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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5018124 No.5018124 [Reply] [Original]

My name is-

>> No.5018126
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Shake Zula
Sorry I couldn't resist

>> No.5018138

I miss that show

>> No.5018162

one of my dads friends in high school actually made the original art and that guy sold it to adult swim


>> No.5018201

jimmy pop and i'm a dumb white guy

>> No.5018603

Sliim Shady

>> No.5018820
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>> No.5018825



>> No.5018867
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>It's another episode of Gothic fag not understanding "1999 or bust"

>> No.5018883
File: 312 KB, 242x643, diego.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care who you are. You're not retro.

>> No.5019252 [DELETED] 

Reminder: if it can run in Win98 on a Pentium II, then it's retro.

Having a software cut-off for PC games while consoles get to have a hardware cut-off isn't fair.

>> No.5019313

Reminder: if you are a retard, stay out of /vr/

Having idiots pushing non-retro games on /vr/, while they have /v/ for their stupidity isn't fair.

Seriously, nigger. It's your 2nd thread that brings nothing. No discussion, no content. Get the message finally and get lost. If you want to make a push for Gothic's acceptance (good luck with that) on /vr/, put a fucking effort into it, rather than being random shitposting

>> No.5019351 [DELETED] 

Except Gothic is retro, along with any other PC game that can run on '90s hardware. Fucking dickhead.

>> No.5019360

On top of that the game was already being previewed in 1999 with the engine and places existing in the finished product already being very close to complete.

>> No.5019371

>Here, let me disregard the top rule of this board, because I'm retarded
It's shame we lost dedicated mod some time ago and now have to endure shitposters like you.
Game wasn't released until mid-2001, get fucked. You don't even qualify for standard "released early 2000"

>> No.5019372
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Oh, so rather than talking about game, more bullshit.
Here, take my non-reply. Enjoy hitting archive, since you can't even discuss your game of choice, you absolute moron.

>> No.5019385

According to your stunning logic any shitty indie or free game that's released today with very low requirements also gets classified as retro. "waa waa, it's so unfair consoles get this while with PCs it's different". Why not just follow the rules and if it's not stated explicitly the conventions of the site that you're on and stop starting shit

>> No.5019409

why are icewind dale threads allowed, then?

>> No.5019468 [DELETED] 

Mods usually allow 2000-2002 PC game threads since they are retro enough.

>> No.5019469

Because it was agreed upon, thanks to anon providing serious reasoning, on-going debates and so on and forth.
In short - the point was explained in clear, convincing fashion, besides ID has the advantage of being from '00.

Meanwhile all you are doing is crying that Gothic is retro, period. And your reasoning for it is shit, because it boils down to "b-but other games are allowed" and "b-but it runs on Wndows 98".
Any fucking modern game that doesn't outright demand 64bit OS is going to run on Windows 98. Doesn't make them retro.

>> No.5019482
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Guess Penumbra, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, CoH series, Tomb Raider Legend, GTA between 3 and San Andreas, Civilization 3 and 4, Sims 3, Sim City 4, all the first-gen Paradox games, and early entires to Halo, CoD and Battlefield, along with hundreds of others suddenly became retro, because hey, they run on Win 98!

>> No.5019527 [DELETED] 

The console loophole should be done away with too. As far as I'm concerned if the game was made after the year 1999 it isn't retro, homebrewshit be damned.

>> No.5019548 [DELETED] 

Wrong. That needs at least Win2000 and a Pen4 in order to run, neither of which is from the '90s.

>> No.5019551

Remember the story about the kid that played gothic for the first time and was so fascinated by the raw food he ran to the shop and bought hams, cheese, bread and other stuff making his own meal?
When his mother found out she give him money back for the groceries.

Also old camp = comfy, fuck swamp.

>> No.5019552

Console loophole exists solely due to how short-lived Dreamcast was. If that system survived just few months longer, it would be banned.

>> No.5019554
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>> No.5019605
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>> No.5019630 [DELETED] 

If I ported Halo to the Dreamcast, would you kill yourself?

>> No.5019797

new camp best camp

>> No.5021034 [DELETED] 

>/vr/ gets butthurt because some anon points out how retarded the hardware loophole in the rules is
Top kek.

>> No.5021056

The sticky very clearly states "computer games [...] on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier."

A 1999 PC using only 1999 hardware falls under this definition. If it runs Gothic, it is allowed for discussion. After all, FIFA 2005 for PS1 is also allowed.

Why you guys gotta be so anal on the LITERAL interpretation of the rules whenever someone mentions the GBA, yet in this case you elect to ignore the board rules?

inb4 more incoherent DURR NAWT RETRO-rambling.

>> No.5021063

>reddit spacing

>> No.5021074 [DELETED] 

Notice how it only says "consoles", unlike "computer games" and "arcade games". This means consoles get their own loophole where you can discuss a fucking 2018 game just because the hardware is old. Meanwhile if an arcade or PC game is released in the current millennium it can't be discussed here, even if it's a DOS game running on a 386. Retarded-ass rules we have here.

>> No.5021080

That's cute.

>> No.5021215
File: 42 KB, 1000x639, phoebe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As far as I'm concerned if the game was made after the year 1999 it isn't retro

>all those shitty n64 circlejerkeathon games after 2000 no longer allowed

>> No.5021324


>> No.5021820

I'm fine with that

>> No.5021826

>It's n-th thread of Gothic that provides zero game content and is just a circlejerk

>> No.5021838 [DELETED] 

Rules should apply to release date of software only and the cutoff should be (current year - 20). That way we can stop bitching about meta shit like "WHEN WILL X FINALLY BE RETRO?"

>> No.5021904

Gothic never will be retro.

>> No.5021934 [DELETED] 

Everywhere except /vr/ already considers sixth gen retro.

Sorry gramps, times change.

>> No.5021950

Guess we should start eating shit - billions of flies can't be wrong.
And that game isn't retro, period. For existing definition of retro it doesn't fit. Wrong year, wrong generation, wrong structure.

>> No.5021952

If you absolutely have to push it (while being literally your own worst enemy due to extremely obtuse behaviour), get the definition changed. Still the old one? Not retro then.
No amount of mental gymnastcs is going to help your cause, especially if you keep sperging retarded bullshit and threads themselves are on your own desperate bump life support.

>> No.5021971 [DELETED] 
File: 215 KB, 994x995, haloce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since Gothic (a 2001 game) is allowed now, can we also have a thread for pic related?

>> No.5022010

Do I have to have a nice PC to install the DX11 mods?

My laptop can run DX:HR in DX11 mode just fine

>> No.5022031

I'm not old or new but middle school, fifth grade like junior high

>> No.5022131
File: 314 KB, 1400x1786, the king of vr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The King of /VR/ has spoken, knave. Leave his kingdom immediately or be thrown into his dungeon.

>> No.5022587
File: 67 KB, 540x509, 15 best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of /v/ trying to get on /vr/

>> No.5023189 [DELETED] 

bump for riveting retro game discussion

>> No.5024285

Tim "the Toolman" Taylor

>> No.5024556
File: 114 KB, 596x648, 72898ac5e7278354becdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods = Gods