things are held to fate and cannot be changed. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Kazushige Nojima's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Griever tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the lady SEEDs' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

>> No.5067504

Wow you're fucking BUTTMAD out of your goddamn mind that someone actually sincerely loves the ABSOLUTE PERFECTION that is FF VIII. You're fucking laughable.

>> No.5067509

This is the worst FF game
I have played RPG maker games better than FF8

>> No.5067513

Go back to kindergartner crawl you've came out from and learn to troll first, kid.

>> No.5067520

Lol im serious

>> No.5067531

Actually, I really like FF8.

>> No.5067853

Same bro, it is my favorite.

>> No.5067856

Do you have a formal diagnosis for your condition?

>> No.5068242

Yeah it is a lost art....definitely a result of vidya going mainstream. Developing for casuals ;_;

>> No.5068902

8 is good but 10 is better

>> No.5068940

Now THAT is trolling.

>> No.5068957

>Punishingly difficult with amazing writing
And FFVIII is the diametral opposite of that.

>> No.5069039

Half correct. FF8 has the best story in the series but yeah the game is easy when you know the ins and outs

>> No.5069198

I love FF VIII bros

>> No.5069210

>This is my favorite game
Fixed it for you faggot
You have shit taste

>> No.5069218

>FF8 has the best story in the series
The game is insultingly easy regardless of what you know and how you play. It's the easiest game int he series by a long shot, even easier than VII.

>> No.5069220

>FF8 has the best story in the series
Apparently you haven't played a single other FF or something. Or perhaps you're just stupid as fuck and/or literally gay and jerking it to Squall.

>> No.5069325

No 9 is the easiest

>> No.5069326

False. I've played 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 and tactics :) keep trying though, kid

>> No.5069331

I have the best taste in everything, keep trying, faggot

>> No.5069462

>The game is easy regardless of what you know
You are a fucking MORON that know NOTHING on this game, holy shit.
The VERY fact that this game was EVER (absolutely undeservedly so, naturally) trashed heavily back in the late 90s and early 2000s by a shitton of scrubshit kiddies such as yourself is BECAUSE game PWNED HARD these said kiddies due to them not wishing to fucking LEARN how to play the game and not listening/reading to the EXTENSIVE in-depth tutorials on ABSOLUTE MAJORITY of the mechanics this game provides, WHICH YOU CAN ACCESS AND REVISE AT ANY-FUCKING-TIME THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRETY OF THE WHOLE GAME. This was DE FACTO the MAIN reason to garner all the "hate" and "dislike" for this PERFECTION of a Final Fantasy title. Scrubshit normie kiddies, the one you represent nowadays, awaited yet another piss-easy FF VII from it, they did NOT read/listen to in-game's Tutorials and sincerely thought they could easily brute force it. Then Diabolos, T-Rexaur, Brothers, Edea, Ruby Dragons, Hexadragons, Norg, Bahamut, and a shitton other things started happening which UTTERLY-FUCKING-DECIMADED these fucking UNEDUCATED INEXPERIENCED IDIOTS. After which, these CRYBABIES immediately flooded forums and gaming communities, trashing the game to no end for the things it NEVER actually deserved any to be trashed for. Thus creating the BS FUD fairy tale of a "legend" that "Final Fantasy VIII is a bad Final Fantasy game", when IN REALITY it was NEVER EVER bad any. THIS is where it ALL began from. The ENTIRE fucking "hate for FF VIII" appeared from LITERALLY scrubshit normie kiddies getting their lame sorry kindergartner toddler asses handed to them by the game's enemies and bosses. THIS WAS THE BEGINNING OF IT ALL! This is THE actual TRUTH of REALITY. This is what ACTUALLY happened back in the days. That's why your AUTISTIC pseudo-"argument" has ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY no merit or power behind it WHATSO-FUCKING-EVER AT-FUCKING-ALL.

>> No.5069820

Why the FUCK haven't you played 1, 2, 3, 4 or any of the non-mainline games before? Fucking casual.

>> No.5069831

Yo a fellow FF8 nigga! FF8 is a plebfilter

>> No.5069954
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>*tips in your direction*

>> No.5070152

You have shit taste

>> No.5070709

Are you fucking kidding me? At the very least, the optional content in 8 is slightly challenging, but 10 is just a dumpster fire.

>> No.5070720

So you're just stupid then or what?

>> No.5070742

>FF8 is a plebfilter
At least at this you're absolutely right.

>writes FF and the number together, not separately
You are one of them, you fagshit. Remember once and for all from now: FF VIII. Only like this.

>> No.5070859

Yeah yeah you're right. I actually prefer it that way too I was just lazy.

>> No.5071031
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If by "stupid" you mean: capable of appreciating things far beyond the comprehension of lesser beings such as yourself then yes.

>> No.5071056


>> No.5071058

Hey, look at this: FF8.

Look at it again: FF8.

Once more: FF8.

Now suck my dick.

>> No.5071060

Stay mad kid

>> No.5071145

Slit your wrists, you autistic normie fagshit.

>> No.5071156

You can't call someone autistic and normie in the same insult, kid.

>> No.5071174

We surely can do that to you, since you're clearly the one.

>> No.5071185


>> No.5071186

I'm the guy who told you to suck my dick.

As for the other guy you directed your reply to, that's not me.

But I'm in a brighter mood now. Sorry about that.

>> No.5071224

You're both normie fagshit scrubs.

>> No.5071242


>> No.5071251
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But I'm the mega ff8 autist who has beaten the game 30+ times since 1999 :)
Also, spell weaving with Cerberus buff is the patrician way to play. I suspect that you're too stupid to understand that :)

>> No.5071383

Why would anyone EVER use magic when you can just use Squall Zell and Irvine and dumpster everything?

>> No.5071453

>30+ times since 1999
Holy shit you are a fucking noob.
AT LEAST 70 since 1999 here, most of which were original Japanese release runs. Get on my fucking level kid.

>> No.5071538

wow teach me senpai

>> No.5071578

Chicken wuss.

>> No.5071586

Ok /vr/, rank the final fantasy games from I to X.

>> No.5071625


>> No.5071669

This was meant to be a equal sign.

>> No.5071828

8 > all

>> No.5071870

7=8>9>10>6>5>trash>all the rest

>> No.5071873

Tactics is really good too, but a little over the top with the cringe medieval stuff

>> No.5071885

I unironically like the gameplay the most out of any FF game and I think they severely missed the chance to capitalize on it.

>Fix the card-modding bullshit
>Make a non-orphanage story about the wars
>Endgame story discovering the damage you've wrought by "drawing" out so many of the planet's resources for your junction system

or some shit like that

>> No.5071889

>drawing" out so many of the planet's resources for your junction system
I feel like this has been done literally no less than 1000 times in fiction. Fucking retard planets and their god damn life essences.

>> No.5071901

>>Endgame story discovering the damage you've wrought by "drawing" out so many of the planet's resources for your junction system
It's literally FF7 plot.

>> No.5071937

I love FF8 and this thread is beyond epic.

>> No.5071996

And ff9...possibly ff10 as well

>> No.5072103

FF = 5/10.
FF II = 5/10.
FF III = 4/10
FF IV = 7/10.
FF V = 6/10.
FF VI = 9/10.
FF VII = 8/10.
FF VIII = 10/10.
FF IX = 4/10.
FF X = 4/10.
FF X-2 = 3/10.
FF XI = 7/10.
FF XII = 6/10.
All three of XIII Fecal Fartasses = 2/10.
FF XIV (original) = 3/10.
FF XIV (Realm Reborn) = 6/10.
FF XV (original) = 5/10.
FF XV (super-deformed) = 6/10.
Tactics (original) = 9/10.
Tactics (War of Lions) = 7/10.
Tactics Advance = 6/10.
Tactics A2 = 7/10.
Crystal Chronicles = 6/10.
Chocobo Dungeon = 5/10.
Chocobo Dungeon 2 = 7/10.
Chocobo Racing = 8/10.
Dissidia = 5/10.
Dissidia 012 = 6/10.
Dissidia NT = 4/10.
Type-0 (original) = 5/10.
Type-0 (HD remaster) = 7/10.
World of Final Fantasy = 6/10.
Dirge of Cerberus = 4/10.
Before Crisis = 6/10.
Crisis Core = 6/10.
After Years = 7/10.

>> No.5072764


>> No.5072869

If it's so great why isn't it coming to switch? Checkmate atheists

>> No.5072891

what a fucking faggot

>> No.5072892

Switch is for onions infused man children, therefore it is not the appropriate platform for ff8

>> No.5072897
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>> No.5072904


VIII > IX >>>> IV = VI = X

and the rest

>> No.5072992

It's not about Switch, you fucking mong. It's not coming ANYWHERE due to shenanigans with THAT ONE FUCKING SONG.

>> No.5073016

First play through I treated it like it played similar to the older ones, and I had a hard time until I realized what was going on. My second playthrough was a lot better.

>> No.5073058


>> No.5073156
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>> No.5073158

Exactly. See >>5069462 for reference.

>> No.5073538

Oh wow

>> No.5073584

Music companies in Japan are very, very, VERY bitchy when it comes to their rights. When a company says "We couldn't get the audio rights", they mean it, they're not being lazy, they literally could not get them on the grounds of either "Fuck you" or "One billion yen, faggot".

Still, it would be a trivial matter to just replace the song with something else. Remix Liberi Fatali into something more gentle and use that.

>> No.5073614

Agh! Intellectual property laws strike again!

>> No.5073685

Typical fake retro player who didn't play the originals seriously and doesn't understand old games enough to compare them fairly. Meme rater.

FF = 7/10
The maps are well-designed, but too large. Solid mechanics. -Buggy. (better on Origins)
FF II = 9/10.
Maps are much better. -Empty rooms vex. One of the best plots. Amazing mechanics. -Memes
FF III = 6/10
Actually fun class mechanics. -Not so solid -Steps back
FF IV = 4/10.
Cool characters. -Many more steps back
FF V = 5/10.
Solid gameplay, (but seen before). -Bad story. -Grind bait
FF VI = 7/10.
Great story. Solid mechanics. -Dungeons haven't caught up to FF2's elegance
FF VII = 7/10.
Ambitious. Graphixxx. Solid everything. -Overrated.
FF VIII = 9/10.
Perfection. -Not really, weak plot
FF IX = 9/10.
Best atmosphere. Solid everything. -Forgets Charas
FF X = 4/10.
-There is a reason the games had no asian overtones
FF X-2 = 2/10.
-There is a reason there were no sequels before
FF XI = can't be rated
Online experience may vary
FF XII = 3/10.
-Ivalice is overrated, but this one was raped in development too

The rest doesn't matter/has different genres.

>> No.5073704

Absolutely terrible.

FFI = 5/10
FFII = 7/10
FFIII = 6/10
FFIV = 6/10
FFV = 8/10
FFVI = 7/10
FFVII = 8/10
FFVIII = 6/10
FFIX = 7/10
FFX = 8/10
FFXII = 6/10
FFXIII = 5/10

Saying any FF is below 5 is just being an overdramatic hipster contrarian.

>> No.5073712

2/3 of the combat is automated in ff13 and you still gave it a 5/10.

>> No.5073719

It's not Japan. Faye Wong is a Chinese songstress.

>> No.5073720

Pre patch XV was definitely below 5/10. but not retro.

>> No.5073725

>Solid everything
And THAT is how we ALL know you're FULL OF SHIT. Fucking neck yourself right fucking now, you stupid dipshit.

>Absolutely terrible
'Dem your shit tastes are, indeed.

>> No.5073739

It didn't bother me that much, honestly. XIII's gameplay was still more satisfying than the titles with weaker gameplay like FFIV and FFVI. I don't really consider gameplay the be all and end all of JRPGs.

>> No.5073743


Oh wow. I really hope you're trying to trigger people.

>> No.5073747

Yeah and it's a reveal that actually works unlike the Orphanage. The Irvine part is especially ridiculous "I didn't say anything because you didn't recognize me" yeah well it's been over 10 year you fucking moron

>> No.5073749

Even so the song was owned by EMI and fuck knows what happened after its mergers and becoming defunct.

>> No.5073754

How is a game that plays for you satisfying? Also gameplay isn't only just the combat which 13 does has some neat mechanics but in terms of the world design,dungeon design, and exploration in general it was pretty bad.

>> No.5073759

To this day I can't understand why FFIX makes people on this board so angry. it's an excellent game

>> No.5073780

The "I didn't say anything" part is due to shitty translation, nothing like this is said in original. Blaming game for being translated badly, is very unprofessional and a total idiocy. Learn the language and play original, or at the very least lurk up translated script on some profile sites. Final Fantasy VIII is one of those cases where translation fucked up very many story-heavy scenes/moments and etc., so bakagaijinner version shouldn't be taken seriously in this regard. It's like with Working Designs' LUNAR fuck-ups.

>> No.5073786

Not in the slightest. It's a massively underwhelming letdown after the ABSOLUTELY PURE PERFECTION that was FF VIII. A failure.
And what pisses a lot of people the most about it, is that it was overadvertised and overhyped as fuck by a shitton of outlets and """reviewers""", creating a fairy tale bubble pocket dimension where "it's one of the greatest mainline FF titles ever made", while IN REALITY it's not even remotely close being one at all. It's a failure, it's bad both as a Final Fantasy entry in particular AND as a video game in general, yet grey normie masses were made to believe "it's good", essentially creating a sect of worshiping brainless sheep who live in denial of truth. Why this happened, where it all originated, I've already explained here - >>5069462. To put it out in simple words: scrubby normie fagshit kiddies got owned by FF VIII so hard and were so butthurt due to this back in the days, that they sought some kind of a "relief" and "sanctuary" in FF IX, creating sects of "hate for FF VIII" and "love for FF IX". The rest is history. This is where we are right now, even nowadays.

>> No.5073797

Yeah but it's cute.

>> No.5073804

It was a great game but had major design problems. Especially in how it handled the character distribution. It's a textbook example as to why you don't combine selectable party members with AP-based skill systems. Ignore a character for any length of time and you might as well not use them at all.

>> No.5073823

I think the main problem is that skills weren't like items you can give to anyone like in VII. Everyone had their own separate skills to learn and trying to do so naturally was a pain.IX could have really benefit from X in battle switching.

>> No.5073946

Eh I agree it's a problem but it wasn't a major one for me. I've really enjoyed other rpgs (radiant historia being one) with even worse means of party management. I actually like the defined roles for characters and ap systems but along with instances of splitting up the party I agree it creates some problems.
FFVIII is legitimately one of the easiest games in the series if you learn the junction system. It essentially becomes a VN once you have enough of each spell to max your stats and defend against/use status. It's not a hard game nor a pleb filter

>> No.5074010

There are a shitton of much better-looking/cute super-deformed games of that era out there. DewPrism, for one, is a vastly superior game of that visual kind.

>> No.5074028

>FF VIII is legitimately one of the easiest games in the series if you learn the junction system.
Not really. It just gives you VAST FREEDOM of ROLE-PLAYING action. Much more than any other game in the series. I've already pointed out that FF was initially conceived as Ultima clone, which in itself is a D&D-concepted RPG game series. Thus, most mainline FF always were strongly basing themselves off of D&D concepts. And out of them all at that particular point of time, FF VIII was the most D&D it ever got. It's PURE FREEDOM of play-style to the max, unlike VII, VI, and all other older ones before it. It was the LITERAL pinnacle of Final Fantasy's ENTIRE reason for existence, it's very core concept turned to the 11. That's why FF VIII is the best FINAL FANTASY game. It's absolutely unironically FLAWLESS at what other Final Fantasy titles tried to achieve (but failed/were unable to) before it. It's the creamiest of the crops, the very tip of the mount Olympus for mainline FF entries. There are very few FF titles out there which give you such ABSOLUTE FREEDOM at they way how you can play through game, and is FF VIII is DE FACTO best one of them all. It's "easy" only for as long as YOU want it to be easy, for as long as YOU wish to go easy through it. If you want to have it hard, it WILL give you hard time. And it's super-fucking-FUN both ways. ALWAYS.

This is also one of the main reasons why IX was such a grandeur flop of a failure - because instead of REINVENTING ENTIRE FRANCHISES'S CONCEPT EVEN FURTHER and TRYING TO BE EVEN BETTER than VIII, it instead reverted to OLD, UNORIGINAL, STALE SHIT. This was one of the biggest mistakes of Square's at the time. In comparison to what the official Holy Trinity (VI-VII-VIII) did for the entire franchise as a whole at the time, IX was a downright DEGRADATION, DEBILITATION of the franchise's core concept. A disgrace. A disgusting defilement.

>> No.5074038

FFIX had a better story than even FFVII honestly. The characters weren't as iconic as FFVII's, but they were good. The only thing it loses out on are the game mechanics.

>> No.5074054

V's job system and II mastery system gives the player more freedom over their party than VIII.
>FFIX had a better story than even FFVII
Eh the second half on IX really loses itself.

>> No.5074057

This is incredibly autistic

>> No.5074061

Can't say that I've played 2, but 5 is literally jobs with stat progression determines by said jobs. It's a snooze with 0 customization.

>> No.5074063

Seem like you haven't because that's III you're describing.

>> No.5074106

>I like this website because I get to say the n word and other buzzwords

>> No.5074115

Would it be only that scene / track that is the issue? Eyes On Me melody is used as a leitmotif throughout a lot of the soundtrack iirc

>> No.5074168

>FF IX had a better
It never had anything "better" than any other game in series. It's an absolute-fucking-mediocrity. Stale dullness.

Keep on REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing after reading the HARSH TRUTH, kiddie fagshit.

It's literally because of sung lyrics. All other music in the game, not counting Liberi Fatali, is purely instrumental. And Square owns Liberi Fatali, so it really is only the "Eyes On Me" which causes massive legal issues.

>> No.5074408
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The sorceresses almost align themselves the the medieval classical view of the planets.

Ultimecia = Saturn
Rinoa = Luna
Adel = Mars
Edea = Jupiter

Which just leaves Sol, Venus, and Mercury
Ellone wasn't strictly a sorceress, but her powers would definitely be associated with Mercury.
However, restricting it to just known sorceresses that just leaves A, B, and C that you fight during Time Compression. And although we don't know their personality, their appearances are appropriate.

Venus = Sorceress A
Sol = Sorceress B
Mercury = Sorceress C

>> No.5074413

5 is zero customization? Are you being stupid on purpose or something?

>> No.5074423

Adel is Luna, as she LITERALLY controls Lunar Cry.

>> No.5074429 [SPOILER] 
File: 27 KB, 300x300, 1538299550783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best video game of all time
>You can't prove me wrong, no matter how hard you try
It's not even the best PS1 JRPG, let alone the best game of all time

>> No.5074441


It's the same reason why people who like 7 hate 8. Stupidity, pure and simple. (Just look at that one sperg.) 7's fans were horrified when 8 had a different tone and mechanics. Likewise fans of 7 and 8 can't tolerate 9's medieval look, superdeformed characters and the change in pace. I was a little upset myself back then, because 9 meant i won't have the cool sci-fi "cyberpunk" from the previous games for years. Now i know how lucky i was to have a good game in the first place, considering what followed.

That's a complaint typical of jRPGs in general. It's the only method of granting replayability to a game that has none. You focus on the party you want. The game already goes out of its way to let you play with all characters extensively before it lets you make you own party. At that point you can grind and skill-up whoever you want if you really want everyone up to par.

>> No.5074449
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That's not how the symbolism works. Adel, red hair, warmonger, and the fact that she's the most masculine seems like no small coincidence.

>> No.5074460

Stop being so offended. I said Nigga not nigger. My nigga is not racist. My nigger is. Learn the difference. I'm a leftist btw

>> No.5074463
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Actually looking at this now, It makes more sense for Rinoa to be Venus. Seeing how she's basically the love interest, obviously, but also gets tied to Adel at one point.

And it makes alchemic sense for Sorceress A and B, to be Sol and Luna, since they kinda fuse together in time compression and become C, Mercury.

>> No.5074484

the last good final fantasy game was on snes and you're fucking twelve.

>> No.5074486

What's a leftist?

>> No.5074512

Anti capitalist anti racist and feminist (the real type of feminism not check your privilege bullshit) being a leftist mostly means being a socialist though we have so many women in that movement nowadays that you think gender equality is our biggest question, that's not true though. We are primarily a working class movement.

>> No.5074514

Being a leftist though doesn't equal being a SJW automatically.

>> No.5074546

I love this kinda of stuff.
I've always felt that there was an unfinished plot line involving NORG and the fact that we don't know anything about the other sorceress from the Sorceress War.

I can see NORG being married to the Sol sorceress, because she would have been rich and generous to fund the Gardens in the first place. And Norg only inherited her wealth.

And we know there was some other sorceress that gave Edea her powers. Not Ultimecia. Because Edea originally got her powers when she was 5.

And then there's the question of what sorceress in the past did Ellone send Ultimecia to in order to compress time. It's only explained by Dr. Odine that she needed to go further into the past. I suspect there was originally more to the story. And that the mutant looking one had something to do with the legend of Hyne's Body that didn't pan out.

>> No.5074680

Oh boy, here we go...

>> No.5074692

this desu
as silly as the snes era ff's were i sure as hell prefer them to the high school drama shit of the psx games

>> No.5074708

Adel doesn't control the lunar cry? Unless she can subtly influence events while in her suspended animation....

The events that unfolded up there were planned by Ultimecia and her knowledge of the future/past and AFAIK, Adel was just caught up in it and "went with the flow". The Lunar Cry is an event that happens in set intervals (10k years?) like celestial clockwork and the Crystal Pillar focuses the LC to a point. Adel just happened to be in between the LC and the CP and it guided her down safety to Earth aboard the Lunatic Pandora. Adel did NOT control the LC.

>> No.5074715

Yes it does. The term that you're looking for is liberal. Leftists are far left SJW.

>> No.5074717

Nope, try harder kid. Imagine being this much of a contrarian faggot. I can't even begin to fathom how sad your life must be. For the good of everyone, you should probably get off the internet.

>> No.5074724

It was awful.

IX is better.

>> No.5074728

Nope, try harder.

>> No.5074878
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>> No.5074932

Saying it plays for itself is oversimplifying the game's gameplay. It's like a streamlined, condensed version of X-2's gameplay which has the best gameplay in the franchise. Though I have no idea why XIII's battle system didn't have the basic, obvious improvements in that XIII-2 got to begin with.

I only played XIII when it got relased on PC so I've seen the "mash x to win xd" memes and I was really flabbergasted by it all when I played it and realized it was a decent game and most of the hate were just memes.

But I'd agree with all your other points - the world's concept is interesting but there's nothing to explore, backtracking isn't a thing, Snow's the most unlikable character in any game for 95% of the game, the game thinks its battle system is way more complicated than it is and there's too many tutorials, etc.

But that aside, the cast really grew on me after a while and over the course of the trilogy they become my favorite cast. The entire trilogy gets a 7/10 from me, with the first game being the weakest.

I remember reading somewhere that they had ideas for the paradigm shift being job shifts complete with costume changes but they dropped it. I think if they went ahead with that idea the game's autoplaying critiques wouldn't have been so numerous and it being a streamlined version of X-2's gameplay would have been more obvious.

I like FFVIII, but sticking to its roots doesn't make it good.

>> No.5075131

>I only played XIII when it got relased on PC so I've seen the "mash x to win xd" memes and I was really flabbergasted by it all when I played it and realized it was a decent game and most of the hate were just memes.
Mash x to win was a hyperbole much like some platformers being described as "hold right to win", but that doesn't mean the game is actually good by any means.
One of its biggest flaws was the lack of interaction needed from the player. The very few customization options it had were shallow, Crystarium was almost entirely on rails and required little to no thought, no exploration, no towns, no NPCs, hardly any resource management and extremely formulaic go from point A to point B with no surprises in-between.
All of this means that it was utterly brain numbing to play through it. Even the battle system which did a lot of good things didn't really need your input. It needed your attention, but in terms of interaction it almost played itself. I don't think this would really be an issue if not for the fact that the entire fucking game seemed to be designed around the player having as little player agency as possible. It really didn't help the battle system that you play through a lot of the chapters with only two characters at the time when the paradigm system thrives when you have more combinations to work with.
There is only 1 chapter with a lot of exceptions to all of this and it's close to the end of the game. It's also the only place where I'd say the battle/paradigm system actually becomes interesting.
As far as I can remember the game didn't really have any villains either. Girl with eyeglasses seemed interesting, but before you got to know anything about her she just died out of nowhere.
Data logs were also dumb. In a game where the design philosophy seems to have been "show don't tell" with hours of cutscenes they somehow didn't manage to squeeze that information in.

tl;dr The hate for this game is very much justified.

>> No.5075132

Stay mad, scrub fagshit.

>7's fans were horrified when 8 had a different tone and mechanics
It's not "VII's fans" in particular, but FF normie scrubshit commune in general, as FF VIII didn't include "their favorite" treasure chests/boxes, MPs, armor/accessories and other STALE, UNORIGINAL, OLD shit. In this lieu, VII differs from "classical" FFs ONLY by setting and design, NOT by mechanics. VII was just as STALE and UNORIGINAL as all other FFs before it. FF VIII, however, was INVENTFUL, ORIGINAL, NEW, FRESH. And that's why FF VIII > VII. Because it's NOT same old shit all over again and that is SUPER-FUCKING-GREAT. Perfect normie filter, hence why all the autistic REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing and production of BS FUD about VIII from the kiddie scrubshits back in the day.

>fans of 7 and 8 can't tolerate 9's medieval look, superdeformed characters and the change in pace
I'm personally absolutely fine with IX's design and setting. It's a bad game for all the different reasons. I was never against the fact it returned to medieval fantasy style after VIII, this is not why I disliked IX so much. There are a shitton of other reasons why it's an underwhelming trash.

>Adel doesn't control the lunar cry
You have never played the fucking game, clear as a day now.

Again with this shit? Nobody would ever take you seriously for as long as you keep on saying this retarded mistranslated shit.

>> No.5075185

>>Adel doesn't control the lunar cry
>You have never played the fucking game, clear as a day now.
So how does she control the LC?

>> No.5075187

>mistranslated shit
I don't give a fuck you autistic weeb.

>> No.5075202

But FF 8 is the most popular among "normies".

>> No.5075207

Careful now, you'll trigger him. I wonder how much he will sperg from that one?

>> No.5075391


Nice headcanon, fagshit.

>> No.5075468

What are you even talking about? Are you reverse trolling? Because I really like FF8 but acting like an autistic retard isn't doing the game any good. FFVII was pretty good, the materia system is cool. If I had to choose between it and the Junction system, I'd choose the former because it gives you a better experience. How much you like FFVIII depends on how much you like Triple Triad and having a minigame be the crux of a game's gameplay really was bad game design. It's a JRPG first and foremost.

>Because it's NOT same old shit all over again
But not really. You refine cards or you draw magic and you equip it to your stats. Over and over again. It's really not the dynamic gameplay experience you're pretending it is.

Yeah, I get the hate for it but I still like it. Good point on the lack of villain. You really do just kind of play through the game without any real endgame in mind and after going on about how they won't destroy Cocoon they still go on and destroy Cocoon. The whole thing was bizarre and that must have been 10x worse without knowing that there was a sequel coming.

>But FF 8 is the most popular among "normies"
And you're just talking bullshit.

>> No.5075475

So how does Adel control the LC?

>> No.5076424
File: 60 KB, 320x224, Tears_point_entrance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She had Dr.Odine construct the Lunatic Pandora using the Crystal Pillar that fell from the moon during the Lunar Cry that destroyed the Centra continent. With the Crystal Pillar Adel could summon monster from the moon at any time. Basically a call back to The Emperor from FF2 who summoned monsters from another dimension and built an artificial Cyclone to conqueror the world.

When they sealed Adel they rocketed her off into space and trapped her between the moon and the planet's gravity. Then they built Tear's Point over the predicted site of the next NATURAL Lunar Cry. The boxes there were resistors or something to deflect the energy field so that a Lunar Cry wouldn't happen. However, Seifer moved the Pandora over Tear's Point to Amplify the energy, causing all the boxes to turn red and blow up. Summoning the Lunar Cry, catching Adel in between and bringing her down.