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File: 44 KB, 256x176, The_Legend_of_Zelda_-_Majora's_Mask_Box_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
502651 No.502651 [Reply] [Original]

What are /vr/'s thoughts on Majora's Mask? Some people seem to really love it while others seem to really dislike it.

>> No.502667

It's the 8th best Zelda.

>> No.502674

In terms of solely story, I'd say it's probably the second best, behind Link's Awakening.

In terms of gameplay, maybe fourth or fifth best. Some of the stuff is just Strategy Guide bait.

>> No.502672


I think some people like it as a hipster way of not liking Ocarina.

I like the game myself, probably my 5th favorite Zelda game.

>> No.502678

Pretty unimpressive dungeon music for the most part. Stone Tower's is kinda cool though.

>> No.502682


Really disagree with that, nothing in the game is all that cryptic.

>> No.502693

A lot of it was either "Just do this shit perfectly, or we're just going to do it again. And again. And again and again and again and again and again and again until you get it FUCKING RIGHT."

>> No.502701

Can we please retire this word? I'm tired of every slightly non-mainstream opinion being declared "A hipster opinion".

>> No.502713


No, sorry. Specifically because it really pisses off hipsters and in return serves its purpose.

Unless you can offer me an alternative word that describes someone who simply says they dislike something because it is popular.

>> No.502728


>> No.502743

I've only played Zelda II, Majora's Mask and Ocarina of time, so I don't know too much about the Zelda series. Out of those three games, Majora's Mask was my favorite.

>> No.502748

All the internet mythology built around Majora's Mask is cooler than the game itself.

Pretty decent follow-up to Ocarina of Time but the stupid countdown mechanic was more tedious than fun.

>> No.502756


The truth has been spoken.

>> No.502781

It's a great game. Two sorts of people hate it.

People who hate the N64.
People who adore OoT with every fibre of their being.

>> No.502786


>People who adore OoT with every fibre of their being.

I adore OoT with whatever u said and I still like Majora's Mask.

>> No.502810

When it first came out I didn't like it. I tried it again six years later and loved it.

>> No.502821

Ocarina was a better game, if their release order had been reversed all the hipsters would love Ocarina instead.
MM is still a great game, but I'd rank it 3rd or 4th amongst zelda games

>> No.502834

The main problem with that word is that it's basically used as a dismissal for every even slightly dissenting opinion. It's overused.

>> No.502843


>> No.502864
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i think its very average. towns people having schedules around the clock was a cool idea, but reusing every npc model from oot wasn't. plus only having 4 major dungeons makes me think it was rushed to fuck.

>> No.502873

>Kafei sidequest

>> No.502902

Or that dungeons weren't the point of this Zelda game. It wanted to be something very different.

>> No.502920

the N64 wouldn't have been relevant anymore by the time it came out if they hadn't reused OOT's models

>> No.502931

I think that's the main problem with Zelda in general: if it tries to do anything different, people bitch about how it's "rushed" or "stupid" or whatever, but if it sticks to the formula, the same people bitch about how it's not trying anything new. I think that's the main problem with video games in general: People want something new that's exactly the same.

>> No.502932

I do like the game, but I don't love it. The vaunted NPC interaction, I never found all that deep or interesting, really. Most of the sidequests I found pretty dull. Even the Anju/Kafei sidequests was mostly just waiting around.

I think there should have been a bigger focus on functional masks...most of them are useless

>> No.502941

Pretty much this, MM was meant more to be a sort of expansion of OoT, and for what it tries to do, I think it does it very well.

>> No.502942


I personally like when they stick with the normal dungeon formula.

>> No.502969

The only problem with it is that it is too short. It's definitely a coda to the OoT epic. It's the "Scouring of the Shire" to OoT's "Lord of the Rings". And it needn't be. It's strong enough to support its own weight. The depth of mood alone could have sustained it for another several dungeons. Other than that, though, it is probably the funnest game of the series. And I don't mean any disrespect to the true epics like OoT, ALttP, or Z1. They all rank right alongside Majora's Mask. But if I were forced to make the games disappear as if they had never been created, Majora's Mask would be the last to go. Second to last is really hard for me because I'm completely torn between OoT and ALttP...

>> No.502972
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>> No.502973

You know, I don't get why everyone seems to forget about Link's Awakening. As a game, and as a storytelling mechanism, it was probably one of, if no the, best Zelda games.

>> No.503002

I'm a fan of both games. I think that OoT is way too hyped and it's not "THE BEST GAEM EVAR". It's the 3rd best Zelda game in my opinion. I like MI ask more than OoT simply because of how it feels. The timed aspect make me feel like I can play a totally new game every-time and mix-n-match stories. I like the mechanics for the controls a lot. And to top it off, the game has amazing replay value.

>> No.503017


This is such a hipster opinion.

>> No.503028

2nd best zelda out of what I've played.

Legend of Zelda, Majora's Mask, Link's Awakening, Link to the Past, Link's Adventure, Ocarina of Time, Windwaker.

>> No.503035

>plus only having 4 major dungeons makes me think it was rushed to fuck.
The game was made in 12 months. It was more focused on environments, scripting, etc, than new character models.

>> No.503041

Really an exceptionally creative Zelda game. Majora's Mask has so much going for it. It broke the mold in a really wonderful way. Sure there are other outlier members of the series. Zelda II is quite different and I'd say that the emphasis of the BS Zelda games made them kind of outliers as well. The CDi games are of course another good example. But Majora's mask is by far the most profound and inventive of those while staying within the cloak of the Zelda universe. The BS Zelda games really don't stray that far, but their emphasis on rupee collection put a weird twist on the games. The CDi games are just completely off the wall and I'd argue that they step outside the bounds of the true Hyrule. They're more like a dramatic reinterpretation. I actually think they're fascinating and playful in their own way but they go too far for my tastes. Then Zelda II tried hard, but ultimately the only meaningful innovation is the platformer aspect and the physics just isn't up to snuff I'm afraid. It's not terrible, but it's enough to sort of sour the whole Zelda II experience. So its only problem is execution. Majora's Mask succeeds in every aspect that the others failed, though. It is dramatically different in terms of mood and plot without stepping outside of the Zelda spell, and it is smooth and intuitive in execution. Really a gem.

>> No.503048

It's just below ALttP for me and that's saying a lot. The two of them are only slightly less intimately connected in my mind than OoT and MM.

>> No.503062

i will always think spirit tracks is shit

>> No.503081
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B-but muh trains...

>> No.503126

Hyperbole. None of them are shit. Even the CDi ones (I'm aware I'm stretching my argument thin on that one, though). Zelda fans shouldn't be scared away from innovation. It's the lifeblood of a franchise. You know the reason Majora's Mask is so different? Miyamoto wasn't the lead director. It was Aonuma's first full director role and this led to some shocking differences. And some really fresh ideas.

>> No.503180


MM's main quest is actually longer than OoT's. Yes, really. OoT has more dungeons, but I bet if you tried to go through both games at a brisk pace (no glitches), MM would take a bit longer. Collecting the eggs, doing the well and ikana castle, and even doing all the stuff in snowhead are quite sizable pre-dungeon tasks.

>> No.503201

Skyward Sword will always be shit in my books

>> No.503195

Anyone else think the miniboss in Great Bay was really tough? Think his name was Wart

>> No.503208


I agree that MM is great, but I think you can also say Aonuma is the big reason why Zelda got worse. You know how he said he couldn't even beat the original Zelda?

>> No.503206

This. Despite Ocarina having more dungeons, those dungeons tend to be much much easier than Majora's Mask, not to mention you pretty much did one dungeon after another. MM not only had harder and longer dungeons, but the game also had a lot of required sidequests as well that made the game a lot longer than most people think.

>> No.503213

It's alright. I personally don't like it more than OOT. If I were to make a list, MM would actually rank pretty low on it, but that's not really saying much because I love Zelda. I love to play the games so I don't really mind them when they are that bad to me. I didn't like TP much either, but a lot of people love it, and that's okay. They are all adventures.

>> No.503218

no it just made me lag alot

especially when i threw bombs at it

>> No.503219


Yes but I don't think MM is better because it's longer. MM's dungeons ARE harder, but I still don't think they're as we designed as in OoT.

>> No.503215

I agree, the worst 35$ buck I wasted in my life

>> No.503220

Oh, he couldn't just beat the original game. He couldn't beat the fucking OCTOROCKS.

>> No.503223

>Majora's Mask

You have the wrong board.

It's this board that you want to visit:


>> No.503226

I judge a game on how much fun I have not how innovative it is sorry

>> No.503235

I can't help but think most of the stuff you had to do before the dungeons - learn the song to calm down the goron baby, going in the well - was mostly just filler to pad out the game. I don't have a problem with only 4 dungeons, because that's really not the main focus of the game, but I wish they didn't add in dumb, tedious stuff like that to make the game seem longer.

>> No.503241


Go read the rules again, faggot.

>> No.503239

I agree. I'm just stating that MM is a longer game than OOT.
Hell, I like to describe all the dungeons (with the exception of the god tier STT) as feeling like fan-made dungeons in an OOT rom hack.

>> No.503249

Great game but ridiculously overrated on the internet. IMO

>> No.503257

>Implying this game will be accepted regardless on whether or not it came out.

>Implying /v/ and /vr/ isn't tired of seeing this overrated game on 4chan.

>> No.503259

The game strayed too far from the formula for what makes a good game. Too many fetch quests. Forgettable, uninteresting dungeons. Poorly-established villain. That fucking countdown mechanic.

The thing is, a nonlinear Zelda doesn't work, because there's not enough interesting subquests/side content for it to stand on its own. It's all fetching and running from point A to point B.

>> No.503281

I liked it because it offered more and better gameplay variety than any other Zelda game. The Goron and Zora were tons of fun to play as and controlled like a dream. All of the dungeons were well-thought out, used 3D space appropriately and in intriguing ways, the challenge was about what I'd hope for in a Zelda game, and all of the bosses were tons of fun that actually felt like fights, not just "insert the last item you found HERE" as they did in OoT.

>> No.503290

>Implying that the implications meme isn't so worn out as to be a little sad and pathetic.

>> No.503346

Fair enough, but my point is that it's the injection of fresh blood that helped. If I could control the franchise I'd have a different director for each game and Fumito Ueda would be the first one I tapped to do a sequel. But I really like the idea of refreshing old franchises with new directors. And I'm humble enough that if it was a really quality director and the game that resulted was not fun for me, then I'd assume I just didn't understand his vision - not that it was an objectively terrible game like many Zelda fans do whenever anything changes or stays the same.

>> No.503351

No need to apologize. I do the same. Majora's Mask is extremely fun for me. And I attribute the jolt of fun to its innovative approach to the series. You see what I mean? No worries if fun for you means doing the same thing over and over. That's why I'm not a big JRPG fan, honestly. I kind of hate grinding. But I know some people find it incredibly fun so more power to them.

>> No.503362

Honestly, I didn't like it as much as OoT, I found it to be kind of lacking.

I guess the atmosphere of the game just didn't win me over like the previous game.

>> No.503375

No I love majoras mask i thought it was fun and innovative my point was to spirit tracks which i said was shit. Its just shit no matter how you look at it imo

>> No.503379
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MM on it's own is better than most of the 64 library. Being a Zelda game I think my expectations are higher. I felt less like I was on a fun adventure and more on an annoying quest due to the whole time system. I mean it's cool in theory to have to be somewhere and do something at a certain time, but having to blow your ocarina to go back ,slow down, or speed up time, it just gets annoying as hell. The best word I have to describe it is "taxing". When you don't have to go through that mess it's pretty cool, but a whole lot of the game is built around this mechanic and so I cannot escape it.

I didn't favor the story, because we never really found out where the mask is from or what makes it evil or why it hates a particular town... there's just so many holes and interesting back story that when I started I thought "Wow this is really interesting I wonder how this will all tie together" and I never got an answer to any of it. I guess it's okay to leave some things open to interpenetration, but the motives of the mask are so empty and basically "lol I'm evil and that's that". So to me it felt like an empty villain that was definitely a threat, but had no real motive or reason besides apparently being the incarnation of evil or something.

Oh and this is just personal opinion but it had some of my least favorite music in the series. None of it was bad but most of it was forgettable imo. It had a couple great ones, but for the most part it was just kind of mediocre compared to other games.

I will say in it's favor, I liked a lot the characters it introduced. The masks were pretty awesome and transformations are something I wouldn't mind making a comeback. It wasn't completely awful but it lacked things that predecessors and future games did better.

>> No.503394


Wow, I completely agree wit everything you just said. I never felt the story in MM was developed enough. People always say "what, you want the story wrapped up for you in a neat little bow?". No, I just want a really developed story that has a lot of interesting things going on, and MM really doesn't have that.

>> No.503406

Not for me it wasn't. Maybe it's just because I was having so much fun, but I was finished with Majora's Mask way too soon for what I wanted. I could have taken twice as much of the game. It was that good. I would have loved to have felt like it was the dark epic conterfoil to the light epic that was OoT. I didn't get a sense of epicness from MM. Just fun. I would have been happy to see epic *and* fun.

>> No.503428

I hope you choke on your own drool

>> No.503421


But Skyward Sword is the second rehash in a row.

>> No.503458

>The game strayed too far from the formula for what makes a good game.
That's a respectable argument because what strays too far or what stays within the bounds is entirely personal. I happen to think it made it right to the edge and stopped there while it was still clearly a Zelda game. And that's why I love it. But that's just my personal feelings and I can see that others might not have the same tolerance as I.

>> No.503460

I enjoy it's atmosphere immensely, but it feels short, even with all the sidequests. Not to mention the entire Great Bay area feels like a chore. And I absolutely hate how sometimes you just need to stand around waiting for a certain event. Finally, Majora is a pretty lame villain.

On the plus side, as mentioned earlier, the atmosphere it perfect, and the dungeons are really creative. Also it's nice to have NPCs who are there for reasons other than for exposition.

>> No.503501

It was okay. It was eerie and strange, which made it different. Very dark for that time in Zelda games though. Its in my top five.

>> No.503515

What Majora did right
Great NPC interaction
Great Sidequests

What it did wrong
Awful worldmap
Awful dungeons
Awful art direction
Awful Start-to-sword time (possibly the longest in Zelda history?)

>> No.503524

For what it's worth I hope you choke on my drool too.

>> No.503558

>Awful dungeons
Glad to see you have opinions.

>> No.503554

>Awful Start-to-sword time (possibly the longest in Zelda history?)
I found that really interesting. It was kind of frustrating, but it made me step back and look at the game through new eyes.

>> No.503575

My opinions are facts.

The more you know.

>> No.503580

hate to interrupt the slap fight here but I'd rather not make a new thread; I've recently decided to start playing through all the LoZ games and I've completed link to the past and ocarina of time over the past few weeks. I also beat twilight princess when it came out however long ago.

I loved them all, link to the past was a bit tedious at times but most issues I had can be blamed on my own idiocy. I don't think I had any problems with twilight princess but I played it when I was like twelve.
I now have majora's mask and wind waker, but I don't know which one to start on, or If I should start on something else entirely.
I would imagine you people know what's best, right?

>> No.503590

>I've completed link to the past and ocarina of time over the past few weeks.

Why did you skip Link's Awakening?

>> No.503594

I really would have played MM directly after OoT as intended...

Between MM and WW, I'd say WW is more tedious. The sailing back and forth is really kind of boring.

>> No.503604

i-I remember Anon-kun ;_;

>> No.503602

It's like I said. Zelda 2 gets shit for being the "Black Sheep" of the Zelda franchise, at least people remember it. NOBODY remembers Link's Awakening.

>> No.503613

>sailing being more tedious than having to constantly rewind time

>> No.503614

Try some of the game boy ones like Link's awakening and the Oracle games. MM came before Wind Waker, both story and production wise. So I'd go MM to WW.

>> No.503624

I think you mean nobody remembers Oracle of Ages+Seasons.

>> No.503629

didn't really do heavy research before I started, I just started on the ones I had heard the most about. never even heard of the oracle games before I started looking things up

Captcha: pubasic glue

okay I lied, I'm actually right at the end of ocarina of time, but close enough that I'm pretty much done

>> No.503639

I remember Anon-kun ;_;

>> No.503641

IF you're looking for a 100% complete then hell yes sailing is extremely tedious. Unbelievably tedious. I used to set the wind and then go and make myself a sammich hoping I'd be there by the time I got back. I'd get back to find a fucking gyorg had overturned the boat and link had drowned. So there's no way to beat the tedium. It's just boring boring sailing over the bounty main.

>> No.503636

I don't know what it is, but everyone I know remembers OoA/OoS, but not-a-fucking-person remembers LA.

>> No.503683
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>I hated Ocarina of Time BEFORE it was cool

No, you are a hipster. Go fuck yourselves.

>> No.503723
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I like games that try to be imaginative and ambiguous, so that's probably why Majora's Mask is my favorite of all Zelda games. There was something eerie about every location in the game. The main conflict is very unusual, and little is known about the villain. There are a lot of details in the time-based system that made the world feel alive to me.

>> No.503810

The game leaves players with thousands of questions, and most have remained unanswered. But the answers themselves isn’t the source of intrigue. It’s the mystery. Such a curiosity with Majora’s Mask is rooted in the individual psyche of each gamer. It’s a game that refuses to be ignored or let go. Ten years after I first played it, Majora’s Mask stays with me during every video game experience. Never have I built such a strong relationship with a game.

Majora’s Mask is a video game experience like none other; a completely alien and exotic ride cloaking one of gaming’s most influential and cherished formulas. It is one of gaming’s most unique and artistic achievements. It may not top any greatest games list, but no one can deny Majora’s Mask stands all by itself.

Majora’s Mask does not open up with major exposition. Link, a character that is more a silhouette of the player than a character himself, is riding and searching for a friend. As the game progresses, this frame for the game’s story showcases its true poetic genius. It goes from being a simple effect to begin the story, to an all-encompassing analogy of the game’s meaning. Cyclical writing like this is hard to find not only in video gaming, but in all of narrative storytelling.

In gaming, we’re often told what is good and evil in simplistic terms. You, the player, are good. Them, the enemies, are evil. They stand in your way. They took your bananas. They are the Nazis. You don’t need to think much more than that. Other times, enemies might not even be evil. The entire universal “morality” of video gaming can be defined as “conquer whatever is in your path.” In most video games, defeating evil can be considered an objective, rather than a moral triumph.

Majora’s Mask digs deeper. Instead, it looks to analyze what exactly is the root of human love and hate, and it does so through gorgeous imagery and heartfelt symbolism.

>> No.503835
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What if you just never cared for it?

I never cared much for 3D Zelda games.

>> No.503869

I remember the theory that skull kid knew link from Oot, and that the old friend he was searching for was him. It kinda makes since besides it being navi.

Also the theory that skull kid jinxed him because he left him on his journey in Oot.

>> No.503883

Then can you and everyone else who hates OoT or any other 3D-plane Zelda game keep out of OoT and similar conversations? Because your opinions are no longer objective - and there's plenty of 2D-plane Zelda games made to enjoy.

I respect your opinion, but most of you are no better than IGN reviewers who rate Double Dragon Neon a 7.0 or lower because "I don't like beat 'em ups, anyway."

>> No.503894

>Instead, it looks to analyze what exactly is the root of human love and hate

No it doesn't.

>> No.503908

I love both OoT and MM a great deal, so it annoys me when MM fans get very pretentious. You often see them say things like "it's more complex and harder to grasp than OoT" which I really don't agree with. Little about MM is complex. It's a very easy game to grasp and understand.

the only people who have trouble with the time system are the people who don't even bother to give the game a chance. It's not like it was a barrier for people who loved OoT. I just hate this notion that people who's favorite game was OoT aren't "smart" enough to truly love MM.

>> No.503916


I feel the exact opposite. I want to embrace the game, want to dig deeper, but there's nothing there.

>> No.503917
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>Majora’s Mask digs deeper. Instead, it looks to analyze what exactly is the root of human love and hate, and it does so through gorgeous imagery and heartfelt symbolism.

So yeah, Majora's Mask is a fun game - but - if it's your FAVORIT GAEM of the Zelda, you're pretty much a scarf & fedora wearing hipster.

Thank you for proving the point, though.

>> No.503927
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>> No.503930



>> No.503943

Not every kid was in the Speech and Debate club in high school, nerd. xD

>> No.503953

>if it's your FAVORIT GAEM of the Zelda, you're pretty much a scarf & fedora wearing hipster.
You're unkind.

>> No.503969
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>> No.503970

I am honestly surprised Nintendo got away with releasing such a dark game with an E rating. Same with OoT but to a lesser extent.

>> No.503971
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well if you're interested, there's more!


>> No.503986

The game is hindered because it's a Zelda title. The Zelda-esque elements are the game's worst. One can only imagine how great this could have been if it was its own IP.

>> No.504000
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>such a dark game

>> No.504026
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What are you trying to imply?

>> No.504054

that he just got an internet connection I suppose

>> No.504072

I think he is implying that people who like Majora's Mask because they prefer the darker/ more experimental of the two games game are emo/ pretentious, accordingly.