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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 3 KB, 256x224, earthbonedzorro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
502089 No.502089 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me or is this overrated?

>> No.502098

It's not just you.

>> No.502117


>> No.502110

Not as overrated as OoT.

>> No.502125

It's underrated if anything. Especially compared to it's sequel.

>> No.502145

it an earthbound game OP, of course it overrated

>> No.502152

Well Mother 1 really isn't anything special, but fans are more focused on the other 2 games anyway, so it might be called the most underrated game in the series.

>> No.502158


>> No.502160 [DELETED] 

"Over rated" is not a legitimate criticism.


>> No.502176

Nobody ever talks about Earthbound zero and people who have played it often say it's shit.

I don't know what you're talking about OP

>> No.502185
File: 28 KB, 504x425, palmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not talked about nearly as much as M2 and M3. If people talk about it, it's usually about how the game felt too grindy to them and how it's not as good as the sequels.

No, it's not overrated.

>> No.502190

Earthbound is overrated
Motther 3 is exaggerated a bit
Mother is just plain good despite the need of an easy mode

>> No.502215

Overrated is a complaint about the fanbase, not the actual game. Dedicating an entire thread to if something is overrated or not is pointless.

>> No.502216

Have you played the English fan patch of the GBA version of the game? It was done by the same guy who did Mother 3, so it's a way better translation than EB0. There's also an added Easy Ring item that gives you more experience.

>> No.502231

Seems with all the attention Earthbound has been getting lately, double hipsters have been praising Mother 1 as being better than Earthbound.

Which is just plain retarded, really.

>> No.502248

>played through and loved EarthBound on SNES
>decide to play the first game on NES
>randomly encounter enemies


>> No.502254


What's wrong with random encounters?

>> No.502304

What sort of fag refuses to play an RPG (for the NES even) which has random encounters?

>> No.502320
File: 415 KB, 1372x1200, HIM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK /vr/ I need your input. I literally just started to play this game and came here only to spot this convenient thread. Name HIM

>> No.502340


>> No.502371

Don't care

>> No.502367
File: 35 KB, 500x554, 1340464173330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's not just you.
The only reason this game gets so much praise is because the squeals are so good. It's a good RPG by NES standards, but most NES RPGs are nothing but a giant grind form start to finish with a fairly straightforward story.
EB zero at least has a unique setting and clever humour on the rare occasions when the dialogue sounds natural.

>> No.502365
File: 132 KB, 569x600, batter 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.502387

No room for Batter.

>> No.502394


>> No.502408
File: 59 KB, 500x500, 1299297560652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say it gets about as much appreciation as it deserves. The gameplay leaves a lot to be desired, and the random battles are a huge pain in the ass, but it does have that Itoi writing and charm. Earthbound and Mother 3 deserve (and get) more attention.

Go away.

>> No.502445


>named him this because I thought ness got pk fire

>> No.502456

name them after your friends

>> No.502462
File: 70 KB, 607x447, page023_trans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even with the easy patch I was never really able to get all that far into the game. Really don't have a lot of patience for RPGs anyway, well outside of Action and Tactical/Strategy

>> No.502481
File: 412 KB, 1371x1200, RASH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.502618
File: 217 KB, 960x1033, 1360995821238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good choice m8

>> No.502646

I think it has more charm than EarthBound. People step outside and get wrecked by hippies and turn it off. Cowards.

>> No.502694

The Mother series is one where every sequel is generally better than the last. Not in every way of course.

Glorious sound battles.[\spoiler]

>> No.502706

>dat fan art

>> No.502707

any more like this? A source?
I love this old-type promo art stuff.

>> No.502758

>remember the hype for this game
>from nintendo power
>looking forward to DAT OCT 1990
>earthbound never mentioned for another 4 years
you kids and your interwebs just don't know how you could have gotten burned back in the day

>> No.502769

It's not fan art, it's from the official Mother 1 Strategy Guide. Some guy was nice enough to take the time to translate it into english


>> No.502776
File: 157 KB, 780x840, 1340358641689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually do this, but during one EB playthrough I named them after my old, really close friends I haven't seen in a couple years.

Holy shit, it hurt.

>> No.502775

I think people still know what it's like to get burned like that.
look at the last 4 megaman games

>> No.502860
File: 31 KB, 500x495, mothercharacters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I felt it was a good game, and there was some great music, but it was seriously rushed near the end.

Those enemies were too darn unbalanced, and totally wrecked you every time. They should at least have kept Teddy in the goddamn party, he was pretty strong.

>> No.502867

yea but the game just doesn't get cancelled just before it's ready to ship and no explanation given. at least with the internet there's some kind of back-and-forth, even if the company is full of it

>> No.502886
File: 631 KB, 1371x1200, FAMILY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.502893

>anything to do with Earthbound
>not overrated

>> No.502928

I played beat mother 1 and 2. How the hell were you able to enjoy mother 1 with all those annoying super frequent random battle encounters? Or did you play the easier rom hack?

>> No.502971

>The gameplay leaves a lot to be desired, and the random battles are a huge pain in the ass

Like all NES games. And as you said is worth playing for Itoi's contribution.

>> No.502980

>poo is named turd

I love it

>> No.502985

It is hardly known, and it is fucking hard. It is not as good as other JRPGS of the time, but it is alright. A little bare bones.

>> No.502987

I miss when Mother was underground. Nobody ever asked for it to be popular. We had fun discussing the series in our own corner without anybody pestering us. There are a lot of people riding a bandwagon these days, though. In all fandoms. Post-facebook internet is horrible.

>> No.502990

It's good, but there's nothing seperating it from other RPGs. It's not "special" in any way like a bunch of people make it out to be.

>> No.503029

>It's not "special" in any way like a bunch of people make it out to be.

Actually it is, the game did not need a really powerful guy, or a extremely evil boss. It is better if you accept it as the kinda game you look back to, since that's what you would have liked to do as a 10 year old, explore the world with your friends and save the world. It is funny the game is loved more by adults, than kids.

It is basically nostalgia: the videogame

>> No.503034

Mother 1- Terrible, boring, grindfest, Dragon Quest ripoff

Mother 2- Fun, quirky RPG but nothing special


>> No.503043

Make your favorite thing Duck.

>> No.503047

ehhh, it was decent.

Only problem was you had to grind for over nine thousand hours before exploring a new area.

>> No.503216

It's worth it having patience when you play this game, because the ending is totally worth it.

Well, the last boss isn't a Giygas-level mindfuck, but it's still pretty cool.

>> No.503273
File: 208 KB, 525x517, 1355774815863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mother's story was at times surprisingly interesting an involving for an 8-bit game, but had awful game mechanics (though the battle system was intuitive enough) and overall tiring gameplay. Worth playing for the story if you use a walkthrough and perhaps a fast-forward button.

Earthbound significantly refined and expanded upon the good aspects of Mother while removing the RE-bullcrap and making the gameplay more straight to the point. It had an interesting and satisfying main quest, enjoyable towns and enviroments to explore, and maybe the most dissettling last boss in any game ever.

Mother 3 was a narrative masterpiece with one of the more deep and involving stories and I've seen told by this type of medium, a tone to the game that seriously makes you feel for the world and the rather human characters that reside in it, smooth gameplay, fantastic music, and a climax that perhaps topped that of Earthbound's.

These are my thoughts on the series. Feel free to bash them.

>> No.503305

Obvious homosexual.

>> No.503450

Do you think they might remake Mother 2 someday, to make everything exactly like how the N64 version was intended to be?

>> No.503452

Mother 3, I mean.

>> No.503496

Good and fair if you play it with the easy mode patch.

>> No.503525

Didn't the creator even admit that the balance is a bit messed up in the end game.

>> No.503563

Yeah the game gets bullshit at mt itoi
Mother 3>EB0>EB imo

>> No.503623

mt. ito is no joke, but whatevs it's a nice challenge

>> No.503661

So, i never played this.
What's the story?

>> No.503676

download the rom

it's explained in the first few screens

>> No.503678

Your lamp attacks you
Also aliens

>> No.503707

aborted fetus invades earth in revenge

>> No.503716

>"I have no idea what I'm talking about but I'm gonna post anyways!"

>> No.503712

I don't think so, i hate jrpgs.

>> No.503824

>spoonfeed me

>> No.503859

Just tell me what happens so i don't need to play this.
I don't have many time for games, especially for 50h rpgs.

>> No.503882

you can just look it up you know.

>> No.504116

Start a LP thread with snapshots.

>> No.504716

>clever humour on the rare occasions when the dialogue sounds natural.

Play the translation for the GBA port. Tomato, the guy who translated Mother 3, translated it and it's a hell of a lot better.

>> No.506085
File: 110 KB, 395x400, folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mother 1 is the black sheep in the series.

However, this is becase it was never remade (M1+2 only has a port, not a remake), and many of the people who have played it aren't used to 8 bit RPGs. Mother is just another one in a sea of RPGs with LOTS and LOTS of random encounters and tough, often unfair enemies with instakill attacks and stat effecs up the ass. The thing is, most people haven't played Dragon Quest (Warrior) 3 or 4 on NES, they played them on the GBC remakes or DS remakes. RPGs back then were like that.

I often read people say M1 is dated, or aged bad... well, it's one of the most impressive RPGs on the NES. While it might look like an old game, if you compared it to other RPGs of the time Mother had a lot of detail put into the map field, the towns... remember M1 is one big map, it's not like they had an overworld map and you had to get into a town, Mother 1 is all connected, towns, roads, train tracks, etc. The vehicles were something I think would have blowed my mind as a kid.
Also, you can move the character in 8 directions, etc... it had quite some good technical aspects for a 1988 game on the famicom. So while it might be "dated" if you compare it to Earthbound or M3, it certainly looks better than most other contemporary RPGs

>> No.507190

Just you